This directory contains project wide documentation for things like coding standards, overall architecture descriptions, build instructions, etc.
Individual components may also include their own more detailed documentation within their subdirectories.
Note: Some documentation uses Mermaid for diagrams in addition to Markdown.
You can install Markdown Preview Enhanced for Atom or Visual Code to help render it more easily.
Here's a brief summary of some documentation suggestions to help get started:
- See for initial environment setup instructions.
- See for basic build instructions.
- See for some usage examples for applying MLOS to some code/system.
- See for notes on testing those changes.
- See for notes on debugging those changes.
Here's some documentation references describing the MLOS architecture:
Here's a document describing the layout of the repository:
We also have a collection of Troubleshooting Tips started.
See for notes on making changes to MLOS itself.