- PIBD - (faster and more robust syncing strategy) -In beta, being tested on mainnet
- multi-sig* -Requires building and signing in reverse order, not happening any time soon due to complexity with payment proofs, but perhaps multisig with HW is ok since it is strictly two parties involved:
- Wallet backend improvements - Grin-wallet had many bug fixes and stability improvements
- libsecp fork update -not updated, last commit to libsecp was 5 years ago
- safe cancel* WIP, not merged yet in the stable release mimblewimble/grin-rfcs#71, will be part of Grin GUI and new grin-wallet stable release
- Tor support for nodes*
- light node*
- testnet exchange/ making it easier for exchange integrations -Implemented - Link
- payjoins* -Implemented in the contract branch and in grin GUI when you enable contract flow
- binaries for older systems, older GLIBC or build on low RAM machine < 300MB
- invoice payment proofs* -Implemented in contract flow branch grin GUI wallet, part of unified/biderection payment proofs
- hardware wallets* -Leger HW support for Grin is implemented, but unofficial since a formal review by Ledger costs money. [Tutorial](url, Download the code here)
- wallet view key* -Implemented in grin-wallet 5.2 beta, not implemented in 5.0.3 stable release and not yet implemented in Grin++*
- one-time use slatepack addresses for wallet* -Generate new slatepack address is implemented in Grin++, not yet in grin-wallet
- flyclient* -Nothing implemented, would require header history or inclusion proof according to discussions on KeyBase
- atomic swaps* -Gene made a first implementation of "non-ideal" atomic swap, grin reaper offered to continue implementation, nothing fixed yet. https://forum.grin.mw/t/questions-about-the-state-of-the-atomic-swap-pr-and-introduction/10332 mimblewimble/grin-rfcs#83
- aggregators -mwixnet/CoinSwap, finished, testing on its way for integration in grin-wallet + plans from Ardocrat to work on integration in Grim https://forum.grin.mw/t/request-for-funding-scilio-coinswap-implementation/9149**
- block archive node support* -Implemented, fast sync method could still be added in the future
- improve compatibility with OSX -No specific changes as far as I know, or are these part of the many changes to grin-wallet
- anchors*
- bulletproofs+* *-Not deemed safe/well tested enough yet in 2020, *-Had a positive review in Tari, (see full report).
- NRD activation*
- [Display slatepacks as QR codes in CLI -Implemented