An easy to use ble-scanner (bluetooth smart / 4.0) for node. Requires a Linux OS with bluez stack tools (hciconfig, hcitool, hcidump) to be installed.
The ble-scanner is designed as a singleton class. It can be used as followed:
#require module
Scanner = require("ble-scanner");
# define input
device = "hci0";
callback = (packet) ->
# packet is an array with hex values
console.log "Received Packet: " + packet
# create new Scanner
bleScanner = new Scanner(device,callback);
The code above will result in every packet received to be logged to the console.
- The device is used to make sure the specific device is up. The scan is not device specific.
- The callback is handed an array with hex-values as strings. Interpreting the packet is not done by ble-scanner.
- HCITOOL does not terminate correctly.