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640 lines (473 loc) · 46.7 KB




Carriers are the companies who deliver your package. Shippo uses Carrier account objects as credentials to retrieve shipping rates and purchase labels from shipping Carriers.

Available Operations


Returns a list of all carrier accounts connected to your Shippo account. These carrier accounts include both Shippo carrier accounts and your own carrier accounts that you have connected to your Shippo account.

Additionally, you can get information about the service levels associated with each carrier account by passing in the ?service_levels=true query parameter.
Using it appends the property service_levels to each carrier account.
By default, if the query parameter is omitted, the service_levels property will not be included in the response.

Example Usage

import { Shippo } from "shippo";

const shippo = new Shippo({
  apiKeyHeader: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
  shippoApiVersion: "2018-02-08",

async function run() {
  const result = await shippo.carrierAccounts.list({
    page: 1,
    results: 5,

  // Handle the result


Standalone function

The standalone function version of this method:

import { ShippoCore } from "shippo/core.js";
import { carrierAccountsList } from "shippo/funcs/carrierAccountsList.js";

// Use `ShippoCore` for best tree-shaking performance.
// You can create one instance of it to use across an application.
const shippo = new ShippoCore({
  apiKeyHeader: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
  shippoApiVersion: "2018-02-08",

async function run() {
  const res = await carrierAccountsList(shippo, {
    page: 1,
    results: 5,

  if (!res.ok) {
    throw res.error;

  const { value: result } = res;

  // Handle the result



Parameter Type Required Description
request operations.ListCarrierAccountsRequest ✔️ The request object to use for the request.
options RequestOptions Used to set various options for making HTTP requests.
options.fetchOptions RequestInit Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All Request options, except method and body, are allowed.
options.retries RetryConfig Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions.




Error Type Status Code Content Type
errors.SDKError 4XX, 5XX */*


Creates a new carrier account or connects an existing carrier account to the Shippo account.

Example Usage

import { Shippo } from "shippo";

const shippo = new Shippo({
  apiKeyHeader: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
  shippoApiVersion: "2018-02-08",

async function run() {
  const result = await shippo.carrierAccounts.create({
    accountId: "321123",
    carrier: "fedex",
    metadata: "FEDEX Account",
    parameters: {
      "first_name": "Loyal",
      "last_name": "Collier",
      "phone_number": "(890) 307-8579",
      "from_address_st": "<value>",
      "from_address_city": "<value>",
      "from_address_state": "<value>",
      "from_address_zip": "<value>",
      "from_address_country_iso2": "<value>",
    test: false,

  // Handle the result


Standalone function

The standalone function version of this method:

import { ShippoCore } from "shippo/core.js";
import { carrierAccountsCreate } from "shippo/funcs/carrierAccountsCreate.js";

// Use `ShippoCore` for best tree-shaking performance.
// You can create one instance of it to use across an application.
const shippo = new ShippoCore({
  apiKeyHeader: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
  shippoApiVersion: "2018-02-08",

async function run() {
  const res = await carrierAccountsCreate(shippo, {
    accountId: "321123",
    carrier: "fedex",
    metadata: "FEDEX Account",
    parameters: {
      "first_name": "Loyal",
      "last_name": "Collier",
      "phone_number": "(890) 307-8579",
      "from_address_st": "<value>",
      "from_address_city": "<value>",
      "from_address_state": "<value>",
      "from_address_zip": "<value>",
      "from_address_country_iso2": "<value>",
    test: false,

  if (!res.ok) {
    throw res.error;

  const { value: result } = res;

  // Handle the result



Parameter Type Required Description
request components.ConnectExistingOwnAccountRequest ✔️ The request object to use for the request.
options RequestOptions Used to set various options for making HTTP requests.
options.fetchOptions RequestInit Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All Request options, except method and body, are allowed.
options.retries RetryConfig Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions.




Error Type Status Code Content Type
errors.SDKError 4XX, 5XX */*


Returns an existing carrier account using an object ID.

Example Usage

import { Shippo } from "shippo";

const shippo = new Shippo({
  apiKeyHeader: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
  shippoApiVersion: "2018-02-08",

async function run() {
  const result = await shippo.carrierAccounts.get("<id>");

  // Handle the result


Standalone function

The standalone function version of this method:

import { ShippoCore } from "shippo/core.js";
import { carrierAccountsGet } from "shippo/funcs/carrierAccountsGet.js";

// Use `ShippoCore` for best tree-shaking performance.
// You can create one instance of it to use across an application.
const shippo = new ShippoCore({
  apiKeyHeader: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
  shippoApiVersion: "2018-02-08",

async function run() {
  const res = await carrierAccountsGet(shippo, "<id>");

  if (!res.ok) {
    throw res.error;

  const { value: result } = res;

  // Handle the result



Parameter Type Required Description
carrierAccountId string ✔️ Object ID of the carrier account
options RequestOptions Used to set various options for making HTTP requests.
options.fetchOptions RequestInit Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All Request options, except method and body, are allowed.
options.retries RetryConfig Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions.




Error Type Status Code Content Type
errors.SDKError 4XX, 5XX */*


Updates an existing carrier account object. The account_id and carrier can't be updated. This is because they form the unique identifier together.

Example Usage

import { Shippo } from "shippo";

const shippo = new Shippo({
  apiKeyHeader: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
  shippoApiVersion: "2018-02-08",

async function run() {
  const result = await shippo.carrierAccounts.update("<id>", {
    accountId: "****",
    carrier: "usps",
    parameters: {
      "account_number": "94567e",
      "aia_country_iso2": "US",
      "billing_address_city": "San Francisco",
      "billing_address_country_iso2": "US",
      "billing_address_state": "CA",
      "billing_address_street1": "731 Market St",
      "billing_address_street2": "STE 200",
      "billing_address_zip": "94103",
      "collec_country_iso2": "US",
      "collec_zip": "94103",
      "company": "Shippo",
      "currency_code": "USD",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "full_name": "Shippo Meister",
      "has_invoice": false,
      "invoice_controlid": "1234",
      "invoice_date": "20210529",
      "invoice_number": "1112234",
      "invoice_value": "11.23",
      "phone": "1112223333",
      "title": "Manager",
      "ups_agreements": true,

  // Handle the result


Standalone function

The standalone function version of this method:

import { ShippoCore } from "shippo/core.js";
import { carrierAccountsUpdate } from "shippo/funcs/carrierAccountsUpdate.js";

// Use `ShippoCore` for best tree-shaking performance.
// You can create one instance of it to use across an application.
const shippo = new ShippoCore({
  apiKeyHeader: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
  shippoApiVersion: "2018-02-08",

async function run() {
  const res = await carrierAccountsUpdate(shippo, "<id>", {
    accountId: "****",
    carrier: "usps",
    parameters: {
      "account_number": "94567e",
      "aia_country_iso2": "US",
      "billing_address_city": "San Francisco",
      "billing_address_country_iso2": "US",
      "billing_address_state": "CA",
      "billing_address_street1": "731 Market St",
      "billing_address_street2": "STE 200",
      "billing_address_zip": "94103",
      "collec_country_iso2": "US",
      "collec_zip": "94103",
      "company": "Shippo",
      "currency_code": "USD",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "full_name": "Shippo Meister",
      "has_invoice": false,
      "invoice_controlid": "1234",
      "invoice_date": "20210529",
      "invoice_number": "1112234",
      "invoice_value": "11.23",
      "phone": "1112223333",
      "title": "Manager",
      "ups_agreements": true,

  if (!res.ok) {
    throw res.error;

  const { value: result } = res;

  // Handle the result



Parameter Type Required Description
carrierAccountId string ✔️ Object ID of the carrier account
carrierAccountBase components.CarrierAccountBase Examples.
options RequestOptions Used to set various options for making HTTP requests.
options.fetchOptions RequestInit Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All Request options, except method and body, are allowed.
options.retries RetryConfig Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions.




Error Type Status Code Content Type
errors.SDKError 4XX, 5XX */*


Used by client applications to setup or reconnect an existing carrier account with carriers that support OAuth 2.0

Example Usage

import { Shippo } from "shippo";

const shippo = new Shippo({
  apiKeyHeader: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
  shippoApiVersion: "2018-02-08",

async function run() {
  const result = await shippo.carrierAccounts.initiateOauth2Signin("<id>", "");

  // Handle the result


Standalone function

The standalone function version of this method:

import { ShippoCore } from "shippo/core.js";
import { carrierAccountsInitiateOauth2Signin } from "shippo/funcs/carrierAccountsInitiateOauth2Signin.js";

// Use `ShippoCore` for best tree-shaking performance.
// You can create one instance of it to use across an application.
const shippo = new ShippoCore({
  apiKeyHeader: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
  shippoApiVersion: "2018-02-08",

async function run() {
  const res = await carrierAccountsInitiateOauth2Signin(shippo, "<id>", "");

  if (!res.ok) {
    throw res.error;

  const { value: result } = res;

  // Handle the result



Parameter Type Required Description
carrierAccountObjectId string ✔️ The carrier account ID (UUID) to start a signin process.
redirectUri string ✔️ Callback URL. The URL that tells the authorization server where to send the user back to after they approve the request.
state string A random string generated by the consuming application and included in the request to prevent CSRF attacks. The consuming application checks that the same value is returned after the user authorizes Shippo.
options RequestOptions Used to set various options for making HTTP requests.
options.fetchOptions RequestInit Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All Request options, except method and body, are allowed.
options.retries RetryConfig Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions.




Error Type Status Code Content Type
errors.InitiateOauth2SigninResponseBody 400 application/json
errors.InitiateOauth2SigninCarrierAccountsResponseBody 401 application/json
errors.InitiateOauth2SigninCarrierAccountsResponseResponseBody 404 application/json
errors.SDKError 4XX, 5XX */*


Adds a Shippo carrier account

Example Usage

import { Shippo } from "shippo";

const shippo = new Shippo({
  apiKeyHeader: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
  shippoApiVersion: "2018-02-08",

async function run() {
  const result = await shippo.carrierAccounts.register({
    parameters: {},

  // Handle the result


Standalone function

The standalone function version of this method:

import { ShippoCore } from "shippo/core.js";
import { carrierAccountsRegister } from "shippo/funcs/carrierAccountsRegister.js";

// Use `ShippoCore` for best tree-shaking performance.
// You can create one instance of it to use across an application.
const shippo = new ShippoCore({
  apiKeyHeader: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
  shippoApiVersion: "2018-02-08",

async function run() {
  const res = await carrierAccountsRegister(shippo, {
    parameters: {},

  if (!res.ok) {
    throw res.error;

  const { value: result } = res;

  // Handle the result



Parameter Type Required Description
request operations.RegisterCarrierAccountRequestBody ✔️ The request object to use for the request.
options RequestOptions Used to set various options for making HTTP requests.
options.fetchOptions RequestInit Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All Request options, except method and body, are allowed.
options.retries RetryConfig Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions.




Error Type Status Code Content Type
errors.SDKError 4XX, 5XX */*


Returns the registration status for the given account for the given carrier

Example Usage

import { Shippo } from "shippo";

const shippo = new Shippo({
  apiKeyHeader: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
  shippoApiVersion: "2018-02-08",

async function run() {
  const result = await shippo.carrierAccounts.getRegistrationStatus("usps");

  // Handle the result


Standalone function

The standalone function version of this method:

import { ShippoCore } from "shippo/core.js";
import { carrierAccountsGetRegistrationStatus } from "shippo/funcs/carrierAccountsGetRegistrationStatus.js";

// Use `ShippoCore` for best tree-shaking performance.
// You can create one instance of it to use across an application.
const shippo = new ShippoCore({
  apiKeyHeader: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
  shippoApiVersion: "2018-02-08",

async function run() {
  const res = await carrierAccountsGetRegistrationStatus(shippo, "usps");

  if (!res.ok) {
    throw res.error;

  const { value: result } = res;

  // Handle the result



Parameter Type Required Description
carrier operations.Carrier ✔️ filter by specific carrier
options RequestOptions Used to set various options for making HTTP requests.
options.fetchOptions RequestInit Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All Request options, except method and body, are allowed.
options.retries RetryConfig Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions.




Error Type Status Code Content Type
errors.SDKError 4XX, 5XX */*