Title: Cache Manager Desc: Cache manager for aah application cache use cases. Its pluggable design as providers and caches. Keywords: cache, cache manager, cache provider, in-memory, inmemory, redis, memcache
Introduced in v0.12.0. This document provides the insight into aah Cache Manager design and usage.

- Registering Cache Provider
- Creating a Cache
- Using Created Cache in aah Application
- Getting underlying Cache Client from Provider
- Configuration: In-Memory Cache Provider
- Configuration: Redis Cache Provider
- Configuration: Memcache Cache Provider
- Adding your Own Cache Provider
Its easy to register any cache provider into aah application that implements cache.Provider
. Best spot would be at file <app-base-dir>/init.go
// importing aah pluggable cache provider library
import "aahframe.work/cache/provider/redis"
// import "aahframe.work/cache/provider/inmemory"
// import "aahframe.work/cache/provider/memcache"
cacheMgr := aah.App().CacheManager()
if err := cacheMgr.AddProvider("redis1", &redis.Provider{}); err != nil {
log.Error(err) // provider might be already exists
if err := cacheMgr.AddProvider("redis2", &redis.Provider{}); err != nil {
log.Error(err) // provider might be already exists
Configuring added provider in the aah.conf
under section cache { ... }
# Sample configuration config multiple redis cache server.
cache {
redis1 {
provider = "redis"
address = "localhost:6379"
redis2 {
provider = "redis"
address = "localhost:6380"
aah supports to create one or more cache using each provider based on use cases. Generally it also know as cache region. aah user could create a cache anytime they want.
Note: Cache name must be unique regardless of provider is used to create a cache.
// Create a cache configuration
cacheConfig := &cache.Config{
Name: "app_user_ratelimit",
ProviderName: "redis",
// Supported eviction modes are EvictionModeTTL, EvictionModeNoTTL and EvictionModeSlide
EvictionMode: cache.EvictionModeSlide,
// SweepInterval only applicable to in-memory cache provider.
// SweepInterval: time.Minute * 90, // default is 60 minutes
// Supply cache config to create a cache using cache manager
cacheMgr := aah.App().CacheManager()
if err := cacheMgr.CreateCache(cacheConfig); err != nil {
log.Error(err) // error occured while creating cache
Once cache is created in the application, simply get the cache instance from cache manager to perform operation supported by interface cache.Cache
cacheMgr := aah.App().CacheManager()
// getting cache instance from cache manager
appUserRatelimitCache := cacheMgr.Cache("app_user_ratelimit")
// get value from cache
value := appUserRatelimitCache.Get("cacheId")
Typically interface Cache
provides common set of operation methods. However in real world usage needs option to perform dedicated operations using Cache Client
. aah understands the need and provides way to get the client.
// E.g.: Getting underlying Cache Client of Redis
cacheMgr := aah.App().CacheManager()
redisProvider := cacheMgr.Provider("redis2").(*redis.Provider) // provider names used during a registeration
// use the client directly to call `Incr`
result, err := redisProvider.Client().Incr("counter").Result()
In-memory cache provider (aahframe.work/cache/provider/inmemory
) is configuration free.
- Register provider and
- Create a Cache then use it
aah user have to configure redis provider (aahframe.work/cache/provider/redis
) based on no of the providers they have registered. As explained here.
Provider configuration goes into aah.conf
under section cache { ... }
cache {
# List of supported configuration for redis cache provider
redis1 {
provider = "redis"
# Redis server address
# Default value id `:6379`.
address = "localhost:6379"
# Default value is ``.
password = ""
# DB number
# Default value is `0`.
db = 0
# Default value is `10 * No. of CPUs`
pool_size = 20
# Provider timeouts
# s => seconds
# m => minutes
timeout {
# Default value is `5s`.
connect = "5s"
# Default value is `3s`.
read = "3s"
# Default value is `3s`.
write = "3s"
# Default value is `3s`.
pool = "3s"
# Default value is `5m`.
idle = "5m"
# Default value is `1m`.
idle_check_interval = "1m"
# Retry Backoff time limits
# ms => milliseconds
retry_backoff {
# Default value is `8ms`.
min = "8ms"
# Default value is `512ms`.
max = "512ms"
aah user have to configure memcache provider (aahframe.work/cache/provider/memcache
) based on no of the providers they have registered. As explained here.
Provider configuration goes into aah.conf
under section cache { ... }
cache {
memcache1 {
# List of memcache server addresses
# Default value is ``.
addresses = [
# Maximum Idle connections
# Default value is `2`.
max_idle_conns = 2
# Client Timeout
# s => seconds
# Default value is `5s`.
timeout = "5s"
As you have reached, you might have pretty good guess on how to implement own cache provider. Here we go -
- Implement interface
and - Implement interface
Then follow this documentation to register and use it. Refer to aah Redis Cache Provider and aah Memcache Cache Provider for a implementation reference.