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Thomas Tortorini edited this page Apr 14, 2017 · 51 revisions

Welcome to the GridSound 's wiki!

🌍 Links :

  • daw
    First of all, the DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) is the app itself.
    Start to use it at and read its code at
    If you don't know how to test it, you can follow these few steps.

  • gs-webaudio-framework
    This framework contains all the sound conception for the entire DAW. The daw/ repository will (because it's not ready yet) become just a compilation of UI callbacks, and a huge initialization of this framework.
    See the repo at

  • gs-webaudio-library
    This is some low-level Web Audio reusable code used by the GridSound's framework (not the daw/ directly).
    See the wiki to have more infos at

  • gs-ui-components
    This is a compilation of useful UI components written in separated files coded in modern vanilla JavaScript.
    See every details and demos at

  • is the landing page for the whole GridSound project (and is an alias for it).
    Its code is here

  • assets
    The repository contains the GridSound's logo (at different sizes and colors), screenshots, etc.

    It's the best way to ask for help, contributing, ask for what are we doing currently for the project, share your songs, etc. Feel free to send an email here to ask an invitation (we don't have yet an online form for that).

❤️ How to contribute ?

Thanks a lot for your interest :)

Click here to know how to build GridSound on your computer. If you want to contribute in any way (code, design, art, whatever) but you don't know how to do it, just say hello at this random issue and feel free to ask anything :)
If you've found a bug, you are very welcome to open an issue but before that, please verify that the bug is unknown by checking this page.

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