- Have a massive legacy codebase that has no styling standards?
- Want to add a code style standard without bulk reformatting tons of code that can cause mass merge conflicts and headache downstream?
- Want to lint check newly staged/modified code only?
- Use git as your version control system?
- Use Java?
If you said 'yes' to at least the last two, then enter the Samurai Style Cop 2
A checkstyle-based tool that can generate exclusions based on git history so that only the code you stage for commit is checked for styling and quality metrics.
Java 16+, Maven 3
mvn clean package
Usage: samuraistyle [--checkstyle-stdout] [--use-checkstyle]
[--checkstyle-report=REPORT_FILE] [--limit=<lineLimit>]
[-o=FILE] [--static=FILE] (--stdin | -f=DIFF_FILE)
Checkstyle configuration file
Default: ./sun_checks.xml
Checkstyle output format (XML, SARIF, PLAIN)
Default: XML
Checkstyle report (output) file
Default: ./checkstyle-corrections.xml
--checkstyle-stdout Print checkstyle output to screen
Default: false
--limit=<lineLimit> Largest line number
Default: 50000
-o, --output=FILE Suppression file output
Default: ./suppression.xml
--static=FILE Static suppression file
--use-checkstyle Use embedded checkstyle
Default: false
Diff Input (Mutually Exclusive Options)
-f, --file=DIFF_FILE Use diff file
--stdin Use Standard Input for diff input
git --no-pager diff --minimal -U0 -- *.java | java -jar samurai-style-cop-shaded.jar --stdin --output suppressions.xml
The above command produces optimal suppressions by generating a minimal diff with 0 lines of context. This may not be the best solution for all needs, so modify appropriately.
git --no-pager diff --staged --minimal -U0 -- *.java | java -jar samurai-style-cop-shaded.jar --stdin --output suppressions.xml
java -jar samurai-style-cop-shaded.jar --file input.diff --output suppressions.xml
Change input.diff
to name of existing diff file.
Note: that this program only accepts git diff
extended unified diff format.
For the above examples, you can then use the output file suppressions.xml
as a suppression filter with Checkstyle or Checkstyle Maven Plugin
Modify your existing checkstyle configuration xml to use the SuppressionFilter
using the output name specified in the command line. If you don't specify a name, the output file is named suppression.xml
<module name="SuppressionFilter">
<property name="file" value="suppression.xml"/>
<property name="optional" value="false"/>
If you don't have a checkstyle configuration, use sun_checks.xml
or google_checks.xml
from this repository to start.
Use external Checkstyle executable or use the embedded checkstyle by enabling it on the command line:
java -jar samurai-style-cop-shaded.jar --file input.diff --use-checkstyle --checkstyle-format XML
The report output filename defaults to checkstyle-corrections.xml
regardless of format if a filename is not specified.
output example:
<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE suppressions PUBLIC "-//Puppy Crawl//DTD Suppressions 1.0//EN" "http://www.puppycrawl.com/dtds/suppressions_1_0.dtd">
<suppress checks=".*" files="src[\\/]main[\\/]java[\\/]com[\\/]epicmonstrosity[\\/]samuraistyle[\\/]Main.java" lines="1-4,7-9,12-15,18-27,41-43,46-58,66-68,71-50000"/>
<suppress checks=".*" files="src[\\/]main[\\/]java[\\/]com[\\/]epicmonstrosity[\\/]samuraistyle[\\/]cli[\\/]DiffOptions.java" lines="1-9,12,18-40,46,49-51,54-50000"/>
<suppress checks=".*" files="src[\\/]main[\\/]java[\\/]com[\\/]epicmonstrosity[\\/]samuraistyle[\\/]lint[\\/]CheckstyleSuppressor.java" lines="1-62,65-67,70-74,82-50000"/>
Checkstyle output example (PLAIN format):
Starting audit...
[ERROR] .\src\main\java\com\epicmonstrosity\samuraistyle\Main.java:63:48: Parameter diffOptions should be final. [FinalParameters]
[ERROR] .\src\main\java\com\epicmonstrosity\samuraistyle\cli\DiffOptions.java:10:5: Missing a Javadoc comment. [JavadocVariable]
[ERROR] .\src\main\java\com\epicmonstrosity\samuraistyle\cli\DiffOptions.java:11:20: Variable 'exclusiveInput' must be private and have accessor methods. [VisibilityModifier]
[ERROR] .\src\main\java\com\epicmonstrosity\samuraistyle\cli\DiffOptions.java:13:5: Missing a Javadoc comment. [JavadocVariable]
[ERROR] .\src\main\java\com\epicmonstrosity\samuraistyle\cli\DiffOptions.java:14:23: Variable 'checkStyleOptions' must be private and have accessor methods. [VisibilityModifier]
[ERROR] .\src\main\java\com\epicmonstrosity\samuraistyle\cli\DiffOptions.java:16:5: Missing a Javadoc comment. [JavadocVariable]
[ERROR] .\src\main\java\com\epicmonstrosity\samuraistyle\cli\DiffOptions.java:17:10: Variable 'outputFile' must be private and have accessor methods. [VisibilityModifier]
[ERROR] .\src\main\java\com\epicmonstrosity\samuraistyle\cli\DiffOptions.java:41:5: Missing a Javadoc comment. [MissingJavadocMethod]
[ERROR] .\src\main\java\com\epicmonstrosity\samuraistyle\cli\DiffOptions.java:47:17: Variable 'stdIn' must be private and have accessor methods. [VisibilityModifier]
[ERROR] .\src\main\java\com\epicmonstrosity\samuraistyle\cli\DiffOptions.java:52:9: Missing a Javadoc comment. [MissingJavadocMethod]
[ERROR] .\src\main\java\com\epicmonstrosity\samuraistyle\lint\CheckstyleSuppressor.java:63:5: Missing a Javadoc comment. [MissingJavadocMethod]
[ERROR] .\src\main\java\com\epicmonstrosity\samuraistyle\lint\CheckstyleSuppressor.java:68:5: Missing a Javadoc comment. [MissingJavadocMethod]
[ERROR] .\src\main\java\com\epicmonstrosity\samuraistyle\lint\CheckstyleSuppressor.java:75:5: Missing a Javadoc comment. [MissingJavadocMethod]
Audit done.
This tool is mainly designed for very large and old legacy-style code bases where the years past have brought about multiple different styling standards or consists of a lot of cowboy coding.
If your code was passed down to new owners over the years with multiple teams responsible for maintaining it, there's a chance the code style may not be concrete throughout the application. This application can be used to gently integrate a consistent style without overhauling the entire codebase.
Doing so can not only be a risk, but will muddy the versioning history.
- A new coding style standard was implemented, yet most of the legacy code doesn't conform and there is too much risk bulk updating it.
- The codebase is enormous, you don't want to run a linting tool on the entire codebase which can impact performance and time.
- You want to quality check only the code you modified before pushing.
- Unified diff with Git extensions reader
- Suppression generator
- Embedded Checkstyle
- Support project configuration yaml
- Multiple checkstyle listeners
I wrote a similar tool before that I'm not at liberty to share the code nor do I possess it, so this is a clean room rewrite because I like the name.