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Generating Hetergeneous Networks for Compression Interpretation

Gregory Way 2018

This module downloads and processes several gene sets and integrates these gene sets into a heterogeneous network (hetnet)(Himmelstein et al. 2017).

This network will be projected onto compressed gene expression features to enable biological interpretation.


The module stores data and data processing scripts of MSigDB and xCell gene sets.

Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB)

Individual MSigDB gene sets (version 6.1) were downloaded from GSEA downloads. We also download the full gene set: msigdb.v6.1.entrez.gmt.

See download_msigdb.ipynb for specific details.

The genesets consist of 8 different collections; many also have sub-collections:

Name Collection License
H Hallmark gene sets CC-BY 4.0
C1 Positional gene sets CC-BY 4.0
C2 Curated gene sets CC-BY 4.0 (except KEGG, BioCarta, AAAS/STKE)
C2.CPG Chemical and genetic perturbations CC-BY 4.0
C2.CP.Reactome Reactome CC-BY 4.0
C3 Motif gene sets CC-BY 4.0
C3.MIR microRNA targets CC-BY 4.0
C3.TFT Transcription factor targets CC-BY 4.0
C4 Computational gene sets CC-BY 4.0
C4.CGN Cancer gene neighborhoods CC-BY 4.0
C4.CM Cancer modules CC-BY 4.0
C5 Gene Ontology (GO) terms CC-BY 4.0
C5.BP GO biological processes CC-BY 4.0
C5.CC GO cellular components CC-BY 4.0
C5.MF GO molecular functions CC-BY 4.0
C6 Oncogenic gene sets CC-BY 4.0
C7 Immunologic gene sets CC-BY 4.0

We do not include the KEGG, BioCarta, AAAS/STKE gene sets in C2. For full license terms visit the MSigDB license page.


We download and process the 489 gene signatures from Arun et al. 2017. These 489 signatures represent 64 different human cell types including CD8+ T Cells, Neutrophils, Macrophages, etc.

See process_xCell.ipynb for specific details.


The gene sets are uniformly processed and linked together in a single hetnet. The hetnet can be projected onto a compressed gene expression matrix to rapidly assign biological significance to compressed gene expression features.