Releases: gridcoin-community/Gridcoin-Research
Releases · gridcoin-community/Gridcoin-Research
Gridcoin Research
Leisure Upgrade
- Catch HTTP error on Diagnostics page
- Add checkpoints up to 770000
- Remove unused functions (cryptolottery, options trading)
- Merge in Denravonska #158 - CPU-Usage-Fix: This fix prevents GRC from copying memory structs and is designed to lower CPU usage
Gridcoin Research
Leisure Upgrade
- Remove legacy hardcoded hashes and unused functions (lower memory consumption), remove millisleeps (attempt to prevent UI blocks), remove Option functions
- Add legacy code that allows 1000 blocks to be loaded (this is an attempt to bring back our fast syncing) and to help the ARM sync
- Attempt to improve arm syncing
- Remove peek cache (lower memory consumption)
- Made magnitude vote weight Total Money Supply / 5.67 * Magnitude
Gridcoin Research
Mandatory Upgrade
- At block 725000 we require blocks to be signed with keypairs.
- Enable binary superblocks at block 725000.
- When keys expire at the 6 month interval, check the keypair by signing a Test block, and if good, renew the keypair, otherwise generate a new keypair and a new beacon and save the new keypair automatically.
(The wallet will repair the keypair if one of two keys are missing). - Note: execute beaconstatus to find the status of your Prod keypair.
Gridcoin Research
Leisure Upgrade
- Added Configuration File backup into the nightly Wallet Backup process (the file is stored in \walletbackups). Execute backupwallet to test.
- Added a suffix to the keypair configuration key name for TESTNET only (PROD has no suffix).
NOTE: Anyone who has a Testnet Keypair that is already set up, please add the testnet suffix to your keypair name like this:
(otherwise you will see errors in execute beaconstatus) - Added more error messages to execute beaconstatus to detect configuration problems: (Verify local config public key matches beacon public key),
Local Config Public key missing, Show last superblock magnitude, and we now perform a block signing test and show the results.
If the config shows as a failure, Staking will not work and this should help diagnose problems in testnet.
Gridcoin Research
Mandatory Upgrade for TESTNET
Leisure Upgrade for PROD
- At block 196550 in TestNet we require POR blocks to be signed (with the CPID private key)
- Added 'list magnitude CPID_' where CPID_ is Part of your cpid, for example if your cpid starts with 784, list magnitude 784 will show the magnitude for that CPID as of the last superblock.
This should cut down confusion if your magnitude is showing as 0 or if you wonder what value your next POR will be assessed at. - Fixed problem where the chain rolls back to the next mandatory block cutover in testnet.
- Added patch to store 0 or 1 in nContract field (please test after block 196550)
Gridcoin Research
Mandatory Upgrade for TESTNET
Leisure Upgrade for PROD
- At block 196300 in TestNet, we require POR blocks to be signed (with the CPID private key)
- After staking a testnet POR block, run the command "showblock blocknumber" and verify the block signature is valid
- Test voting in TestNet
- Test Binary superblocks: Verify the superblock is staked, the block number, and in showblock, verify the superblock is binary, and verify the constiuent magnitude (and POR payment) is correct.
- Testnet Thread (please go here to continue testing):
- Fixed log spam in testnet
Gridcoin Research
Mandatory Upgrade for TESTNET
Leisure Upgrade for PROD
- At block 195500 in TestNet, we require POR blocks to be signed (with the CPID private key)
- After staking a testnet POR block, run the command "showblock blocknumber" and verify the block signature is valid
- Test voting in TestNet
- Test Binary superblocks: Verify the superblock is staked, the block number, and in showblock, verify the superblock is binary, and verify the constiuent magnitude (and POR payment) is correct.
- Testnet Thread (please go here to continue testing):
Gridcoin Research
Leisure Upgrade
- Added 'execute upgradedbeaconreport' (Shows % of users using the upgraded beacons)
- Added v2 Beacons (beacons with Public and Private keypairs)
- Modified execute advertisebeacon (to use keypairs)
- Added beacon public key to beacon, block and block signing process
- Added public key and beacon key validity to showblock/getblock
- Added execute beaconstatus (shows the status of the beacon)
- Added execute proveownership (shows proof-of-ownership of the cpid)
Gridcoin Research
Leisure Upgrade
- Fix unix build problems
Gridcoin Research
Leisure Upgrade
- Voting System:
a. Allow up to 40 answers to be charted (fixes UI error)
b. Chart voting results as a pie chart (so we can see results for large answersets)
c. Clear up overlapping chart labels, Fixed voting list column widths
e. Fixed Balance Voting Weight to include wallet total coins owned (regardless of stake bucket amount) - Load Speed:
a. Show blocks loaded progress on splash screen
b. Load time has been improved
c. We are still working on (load time for) "Persisted Data Cache" and "Network Averages" - Fix data storage bug for block.iscontract=1, (this will speed up the load time in the future)
- Updated Chat Room Link
- Added Reward Sharing feature requested by Quez and Anon. When RS=GridcoinRewardSharingAddress is populated (in the config), 10% of the POR reward is sent to the reward sharing address.