fields is a Twin and sorts out all the changed? stuff.
virtual: don't read dont write
empty dont read, but write
read_only: read, don't write
make SkipUnchanged default?
validates :title, :presence => true
with @model.title == "Little Green Car" and validate({}) the form is still valid (as we "have" a valid title). is that what we want? -
document Form#to_hash and Form#to_nested_hash (e.g. with OpenStruct composition to make it a very simple form)
document getter: and representer_exec:
Debug module that logs every step.
no setters in Contract#setup
vererben in inline representern (module zum einmixen, attrs löschen)
form.messages should then go through them and compile a "summary" instead of adding them to the parents #errors in #validate.
in a perfect world, a UI form would send JSON as in the API. that's why the reform form creates the correct object graph first, then validates. creating the graph usually happens in the API representer code.
WHY DON'T PEOPLE USE THIS: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/association_basics.html#the-has-many-association :autosave
If you set the :autosave option to true, Rails will save any loaded members and destroy members that are marked for destruction whenever you save the parent object.