This is a challenge from the
In this project, the goal was to integrate with the REST Countries API to retrieve country data and display it according to the provided designs. The chosen JavaScript framework for the front-end development was React, along with several additional libraries to achieve the desired functionality.
The following libraries were utilized:
- React
- React Router DOM
- Redux
- Redux Thunk
- Axios
- Lodash.throttle
- Styled-components
The implemented features of the project include:
- Homepage: Users can view all countries fetched from the REST Countries API on the homepage.
- Search Functionality: An input field is provided for users to search for specific countries.
- Region Filtering: Users can filter countries by region.
- Detailed Information: Clicking on a country redirects users to a separate page displaying more detailed information about that country.
- Border Countries: On the detailed country page, users can click on border countries to view their respective information.
- Bonus Feature: A color theme switcher is implemented, allowing users to toggle between light and dark mode.