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API Keys

Key R/W Type Category Description
rst W TYPE Unknown Reset the controller
sse R TYPE Constant serial number
wifis R/W TYPE Config wifi configurations with ssids and keys, if you only want to change the second entry, send an array with 1 empty and 1 filled wifi config object: [{}, {"ssid":"","key":""}]
delw W TYPE Unknown set this to 0-9 to delete sta config (erases ssid, key, ...)
scan R TYPE Status wifi scan result (encryptionType: OPEN=0, WEP=1, WPA_PSK=2, WPA2_PSK=3, WPA_WPA2_PSK=4, WPA2_ENTERPRISE=5, WPA3_PSK=6, WPA2_WPA3_PSK=7)
lwf R TYPE Status last wifi connect failed (milliseconds since boot)
scaa R TYPE Status wifi scan age
wsc R TYPE Status WiFi STA error count
wsm R TYPE Status WiFi STA error message
wsl R TYPE Status WiFi STA error messages log
wsms R TYPE Status WiFi state machine state (None=0, Scanning=1, Connecting=2, Connected=3)
ccw R TYPE Status Currently connected WiFi
wfb R TYPE Status WiFi failed mac addresses (bssids)
wcb R TYPE Status WiFi current mac address (bssid connecting to)
wpb R TYPE Status WiFi planned mac addresses (future bssids)
nif R TYPE Status Default route
cce R TYPE Status Currently connected Ethernet
dns R TYPE Status dns servers
host R TYPE Status configured hostname
rssi R TYPE Status RSSI signal strength
wda R/W TYPE Config disable AccessPoint when cloud is connected
tse R/W TYPE Config time server enabled
tsss R TYPE Status time server sync status (RESET=0, COMPLETED=1, IN_PROGRESS=2)
tof R/W TYPE Config timezone offset in minutes
tds R/W TYPE Config timezone daylight saving mode, None=0, EuropeanSummerTime=1, UsDaylightTime=2
utc R/W TYPE Status utc time
loc R TYPE Status local time
fna R/W TYPE Config friendlyName
rbc R TYPE Status reboot_counter
rbt R TYPE Status time since boot in milliseconds
oem R TYPE Constant OEM manufacturer
typ R TYPE Constant Devicetype
awc R/W TYPE Config awattar country (Austria=0, Germany=1,...)
awp R/W TYPE Config awattarMaxPrice in ct
awcp R TYPE Status awattar current price
awpl W TYPE Status awattar price list, timestamps are measured in unix-time, seconds since 1970
hsa W TYPE Config httpStaAuthentication
oct W TYPE Config ota from cloud url trigger
ocu R TYPE Config ota from cloud url, url to download new firmware code from
cwe R/W TYPE Config cloud websocket enabled
clea R TYPE Status Cloud last error (age)
cle R TYPE Status Cloud last error
mme R/W TYPE Config modbus master enabled
mmh R/W TYPE Config modbus master host
mmp R/W TYPE Config modbus master port
men R/W TYPE Config modbus slave enabled
msp R/W TYPE Config modbus slave port (requires off/on toggle)
msb R/W TYPE Config modbus slave swap bytes
msr R/W TYPE Config modbus slave swap registers
data R TYPE Status grafana token from cloud for app
dll R TYPE Status download link for app csv export
hai R/W TYPE Config httpApiEnabled (allows /api/status and /api/set requests)
mce R/W TYPE Config MQTT enabled
mcu R/W TYPE Config MQTT broker url
mcr R/W TYPE Config MQTT readonly (don't allow api writes from mqtt broker)
mtp R/W TYPE Config MQTT topic prefix (set to null to reset back to the default)
mqg R/W TYPE Config MQTT useGlobalCaStore
mqcn R/W TYPE Config MQTT skipCertCommonNameCheck
mqss R/W TYPE Config MQTT skipServerVerification
mcs R TYPE Status MQTT started
mcc R TYPE Status MQTT connected
mcca R TYPE Status MQTT connected (age)
mlr R TYPE Status MQTT last error
mlra R TYPE Status MQTT last error (age)
ccn R/W TYPE Config controller category names
ccp R TYPE Status controller category powers
cec R TYPE Status controller energy counters
cpc R TYPE Status controller category phase currents
ccf R/W TYPE Status Controller category factors (outer array defines the current sensors, use isn for for current sensor names, the inner arrays are for each category, use ccn for the category names)
bri R TYPE Status brightness sensor
usn R TYPE Config voltage sensor names
usv R TYPE Status voltage sensor values (use usn for sensor names)
isn R TYPE Config current sensor names
isv R TYPE Config current sensor values (use isn for sensors names)
ips R/W TYPE Config current phase selections (for every current sensor (api key isn) a phase selection, L1=0, L2=1, L3=2, N=3)
iim R/W TYPE Config invert current measurement (for every current sensor (api key isn) an invert flag)
mece R/W TYPE Config mecmeterEnabled
mecu R/W TYPE Config mecmeterUrl
mecd R TYPE Status Mecmeter current data
mecf R/W TYPE Status Mecmeter category factors (outer array defines the 3 mecmeter loads, the inner arrays are for each category, use ccn for the category names)