- Updated Wwise SDK version of the plugins to v2017.1.0 (build 6302).
- Performance optimizations.
- Improved early-reflection rendering.
- Fixed a bug when Wwise is remotely connected to a game engine. (issue)
- Performance optimizations.
- Fixed constant performance overhead issue when no voices are present. Plugins stop processing when a corresponding bus falls silent now. (issue)
- Fixed plugin crashes when Wwise Profiler is used within game integrations. (issue)
- Fixed a minor issue where the GVR Audio Room Effects plugin did not fade out gracefully when all the voices are stopped.
- Fixed linker issues for static libraries on Mac.
- Improved HRTF rendering quality.
- Equalized timbre differences between different quality modes.
- Performance optimizations.
- Fixed voice starvation issues on startup.
- Fixed Android linker errors in Unreal.
- Performance optimizations.
- Performance optimizations.
- Multiple instances of the GVR Audio Renderer and GVR Audio Room Effects plugins are not supported in the mixer hierarchy.
- Game engine integration is required to preview the GVR Audio Room Effects features.