This document is for Graphistry helm contributors on tasks like setting up a local k8s, running Graphistry locally, submitting patches, and making new releases
For using the Graphistry helm charts in your own Kubernetes, See the main README
For an even more encompassing list of commands and options, see the kubectl cheatsheet
calico rules- env secrets
- autoscaling
- tls intercontainer termination
- some sort of observability down the line with Prometheus and grafana with traefik when we begin to phase out nginx in favor of traefik
- k8s api dashboard
- add logging
- add multinode volume support with NFS (longhorn)
kubectl get pods
kubectl describe pod <name>
helm delete <chart name>
helm install <chart name> ./<chart dir>
helm upgrade <chart name> ./<chart dir>
kubectl exec -i -t <name> -- /bin/bash
kubectl get service nginx
kubectl port-forward deployment/nginx 8000:80
kubectl logs --tail=100 deployment/nginx
kubectl logs --follow deployment/nginx
kubectl create -f
once daemonset has been installed and started
if successful will see in nodes capacity here
kubectl get nodes -ojson | jq .items[].status.capacity
helm upgrade --dry-run graphchart-release ./<chart dir>
helm lint <chart dir>
kubectl exec envar-demo -- printenv
kubectl scale deployment nginx --replicas=0 && kubectl scale deployment nginx --replicas=1
kubectl exec -it deployments/nginx -- cat /etc/resolv.conf
kubectl create configmap nginx-conf --from-file=./default.conf
kubectl get configmaps nginx-conf -o yaml
kubectl describe configmaps nginx-config | nl
checks cluster dns ip
kubectl get secrets
kubectl get namespace
yq e ".env[1]" ./charts/graphistry-helm/values.yaml
yq e -i '.env[1] = "cool"' ./charts/graphistry-helm/values.yaml
kubectl api-resources
kubectl -n kube-public get configmaps
kubectl get pods -A
kubectl describe node <node-name>
kubectl -n <namespace> exec <pod-name> df
kubectl delete pvc --all
kubectl -n <namespace> exec <pod-name> -- df -h
watch kubectl get pods
kubectl logs deployments/nginx -c nginx-init-streamgl-viz
kubectl config get-contexts
kubectl config use-context <yourClusterName>
kubectl get nodes
kubectl describe node <node-name>
kubectl get pod <pod_name> -o yaml