Releases: graphieros/vue-data-ui
VueUiSparkline improved options
The following config options are added to VueUiSparkline
style.chartWidth: number; boolean;
style.dataLabel.offsetX: number;
style.dataLabel.offsetY: number;
These options provide more control on the width of the chart area, and data label placement.
Tooltip slots
This version exposes data into the #tooltip-before
and #tooltip-after
scoped slots, to facilitate custom tooltip content creation.
All charts bearing tooltips (except for VueUiXy, see further below) expose the same objects:
<template #tooltip-before="{ datapoint, seriesIndex, series, config }">
... your custom content here
<template #tooltip-after="{ datapoint, seriesIndex, series, config }">
... your custom content here
VueUiXy exposes additional data:
<template #tooltip-before="{ datapoint, seriesIndex, series, config, bars, lines, plots }">
... your custom content here
<template #tooltip-after="{ datapoint, seriesIndex, series, config, bars, lines, plots }">
... your custom content here
Tooltip slots
This version introduces the #tooltip-before
and #tooltip-after
named slots, to further customize your tooltip contents.
It is now that easy to add a picture, another chart, or any content you need into your tooltips.
These slots do not expose any data, as you can already customize data content through the customFormat
config option. You can therefore use these slots in conjunction with the default tooltip content, or with your custom content.
<template #tooltip-before>
<div>This comes first</div>
<template #tooltip-after>
<div>This comes last</div>
These slots are available on the following components (and on the universal VueDataUi component, provided it wraps one of the following):
- VueUiAgePyramid
- VueUiCandlestick
- VueUiDonut
- VueUiHeatmap
- VueUiMolecule
- VueUiNestedDonuts
- VueUiOnion
- VueUiQuadrant
- VueUiRadar
- VueUiRings
- VueUiScatter
- VueUiVerticalBar
- VueUiWaffle
- VueUiXy
Animations improved
: added optional animation -
: added config option to control animations in the tooltip's bar charts -
: added config option to control sparkline animations -
: improved animation speed consistency
Mini charts animations
Added optional animation config for the following components:
Animation is enabled by default.
animation: {
show: true,
animationFrames: 60
.d.ts file minor fix
v.2.0.54 Minor fix in .d.ts file
VueUiKpi new component
Added new component
Optimized css
v.2.0.51 Optimized css
Minor fixes (removed non breaking console error)
VueUiGalaxy gradient
Added gradient config option in VueUiGalaxy