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Workshop Cleanup

This page provides instructions for cleaning up the resources created during the preceding modules.

Resource Cleanup Instructions

1. Module 6 - AppSync GraphQL API Cleanup

✅ Step-by-step directions(expand for details)

Delete the AppSync GraphQL API. From the AppSync console, select the application and click **Delete**

  1. Go to the [AWS AppSync Console][appsync-console].
  2. Select the API created for this workshop.
  3. Select Delete from the top right.
  4. Complete the application deletion process.

2. Module 5 - OAuth Cleanup

✅ Step-by-step directions(expand for details)

Delete the Unicorn Manager CloudFront distribution and S3 bucket for the static website hosting created in module 5. Using the Lambda console, also delete the **ListUnicornRides** and **ListUnicornAuthorizer** functions. If you have deployed the pre-requisites CloudFormation stack, delete the stack using the CloudFormation console.

  1. In the AWS Management Console, click Services then select CloudFront under Networking & Content Delivery.

  2. Select the distribution for the Unicorn Manager application we created in module 5 and click Disable.

  3. Once the distribution is disabled, click Delete.

  4. Using the Services dropdown, navigate to the S3 console under Storage.

  5. Select the unicornmanager-xxx bucket and click Delete bucket. In the confirmation window enter the bucket name and click Confirm.

  6. Next, using the Services dropdown navigate to the Lambda console under Compute.

  7. From the functions list, select the ListUnicornRides function and use the Actions dropdown to select Delete.

  8. Repeat the same operation for the ListUnicornAuthorizer function.

  9. If you have deployed the pre-requisites stack before starting module 5, navigate to the CloudFormation console under Management Tools.

  10. Select the WildRydes-xxx stack and use the Actions dropdown to click Delete Stack.

3. Module 4 - REST API Cleanup

Delete the REST API created in module 4. There is a Delete API option in the Actions drop-down when you select your API in the Amazon API Gateway Console.

✅ Step-by-step directions

  1. Go to the Amazon API Gateway Console
  2. Select the API you created in module 4.
  3. Expand the Actions drop-down and choose Delete API.
  4. Enter the name of your API when prompted and choose Delete API.

4. Module 3 - Serverless Backend Cleanup

Delete the AWS Lambda function, IAM role and Amazon DynamoDB table you created in module 3.

✅ Step-by-step directions

Lambda Function

  1. Go to the AWS Lambda console
  2. Select the RequestUnicorn function you created in module 3.
  3. From the Actions drop-down, choose Delete function.
  4. Choose Delete when prompted to confirm.

IAM Role

  1. Go to the AWS IAM Console
  2. Select Roles from the navigation menu.
  3. Type WildRydesLambda into the filter box.
  4. Select the role you created in module 3.
  5. From the Role actions drop-down, select Delete role.
  6. Choose Yes, Delete when prompted to confirm.

DynamoDB Table

  1. Go to the Amazon DynamoDB Console
  2. Choose Tables in the navigation menu.
  3. Choose the Rides table you created in module 3.
  4. Choose Delete table from the Actions drop-down.
  5. Leave the checkbox to Delete all CloudWatch alarms for this table selected and choose Delete.

5. Module 2 - User Management Cleanup

Delete the Amazon Cognito User Pool

✅ Step-by-step directions

  1. Go to the Amazon Cognito Console
  2. Choose Manage your User Pools.
  3. Select the WildRydes user pool you created in module 2.
  4. Choose Delete Pool in the upper right corner of the page.
  5. Complete the application deletion process.

6. Module 1 - Web Application Cleanup

Delete the AWS Amplify Console application and optionally the AWS CodeCommit or GitHub repository created:

✅ Step-by-step directions

For the Amplify Console web applcation:

  1. Launch the Amplify Console console page.
  2. Select the application you launched today.
  3. From Actions in the top right corner, select Delete App
  4. Complete the application deletion process.

For the CodeCommit repository:

  1. Open the AWS CodeCommit console
  2. Select the radio button next to the repository created today.
  3. Select Delete repository from the upper right of the page.
  4. Complete the repository deletion process.

7. CloudWatch Logs Cleanup

AWS Lambda automatically creates a new log group per function in Amazon CloudWatch Logs and writes logs to it when your function is invoked. You should delete the log group for the RequestUnicorn function.

✅ Step-by-step directions

  1. From the AWS Console click Services then select CloudWatch under Management Tools.
  2. Choose Logs in the navigation menu.
  3. Select the /aws/lambda/RequestUnicorn log group. If you have many log groups in your account, you can type /aws/lambda/RequestUnicorn into the Filter text box to easily locate the log group.
  4. Choose Delete log group from the Actions drop-down.
  5. Choose Yes, Delete when prompted to confirm.
  6. If you launched any CloudFormation templates to complete a module, repeat steps 3-5 for any log groups which begin with /aws/lambda/wildrydes-webapp.

8. Cloud9 Cleanup

Delete the Cloud9 Development environment created today.

✅ Step-by-step directions

  1. Launch the Cloud9 console page.
  2. Select the environment you launched today.
  3. From the top navigation, select Delete
  4. Complete the application deletion process.