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MarkdownUI 2.0.0

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@gonzalezreal gonzalezreal released this 22 Jan 17:05
· 53 commits to main since this release


MarkdownUI 2 has been rewritten from scratch and brings a ton of new features and improvements

  • GitHub Flavored Markdown (tables, task lists, strikethrough text, and autolinks)
  • Native SwiftUI rendering
  • Customization support via themes, text styles, and block styles.

These new features come with the cost of a few breaking changes that these notes will help you to

Minimum requirements

You can use MarkdownUI 2 on the following platforms:

  • macOS 12.0+
  • iOS 15.0+
  • tvOS 15.0+
  • watchOS 8.0+

Some features, like displaying tables or multi-image paragraphs, require macOS 13.0+, iOS 16.0+,
tvOS 16.0+, and watchOS 9.0+.

Updated package name

To reflect the Swift community naming conventions, the package has been renamed from MarkdownUI to swift-markdown-ui. So, you may eventually need to update any Xcode projects or Package.swift files that depend on MarkdownUI.


MarkdownUI 2 uses SwiftUI primitives to render Markdown and no longer depends on gonzalezreal/AttributedText.

Creating Markdown content

MarkdownUI 2 introduces a new domain-specific language to create Markdown content and no longer
depends on gonzalezreal/SwiftCommonMark.

One significant difference when using MarkdownUI 2 is that MarkdownContent replaces Document
by providing similar functionality.

Another thing to be aware of is the different naming of some of the types you use to compose
Markdown content:

  • Use Blockquote instead of BlockQuote.
  • Use NumberedList instead of OrderedList.
  • Use BulletedList instead of BulletList.
  • Use InlineImage instead of Image.
  • Use InlineLink instead of Link.
  • Use Code instead of InlineCode.

Loading asset images

MarkdownUI 2 introduces the ImageProvider protocol and its conforming types
DefaultImageProvider and AssetImageProvider. These types and the new
markdownImageProvider(_:) modifier replace the MarkdownImageHandler type and
the setImageHandler(_:forURLScheme:) modifier.

The following example shows how to configure the asset image provider to load images from the
main bundle.

Markdown {
  "![A dog](dog)"
  "― Photo by André Spieker"

Customizing link behavior

The onOpenMarkdownLink(perform:) modifier in MarkdownUI 1.x was provided to enable link behavior
customization in macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, and tvOS 14.0. This modifier is no longer available in
MarkdownUI 2 since it does not support those platforms. However, you can customize the link
behavior by setting the openURL environment value with a custom OpenURLAction.

Styling Markdown

MarkdownUI 1.x offered a few options to customize the content appearance. In contrast, MarkdownUI 2
brings the new Theme, TextStyle, and BlockStyle types that let you apply a custom
appearance to blocks and text inlines in a Markdown view.

Consequently, the MarkdownStyle type, all of its subtypes, and the markdownStyle(_:) modifier
are no longer available in MarkdownUI 2.