Releases: gngrOrg/grinder
Releases · gngrOrg/grinder
grinder 1.4.0
grinder v1.3.2
- use boolean type for
- Handle exception while parsing result of image upload
grinder v1.3.1
Fixes to parsing of baseline result JSON
grinder v1.3.0
Update to latest dependencies. This changes the emitted JSON slightly (booleans are now correctly represented as booleans).
v 1.2.0
grinder v1.1
- Faster comparisons (compare file contents byte-by-byte before comparing pixels)
- Support for change-tests
grinder v1.0.2
- reduce the test threshold
- show count of progressions in status bar
- improvements to report.html
grinder version 1.0.1
- added an option: failureScale
- ability to filter tests via command line
- ability to update newly added tests
- quit on regression only if enabled
- show list of new tests
- made dependencies intransitive
- removed scalaxy streams because it is not used right now
- added sbt assembly plugin
grinder version 1.0
The attached jar is an Assembled jar (with all dependencies included).
This is actually compiled after a few commits from this tag (the only major change is removal of transitive dependencies in selenium).