Releases: grisuno/LazyOwn
What's Changed
Full Changelog: release/0.2.17...release/0.2.18
Full Changelog: release/0.2.16...release/0.2.17
What's Changed
Full Changelog: release/0.2.15...release/0.2.16
Executes the MSDT Follina exploit tool to create malicious documents for exploitation.
This function performs the following actions:
- Checks if is available; if not, it clones the repository and installs dependencies.
- If the line argument is "default", it runs the tool with default parameters to pop calc.exe.
- If the line argument is "notepad", it runs the tool to pop notepad.exe.
- If the line argument is "reverse", it prompts for a port and runs the tool to get a reverse shell.
- If the line does not match any valid options, it displays an error message with usage instructions.
line (str): Command argument specifying the action mode.
- If "default", executes with default parameters.
- If "notepad", executes to pop notepad.exe.
- If "reverse", prompts for a port and executes for a reverse shell.
- If neither, displays an error message with usage instructions.
Executes the Swaks (Swiss Army Knife for SMTP) tool to send test emails for phishing simulations.
This function performs the following actions:
- Checks if Swaks is available; if not, it clones the repository to the appropriate directory.
- Constructs the Swaks command with the specified 'to' and 'from' emails, server, and message body.
- Runs the command using Swaks to simulate email delivery.
line (str): Command argument specifying additional options or the message body.
- If not provided, defaults to a basic test message.
Executes ad-ldap-enum to enumerate Active Directory objects (users, groups, computers)
through LDAP, collecting extended information on group memberships and additional AD details.
This function enables the enumeration of Active Directory users, groups, and computers
by executing LDAP queries on a specified domain controller. The command constructed allows
password or Pass-the-Hash authentication, supports SSL/TLS, and IPv4/IPv6 connections,
and outputs data into CSV files detailing domain group memberships and extended user/computer
Functionalities include:
- Checking for credential availability and prompting for them if not found.
- Constructing an LDAP enumeration command with customizable authentication and server details.
- Executing
to output detailed information in CSV format.
The output files are saved in the current working directory with a prepend if specified.
Example command the function can build:
python3 -d scrm.local -l -u ksimpson -p ksimpson -v
- Run dp_ad_ldap_enum
to initiate AD object enumeration using ad-ldap-enum.
:param line: String containing initial command-line arguments or options.
Unzips a specified file from the sessions directory.
This function attempts to locate and unzip a file in the sessions directory.
If a filename is provided as line
, it will use that; otherwise, it will attempt
to retrieve a zip file name based on existing zip files in the user's dictionary.
If the zip file is not found or does not exist in the sessions path, it prints
an error message.
Steps of execution:
- Determines the zip file name from
or user dictionary. - Checks if the zip file exists within the sessions path.
- Builds the unzip command and executes it to extract the contents of the zip file.
Usage example:
:param line: The zip filename to be extracted. If empty, a zip file will be selected
automatically if available.
:return: None
Executes the reGeorg tool for HTTP(s) tunneling through a SOCKS proxy.
This function performs the following actions:
- Checks if the reGeorg tool is installed; if not, it clones the repository and sets up the environment.
- Validates the command line arguments, specifically the port and URL required for the SOCKS proxy.
- Constructs the command to run the reGeorg SOCKS proxy with the specified options and executes it.
- Provides usage instructions in case of incorrect command line argument formats.
line (str): Command argument specifying the parameters for the reGeorg execution.
- The expected format is: " ", where is the listening port and is the URL
containing the tunnel script.
Reduces a wordlist based on the specified password length.
This function filters the provided wordlist to only include passwords
that match the specified length. If no length is provided, it defaults
to 4. The function constructs a grep command to achieve this and executes
do_rocky(line: str)
:param line: The length of the passwords to filter in the wordlist.
This parameter should be a string representing a positive integer.
If not provided, the function prompts the user for input.
:type line: str
:raises ValueError: If the provided length is not a valid positive integer.
# Executes: grep '^.{8}$' /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt > sessions/lazypass_mini_rocky.txt
What's Changed
Full Changelog: release/0.2.14...release/0.2.15
Identify hash type using nth after retrieving it with get_hash().
:param line: Line input for any additional parameters.
:returns: None
Manual execution:
To manually identify the hash, use the following command:
nth -t "{hash}"
This function fetches the hash using get_hash() and identifies its type. If nth is not installed, it is automatically installed.
Generate a list of possible passwords by filling each asterisk in the input with user-specified characters.
:param line: A string containing asterisks (e.g., WebAO***7) for generating variations.
:returns: None
Prompts the user to enter characters to replace each asterisk, creates all possible combinations,
and saves them to 'sessions/passwords_refilled.txt'. If this file exists, the previous version is
renamed with a timestamp suffix.
Checks if the script is running with superuser (sudo) privileges, and if not,
restarts the script with sudo privileges.
This function verifies if the script is being executed with root privileges
by checking the effective user ID. If the script is not running as root,
it prints a warning message and restarts the script using sudo.
:return: None
Executes the Impacket netview tool to list network shares on a specified target.
This function performs the following actions:
- Checks if the target host is valid.
- If the line argument is "pass", it searches for credential files with the pattern
and allows the user to select which file to use for executing the command. - If line is "hash", it searches for a hash file and prompts the user for a username, then constructs
and executes the command with the hash. - If line does not match "pass" or "hash", it displays an error message with usage instructions.
line (str): A command argument to determine the authentication mode.
If "pass", the function searches for credential files and authenticates using the selected file.
If "hash", it uses a hash file for authentication.
If neither, it prints an error message with usage instructions.
Executes the Impacket WMIExec tool to run commands on a target system using WMI.
This function performs the following actions:
- Checks if the target IP is valid.
- If the line argument is "pass", it searches for credential files with the pattern
and allows the user to select which file to use for executing the command. - If line is "hash", it searches for a hash file and prompts the user for a username, then constructs
and executes the command with the hash. - If line does not match "pass" or "hash", it displays an error message with usage instructions.
line (str): A command argument to determine the authentication mode.
If "pass", the function searches for credential files and authenticates using the selected file.
If "hash", it uses a hash file for authentication.
If neither, it prints an error message with usage instructions.
Extracts open ports and IP address information from a specified file.
This function performs the following actions:
- Reads the specified file to find open ports.
- If not port pass as an argument, Extracts the first unique IP address found in the file.
- Prints the extracted information to the console.
line (str): The port to get information.
Schedules a command to run at a specified time.
This function allows users to schedule a command to execute at a specific hour and minute.
If the specified time has already passed for the current day, the command will be scheduled
to run the following day.
cron HH:MM command [args]
line (str): The input string containing the scheduled time in 'HH:MM' format followed by the command and arguments.
Executes the PEzor tool to pack executables or shellcode with custom configurations.
This function enables the user to construct commands for PEzor with various options.
By default, parameters are prompted to ensure successful execution without failure due to
missing values. It supports both executable and shellcode packing with the ability to
select from a range of PEzor flags to create the desired payload.
Functionalities of the function include:
- Prompting the user to specify if they want to pack an executable or shellcode.
- Gathering parameters for different PEzor flags based on user choices.
- Building the command dynamically to execute with the configured options.
Example commands the function can build:
- Pack an executable with 64-bit, debug, and anti-debug options.
- Pack shellcode with self-injection and sleep options.
- Run 'PEzor [donut args...]' to pack an executable with donut options.
- Run 'PEzor ' to pack shellcode.
:param line: String containing initial command-line arguments or options.
Executes the Impacket Mimikatz tool to interact with a target system for credential-related operations.
This function performs the following actions:
- Validates the target IP (rhost).
- If the line argument is "pass", it searches for credential files matching the pattern
and prompts the user to select a file for executing Mimikatz. - If line is "hash", it searches for a hash file, prompts for a username, and constructs the command using
the hash for authentication. - If line does not match "pass" or "hash", it displays an error message with usage instructions.
line (str): Command argument specifying the authentication mode.
If "pass", the function authenticates using credentials from a selected file.
If "hash", it uses a hash file for authentication.
If neither, it displays an error message with usage instructions.
Executes the RDP check tool to verify credentials or hash-based authentication on a target system.
This function performs the following actions:
- Validates the target IP (rhost).
- If the line argument is "pass", it searches for credential files with the pattern
and prompts the user to select one to execute the RDP check. - If line is "hash", it searches for a hash file, prompts the user for a username, and constructs the command
using the hash for authentication. - If line does not match "pass" or "hash", it displays an error message with usage instructions.
line (str): Command argument specifying the authentication mode.
If "pass", the function authenticates using credentials from a selected file.
If "hash", it uses a hash file for authentication.
If neither, it displays an error message with usage instructions.
Executes the MQTT check tool to verify credentials on a target system with optional SSL.
This function performs the following actions:
- Validates the target IP (rhost).
- If the line argument is "pass", it searches for credential files matching the pattern
and prompts the user to select one to execute the MQTT check. - If line is "ssl", it performs the MQTT check with SSL enabled using the selected credentials.
- If line does not match "pass" or "ssl", it displays an error message with usage instructions.
line (str): Command argument specifying the authentication mode.
If "pass", the function authenticates using credentials from a selected file.
If "ssl", it authenticates using SSL.
If neither, it displays an error message with usage instructions.
Executes the LookupSID tool to perform SID enumeration on a target system.
This function performs the following actions:
- Validates the target IP (rhost).
- If the line argument is "basic", it searches for credential files with the pattern
and prompts the user to select one to execute the SID lookup. - If line is "dc-target", it performs the SID lookup specifying domain controller and target IPs,
using the selected credentials. - If line does not match "basic" or "dc-target", it displays an error message with usage instructions.
line (str): Command argument specifying the lookup mode.
If "basic", the function performs a standard SID lookup.
If "dc-target", it includes -dc-ip
and -target-ip
If neither, it displays an error message with usage instructions.
Executes the Scavenger tool for multi-threaded post-exploitation scanning on target systems with SMB credentials.
This function performs the following actions:
- Checks if Scavenger is installed; if not, it clones the repository and installs dependencies.
- If the line argument is "pass", it searches for credential files matching
prompts the user to select one, and executes Scavenger using the chosen credentials on a single target IP. - If the line argument is "targets", it prompts for an IP list file (
) and uses Scavenger with
credentials from a selected file on multiple target IPs with the--overwrite
option. - If line does not match "pass" or "targets", it displays an error message with usage instructions.
line (str): Command argument specifying the authentication mode.
- If "pass", authenticates with c...
What's Changed
Full Changelog: release/0.2.13...release/0.2.14
Full Changelog: release/0.2.12...release/0.2.13
Command pykerbrute: Automates the installation and execution of PyKerbrute for bruteforcing Active Directory accounts using Kerberos pre-authentication.
This function performs the following tasks:
- Clones and installs PyKerbrute if not already installed.
- Allows the user to choose between the and scripts.
- Executes the selected script with user-defined parameters, including domain, mode (TCP/UDP), and selected hash or password.
line (str): Optional argument for specifying additional parameters for execution, such as domain controller, domain, and attack mode.
Run with specified parameters to query the registry.
:param line: Line input for any additional parameters.
:returns: None
Manual execution:
To manually run
, use the following command: -hashes :<hash> <domain>/<username>@<target> query -keyName <registry_key>
This function prompts the user for the hash, domain, username, and registry key if they are not already provided.
Identify hash type using nth after retrieving it with get_hash().
:param line: Line input for any additional parameters.
:returns: None
Manual execution:
To manually identify the hash, use the following command:
nth -t "{hash}"
This function fetches the hash using get_hash() and identifies its type. If nth is not installed, it is automatically installed.
Generate a list of possible passwords by filling each asterisk in the input with user-specified characters.
:param line: A string containing asterisks (e.g., WebAO***7) for generating variations.
:returns: None
Prompts the user to enter characters to replace each asterisk, creates all possible combinations,
and saves them to 'sessions/passwords_refilled.txt'. If this file exists, the previous version is
renamed with a timestamp suffix.
Checks if the script is running with superuser (sudo) privileges, and if not,
restarts the script with sudo privileges.
This function verifies if the script is being executed with root privileges
by checking the effective user ID. If the script is not running as root,
it prints a warning message and restarts the script using sudo.
:return: None
Executes the Impacket netview tool to list network shares on a specified target.
This function performs the following actions:
- Checks if the target host is valid.
- If the line argument is "pass", it searches for credential files with the pattern
and allows the user to select which file to use for executing the command. - If line is "hash", it searches for a hash file and prompts the user for a username, then constructs
and executes the command with the hash. - If line does not match "pass" or "hash", it displays an error message with usage instructions.
line (str): A command argument to determine the authentication mode.
If "pass", the function searches for credential files and authenticates using the selected file.
If "hash", it uses a hash file for authentication.
If neither, it prints an error message with usage instructions.
Executes the Impacket WMIExec tool to run commands on a target system using WMI.
This function performs the following actions:
- Checks if the target IP is valid.
- If the line argument is "pass", it searches for credential files with the pattern
and allows the user to select which file to use for executing the command. - If line is "hash", it searches for a hash file and prompts the user for a username, then constructs
and executes the command with the hash. - If line does not match "pass" or "hash", it displays an error message with usage instructions.
line (str): A command argument to determine the authentication mode.
If "pass", the function searches for credential files and authenticates using the selected file.
If "hash", it uses a hash file for authentication.
If neither, it prints an error message with usage instructions.
Extracts open ports and IP address information from a specified file.
This function performs the following actions:
- Reads the specified file to find open ports.
- If not port pass as an argument, Extracts the first unique IP address found in the file.
- Prints the extracted information to the console.
line (str): The port to get information.
Schedules a command to run at a specified time.
This function allows users to schedule a command to execute at a specific hour and minute.
If the specified time has already passed for the current day, the command will be scheduled
to run the following day.
cron HH:MM command [args]
line (str): The input string containing the scheduled time in 'HH:MM' format followed by the command and arguments.
Executes the PEzor tool to pack executables or shellcode with custom configurations.
This function enables the user to construct commands for PEzor with various options.
By default, parameters are prompted to ensure successful execution without failure due to
missing values. It supports both executable and shellcode packing with the ability to
select from a range of PEzor flags to create the desired payload.
Functionalities of the function include:
- Prompting the user to specify if they want to pack an executable or shellcode.
- Gathering parameters for different PEzor flags based on user choices.
- Building the command dynamically to execute with the configured options.
Example commands the function can build:
- Pack an executable with 64-bit, debug, and anti-debug options.
- Pack shellcode with self-injection and sleep options.
- Run 'PEzor [donut args...]' to pack an executable with donut options.
- Run 'PEzor ' to pack shellcode.
:param line: String containing initial command-line arguments or options.
Executes the Impacket Mimikatz tool to interact with a target system for credential-related operations.
This function performs the following actions:
- Validates the target IP (rhost).
- If the line argument is "pass", it searches for credential files matching the pattern
and prompts the user to select a file for executing Mimikatz. - If line is "hash", it searches for a hash file, prompts for a username, and constructs the command using
the hash for authentication. - If line does not match "pass" or "hash", it displays an error message with usage instructions.
line (str): Command argument specifying the authentication mode.
If "pass", the function authenticates using credentials from a selected file.
If "hash", it uses a hash file for authentication.
If neither, it displays an error message with usage instructions.
Executes the RDP check tool to verify credentials or hash-based authentication on a target system.
This function performs the following actions:
- Validates the target IP (rhost).
- If the line argument is "pass", it searches for credential files with the pattern
and prompts the user to select one to execute the RDP check. - If line is "hash", it searches for a hash file, prompts the user for a username, and constructs the command
using the hash for authentication. - If line does not match "pass" or "hash", it displays an error message with usage instructions.
line (str): Command argument specifying the authentication mode.
If "pass", the function authenticates using credentials from a selected file.
If "hash", it uses a hash file for authentication.
If neither, it displays an error message with usage instructions.
Executes the MQTT check tool to verify credentials on a target system with optional SSL.
This function performs the following actions:
- Validates the target IP (rhost).
- If the line argument is "pass", it searches for credential files matching the pattern
and prompts the user to select one to execute the MQTT check. - If line is "ssl", it performs the MQTT check with SSL enabled using the selected credentials.
- If line does not match "pass" or "ssl", it displays an error message with usage instructions.
line (str): Command argument specifying the authentication mode.
If "pass", the function authenticates using credentials from a selected file.
If "ssl", it authenticates using SSL.
If neither, it displays an error message with usage instructions.
Executes the LookupSID tool to perform SID enumeration on a target system.
This function performs the following actions:
- Validates the target IP (rhost).
- If the line argument is "basic", it searches for credential files with the pattern
and prompts the user to select one to execute the SID lookup. - If line is "dc-target", it performs the SID lookup specifying domain controller and target IPs,
using the selected credentials. - If line does not match "basic" or "dc-target", it displays an error message with usage instructions.
line (str): Command argument specifying the lookup mode.
If "basic", the function performs a standard SID lookup.
If "dc-target", it includes -dc-ip
and -target-ip
If neither, it displays an error m...
Full Changelog: vvvrelease/0.2.8...vvvrelease/0.2.9
Generate a list of possible passwords by filling each asterisk in the input with user-specified characters.
:param line: A string containing asterisks (e.g., WebAO***7) for generating variations.
:returns: None
Prompts the user to enter characters to replace each asterisk, creates all possible combinations,
and saves them to 'sessions/passwords_refilled.txt'. If this file exists, the previous version is
renamed with a timestamp suffix.
Checks if the script is running with superuser (sudo) privileges, and if not,
restarts the script with sudo privileges.
This function verifies if the script is being executed with root privileges
by checking the effective user ID. If the script is not running as root,
it prints a warning message and restarts the script using sudo.
:return: None
Executes the Impacket netview tool to list network shares on a specified target.
This function performs the following actions:
- Checks if the target host is valid.
- If the line argument is "pass", it searches for credential files with the pattern
and allows the user to select which file to use for executing the command. - If line is "hash", it searches for a hash file and prompts the user for a username, then constructs
and executes the command with the hash. - If line does not match "pass" or "hash", it displays an error message with usage instructions.
line (str): A command argument to determine the authentication mode.
If "pass", the function searches for credential files and authenticates using the selected file.
If "hash", it uses a hash file for authentication.
If neither, it prints an error message with usage instructions.
Executes the Impacket WMIExec tool to run commands on a target system using WMI.
This function performs the following actions:
- Checks if the target IP is valid.
- If the line argument is "pass", it searches for credential files with the pattern
and allows the user to select which file to use for executing the command. - If line is "hash", it searches for a hash file and prompts the user for a username, then constructs
and executes the command with the hash. - If line does not match "pass" or "hash", it displays an error message with usage instructions.
line (str): A command argument to determine the authentication mode.
If "pass", the function searches for credential files and authenticates using the selected file.
If "hash", it uses a hash file for authentication.
If neither, it prints an error message with usage instructions.
Extracts open ports and IP address information from a specified file.
This function performs the following actions:
- Reads the specified file to find open ports.
- If not port pass as an argument, Extracts the first unique IP address found in the file.
- Prints the extracted information to the console.
line (str): The port to get information.
Full Changelog: vvvrelease/0.2.9...vvvrelease/0.2.11
Extracts open ports and IP address information from a specified file.
This function performs the following actions:
- Reads the specified file to find open ports.
- If not port pass as an argument, Extracts the first unique IP address found in the file.
- Prints the extracted information to the console.
line (str): The port to get information.
Schedules a command to run at a specified time.
This function allows users to schedule a command to execute at a specific hour and minute.
If the specified time has already passed for the current day, the command will be scheduled
to run the following day.
cron HH:MM command [args]
line (str): The input string containing the scheduled time in 'HH:MM' format followed by the command and arguments.
Full Changelog: vvvrelease/0.2.7...vvvrelease/0.2.8