From cf22550ceb4e9e0a70ec193f0d64294b0ce8d340 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Michael Schwarz Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2023 18:36:03 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Delete old termination analysis --- src/analyses/ | 239 ------------------------------------ 1 file changed, 239 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 src/analyses/ diff --git a/src/analyses/ b/src/analyses/ deleted file mode 100644 index 6da9225d3f..0000000000 --- a/src/analyses/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,239 +0,0 @@ -(** Termination analysis of loops using counter variables ([term]). *) - -open Batteries -open GoblintCil -open Analyses - -module M = Messages -let (||?) a b = match a,b with Some x,_ | _, Some x -> Some x | _ -> None - -module TermDomain = struct - include SetDomain.ToppedSet (Basetype.Variables) (struct let topname = "All Variables" end) -end - -(* some kind of location string suitable for variable names? *) -let show_location_id l = - string_of_int l.line ^ "_" ^ string_of_int l.column - -class loopCounterVisitor (fd : fundec) = object(self) - inherit nopCilVisitor - method! vstmt s = - let action s = match s.skind with - | Loop (b, loc, eloc, _, _) -> - (* insert loop counter variable *) - let name = "term"^show_location_id loc in - let typ = intType in (* TODO the type should be the same as the one of the original loop counter *) - let v = Cilfacade.create_var (makeLocalVar fd name ~init:(SingleInit zero) typ) in - (* make an init stmt since the init above is apparently ignored *) - let init_stmt = mkStmtOneInstr @@ Set (var v, zero, loc, eloc) in - (* increment it every iteration *) - let inc_stmt = mkStmtOneInstr @@ Set (var v, increm (Lval (var v)) 1, loc, eloc) in - b.bstmts <- inc_stmt :: b.bstmts; - let nb = mkBlock [init_stmt; mkStmt s.skind] in - s.skind <- Block nb; - s - | _ -> s - in ChangeDoChildrenPost (s, action) -end - -let loopBreaks : (int, location) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 13 (* break stmt sid -> corresponding loop *) -class loopBreaksVisitor (fd : fundec) = object(self) - inherit nopCilVisitor - method! vstmt s = - (match s.skind with - | Loop (b, loc, eloc, Some continue, Some break) -> Hashtbl.add loopBreaks break.sid loc (* TODO: use eloc? *) - | Loop _ -> failwith "Termination.preprocess: every loop should have a break and continue stmt after prepareCFG" - | _ -> ()); - DoChildren -end - -(* if the given block contains a goto while_break.* we have the termination condition for a loop *) -let exits = function - | { bstmts = [{ skind = Goto (stmt, loc); _ }]; _ } -> Hashtbl.find_option loopBreaks !stmt.sid - | _ -> None (* TODO handle return (need to find out what loop we are in) *) - -let lvals_of_expr = - let rec f a = function - | Const _ | SizeOf _ | SizeOfStr _ | AlignOf _ | AddrOfLabel _ -> a - | Lval l | AddrOf l | StartOf l -> l :: a - | SizeOfE e | AlignOfE e | UnOp (_,e,_) | CastE (_,e) | Imag e | Real e -> f a e - | BinOp (_,e1,e2,_) -> f a e1 @ f a e2 - | Question (c,t,e,_) -> f a c @ f a t @ f a e - in f [] - -let loopVars : (location, lval) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 13 (* loop location -> lval used for exit *) -class loopVarsVisitor (fd : fundec) = object - inherit nopCilVisitor - method! vstmt s = - let add_exit_cond e loc = - match lvals_of_expr e with - | [lval] when Cilfacade.typeOf e |> isArithmeticType -> Hashtbl.add loopVars loc lval - | _ -> () - in - (match s.skind with - | If (e, tb, fb, loc, eloc) -> Option.map_default (add_exit_cond e) () (exits tb ||? exits fb) - | _ -> ()); - DoChildren -end - -let stripCastsDeep e = - let v = object - inherit nopCilVisitor - method! vexpr e = ChangeTo (stripCasts e) - end - in visitCilExpr v e - -(* keep the enclosing loop for statements *) -let cur_loop = ref None (* current loop *) -let cur_loop' = ref None (* for nested loops *) -let makeVar fd loc name = - let id = name ^ "__" ^ show_location_id loc in - try List.find (fun v -> v.vname = id) fd.slocals - with Not_found -> - let typ = intType in (* TODO the type should be the same as the one of the original loop counter *) - Cilfacade.create_var (makeLocalVar fd id ~init:(SingleInit zero) typ) -let f_assume = Lval (var (emptyFunction "__goblint_assume").svar) -let f_check = Lval (var (emptyFunction "__goblint_check").svar) -class loopInstrVisitor (fd : fundec) = object(self) - inherit nopCilVisitor - method! vstmt s = - (* TODO: use Loop eloc? *) - (match s.skind with - | Loop (_, loc, eloc, _, _) -> - cur_loop' := !cur_loop; - cur_loop := Some loc - | _ -> ()); - let action s = - (* first, restore old cur_loop *) - (match s.skind with - | Loop (_, loc, eloc, _, _) -> - cur_loop := !cur_loop'; - | _ -> ()); - let in_loop () = Option.is_some !cur_loop && Hashtbl.mem loopVars (Option.get !cur_loop) in - match s.skind with - | Loop (b, loc, eloc, Some continue, Some break) when Hashtbl.mem loopVars loc -> - (* find loop var for current loop *) - let x = Hashtbl.find loopVars loc in - (* insert loop counter and diff to loop var *) - let t = var @@ makeVar fd loc "t" in - let d1 = var @@ makeVar fd loc "d1" in - let d2 = var @@ makeVar fd loc "d2" in - (* make init stmts *) - let t_init = mkStmtOneInstr @@ Set (t, zero, loc, eloc) in - let d1_init = mkStmtOneInstr @@ Set (d1, Lval x, loc, eloc) in - let d2_init = mkStmtOneInstr @@ Set (d2, Lval x, loc, eloc) in - (* increment/decrement in every iteration *) - let t_inc = mkStmtOneInstr @@ Set (t, increm (Lval t) 1, loc, eloc) in - let d1_inc = mkStmtOneInstr @@ Set (d1, increm (Lval d1) (-1), loc, eloc) in - let d2_inc = mkStmtOneInstr @@ Set (d2, increm (Lval d2) 1 , loc, eloc) in - let typ = intType in - let e1 = BinOp (Eq, Lval t, BinOp (MinusA, Lval x, Lval d1, typ), typ) in - let e2 = BinOp (Eq, Lval t, BinOp (MinusA, Lval d2, Lval x, typ), typ) in - let inv1 = mkStmtOneInstr @@ Call (None, f_assume, [e1], loc, eloc) in - let inv2 = mkStmtOneInstr @@ Call (None, f_assume, [e2], loc, eloc) in - (match b.bstmts with - | cont :: cond :: ss -> - (* changing succs/preds directly doesn't work -> need to replace whole stmts *) - b.bstmts <- cont :: cond :: inv1 :: inv2 :: d1_inc :: d2_inc :: t_inc :: ss; - let nb = mkBlock [t_init; d1_init; d2_init; mkStmt s.skind] in - s.skind <- Block nb; - | _ -> ()); - s - | Loop (b, loc, eloc, Some continue, Some break) -> - print_endline @@ "WARN: Could not determine loop variable for loop at " ^ loc; - s - | _ when Hashtbl.mem loopBreaks s.sid -> (* after a loop, we check that t is bounded/positive (no overflow happened) *) - let loc = Hashtbl.find loopBreaks s.sid in - let t = var @@ makeVar fd loc "t" in - let e3 = BinOp (Ge, Lval t, zero, intType) in - let inv3 = mkStmtOneInstr @@ Call (None, f_check, [e3], loc, locUnknown) in - let nb = mkBlock [mkStmt s.skind; inv3] in - s.skind <- Block nb; - s - | Instr [Set (lval, e, loc, eloc)] when in_loop () -> - (* find loop var for current loop *) - let cur_loop = Option.get !cur_loop in - let x = Hashtbl.find loopVars cur_loop in - if x <> lval then - s - else (* we only care about the loop var *) - let d1 = makeVar fd cur_loop "d1" in - let d2 = makeVar fd cur_loop "d2" in - (match stripCastsDeep e with - | BinOp (op, Lval x', e2, typ) when (op = PlusA || op = MinusA) && x' = x && isArithmeticType typ -> (* TODO x = 1 + x, MinusA! *) - (* increase diff by same expr *) - let d1_inc = mkStmtOneInstr @@ Set (var d1, BinOp (PlusA, Lval (var d1), e2, typ), loc, eloc) in - let d2_inc = mkStmtOneInstr @@ Set (var d2, BinOp (PlusA, Lval (var d2), e2, typ), loc, eloc) in - let nb = mkBlock [d1_inc; d2_inc; mkStmt s.skind] in - s.skind <- Block nb; - s - | _ -> - (* otherwise diff is e - counter *) - let t = makeVar fd cur_loop "t" in - let te = Cilfacade.typeOf e in - let dt1 = mkStmtOneInstr @@ Set (var d1, BinOp (MinusA, Lval x, Lval (var t), te), loc, eloc) in - let dt2 = mkStmtOneInstr @@ Set (var d2, BinOp (MinusA, Lval x, Lval (var t), te), loc, eloc) in - let nb = mkBlock [mkStmt s.skind; dt1; dt2] in - s.skind <- Block nb; - s - ) - | _ -> s - in - ChangeDoChildrenPost (s, action) -end - - -module Spec = -struct - include Analyses.IdentitySpec - - let name () = "term" - module D = TermDomain - module C = TermDomain - - (* queries *) - (*let query ctx (q:Queries.t) : Queries.Result.t =*) - (*match q with*) - (*| Queries.MustTerm loc -> `Bool (D.mem v ctx.local)*) - (*| _ -> ()*) - - (* transfer functions *) - - let branch ctx (exp:exp) (tv:bool) : D.t = - ctx.local - (* if the then-block contains a goto while_break.* we have the termination condition for a loop *) - (* match !MyCFG.current_node with *) - (* | Some (MyCFG.Statement({ skind = If (e, tb, fb, loc) })) -> *) - (* let str_exit b = match exits b with Some loc -> string_of_int loc.line | None -> "None" in *) - (* M.debug @@ *) - (* "\nCil-exp: " ^ sprint d_exp e *) - (* (*^ "; Goblint-exp: " ^ sprint d_exp exp*) *) - (* ^ "; Goblint: " ^ sprint Queries.Result.pretty (ctx.ask (Queries.EvalInt exp)) *) - (* ^ "\nCurrent block: " ^ (if tv then "Then" else "Else") *) - (* ^ "\nThen block (exits " ^ str_exit tb ^ "): " ^ sprint d_block tb *) - (* ^ "\nElse block (exits " ^ str_exit fb ^ "): " ^ sprint d_block fb *) - (* ; *) - (* ctx.local *) - (* | _ -> ctx.local *) - - let startstate v = () - let threadenter ctx lval f args = [ ()] - let exitstate v = () -end - -class recomputeVisitor (fd : fundec) = object(self) - inherit nopCilVisitor - method! vfunc fd = - computeCFGInfo fd true; - SkipChildren -end - -let _ = - (* Cilfacade.register_preprocess (new loopCounterVisitor); *) - Cilfacade.register_preprocess ( ()) (new loopBreaksVisitor); - Cilfacade.register_preprocess ( ()) (new loopVarsVisitor); - Cilfacade.register_preprocess ( ()) (new loopInstrVisitor); - Cilfacade.register_preprocess ( ()) (new recomputeVisitor); - Hashtbl.clear loopBreaks; (* because the sids are now different *) - Cilfacade.register_preprocess ( ()) (new loopBreaksVisitor); - MCP.register_analysis (module Spec : MCPSpec)