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girouette is a command line tool that displays the current weather (from OpenWeather) in the terminal.

It supports advanced fonts like Nerd Fonts with full color output:

example of styled girouette output

And customizable output segments, including fallback to 16/256-color and simpler ASCII/Unicode support:

examples of girouette output

girouette requires an OpenWeather API key (free for 1 call per second). A default key is hard-coded for people to try things, but it will get rate limited quickly.

ci status


Pre-compiled binaries are available on the Release Page for x86_64 Linux. They are statically linked and do not support the geoclue feature (no auto-geolocation).

If you are a Fedora/RHEL/CentOS-Stream user, you can install girouette with:

sudo dnf copr enable gourlaysama/girouette
sudo dnf install girouette

(Supported archs are: aarch64, armhfp, ppc64le or x86_64 on Fedora, and the subset supported by COPR for RHEL/CentOS)

Otherwise you will need to build from source.


Show the weather at a location:

girouette -l "Los Angeles"
girouette -l "35.68,139.69"
girouette -l auto  # if built with geoclue support (not available in static build)

The location can be set and the output customized in the configuration file.

Building from source

girouette is written in Rust, so you need a Rust install to build it. girouette compiles with Rust 1.57 or newer.

Building a dynamically-linked girouette (the default) also requires d-bus (for geolocalization support) and OpenSSL (libdbus-1-dev and libssl-dev on Ubuntu, dbus-devel and openssl-devel on Fedora).

Build the latest release (0.7.4) from source with:

$ git clone -b v0.7.4
$ cd girouette
$ cargo build --release
$ ./target/release/girouette -V
girouette 0.7.4

You can disable geolocation (and the need for d-bus and Geoclue) by building instead with:

cargo build --release --no-default-features --features dynamic

You can also build a fully static Linux binary using the musl libc. After installing musl (musl-tools on Ubuntu, musl-libc-static on Fedora), run:

rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl # run this only once
cargo build --release --no-default-features --features default-static --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl



-c, --cache <cache>          
        Cache responses for this long (e.g. "1m", "2 days 6h", "5 sec"), or `none` to
        disable it.

        If there is a cached response younger than the duration given as argument, it 
        is returned directly. Otherwise, it queries the API and write the response to
        the cache for use by a later invocation.

        NOTE: No response is written to the cache if this option isn't set. The
        invocation doing the caching and the one potentially querying it *both* need
        this option set.

        Recognized durations go from seconds ("seconds, second, sec, s") to
        years ("years, year, y").
        This option overrides the corresponding value from the config.

    --config <config>        
        Use the specified configuration file instead of the default.

        By default, girouette looks for a configuration file:

        - on Linux in "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/girouette/config.yml" or
        - on MacOS in "$HOME/Library/Application Support/rs.Girouette/config.yml"
        - on Windows in "%AppData%\Girouette\config\config.yml"

-k, --key <key>              
        OpenWeather API key (required for anything more than light testing).

        Can be either the key or an '@' character followed by a path to a file containing
        the key. The path can either:
        - be a relative path:  will be resolved relative to girouette's config directory
        - start with '~/': will be resolved relative to the user's home directory
        - be an absolute path.

        This option overrides the corresponding value from the config.

-L, --language <language>
        Use this language for location names, weather descriptions and date formatting.

        This asks OpenWeather to provide location names and weather descriptions in the
        given language, and uses it to format date and times.

        Possible values are of the form 'aa_AA' like 'en_US' or 'fr_FR'. Note that
        OpenWeather only supports a subset of all valid LANG values.

        This option overrides the corresponding value from the config.

-l, --location <location>    
        Location to query (required if not set in config).

        Possible values are: 
        * Location names: "London, UK", "Dubai"
        * Geographic coordinates (lat,lon): "35.68,139.69"
        This option overrides the corresponding value from the config.

-u, --units <units>
        Units to use when displaying temperatures and speeds.

        Possible units are:

        - metric: Celsius temperatures and kilometers/hour speeds (the default),

        - imperial: Fahrenheit temperatures and miles/hour speeds,

        - standard: Kelvin temperatures and meters/second speeds.

        This option overrides the corresponding value from the config.


-o, --offline
            Run only offline with responses from the cache.

            The cache is used unconditionally, regardless of the cache length given in
            the configuration file. The network is never queried.

            If there is no cached response for this particular location, an error will
            be returned.

-q, --quiet
        Pass for less log output

-v, --verbose
        Pass for more log output


        Removes all cached responses and exits.

        This empties the cache directory used when caching responses with "-c/--cache".

        By default, girouette puts the cache in:

        - on Linux in "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/girouette/results/" or
        - on MacOS in "$HOME/Library/Caches/rs.Girouette/results/"
        - on Windows in "%AppData%\Girouette\cache\results\"

        Prints the contents of the default configuration and exits.


-h, --help           
        Prints help information.

-V, --version        
        Prints version information.


Configuration file location

girouette doesn't create a configuration file for you, but looks for it in the following locations:

  • on Linux in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/girouette/config.yml or $HOME/.config/girouette/config.yml
  • on MacOS in $HOME/Library/Application Support/rs.Girouette/config.yml
  • on Windows in %AppData%\Girouette\config\config.yml

The --print-default-config option displays the content of the default config. It can be use to initialize a custom configuration file:

girouette --print-default-config > myconfig.yml

Global configuration keys

  • key (string): the OpenWeather API key to use (can be overridden on the command-line with -k/--key). Registering a key is required for anything more than light testing. Can be an API key, or the path to a file containing the key, in the form of @openweather.key (relative to girouette's config directory), @~/openweather.key (relative to the user's home directory) or @/openweather.key (absolute). The path is required to be valid UTF-8.
  • location (string): a default location to query (can be overridden on the command-line with -l/--location).
    • If built with geolocation support (geoclue feature), can be auto or left empty to attempt geolocation.
    • Can be any name of a place.
    • Can be a tuple of latitude, longitude (e.g. "35.68,139.69")
  • separator (string): a separator string to use between segments. Defaults to two white-space characters " ".
  • units (string: metric, imperial or standard): unit system to use when displaying temperatures and speeds. Defaults to metric.
  • cache (string): how long to cache responses from the API (can be overridden on the command-line with -c/--cache), or none to disable it. If there is a cached response younger than the duration given as argument, it is returned directly. Otherwise, it queries the API and write the response to the cache for use by a later invocation. NOTE: No response is written to the cache if this option isn't set. The invocation doing the caching and the one potentially querying it both need this option set. Recognized durations go from seconds ("seconds, second, sec, s") to years ("years, year, y").
  • language (string): the language used for location names, weather descriptions and date/time formatting. Possible values are of the form 'aa_AA' like 'en_US' or 'fr_FR'.

See the default configuration file config.yml and browse the example_configs directory for examples (the example output shown above displays the default and both example configurations).

Style configuration keys

  • base_style (style): the default style for the whole output. This is used as the style to render the separator around the segments, and as the parent style for the segments themselves. Individual segments only need to override the specific things they want to change (e.g. the foreground color), leaving the rest intact.
  • display_mode (string): what kind of characters to use in the output. Three values are possible:
    • ascii: only use ASCII characters. Icons will be very limited or even nonexistent. Will display fine on any terminal emulator.
    • unicode: use standard Unicode characters. This will use the somewhat limited list of weather-related icons in Unicode. This is the default. Note that most of these icons are emoji and their rendering in a terminal emulator will depend on the font, font fallbacks, and so on. Terminal emulators will also usually ignore the foreground color when emoji are not rendered "text-style".
    • nerd_fonts: use characters from the Nerd Fonts package. These provide the most specific and best-looking icons for weather, but the Nerd Font variant of your font must be installed first (and your terminal emulator configured to use it).
  • segments (list of segments): the list of information segments to display. Each segment contains an optional style attribute (described below) in addition to their own attributes. Available segments:
    • instant: the date/time of the weather measure. Has a single attribute:
    • location_name (string): the location name from the weather measure. This isn't always the same as the queried location.
    • temperature: the temperature. The style attribute takes an additional scaled value to use an (hard-coded) color scale that varies with the temperature (this is the default). Has a two attributes:
      • feels_like (boolean): if yes, also displays the (estimated) felt-like temperature (takes into account wind/humidity/...).
      • min_max (boolean): if yes, also show the current local minimum and maximum temperatures. Those values give a range of the temperature around the queried area at the current moment. Defaults to false.
    • weather_icon: a single icon summarizing the weather.
    • weather_description: a textual description of the weather.
    • rain: the amount of falling rain (if any).
    • snow: the amount of falling snow (if any).
    • wind_speed: the measured wind speed.
    • humidity: the measured humidity.
    • pressure: the measured pressure.
    • cloud_cover: the overall fraction of the sky covered by clouds.
    • daily_forecast: the temperature and general weather for the next 1 to 7 days. Has three optional attributes:
      • style (style): the style used to display the weather icon.
      • temp_style (style): the style used to display the temperature, see the temperature segment.
      • days (integer): the number of days to display (between 1 and 7, defaults to 3).
    • hourly_forecast: the temperature and general weather for each hour in the next 48 hours. Has four attributes:
      • style (style): the style used to display the weather icon.
      • temp_style (style): the style used to display the temperature, see the temperature segment.
      • hours (integer): the number of hours to display (defaults to 3).
      • step (integer): the number of hours to step over between forecasts (defaults to 2).
    • alerts: the weather alerts for the current location.
      • description (boolean): if yes, show the alert's full description.
      • sender (boolean): if yes, show the name of the organization sending the alert.
    • daytime: the sunrise and sunset times for the current day.
    • pollution: the current Air Quality Index. The index ranges from 1 (Good) to 5 (Very Poor).

A style attribute is an object with 6 attributes, all optional:

  • bg (color): the background color.
  • fg (color): the foreground color.
  • bold (boolean): if yes, render the text bold.
  • intense (boolean): if yes, mark the text as intense. Terminal support varies.
  • underline (boolean): if yes, mark the text as underlined. Terminal support varies.
  • italic (boolean): if yes, mark the text as italic. Terminal support varies.

A color attribute used in styles can be either:

  • a string containing a color name (black, blue, green, red, cyan, magenta, yellow, white),
  • a integer between 0 and 255 representing an ANSI color code (e.g. 122),
  • a hexadecimal color code (e.g. "#002b3f"),
  • a triple of integer representing an RGB color (e.g. [15, 55, 84]).


girouette is licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in girouette by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.