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Folders and files

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Content types supported by model "standard_v2_1"

Index Content Type Label Description
1 3gp 3GPP multimedia file
2 ace ACE archive
3 ai Adobe Illustrator Artwork
4 aidl Android Interface Definition Language
5 apk Android package
6 applebplist Apple binary property list
7 appleplist Apple property list
8 asm Assembly
9 asp ASP source
10 autohotkey AutoHotKey script
11 autoit AutoIt script
12 awk Awk
13 batch DOS batch file
14 bazel Bazel build file
15 bib BibTeX
16 bmp BMP image data
17 bzip bzip2 compressed data
18 c C source
19 cab Microsoft Cabinet archive data
20 cat Windows Catalog file
21 chm MS Windows HtmlHelp Data
22 clojure Clojure
23 cmake CMake build file
24 cobol Cobol
25 coff Intel 80386 COFF
26 coffeescript CoffeeScript
27 cpp C++ source
28 crt Certificates (binary format)
29 crx Google Chrome extension
30 cs C# source
31 csproj .NET project config
32 css CSS source
33 csv CSV document
34 dart Dart source
35 deb Debian binary package
36 dex Dalvik dex file
37 dicom DICOM
38 diff Diff file
39 dm Dream Maker
40 dmg Apple disk image
41 doc Microsoft Word CDF document
42 dockerfile Dockerfile
43 docx Microsoft Word 2007+ document
44 dsstore Application Desktop Services Store
45 dwg Autocad Drawing
46 dxf Audocad Drawing Exchange Format
47 elf ELF executable
48 elixir Elixir script
49 emf Windows Enhanced Metafile image data
50 eml RFC 822 mail
51 epub EPUB document
52 erb Embedded Ruby source
53 erlang Erlang source
54 flac FLAC audio bitstream data
55 flv Flash Video
56 fortran Fortran
57 gemfile Gemfile file
58 gemspec Gemspec file
59 gif GIF image data
60 gitattributes Gitattributes file
61 gitmodules Gitmodules file
62 go Golang source
63 gradle Gradle source
64 groovy Groovy source
65 gzip gzip compressed data
66 h5 Hierarchical Data Format v5
67 handlebars Handlebars source
68 haskell Haskell source
69 hcl HashiCorp configuration language
70 hlp MS Windows help
71 htaccess Apache access configuration
72 html HTML document
73 icns Mac OS X icon
74 ico MS Windows icon resource
75 ics Internet Calendaring and Scheduling
76 ignorefile Ignorefile
77 ini INI configuration file
78 internetshortcut MS Windows Internet shortcut
79 ipynb Jupyter notebook
80 iso ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data
81 jar Java archive data (JAR)
82 java Java source
83 javabytecode Java compiled bytecode
84 javascript JavaScript source
85 jinja Jinja template
86 jp2 jpeg2000
87 jpeg JPEG image data
88 json JSON document
89 jsonl JSONL document
90 julia Julia source
91 kotlin Kotlin source
92 latex LaTeX document
93 lha LHarc archive
94 lisp Lisp source
95 lnk MS Windows shortcut
96 lua Lua
97 m3u M3U playlist
98 m4 GNU Macro
99 macho Mach-O executable
100 makefile Makefile source
101 markdown Markdown document
102 matlab Matlab Source
103 mht MHTML document
104 midi Midi
105 mkv Matroska
106 mp3 MP3 media file
107 mp4 MP4 media file
108 mscompress MS Compress archive data
109 msi Microsoft Installer file
110 mum Windows Update Package file
111 npy Numpy Array
112 npz Numpy Arrays Archive
113 nupkg NuGet Package
114 objectivec ObjectiveC source
115 ocaml OCaml
116 odp OpenDocument Presentation
117 ods OpenDocument Spreadsheet
118 odt OpenDocument Text
119 ogg Ogg data
120 one One Note
121 onnx Open Neural Network Exchange
122 otf OpenType font
123 outlook MS Outlook Message
124 parquet Apache Parquet
125 pascal Pascal source
126 pcap pcap capture file
127 pdb Windows Program Database
128 pdf PDF document
129 pebin PE Windows executable
130 pem PEM certificate
131 perl Perl source
132 php PHP source
133 pickle Python pickle
134 png PNG image
135 po Portable Object (PO) for i18n
136 postscript PostScript document
137 powershell Powershell source
138 ppt Microsoft PowerPoint CDF document
139 pptx Microsoft PowerPoint 2007+ document
140 prolog Prolog source
141 proteindb Protein DB
142 proto Protocol buffer definition
143 psd Adobe Photoshop
144 python Python source
145 pythonbytecode Python compiled bytecode
146 pytorch Pytorch storage file
147 qt QuickTime
148 r R (language)
149 rar RAR archive data
150 rdf Resource Description Framework document (RDF)
151 rpm RedHat Package Manager archive (RPM)
152 rst ReStructuredText document
153 rtf Rich Text Format document
154 ruby Ruby source
155 rust Rust source
156 scala Scala source
157 scss SCSS source
158 sevenzip 7-zip archive data
159 sgml sgml
160 shell Shell script
161 smali Smali source
162 snap Snap archive
163 solidity Solidity source
164 sql SQL source
165 sqlite SQLITE database
166 squashfs Squash filesystem
167 srt SubRip Text Format
168 stlbinary Stereolithography CAD (binary)
169 stltext Stereolithography CAD (text)
170 sum Checksum file
171 svg SVG Scalable Vector Graphics image data
172 swf Small Web File
173 swift Swift
174 tar POSIX tar archive
175 tcl Tickle
176 textproto Text protocol buffer
177 tga Targa image data
178 thumbsdb Windows thumbnail cache
179 tiff TIFF image data
180 toml Tom's obvious, minimal language
181 torrent BitTorrent file
182 tsv TSV document
183 ttf TrueType Font data
184 twig Twig template
185 txt Generic text document
186 typescript Typescript
187 unknown Unknown binary data
188 vba MS Visual Basic source (VBA)
189 vcxproj Visual Studio MSBuild project
190 verilog Verilog source
191 vhdl VHDL source
192 vtt Web Video Text Tracks
193 vue Vue source
194 wasm Web Assembly
195 wav Waveform Audio file (WAV)
196 webm WebM media file
197 webp WebP media file
198 winregistry Windows Registry text
199 wmf Windows metafile
200 woff Web Open Font Format
201 woff2 Web Open Font Format v2
202 xar XAR archive compressed data
203 xls Microsoft Excel CDF document
204 xlsb Microsoft Excel 2007+ document (binary format)
205 xlsx Microsoft Excel 2007+ document
206 xml XML document
207 xpi Compressed installation archive (XPI)
208 xz XZ compressed data
209 yaml YAML source
210 yara YARA rule
211 zig Zig source
212 zip Zip archive data
213 zlibstream zlib compressed data