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EXIST2021 006978 gab en Pennsylvania State Rep horrifies with opening prayermooslime politican Movita Johnson-Harrell offended by the word 'Jesus' and 'God'.In a mainly Christian country praying to God/Jesus - what a scandal /sarc. It's the well-known mooslime strategy: playing the victim card and make demands.https://truepundit.com/pennsylvania-state-rep-horrifies-democrats-with-opening-prayer-at-the-name-of-jesus-every-knee-will-bow/
EXIST2021 006979 twitter en @iilovegrapes He sounds like as ass, and very condescending.
EXIST2021 006980 twitter en "@averyangryskel1 @4ARealistParty LOL! ""This behavior of not letting men tell you women what feminism is and redefine it to center us is EXACTLY why you gals don't get taken seriously!""You are sad. So sad."
EXIST2021 006981 twitter en @WanderOrange @stalliontwink Rights?I mean yeah most women especially the women in african and middle east region are discriminatedBut what basic human right do men have that women don't?Thanks to feminism
EXIST2021 006982 twitter en the jack manifold appreciation i’m seeing is on my tl tonight so beautiful
EXIST2021 006983 gab en @Feisty Why isn't this character taking a lie detector test already I'm sick of seeing his face to be honest beautiful Feisty I'd much rather see yours
EXIST2021 006984 twitter en @Bowsnonk I can’t help but torture myself reading this shit. It’s like an alternate universe. If you’re going to be a misogynist just be one, don’t try to change its definition to justify the fact that women are nothing but incubators to you
EXIST2021 006985 twitter en @njabulodhlamin3 @SonZimbabwe @ZimAround Stop regarding women as animals who forget tht they are married. They have the power 2 save their marriages. Why do u all blame men as if they force themselves on them ladies. I m nt advocating fo MEN to prey on married women. Married women should say NO. Chihure chinobva chapera
EXIST2021 006986 gab en Yeah, it is rough, but not for women. Married women don't have to worry about being aroused by their old wine husbands.On the other hand, men that can't get aroused by their old fruit wives have two choices--lots of money, or the old jar of Vaseline and a stack of greasy porn under their bed with the rancid old toilet paper.
EXIST2021 006987 gab en Although the Christian denial isn't emphasized in the linked article, look at the following about the U.S., this is the reason for my incredulity of Christian worship of Jews. For 8 years, obama forbid Syrian Christian Refugees in the U.S., Jews are silent. Trump bans travel from certain terrorist nations, Jews around the world are rending clothing, saying banning muslim terrorists is the same as the U.S. turning away Jewish refugees prior to WWII. No Jewish protests against the ban on Christians. Folks, Jews hate Christians, or at minimum are extremely condescending towards them, they do not have Christian interests in mind. The inescapable conclusion is that Jews, of course not individually but collectively, intentionally or not, are destroying Christianity world wide, and if you push the point, every once in a while, a Jewish commenter lets leak out why they, indeed, hate Christians. Jews are holding things they've never been subject to against modern Christians who never did it. Genealogy wise, Jews may not have a bloodline to Biblical Israel, and may never had ancestors victimized. • Christians respect Jews. • Jews disrespect and hate Christians. • Jews love muslims. • Muslims hate Jews. No room in America for Christian refugees http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/foreign-policy/228670-no-room-in-america-for-christian-refugees ....The rapes of Christian women and the butchery of Christian children do not count. No matter how moved Americans were this Christmas season by the plight of their fellow Christ followers in Syria and Iraq, no matter how horrific the visuals of beheadings, enslavement, and mass murder... The Christians are being raped, tortured, and murdered <u>by militias, not by the Syrian government. This technicality condemns them to continue to be victims without hope. And this technicality is being adhered to with all the tenacity with which President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s State Department manipulated quotas and created subterfuges to keep out the Jews fleeing the oppression of Nazi Germany. Obama no more wants the Middle East’s Christian refugees than Roosevelt wanted Europe’s Jewish refugees. Report: ISIS Has Crucified, Tortured Thousands of Christians in Iraq, Syria http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2015/09/29/report-isis-crucified-tortured-thousands-christians-iraq-syria/ barrack hussein obama, as president: .....lashed out against the idea of giving preference to Christian refugees, describing it as shameful: That’s not American. That’s not who we are. We don’t have religious tests to our compassion, obama had added. But, he not only lashed out against the idea of giving Christians preference, he actually arranged; by playing word games; so that Christians refugees could not enter the U.S., see the link and excerpt at the beginning of this article. Trump said, of the Christians: Yes. Yes, they’ve been horribly treated. If you were a Christian in Syria it was impossible, or at least very, very tough, to get into the United States. If you were a Muslim you could come in, but if you were a Christian, it was almost impossible and the reason that was so unfair — everybody was persecuted, in all fairness — but they were chopping off the heads of everybody but more so the Christians. And I thought it was very, very unfair. So we are going to help them. But questions of equality aside, the idea of prioritizing Christian refugees over Muslims......is not only more humane; it brings benefits to America as well.
EXIST2021 006988 gab en Does anyone remember the evil mother hating skank who disowned her own mother for being a Trump supporter? Well guess what? She still hates Trump, and she's still dribbling anti-American diatribe like a typical liberalhttps://www.smh.com.au/world/north-america/happy-birthday-america-i-m-going-to-sit-this-one-out-20180703-p4zp5l.html
EXIST2021 006989 twitter en You were publicly harassing a girl by constantly starting shit up with her whilst calling her names like “slutbag”that’s considered toxicity, which is disallowed at GOA, you were rightfully bannedhttps://t.co/z5cAQS6MgW
EXIST2021 006990 gab en women shouldn't be involved in politics tbh
EXIST2021 006991 gab en If we can blame all men for rape, why don't we blame all women for baby murder?Teach women not to murder babies!
EXIST2021 006992 twitter en monkey see monkey do ass bitches
EXIST2021 006993 gab en Women, you'll be treated by the way you act and look. If you look like a prostitute, men will treat you like one. Wake up! #THOTPATROL
EXIST2021 006994 twitter en It's good to see the woman who glued her hair is now free of the glue and has her hair intact.My question is, did the glue stop the hair growth for the month or did it still grow??
EXIST2021 006995 twitter en If I get more fans, my boyfriend will join me! You’ll get videos/photos of my pussy/mouth filled with cum, my tits/ass/face covered with cum, and shots of him fucking my face/pussy https://t.co/iWemENmL8T https://t.co/olTLzy5nAj
EXIST2021 006996 twitter en @tinasarina @_AyKam @kaasshhx The fight for feminism is the fight for equality for everyone isn’t it? But regardless, it’s not like men have a platform that they can talk about these issues without instantly being called incels or fragile.
EXIST2021 006997 twitter en This is tendentious but I will answer: pregnant women were excluded from the trials. A few women did get pregnant; they are being followed. The only fetal studies in the mRNA vaccines were in rats. They showed 2-2.3x fetal loss in rats that got the vaccine compared to placebo... https://t.co/GbieSKzdgL
EXIST2021 006998 twitter en what leads to feminism-- abuse, shame, domestic violence etc should be stopped and everyone should collectively stop it, by hand, by one's words or if not, by disliking it-- men and women should both actively speak against it, and speak against human injustice.
EXIST2021 006999 twitter en ooOoOHHH we're in a relationship look at us we're so happy and together and you're so sad and alone. how's it feel, huh? do you like it, huh? you like it, right? tell us you like it, bitch. FUCKING TELL US.
EXIST2021 007000 gab en It's hard to quantify. There are some that reject third wave feminism but embrace second wave feminism (which I think we've already achieved the goals of the second wavers). And that's why you'll hear wahmen say I identify as a feminist but I still enjoy sucking dick.
EXIST2021 007001 twitter en @HitmanHeitzie @BwanaDom65 @AndyMcGhee8 Prime for prime I think Foreman TKOs Liston. I think Liston is a tad overrated. Still appreciate him as a man and as a fighter. Just don’t think he’s as good as they make him out to be.
EXIST2021 007002 twitter en @winonasrider @LauraBockov Lovely, bit sad though when she’s talking in the article about how great their love is and he’s the perfect man for her - they were obv still together then. If only he’d stuck with Mlle Paradis and not run in to that crazy slapper, huh? Oh Johnny, Johnny, Johnny ...
EXIST2021 007003 gab en Spoken like a man!!!! I come from a family of kids born to women over 40. All just fine. MOST miscarriages are to young women.Men just want excuses to have YOUNG girls. Head up, young girls are grossed out by old men! And to them, 40 is DAD's age. Unless you're RICH & want a gold digger.
EXIST2021 007004 twitter en Anyone want to cuddle up behind me on my couch? See more like is on OnlyFans for!content each day.https://t.co/VQji2GLfaZ#kinky #alpha #alphatop #dom #top #doptop #alphadom #switch #muscle #gymboy #teamcut #bisexual #aussie #tease #exhibisionist #master #serve #cock https://t.co/LRPDtWDrBj
EXIST2021 007005 twitter en @watchfess AirplaneLegally blondeMean GirlDumb and DumberBoratThe dictatorHome alonePitch perfectDumb and dumberFerris buelersElectionScary MovieOffice SpacePrincess BrideEasy ACek toko sebelahSusah sinyalImperfectBilly and mametBridemaidsThe babysitter
EXIST2021 007006 twitter en "@ShyistGirl *his right hans giving the women a firm spank on uer right ass cheek leaving a nice red mark in the outline of a hand*""Tempt people and worse may happen"""
EXIST2021 007007 twitter en Men who say #NotAllMen are the same men whose mothers are not allowed to go out of their home without their father's permission. And they think it's beautiful.#fridaymorning
EXIST2021 007008 twitter en @heffticus ass hell! I would always want to sodomize you so impossible to be just your friend
EXIST2021 007009 twitter en @laurenboebert Tell people to wear a mask, you lying seditious skank.
EXIST2021 007010 twitter en Sucks to hear about the @CryptoFinally & @CoinDesk situation.Cant a women just have some fun without being called names because of it??? Like seriously. WTF!!!Anyway.. Ima go bid on some of her NFT's today. Maybe some extra coins will brighten up her day.אהבה אחת
EXIST2021 007011 twitter en Been a week since i worked out and man im so tired already but i need to lose weight fighting self
EXIST2021 007012 twitter en @thickiepops_art BE A WHORE!!
EXIST2021 007013 twitter en Real quick ladies, can you allow a maid to cook for your husband??Either you are home or at work..
EXIST2021 007014 twitter en @chippznuff ehhhhh i actually don't know if it would be? if you know the real actual ending then it might be fun to watch for clues throughout, idk. it's kinda slow so it might just be a long wait. the two lead women are gorgeous tho
EXIST2021 007015 twitter en @Beetlepimp @henryjruf thinks he could beat your ass what do you have to say?
EXIST2021 007016 twitter en @ARedJay1 You never wanted to spank your woman????? https://t.co/qHGTTBmaXz
EXIST2021 007017 twitter en @lelefanmix The double standard between boys and girls (or men and women) exist not just in music but overall, and has been used to keep women down and fighting each other instead of united and fighting for equality. But damned if it works all to well and I don't know why.
EXIST2021 007018 twitter en Many things to appreciate here:•Manspreading, indicating an ease with his masculinity•Nudity, indicating confidence• A bottle of bourbon that I hope a sub served to him•Last but not least a big cock waiting to be suckedMen like this make me wish I could get pregnant https://t.co/AOuxzbWjH1
EXIST2021 007019 twitter en At what point did I slut-shame anyone? I said that wasn’t how I got into uni.
EXIST2021 007020 twitter en Our #MaternalJustice tweetSTORM TONIGHT @ 8pm ET will honor the past and present of Black women's maternal health. Join us to learn more about the traumatic multigenerational history of reproductive rights & its connection to today's COVID-19 vaccine. #BHM #BlackWomensHistoryWeek https://t.co/Jbfz4TwzWh
EXIST2021 007021 twitter en "@bartleby1843 Imo there's no such thing as misandry, and if there is, it certainly has no impact on men's lives the way misogyny does on women's. Women saying ""men are trash"" is not misandry, and the fact that so many get mad at even that shows that they never faced any real oppression."
EXIST2021 007022 twitter en Virtual and on-field events discussing what it means to be a female athlete, empowerment through sport, and the importance of spaces for girls within Soccer Without Borders. Learn how SWB sites celebrated National Girls and Women in Sports Day. https://t.co/w7S5TjDUtU
EXIST2021 007023 twitter en Women demanding that they get romanced on Valentine’s Day, but are still fw multiple men, lol. Somebody finna go ALL out for today and shorty still dropping draws for a nigga that ain’t spend a dime
EXIST2021 007024 twitter en "My heart swells 10x its size when women come in the office and say ""My wife"""
EXIST2021 007025 gab en Listen Old BiddyI'm not talking about marriage per se, I'm talking about a man literally needing proof that you're still fertile and capable of bearing children. Women in their mid 30s have problems with both, especially the ones who have been riding the cock carousel since their teens. It's sad that you have to say I'm weev in a vain effort to win points. But w.e. I don't think it's very Trad of you to deny marriage as the best option either. But. hey. I realize you have to say stupid stuff to tantalize and titillate the losers you're trying to seduce -
EXIST2021 007026 twitter en Are you geigh? Why are you pressing the knee instead of the thigh,you fraudIf it was a woman’s leg,you’ll grab the thigh https://t.co/dI4gwRgoiW
EXIST2021 007027 twitter en Yes. Hell Yes. Thank you a million times over for the people that bring it all together... the crew. Because without the crew, the show doesn't go on.So, yes, absolutely, thank you to the men & women who help get the show up and ready to go day in and day out!#ThankYou https://t.co/TbBun7y7hl
EXIST2021 007028 twitter en In search of a great Makeup Artisthttps://t.co/VBqNGUKyHO
EXIST2021 007029 twitter en @ftblAIex @JesePriv tell me what they fucking responded you slag
EXIST2021 007030 twitter en @SquidVanilla @YungbludGains clearly you’re the one hurt. 1/3 women have been sexually assaulted. meaning your mom, sister, or girlfriend likely have an experience. if they were to confine in you and you said “where’s the evidence” you’re sick. but you’re a little boy still.
EXIST2021 007031 twitter en "She grins & lies back on the bed.""I'M GONNA TEASE THE FUCK OUT OF NICK ALL DAY...AND THEN I'M GONNA SIT ON HIS COCK ALL NIGHT..NOW GO,LEAVE ME TO IT...I'M SOAKING WET ALREADY"" she moans,slipping her finger inside and sucking it dry ""HMMM"" she breathes as I leave for work, erect.. https://t.co/ZBHg2CdqQ7"
EXIST2021 007032 twitter en 4 in 5 migrant women fleeing abuse are turned away from refuges because our Govt won't give them support. Sign @WEP_UK's letter to demand action today https://t.co/6M9e7lgW6B #NoWomanTurnedAway #everydaysexism #equality
EXIST2021 007033 twitter en I should have learned all this red pill #mgtow stuff in high school... I’m 27 now and it’s literally saving my life, I see now how women act, how single moms act, how men act to get women attention, how women waste their 20s parting and getting ran thru and marry a beta at 30...
EXIST2021 007034 twitter en @hornyivn I like it! And the cock tease pics are HOT!
EXIST2021 007035 twitter en And then the last one was bad THATS WHY I SAID I NEED FIVE NOT FOUR!and i almost- a l m o s t gave him chips buT HE DON'T DESERVE CHIPS !
EXIST2021 007036 twitter en @officialPdotH Because society says that a woman’s ultimate should be to be someone’s wife and if his mother likes you, then you’re a shoe in. #Patriarchy
EXIST2021 007037 gab en Hate Speech = Whatever Words someone doesn’t like?I hate the Words Gay MarriageNeeds to be changed to Soys ElopeMansplaining = I’m to dumb to Argue with you, so I’ll say you’re mansplaining. Thats All For now, more to come
EXIST2021 007038 twitter en i was just thinking how insane the whole Susan Boyle thing wasSimon Cowell through tears: this lady is a fat lady but she sings WELL!? faith in humanity restored my dear
EXIST2021 007039 twitter en @NowThatsHorny @JennysMatures Encouraging attire & suitably short skirt, indicating type of woman she is likely to be as well as being very easily accessible. Many of us still know how to do it, though with our experience, should be obvious. Those little signals can go a long way, sometimes a very long way.
EXIST2021 007040 twitter en Former BSP MP Akbar Ahmad 'Dumpy' abused me & targeted my party at a dinner engagement. He called me a traitor Muslim woman for joining BJP. I am proud of my choices, no one has the right to question them. You can't 'BJP-shame' me: BJP leader Shazia Ilmi https://t.co/g6daYGXxYA
EXIST2021 007041 twitter en Dabi said women are useless???
EXIST2021 007042 twitter en I Just Love Pretty Bitches Lmao Jacc Jacc Fucked Up Takin Me To My First Lingerie Party Cause I Been Hooked Since https://t.co/9avUtvFlkE
EXIST2021 007043 twitter en Call me ageist but I don’t think an 83 year-old should be Olympics chief? Just retire yourself and your sexist views already. https://t.co/Pr4bRQeoU1
EXIST2021 007044 twitter en @LadyJayPersists Lauren is like the one 2 grades up from mine who thought his girlfriend couldn't get pregnant if their 1st time was in the back seat. He passed sophomore biology.
EXIST2021 007045 twitter en Amanda wants one night to remember she's a woman. Malcolm wants to put his playboy hockey past behind him. What happens when a blind date goes wrong, or was it right? Can one night lead to more? Learn for FREE on KINDLE UNLIMITED! #sweetsexyromance https://t.co/aThl5YcsyP https://t.co/OPnVZK8DeQ
EXIST2021 007046 twitter en @YaThinkN Decades, nay millennia, of men holding power over women. It takes a lot for a male to overcome the prevailing patriarchy, but that is no excuse, we are all born with free will. As men we need to rely more on our natural belief in fairness and reject the instincts of #patriarchy
EXIST2021 007047 twitter en Leaders... stop normalizing sexual harassment. It’s not okay. Do not call it “fine” or “normal”. It is unacceptable. https://t.co/JZIAqF38Xc
EXIST2021 007048 gab en be afraid bitch
EXIST2021 007049 twitter en @GcRacism White women wear wigs too? And even then most wigs I’ve seen are for specific looks and aesthetics and even if it wasn’t it’s fine wtf?
EXIST2021 007050 twitter en roo is a girl too!
EXIST2021 007051 twitter en @Playful_Lynx Rarity smirks at that. As Amanda leaves to her bedroom the mare makes her way to her own chambers, not bothering to shut the door. She throws on a short skirt, no undies, and a crop top as well, overall a very revealing outfit for Amanda to look at!
EXIST2021 007052 twitter en @muchl8r @crankygirl42 There is something very attractive about it. It strikes me funny because I feel like my parents generation (at least in our circle) wanted to personalize church and make it more relevant which isn’t inherently bad but now my generation is so drawn to the traditional side.
EXIST2021 007053 twitter en If @NOIweala had been riding the cock carousel at early stage, selling her pride during her SMV, she wouldn't be where she is, young girls should learn to chase their dream and not make men their goals. you too can be great, you too can be a OKONJO Only if you Believe in yourself
EXIST2021 007054 twitter en "@RepHartzler @HouseGOP The Equality Act PROTECTS women. You don't like it because it also protects LGBTQ+ individuals from discrimination by people like you and by churches that have tried to justify discrimination as ""What Jesus Would Do"". You do not represent my values. Vote for it."
EXIST2021 007055 gab en Guys, the ball is in their court. Learn the signals, remember what no means, and for goodness sake know a cock tease when you meet one.https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/men-mistake-sexual-interest-consent-new-study-shows-165332234.html
EXIST2021 007056 gab en No, I think most women could find a guy (and I don't mean some homeless guy with AIDS) if they wanted to, regardless. But it would have to be reasonable. Like, a guy who might be a little short, maybe a little overweight, has a kid ...something like that.
EXIST2021 007057 twitter en is this ur villain origin story or something......lame ass mf https://t.co/bgZK6NtuPC
EXIST2021 007058 twitter en @JumptyKlees It really explains so much. It was done in VLD fandom at the height of the Puritan crusades
EXIST2021 007059 twitter en Atta girl @mtgreenee @RepMTG is also a #slut https://t.co/QAFI80fcjo
EXIST2021 007060 twitter en @mitchellekaroro @eattherude_dude I hope that is aimed at some women because I asked a woman if she wanted sex after a few days I had known her and she accused me of sexual harrassmentIt's a no win situation today
EXIST2021 007061 gab en WATCH: Bodycam footage shows police handcuffing journalist, telling her to act like a lady https://kek.gg/u/Fg8X https://kek.gg/u/6MLZ
EXIST2021 007062 twitter en Smoked crack by 9. Robbed a 83 year old woman at 12.Stabbed at 13.Prison for Attempted Murder at 15.1 year 1/2 free.15 years for bank robbery at 17.First Class Honours in Economics at 21.Tell me about how your toxic ‘friends’ hold you back.More Life.Bitch.
EXIST2021 007063 twitter en @Julius_Kim What’s to like .... she was a cardboard cutout, a fake arm candy wife, a First Lady with nude pics online. She never worked on her English and had the worst Christmas decorations I’ve ever seen in my entire life. And she flew to NYC to have her HAIR DONE!!
EXIST2021 007064 gab en Good, fuck that cunt lol #Biden2020
EXIST2021 007065 gab en Underage teenage girl looks to get gangbanged on #Tinder.#TinderThots - Part 891
EXIST2021 007066 twitter en "@lunaticgazes ""I am going to blatantly objectify video game women and then complain when people call me a sexist."""
EXIST2021 007067 twitter en Being locked is a very sexually frustrating and liberating thing. It’s a beautiful confusion that can fog up a f@gs mind. Leave it to the man to tease you with the cock he carries between his legs and show his superiority of you https://t.co/u3sthFeV6A
EXIST2021 007068 twitter en Choose - I kill you or rape you' and 'Why would I need a condom?' This is the kind of torment that women are facing in #Tigray! Take action now #BoycottEthiopianRosesStop funding the #TigrayGenocide NOW! @VP @POTUS @FLOTUS @AldiUK @Aldi_Ireland @DHLUS https://t.co/Z3KjwO4Ma4
EXIST2021 007069 twitter en also not on now misandry shit cause i believe in balance OF THE SEXES BUT WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU WANNA DO THE SHIT A MAN DOES AND BEHAVE AS A MAN WOULD AS A WHOLE WOMAN?NO LIKE SHIT FOR ME
EXIST2021 007070 twitter en 2 in 3 women are raped or harassed in their lifetime, globally. 95% of rapists are men and 90% of rape victims are women. You can #NotAllMen me all you like, but this is a systemic problem of male violence. Not all men, but enough men do that we live in fear of male violence. https://t.co/ooNPp4BCDi
EXIST2021 007071 gab en https://78.media.tumblr.com/48eb3176d85e2c931265636c5b350571/tumblr_owydjaJVu31vk1vm0o1_1280.jpg#gamergate
EXIST2021 007072 twitter en This is so depressing... imagine being this much of a cock block https://t.co/38bSIWM4J4
EXIST2021 007073 twitter en checkmate feminists!
EXIST2021 007074 twitter en "There are a bunch of these shirts that are like ""haha he has a beer belly and she has a baby belly"". Just once I'd like to see it switched up so that the woman is the one with the beer belly shirt https://t.co/dtwOqHHAzo"
EXIST2021 007075 twitter en @johnpavlovitz It's not mansplaining to point out when someone is lying and making a coldly calculated political move.You're such a sucker.
EXIST2021 007076 twitter en ShaSha’s “Something About You” is an absolute slapper https://t.co/TaeSMh2jli
EXIST2021 007077 twitter en @trit0ps @tommy_hotdogs I don’t know how Women can attempt to “date” in this day & age. Sadly, ya need to have a Brother(s) who can kick their Azz. Most are pu%#ies who won’t do anything for fear of retribution.
EXIST2021 007078 twitter en """Walks out on the TL with her very short mini skirt"""
EXIST2021 007079 twitter en @rnesmeeslullaby bimbos were quite literally created to please men’s fantasies ppl can warp that into whatever they want but the stereotypical bimbo is an overly sexual airhead. all i’m saying is it isn’t helping feminism in any way it’s a very small demographic of women.
EXIST2021 007080 gab en Read Snow Crash, its the motherfucking tits. Read it before the movie comes out to make yourself cooler.
EXIST2021 007081 twitter en @larainenewman Just for a change why not a scene of a woman *dining* naked and then doing the thingy with a tablecloth?
EXIST2021 007082 twitter en "@DAnthonyPhD @MrsFarrakhan ""There is no such thing as a no good woman. She is no good because a man made her that way.""Those two sentences contradict one another."
EXIST2021 007083 gab en First it's a day without immigrants. Now we have a day without women. Why don't we have a day without liberals. We could really get some things done then. ~Quoted from another site
EXIST2021 007084 twitter en some tits in the dms https://t.co/RLYBT6PCrr
EXIST2021 007085 twitter en Some of us guys are the main reason why ladies don't like to help or trust guys, because some guy they had trusted and helped in the past took advantage of them
EXIST2021 007086 gab en I just don't get it. It's like she WANTED it to be race related. ?It seems to me if someone is trying to reduce the prevalence of racism, that's not how you'd go about it.https://www.westernjournal.com/ct/sheila-jackson-lee-says-unthinkable-killing-black-girl-black-man
EXIST2021 007087 gab en she's attacking enemies of the jews on here CONSTANTLY. 'nuff said. fuck that cunt
EXIST2021 007088 twitter en @bazineapologist @shithlord I think she was just playing the long game to save her career. I’m not necessarily saying I agree with it but I understand it given the time and place she lived. She knew exactly how to play up the dumb blonde persona and used it to her advantage.
EXIST2021 007089 gab en Fraternities, lodges, priesthoods, all will be brought under the domination of the nanny configuration and forced to admit buzzkilling bitches.
EXIST2021 007090 twitter en What this poll is telling us is that, Guys are good listeners but ladies don't talk https://t.co/n3puVhFolV
EXIST2021 007091 twitter en @_BarringtonII There is a huge difference between equality and feminism. Feminism has set women back.
EXIST2021 007092 twitter en @marshall_neece @LindaHa29825297 @grandtheftporn @TheRightMelissa 1/2 God created us as His human imagers, with a free will to CHOOSE whether we will love and obey Him. God created male and female. God instituted marriage between a man and woman. Scripture is clear that ANY sexual activity outside of the covenant bond of matrimony is forbidden.
EXIST2021 007093 twitter en And here we are. A vast misunderstanding of both gender ideology and criticism. Feminism is about the female, not the feminine. Ditch the gender markers and free our sex. @KirstySNP maybe you're actually a femal(e)ist.
EXIST2021 007094 twitter en @s00m3u get your fancam out of the tomasito hashtag. skank
EXIST2021 007095 twitter en Definitely. When i imagined myself in a marriage, i thought it would be boring and dreadful, so i planned on becoming a busy man's trophy wife so he wouldn't be around that much. And i also thought that i wouldn't mind if he cheats on me, as long as we didn't have any kids https://t.co/lOMh4vopmN
EXIST2021 007096 twitter en @SamsungIndia @SamsungMobile I am a customer who’s been #harassed. You have turned a calm customer to the most annoyed. I regret to be a #brandloyal customer. I will go to #consumercourt #stopcustomerharassment #stopharassment
EXIST2021 007097 twitter en Naughty 20 year old girl is looking for a tamer who will sodomize her strongly enters her onlyfans special for only $ 3 a month and watches all her anal, lesbian and much penetration https://t.co/dCVCt7ZER5 https://t.co/K5TFll5OZG
EXIST2021 007098 twitter en @michelemorrow Haha nice joke feminazi haha like all the 275 riot in 2020 all the people they attack and business destroy and people murder more than 1000 cop injured like that didn't happen with blm and antifa mob the so called peaceful protesters the so called summer of Love
EXIST2021 007099 twitter en @mcfcdante Looks like it isnt only most women who dont understand the offside rule very well mate
EXIST2021 007100 gab en Jonathan Yaniv accused of trying to share child porn, sexual harassment of minors.Jonathan Yaniv; enjoys playing dress-up like a girl.The Post Millennial: Jessica Jonathan Yaniv accused of trying to share child porn, sexual harassment of minors.https://daviddrakesplace.blogspot.com/2019/07/jonathan-yaniv-accused-of-trying-to.html
EXIST2021 007101 twitter en How can we survive in this surrounding?Case no (430/2019), (242/2019)PS Kotwali Gaya -823001#harassed#pannic#Abusive #spoilfuture @PMOIndia @officecmbihar @narendramodi @NitishKumar @rajnathsingh @RenuDeviMLA @bihar_police @ZeeBiharNews https://t.co/O2rB6Iu8Cx
EXIST2021 007102 twitter en @ladypen85 WTF? Rubbish, you dont look anywhere near 50 and nothing like a prostitute!!!
EXIST2021 007103 twitter en Women be sniffing for bitches that don’t even exist .
EXIST2021 007104 twitter en @JudgeDewie I like Netflix. In an ironic twist of fate, I'm watching it now. Something called Bonding. Very good. 17 minute episodes. Long enough to cover the important bits, short enough to hold the attention. Alot like a mini skirt.
EXIST2021 007105 twitter en @sacrediconpod @Halo You just brought back several repressed memories. Thank you.
EXIST2021 007106 gab en If you like Sheldon Cooper's Fun with Flags you'll love Fun Facts About Swed-Muslim. The country of Swed-Muslim loves evil #Muslims, #Islam, and #feminism but hates actual Christian Swedish people. #maga #gabfam #speakfreely #banislam #banmuslims #refugees #islamisevil #protectwomen #protectkids
EXIST2021 007107 gab en http://ussanews.com/News1/2017/06/13/liberals-triggered-by-sessions-mansplaining-to-democrat-kamala-harris/
EXIST2021 007108 gab en Very tricky, always a problem, and the answer is not accurately expressible in words:You subcommunicate that you are eagerly searching for a girl who meets your high standards and who will submit to your severe demands.
EXIST2021 007109 twitter en i want a nontoxic woman but i still want her to spank me
EXIST2021 007110 gab en Why Girls Love the Badboy (Youtube Reply):There comes a point where what women want is not going to be what men want and that will finally start to have consequences. Our society has been obsessed with what gets modern women excited, but considering women have opted for progressiveness and independence, all these notions of me me me are going to appear more and more absurd and contradictory with time. You mention all the reasons she might like the badboy and most center around security in a world that's never been more secure in history. This shows just how inflexible their wish list is, and how unwilling they are to compromise for a partner even if those compromises offer something sustainable long term. I completely understand where you're coming from and it's not women's fault for their genetic desires. But what will come at a cost to them is their blatant ignorance on what men want. Most men court women rather than passively waiting for them to approach because they're raised to believe she is better than all this. We're raised to see her as someone that values organic companionship, trust, loyalty and compatibility. Women however continue to preserve their own fantasy while completely destroying the fantasy of men. And while most men have abandoned their fantasy; showing a willingness in hard times to even dig through the junkyard scraps of single moms, sluts, feminists, and emotionally absent relics of femininity... This will eventually come to an end if women do not decide to meet us in the middle somewhere. Why? Social media has expedited the redpill in a way that even young men are being exposed to truths they shouldn't be facing till their 30's. Women in the past got they wanted by preserving some of (our) fantasy. Instead, we get Tinder results and porn, while they get their bad boys and the baggage he leaves them with.
EXIST2021 007111 twitter en @holliedemi don’t ever message me again you fkn little slag
EXIST2021 007112 twitter en Last night I had a dream I was driving my old Ford Explorer. RIP My Boy Blue. The brakes barely worked too. Next thing I know I am in this weird hotel room setup working on a laptop. I need a snack, but this smaller woman dressed as a Nun is pacing around the room.
EXIST2021 007113 twitter en i'm straight but i'm also allergic to women lol haha
EXIST2021 007114 twitter en @Iuvstrck literally none of ur business. come fight me whore. idgaf.
EXIST2021 007115 twitter en In the last class we had for Reproductive Justice we watched a documentary that really exposed the injustices against women of color back in the day. One of the things that really hit home was hearing how some of these women were sterilized without their consent. #njcurj
EXIST2021 007116 twitter en @zamiwrld If women can get titties and ass why can’t we get some abs !!
EXIST2021 007117 twitter en @NaruFanAccount bitch how are you real you look like a princess
EXIST2021 007118 twitter en @theepgsix @salchimamas Whatever just stop being a lil child and be a man grab some lube or whatever and pleasure your own self and you won't have to worry about blue balls if a woman is not going to give it up to you get over it
EXIST2021 007119 gab en Feminism was never anything to do with achieving (impossible) equality between the sexes but merely a weapon to be used against the West to deconstruct our civilisation.
EXIST2021 007120 twitter en Sounds like the woman in the car down the street. https://t.co/X7EzI1i8y4
EXIST2021 007121 twitter en @GypsyRox1 @rfrdrch To fall back on a cliché, men want to fix things so they always try to instead of just listening and nodding. Don't @ me #NotAllMen
EXIST2021 007122 gab en A bit of classic manspreading here, by Donald, hust to wind up any feminist libtards.https://i.imgur.com/JzB9SKe.jpg#Trump#manspreading#puertorico
EXIST2021 007123 twitter en "The mere identity as a ""trophy wife"" is insulting. There are many situations in which those involved do actually have feelings for one another. Think of the era of arranged marriages. Love is something that can exist in places where you never thought it would. https://t.co/ZjXPDL62U5"
EXIST2021 007124 twitter en @pinkschkies @izletter1 @2jrs_blink @reginatwiceu @datzuyi @jisoolavie @JiBikunn @Farshad09495132 @l_u_n_a_v @ChaeGuss @Mitchieblink @twice_bestgroup @BP1OUTSOLD Not you're being part of the most toxic fandom, I don't know if you're blind or you're stupid, you must know your fandom is so obsessed with TWICE, they keeps on discrediting TWICE and other artists, and after all of that they start pulling the VICTIM CARD, y'all are so funny
EXIST2021 007125 gab en I'd wager they have no idea what Sharia Law is. Recalling one vid that women don't know what Conscription is and they agreed for women to be Conscripted. Even though they have no idea what it is.
EXIST2021 007126 twitter en honorable mention is puccis brother Weather cause this man did not deserve 2 get l*nch*d for wanting that lil white girl then she killed herself he didn't deserve ANYTHING THAT HAPPENED https://t.co/xnjM3yfCIF
EXIST2021 007127 twitter en Learning loads from the Totally Really Pro-Women Feminist movement about how women are all actually too dumb to understand how dangerous trans women are to them - only men really understand it, and have to explain it to them for their own good. https://t.co/SizBLLX054
EXIST2021 007128 twitter en @thedirtyhippie_ What a business it is! Why do you believe the testimonies of the comfort women (prostitutes)? They don't have any proof. It's just a fabricated story that started in the 1990s.I'm going to send some documents and you can take a look at them.
EXIST2021 007129 twitter en "Those are the reasons why feminism keeps being amplified by all means & available instrument, to fight against the ingrained toxic mindset in society's values & norms about how women should behave. ""Woman is always right"" slogan exist to depreciated their everyday's struggle. Sad https://t.co/HZig3HGPoa"
EXIST2021 007130 twitter en "@peachyun49 i hate this new ""i need a nosejob. i'll be happy when i get a nosejob"" wave thats going on its so dumb and whats sad its literally like only women who are trying to sell this to other women like its a new form of self hatred"
EXIST2021 007131 twitter en @MollYour I will also be looking into professional orgs that some of these blue checks belong to and seeing if they have broken any conduct rules in slurring feminists with the T word. I do not accept the word terf. I never claimed it. I'm a feminist. full stop.
EXIST2021 007132 gab en #fantasy #Art #girl
EXIST2021 007133 gab en @TheEthicalRebel Your comment brings this verse to mind: Isaiah 4:1 And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach. That day is coming & #feminists are the 7 women.
EXIST2021 007134 twitter en "People will tell me: ""Ur a girl you can't know sports like baseball, hockey, football, and basketball""Me: ""I've probably seen more sporting events than u have combined.""My biggest pet peeve is men degrading women who actually know sports like it's a thing yes we know what 1/2"
EXIST2021 007135 twitter en This page my wife and I released simply because I learned the magic formula to get rid of your accumulated fat promptly & refurbish future health https://t.co/upKWDa2feV
EXIST2021 007136 gab en Ann Coulter (dumb blonde)
EXIST2021 007137 twitter en @BigTone_1988 Yo momma so fat dat bitch be using mattresses as tampons
EXIST2021 007138 gab en Conservative rinos, who's opinion changes as the wind blows. The could easily be a liberal at the next election cycle. Also they stick their dicks into anything that walks and think having the trophy wife will make up for infidelity and/or alimony payments.
EXIST2021 007139 twitter en i love when 90 lb mentally ill vegan leftist women try to tell me what they’d do to me.bro I’m 6’2” 215 of I could literally kill you with a punch.
EXIST2021 007140 twitter en @rcasten1983 @audreyy_kaye Why? Feminism was fine originally but 3rd wave feminism is actually disguised Communism.
EXIST2021 007141 twitter en Done! This didn't happen without a goal and effort encouraging young women and supporting them. I respect @afisherteach for her drive & commitment!Computer Science is an important part of @BellaireHigh's future So glad we have her leadership to build our program! #CardinalProud https://t.co/IQURL5gqV5
EXIST2021 007142 twitter en @RepAndyBiggsAZ Go read the bible and simply love your neighbor FCS! Stop with the homophobic BS. LGBTQ rights are HUMAN RIGHTS! GUEEEZUS! You #GQP always playing the VICTIM card while VICTIMIZING others. Get a life you corrupted criminals #FakeChristians! #EnoughisEnough
EXIST2021 007143 twitter en https://t.co/Of8axF4XXj.NOT.ACCEPTABLE - what if it was your family member it was happening to? #think #harassed #ukrunchat #runners #femalerunner #harassedrunners #unacceptable https://t.co/uPjtSm0s8J
EXIST2021 007144 twitter en The state’s power plants were not prepared for the frigid temperatures that accompanied the storm. Natural gas, coal and nuclear plants – which provide the bulk of Texas’ power in the winter –were knocked offline, and wind turbines froze, too. via @NYTimes https://t.co/4cSvh3lWvl
EXIST2021 007145 twitter en """so i don't look like a russian whore?""pop: ""no, i'd say you look like a french whore."""
EXIST2021 007146 twitter en @GeeGeeAkili The fact that they are still terrified of the fat orange blob at Mar a Lago speaks volumes about their lack of spine. I still think he has a load of kompromat on a lot of them that he is holding over them. Remember the RNC was hacked the same time as the DNC.
EXIST2021 007147 twitter en @szasolo feminism is when you believe cis men are bad and nothing more
EXIST2021 007148 twitter en I hate successful women https://t.co/35dlMx8QYm
EXIST2021 007149 gab en #Tucker Carlson, 01Oct2018:Do you think it's within bounds of reasonable political discourse for a Georgetown University professor to call for genocide?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-Zesvhq8us#t=14m25s^ the fact that HONESTLY HE HAS TO ASK THIS** tells you how bad the #narrative from the #collectivist left has skewed so intensely in opposition to liberty, equality, human rights, dignity, basic logic, sanity, etc.#WhiteGenocide#Patriarchy#MalePrivilege#NameTheTribe** notice Georgetwon University openly DEFENDS their #racist professor -- because being so openly racist is only #OkIfNonWhite
EXIST2021 007150 twitter en @JennysMatures A very appropriate outfit to encourage a man to make most of her. Open front top & breasts easily accessible, leather skirt, short for easy access. A finishing touch, which I often add, is acknowledgement of lowly status as mere woman, a curtsy, a smile, & “Please use me, Sir.”
EXIST2021 007151 gab en Pastel-goth seems pretty fitting for a girl like you. I like.
EXIST2021 007152 twitter en @HillaryClinton You're a mudering slutbag, who deserves prison time
EXIST2021 007153 gab en if you're not supposed to hit women cuz men are bigger and stronger, does that rule become reversed when women become fatter and bigger than men? will we be able to slap the shit outta whores with no threat of repercussions?? nope? bout what i expected.
EXIST2021 007154 twitter en @runewarrior @RadioFreeTom this is a bullshit take in every conceivable way but suffice it to say that if your premise were true, and sexual harassment and abuse of power were the result of people feeling 'forced' to confirm to heterosexual norms, then there would be no sexual harassment of women by men
EXIST2021 007155 gab en Female teachers get get away with raping 13 y/o boys and...Illinois teen faces felony charge for recording conversation with school principals#mgtow #boysmatter #toxicfemininity #DoubleStandardshttps://www.wivb.com/news/national/illinois-teen-faces-felony-charge-for-recording-conversation-with-school-principals/1259107470
EXIST2021 007156 gab en The #LGBT brainwashing continues in our #schools. https://bit.ly/2BZyFsn #teachers #education #parents #gender #FeminismIsCancer #MRAs #redpill #UKIP #Labour #Brexit #ForBritain #ToxicFeminism #manosphere #masculine #feminazi #Corbyn #BritFam
EXIST2021 007157 gab en if you need such help toppling your country from a male in the wh, you don't deserve any freedom!
EXIST2021 007158 twitter en With that spank she was given, her ass would jiggle underneath her clothing. Leaning in close, she gave the woman a kiss on the lips.“Duh. Why do you think women crave me?”And another smooch. https://t.co/kcaoS9gHqd
EXIST2021 007159 twitter en @MenRightsIndia Bangalore had gone #MGTOW or what!!! that she is unable to find a SIMP or male feminist or women worshipper
EXIST2021 007160 twitter en "Lmao!!""When satan is tired, he sends a woman""... satan wey dey learn work?"
EXIST2021 007161 twitter en @SusanKSullivan_ @thekintnerboy1 @be_ibop @KoNsTiiiii @Kaizo_DAVID @marilynmanson Being falsely accused of rape can completely destroy someone's life, even if they later prove their innocence. Here in the UK we've had people losing their businesses, wrongly imprisoned, and at least one suicide.https://t.co/bCAIMIF8W7
EXIST2021 007162 twitter en “YoU’rE a FeMaLe!?” MA’AM HAVE YOU LOOKED AT YOURSELF!? You look like a man. My hope is smart as fuck and it’s not just “9 mOnThS oF cUtTiNg HaIr” being a hair stylist and dealing with a CUNT like you is part of it too. So take your ignorance elsewhere and fuck off https://t.co/yG3OyrbyWz
EXIST2021 007163 gab en Pedos are on the right too. Former speaker of the House, the Reagan-era pageboy scandal, etc. They used to refer to the GOP as Gay Old Pedophiles. They are corporate sellouts who know how to pretend to be puritan.
EXIST2021 007164 twitter en @Danny_Bites women are temporarymen will always be there for youyou can hit me and @icymochaboi from the back tonight if itll cheer you up slugger
EXIST2021 007165 twitter en @ArcherSZN i was watching a wholesome girl get gangbanged with kindness and family problems where was the entertainment??
EXIST2021 007166 twitter en @thesamsorbo Shut up you bint
EXIST2021 007167 twitter en Love a bit of cheeky sexual harassment on stream when I’m having a rubbish day
EXIST2021 007168 twitter en Today, #Switzerland celebrates its 50th anniversary as a full democracy. In 1971, Swiss women eventually became citizens by getting the right to vote & to be eligible on the national level. At that point, this right already existed ~120 nations. #patriarchy https://t.co/tCExfMNa5s
EXIST2021 007169 twitter en @corbynbesson omg youre so beautiful
EXIST2021 007170 twitter en @Chucky1369420 Aye man it's all good bro. Just as long as you safe and having a good time man. #justchecking
EXIST2021 007171 twitter en "@raymon62435557 Tbh sometimes I'm embarrassed to be a human. Just imagine aliens watching us. They would be like:""fuck this shit we're out"""
EXIST2021 007172 twitter en @HITWOM4N @JustinWhang Man eats noodles... #GamerGate at fault
EXIST2021 007173 gab en Apparently, I must have missed out on that white privledge gene because I suck at math. Maybe I need to go research a little deeper into my family tree. Or maybe I'm just a dumb blonde. Would one cancel out the other?#Stereotypes #Cliches #WhitePriviledge #Blondes #DumbBlondes #Math #Racists
EXIST2021 007174 gab en @Heartiste that the embodiment of Christian character, John McCain, divorced the wife that stood by him while he was a POW after she was crippled in a car accident, in order to marry a trophy wife heiress who stole drugs for two years from a charitable organization of which she was president. https://bit.ly/2wfbQNQ
EXIST2021 007175 twitter en How to tease daddy’s cock https://t.co/CR6pAK1c8Z
EXIST2021 007176 twitter en "@Caitlyn_Jenner Someone needs educating...""There's nothing equal or fair about your transgender 'equality' order, President Biden - all it will do is destroy women's sports, damage women's rights, and turn people against the trans cause.""https://t.co/iV6ja2uGwG"
EXIST2021 007177 twitter en @USATRUMPMAN1 Hey valentine coming a good gift would be use a can of gold paint and spray a rock. I bet she love it since she a gold digger https://t.co/x1BcB9NHz4
EXIST2021 007178 twitter en @SAlNTLYY do you want to put more filters on your photo you ugly slag
EXIST2021 007179 twitter en """W"" is for Waldo a French artist that typically includes women in his art. Don't have any links. Well-presented bottom, doncha think? https://t.co/JeXmjz0BUf"
EXIST2021 007180 twitter en @aliciasadowski6 Oh, drug & rape accusation in 2012? Yrs, we all know daddy was cop commish...
EXIST2021 007181 twitter en Many of our cinema fraternity in Chennai facing a #jobloss are being #harassed by #creditcard & bank callers - on their numbers & also their relatives in the same home. Seems like they have access to #Aadhaar details of everyone at the address. How is this allowed @UIDAI @RBI ??
EXIST2021 007182 twitter en "@theashthompson Besides, men are biologically stronger than women. They naturally have more strength and can cause more damage. I hate when people disregard that and say ""that has nothing to do with that."" It has everything to do with it! 2/2"
EXIST2021 007183 twitter en pls nobody tell that women rights are important or something for looking cool. all mouth and no action...#feminists #WomensRights #feminist #Feministe https://t.co/0e8YsqjeIG
EXIST2021 007184 gab en https://www.waaytv.com/content/news/Madison-Co-probate-court-recognizes-aborted-fetus-as-person-with-legal-rights-506690421.html?fbclid=IwAR2_TxrLzVJs37j9ulAwK4nmPKYMiywyfjd9cx1kOk0KlMHwkh-yR17hL-0https://www.personhoodal.com/uploads/7/7/9/1/7791541/baby_roe_complaint_-_date_stamped_for_public_release-1.pdf1) Fuck everyone involved who is still alive.2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m1EFMoRFvY3) By his own terms, and his terms are accurate, he is an accessory to murder. Bitch, you're not the victim here. You either a) put a baby in someone who you knew or should have known would kill said baby or b) you gave babies to people with reckless disregard to whether they would kill them. It is not uncommon for this demographic to kill babies so you had a duty to vet them for their murderous tendencies. This is no different than if you hire a baby sitter who either a) you know kills children or 2) was a member of a group who had a 23% (https://www.guttmacher.org/news-release/2017/abortion-common-experience-us-women-despite-dramatic-declines-rates) rate of killing children and you didn't bother to ask or run a background check. If you did this you would rightfully (inb4 court shouldn't exist) be charged with negligent homicide.4) Aside from the fact that this is Alabama, I don't know how you got standing. Legally, you're just some guy. Because that's what you CHOOSE to be. You can't DNA test someone at the embryonic stage so there is no way for you to establish you status as anything other than some guy. MORALLY, you're just some guy. If I was arbitrator of AnCapistan I'd tell you to go fuck yourself and get out of my office. Even if you could establish paternity that's what I would tell you (though I have a let the chips fall where they may perspective on non established parties in abortion cases so if you dealt with it yourself I'd tell their heirs to gtfo too, and I acknowledge that that's not really an option you have under statism. But I don't gaf because you had SO many other options here.)5) This fence sitting that men do is getting retarded. (Yes, women allow it; I bitch at them enough.) You either want the title or you don't. If you want the title, then get up off your ass, get a fucking job, commit, and head the family. If you don't want the title, fine, then do what you're gonna do, but when shit doesn't go your way you have no rights because you have no responsibilities. You're not head of the family on days you feel like it. You either are or you aren't. If you choose that you aren't then you're just some guy when decisions have to be made, including non-murder-y decisions of course, because women can't rely on you so they are going to rely on themselves.6) No, I do not care more about the fact that this will create disincentives for clinics to commit feticide. Feticide (as a form of birth control anyway) is a symptom of people arranging their lives in new and interestingly stupid ways, not the other way around. If he was married to her I'd have *SOME* sympathy, but still tell him that he needed to vet better.
EXIST2021 007185 twitter en #20 A DAY WITHOUT A WOMAN, CELEBRATING INTERNATION WOMEN'S DAY, 2021, 21 matter seriesWHERE SHE'S BEING UNDERESTIMATED?➡Committed change-makers➡Capable of powering economies➡Driving progress.#farheendhanjal #InternationalWomensDay#DayWithoutAWoman https://t.co/554XhOhIi3
EXIST2021 007186 gab en And this my children is the origin of the dumb blonde jokes..Doctors at Johns Hopkins have discovered the peroxide seeps through the scalp & eats away the protective layer of the brain..
EXIST2021 007187 gab en Rabid kikeratfag who made transmission of AIDS a misdemeanor in CA now trying to sodomize that state's lawful gun owners with new draconic regs. It will never end. Cleanse them with fire. https://www.guns.com/2018/08/31/california-lawmakers-bump-gun-age-to-21-ban-gun-show-enact-long-arm-rationing/
EXIST2021 007188 twitter en LOOOL bare women liking the tweet
EXIST2021 007189 gab en Terminator Goes All Female Despite Ghostbusters & Ocean's 8 Failing.#Hollywood seems determined to ruin all the good films. New #Terminator film as banned all men, yes it's all vagina and all female. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZNLKW9jy7o#manosphere #MRAs #feminazi #gender #redpill #mgtow #FeminismIsCancer #misandry
EXIST2021 007190 twitter en Bitch I already told you it was good lol https://t.co/dCkskBoMtk
EXIST2021 007191 twitter en @_courtneymaria @mslippy4 @Angelo2Saucey @alexx_colboth Also, it was never my intention to blame all women, but rather to highlight the prevalence of women that believe men only have value if they're well-off financially.
EXIST2021 007192 twitter en What I require, I can also provide. You can’t Lil girl me
EXIST2021 007193 twitter en Started with assaulting people at the first Trump rally in San Diego. Even women being hit & police stood by. Disgraceful chapter in US history. https://t.co/fF3DdfzeDt
EXIST2021 007194 twitter en people who are against feminism are just scared of powerful women.
EXIST2021 007195 twitter en @BoogieBankss Are you saying you don’t compliment women in general when they deserve it? Only women you trying to fuck? I’m genuinely trying to understand your thought process.
EXIST2021 007196 twitter en "@RachelCleves @emilynussbaum The worst for me was what became a regular tic in the Midwest (at least), where people about to say something even remotely pro-woman would say, ""I'm not a feminazi, but..."""
EXIST2021 007197 twitter en @UglyBitchJaeee @jamesbleak2 @ThinkLikeRandy @WilHovaJr Go cook for your husband honey and stop looking for fights with guys online.
EXIST2021 007198 twitter en "Top female runners speak out over abuse & harassment on streets - ""It's not fair and it’s not acceptable whatsoever. The more people speak out and say their experiences, the more their voices will be heard.” #EverydaySexismhttps://t.co/hGXqKPdX6G"
EXIST2021 007199 twitter en Most men enjoy the pursuit, it's fun, Especially men in their 20sMost women also enjoy the emotional turmoil of treating them bad, it make them feel like they are with a confident manSo if you are the no stress type, find a no stress man https://t.co/XE1vnJamGZ
EXIST2021 007200 twitter en So this just a normal day for the French team huh ? They definitely gangbanged after the WC final . I have no doubts anymore ! https://t.co/oAkNBSA5R1
EXIST2021 007201 gab en It seems very ironic for a woman to be discussing abortion on Christmas - I suppose we know who's dying next... Her or the one getting the 8 year old drunk.
EXIST2021 007202 twitter en look at this miserable bastard, you’d think Manchester United FC gangbanged his Mrs https://t.co/V3rmEp08Ay
EXIST2021 007203 twitter en Sis don’t ever cook for a man that is not your husband. Don’t cook for his friends. Only cook for him to eat because you’re hungry
EXIST2021 007204 twitter en New episode of the podcast up now. I praise the Patrice documentary and we break down a “Beige Phillip” principle about attraction. We also get into Boosie’s comments about Michael B. Jordan and Lori Harvey. #PodernFamily #redpill #MGTOW #MRA #manospherehttps://t.co/t6U3vhS5WZ
EXIST2021 007205 twitter en @michelleebtw Shut up u slag
EXIST2021 007206 gab en tl;dr version is ignore all the hate, just buy the game goyim!http://archive.is/Ig6Qv#gamergate
EXIST2021 007207 twitter en @jasmine007a Just wanna squeeze those tits while sucking on them
EXIST2021 007208 twitter en @SolTheStreamer Shit man. Take as long of a break you need. I'm not good with comforting people but I guess I can try. Everything will be ok. We all care about you man....
EXIST2021 007209 twitter en Bitch you runnin ya mouth about me being a crack whore but yet you in the trap getting gangbanged
EXIST2021 007210 twitter en Handsome on a frigid Super Bowl Sunday https://t.co/1WuuixW154
EXIST2021 007211 gab en THE DECLARATION OF KANNA =)by Loki Rikako Oryohttps://youtu.be/4cw0jSj2W7MOK GUYS -------> TIME TO MIGRATE OVER TO THE REAL TWITTER --------> RikakoOryo @twitter _LokisKingdom_ @TWITTER will no longer be updatedBut my GAB IS NOT GOING FUCKING A N Y W H E R E ------- 666 ------- =D6666666666666666666666666666666666666699999999999999999999999999999999999999Please respond Ross, I'm in pain, you're my case worker(censored the best thing ever, i hate u funimation, and u hate the constitition and America, u work with Akane Suzumia but unlike her I genuinely dislke u, psycho pass is meaningless to u scum, u only care about money)Middle finger!!!!!!tu.be/1y0WHGxgkU8光Ross, I know this is a bad situation for you, I was mean to you, but you are my case worker. I need your help now. You are my case worker. Please G...RRoss AndersonHi Johan, I am sorry you are feeling abused and unheard by the inpatient staff. I am currently sick and cannot provide a fair response to your emai...光to Ross4 minutes agoDetailsSounds good Ross,Kevin Rohani is also sick after losing in court that hard until he cried for three hours for it to stop.Why is the japanese character for light, a mental disorder.You would have to be a bigot against Japanese people, Religion, Art, Atheism, freedom & democracy itself to think this would have remotely helped you in court.Hitler would be proud of you.Done seeking names, Cannot top this one,Pondering a name change to a final decision, is not remotely a mental disorder dude.I am now free from your abusive system.https://youtu.be/4cw0jSj2W7MTtyl ROSS,LET'S CHAT AFTERWARDS-LOKI RIKAKO ORYO 1 6 1 SendGIFScore Loki @LokisKingdomHome MENU Loki × TipolJ News USA @TipolJ-USA 20 minutes ago America has a serious rodent traitor problem, some people are sick of living in it and sick of paying for it !!! 4 13 3 Write a comment... Send GIF Score TipolJ News USA TipolJ News USA @TipolJ-USA Taking Pride in the destruction of America and everything GOOD inside it 2 Reply · Repost · Quote · 13 minutes ago TipolJ News USA TipolJ News USA @TipolJ-USA WHERE ARE THE GOOD GUYS ? WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE STANDING with the ONLY MAN Holding the Gates of Hell ? 1 Reply · Repost · Quote · 11 minutes ago TipolJ News USA TipolJ News USA @TipolJ-USA Taking Pride in the destruction of America and everything GOOD inside it 1 Reply · Repost · Quote · 14 minutes ago TipolJ News USA TipolJ News USA @TipolJ-USA Taking Pride in the destruction of America and everything GOOD inside it 2 Reply · Quote · 19 hours agoLoki @LokisKingdomhttps://gab.com/TipolJ-USA/posts/50478133 @TipolJ-USA =\ =] shakes hed.... Good lord.... What is even going on in this world? =) Please feel free to make an appearance on my gab at any time you wish. I'll try to highlight your posts when I see them. I'll remember your name friend. -LOKI RIKAKO ORYO 2 Reply · Quote · 19 hours agoLoki @LokisKingdomhttps://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6pc6kl&ved=...Batman the Animated Series S01E12 - Joker's favor - video dailymotionwww.dailymotion.com 1 Reply · Quote · 15 hours agoLoki @LokisKingdom 1 Reply · Quote · 16 hours agoLoki @LokisKingdomhttps://gab.com/LokisKingdom/posts/49856798 1 Reply · Quote · 19 hours agoLoki @LokisKingdom#gamergate #anime #war 1 Reply · Quote · 16 hours ago
EXIST2021 007212 gab en to me honest wonderful audience: soon i ll be writing about Afghanistan and the installation of the felonious racketeering antitrust law violating so called kosher food and goods tax which funds the genetic jewish people, [addendum1:=>] and those peeps who're of all races who subsume (is subsume corretc word here?, lookit up) the genetic jew religion #Judaism #aCrime #criminality because of the way the kosher tax is being forced upon us with no option to reject that felonious so called kosher tax (tax, my arse;,: #highwayrobbery 's more like it) , synogogues and the cash moneys used to; fund the genetic jews and those people who're of all races who subsume the genetic jews religion of #judaism , bribe politicians and the kosher food tax products which includes plastic wraps tin foil wraps wax paper wraps because those wraps touch the genetic jews foods they say. #diabolical |which'll be installed in #Afghanistan along with #Peace being installed in Afghanistan, but the #kosherfoodtax items must be separated out for all to #optoutofthekoshertaxdiabolicalscheme as it was in the #goodoleUSA in the '50s and still is that way in #Iran an Iran #dentist tole me. #PersiansRock ive injuries and havent the Wherewithal (in a physical sense not a cash money sense in which i couldnt care less about so u suckers who're conastantly trying to cock block me can beg-off piss-off understood? LEAVE ME ALONE WHEN I GO OUT AND ABOUT NOMORE THREATENING MY LIFE STEPPING IN FRONT OF AND BEHIND MY VEHICLE WHEN IM ROLLING UNDERSTAND? OR I LL SUE AND TAKE ALL UR MAMMON) todo that now #USA
EXIST2021 007213 gab en Prob not the time but would def hate fuck that cunt.
EXIST2021 007214 twitter en LOL - allegations ??? - They call it misandry. https://t.co/hLXC8aaFc8
EXIST2021 007215 twitter en @peripheralUS Omg so beautiful
EXIST2021 007216 twitter en @AlyssaRose @AgentRachelLuba Great convo on differences between forms of harassment, sexual and otherwise. Some are more egregious than others. Has Bauer said “I am sorry” or similar in public yet?
EXIST2021 007217 twitter en This is a video of two dudes gettin exploited to do irreparable damage to the planet we all depend on to survive and Twitter men in the comments are like “thank god women are paid less than us” https://t.co/dMo6Tw16Ry
EXIST2021 007218 twitter en @nytimes It should be noticed that all of his feminazi garbage against the feminist movement back in his starting days didn't work. Nor did his efforts to try and get rid of Bill Clinton. Ditto for Obama. All those efforts did was make him a lot of money from his base which was his goal
EXIST2021 007219 gab en Don’t these feminists realize without men there would be no women? Yes, abuse is bad but not all men are abusers. Everyone is a different person, we all have good & bad in us. Women can be abusers too. That’s ok with these haters though. https://pjmedia.com/trending/female-blackout-to-take-over-social-media-for-one-day-to-stick-it-to-men/
EXIST2021 007220 twitter en @BrownRbbrown25 @pauldefaoite @donhutch4 @RangersFC You couldn’t look more like a fuckin nonce if you tried ya baldy cunt
EXIST2021 007221 twitter en @Sherrol16 Oooh! Never put you down as a slapper
EXIST2021 007222 gab en WHO IS ALICE MARIE JOHNSON, THE GREAT-GRANDMOTHER TRUMP GRANTED CLEMENCY TO?Alice Marie Johnson walked out of prison on June 6 a free woman. On Feb. 5, she walked into the House Chambers as President Trump's special State of the Union guest.http://feeds.foxnews.com/~r/foxnews/politics/~3/t08g68QasG4/who-is-alice-marie-johnson-the-great-grandmother-trump-is-granting-clemency-tovia @GabNewsPolitics
EXIST2021 007223 twitter en Imagine being afraid to bring your artistic vision to life because of bird app experts. Most of the time, they see something that triggers them and they weren't real customers to begin with but apparently these people are a priority to some. What a knee slapper.
EXIST2021 007224 twitter en "@Solmemes1 @RealMattCouch Hey remember before Trump ""Journalists"" were oxygen deprived, for eight years, with their heads up OBAMAHOLE'S ASS!"
EXIST2021 007225 gab en It's amazing. @Electre says her parents were traditional sexually and find her foray into porn inexplicable and that the culture in France conditioned her to fantasize about being gangbanged when she was ten. She cites a young girl in America who learned from porn to fantasize about fellatio on her dad. @JFGariepy responds with muh liberty for porn.
EXIST2021 007226 twitter en @tiredofhate1 AOC's boyfriend doesn't spank her or pull her hair because that would be degrading to women, probably racist and not help the Environment. He eats only sprouts and tofu and drinks $10 coffees. She's OK with that until she gets spanked real good.
EXIST2021 007227 twitter en @lawyerkev @SciFyWriter @BlackNailRush @merrickdeville @DDsulzbach @DamienCarlisle That's one reason my support for #GamerGate endures. It's not really over - at least for me - until we're vindicated and these shysters are exposed for what they are.
EXIST2021 007228 twitter en @ZASHOMON we deserve a vid after the piss nd tl sex tweets
EXIST2021 007229 twitter en @diarrheawater I'm suing for sexual harassment
EXIST2021 007230 twitter en "@pincopa37385849 Who are you? We don't answer to you. How many ""female sex workers"" are on PrEP? Very few. Though the drug pushers are desperate to get people other than gay men onto it (women for example) to normalise it. Don't try to normalise prostitution."
EXIST2021 007231 twitter en @MeghanMcCain wants to raise a strong empowered woman while her baby daddy is sexist and racist #TheView https://t.co/XHeQcKwnxZ
EXIST2021 007232 twitter en @ProjectLincoln Dumb blonde
EXIST2021 007233 twitter en You bitches are writing fanfiction and calling it fact. Fuck all the way off. https://t.co/tURfi6Bsv2
EXIST2021 007234 twitter en "A dad of a catholic school student was cruising the internet for his 5 minute spank bank material and came across the onlyfans of one of the other mothers. He told his wife he ""stumbled upon it"" and proceeded to get the woman's children kicked out if school."
EXIST2021 007235 twitter en @zorokiv That some 'i want to say in my bubble and when people dont agree with me im just gonna cancel them or call them sexist so i can feel the false sense of accomplishment of doing something good' type of shit
EXIST2021 007236 twitter en @Submaton nah I mean, Ikuhara talked frequently about how he wanted more women to work in the industry, and really tries hard to work alongside them and put as many of them as possible on his shows, but I don't know if he's actually protesting how they get treated esp. at Toei
EXIST2021 007237 twitter en EVERYTHING is Gamergate #GAMERGATEhttps://t.co/m3UmNTiJKy
EXIST2021 007238 twitter en @sudsmisfortunes You look like a whore with makeup on
EXIST2021 007239 gab en I think the real question when it comes to abortions is why women still need them.We are living in an age where free contraception for both men and women are freely available and sex education is mandatory in schools.So why do we still have lazy stupid apathetic women wandering around getting pregnant and then needing to murder the result of their actions?
EXIST2021 007240 twitter en Thanks for all the support for @TheAmyRogers and I's new women's golf podcast! We are now on @ApplePodcasts. Hit that subscribe button and listen to Episode 1 with @LPGACommish and @chantel_mccabe here: https://t.co/jokRSloSV5 https://t.co/M7iMbHOzhr
EXIST2021 007241 gab en MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way)I have suggessfully lived my first year with deliberate, total disregard for any of today's women to be in my life and affairs. I never knew it had a name: MGTOW. Some say, marry a conservative right-wing woman! I did... In 1994. And yet she turned feminist/liberal then divorced me in 2012. Never again!!
EXIST2021 007242 twitter en @Browbar1 oh you missed last night's TV not worth the catch up but more of fat people being abused by Channel4/5 for cash
EXIST2021 007243 twitter en dressed like a whore https://t.co/hxVZBnUoKE
EXIST2021 007244 gab en a ray of light in the darkness..http://thefederalist.com/2018/08/31/explosive-ivy-league-study-repressed-for-finding-transgender-kids-may-be-a-social-contagion/
EXIST2021 007245 twitter en @bint_shattat @deannaothman also ...no earthquakes, practically no tornadoes, and no Hollywood
EXIST2021 007246 twitter en Valentine’s Day, The red wine or the “Yeah Yeah Yeah’s” I’ve been listening to tonight. Absolute heart felt thank you to all the strong ass women that have shown me the way over the years and made me a better person, in particular @479hudson. Where would we be without them.
EXIST2021 007247 gab en How is it ridiculous to ask a question? What's the poll option for, if not to start a poll? Wow, look at you getting all worked up! It's a damn poll, not a puzzle. What's with all these assumptions?! Calm your tits!
EXIST2021 007248 twitter en I don’t know bout the pregnant part lmaoo https://t.co/wbHKdju2UH
EXIST2021 007249 gab en https://youtu.be/2gg_VksiEd4Step down you bint
EXIST2021 007250 gab en RT @TODAYshow: Elizabeth Smart kidnapper Wanda Barzee is now a free woman after 15 years in prison, more than 5 years earlier than expected. Smart spoke out about the release of her kidnapper overnight. https://kek.gg/u/f-zG
EXIST2021 007251 twitter en @HotFreestyle That is insanely ugly and stupid hahaha someone gone kill him and hit a 24mil lick
EXIST2021 007252 twitter en @MickieJames Mickie...you are with out a doubt be a first vote HOF.. You made the women's division what it is today. A mear thank you is not enough.Trish was lucky you were around ...
EXIST2021 007253 gab en Sean Connery. Calm down ladies don't get too TRIGGERED !!!!
EXIST2021 007254 twitter en @HDem0N_ @martell_rodrigo @INTELCallofDuty Why the fuck would they have different names. I see what you are saying. I just looked it is like that but to be fair It's stupid to have different names on different games
EXIST2021 007255 twitter en It’s #MemberMonday! Today goes out to #awclbk member, Lisa Carson. Lisa is an RN and business owner and says, “Even if you don’t quite fit the description of “communicator,“ it is a great organization with wonderful women leaders.“ Follow our fleets to learn more about Lisa! https://t.co/tS9vSx2ARp
EXIST2021 007256 twitter en @A_Dot85 Including Ntsiki...I think there should be a criminal charge for someone who accuses the other of rape without having proof.Women must be encouraged to report rape on the day of the incident for doctors to give proper guidance on J88... https://t.co/hUQaOeiZEH
EXIST2021 007257 twitter en everyone please listen, i have a crush on changbin, i have a big fat crush in changbin /hj
EXIST2021 007258 gab en Felicity Jones transforms into young Ruth Bader Ginsburg in On the Basis of Sex, a film focusing on 1975 case that argued subject of equality between men and women. https://kek.gg/u/hrMv https://kek.gg/u/HWpq
EXIST2021 007259 twitter en @bethvaughan15 @Peston @MarosSefcovic @michaelgove It isn't. It's part of the UK but not part of GB.LEARN THE DIFFERENCE.Stupid bint
EXIST2021 007260 twitter en this penalty shot scene is gonna kill me... i would like to send a big fuck you to everyone who told me to read this fic. it has brought me so much unnecessary stress
EXIST2021 007261 twitter en @stelenaworId Waits for the “just say you hate women” quote tweets
EXIST2021 007262 twitter en I don’t understand how a woman can deal with a fuck nigga after having a whole child by another like your radar should be on 1000 atp but self love is what a lot of insecure women lack.
EXIST2021 007263 twitter en @HatokTalk I thought hrothgar made condomBut it wasn't okayAnd all it did was breakIt was the block that went on my hrothgars cockIt broke and now I'm sadI guess I'll just be a dad
EXIST2021 007264 gab en Sick bitch needs to be locked up for life!
EXIST2021 007265 twitter en @opal_XxX21 @bigcoatmickey NO ONE WAS TALKING TO U LEO SLUTBAG
EXIST2021 007266 twitter en make sure if your girlfriend is getting fat that you bring it up to her right away. women aren’t nearly as sensitive about these things as men think— and she’ll thank you for your candor. i’m SURE that she will understand
EXIST2021 007267 twitter en @Crypto_Fridays @La__Cuen @st_heresypriv What would be cool is if you, as a woman in crypto, did a followup article looking at women in the space & how they are characterized/categorized/stereotyped/empowered...And ask why media feels need to perpetuate outdated false patriarchal virgin/whore dichotomies for clicks
EXIST2021 007268 twitter en Dm me girl nudes to see more of this teen pussy #venmo #horny #slut #pussy #whore #teen #ass #asshole #trading #snap #dick #cock #sex #porn #nudes #teendick #straight #fuckme #cum #young #straight #kik #snap #dm #wet #girl #teengirl #tradingpics https://t.co/CFzQFfrCbS
EXIST2021 007269 gab en macrons mother is a gilf a gran I would like to fuck
EXIST2021 007270 twitter en Tomorrow I’m facilitating a self reflection/journaling group at a rehab AND I AM NERVOUS!! The imposter syndrome kicking in like “why the fuck would I think I’m qualified to even do this” lol. But tbh that’s a natural feeling & it’s ok to be scared. I’ll embrace it. It’s healthy
EXIST2021 007271 twitter en "@MaxKennerly @tralim_t Never forget that Jack Posobiec held a sign that read ""rape Melania"" at a rally. https://t.co/KIX5Ax8QJh"
EXIST2021 007272 twitter en I think Mercedes Martinez will pull the upset win off. But I want Io to retain. I got the Grizzled Young Vets over MSK. Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez winning the women’s side. Kushida winning (but I feel like he won’t so we can get Lumas vs Gargano. Finn Balor retains
EXIST2021 007273 twitter en @SWGoldman @ModAgeJournal America’s real founding: 1642. Why? that was the start of the English Civil war, ending puritan immigration to New England. For the next Century, England was too preoccupied with its own internal and european affairs.(1/)
EXIST2021 007274 gab en fuck that cunt state
EXIST2021 007275 twitter en Leading Saudi Arabian #WomensRights activist #LoujainAlhathloul has been released from prison after some 1,000 days in detention and amid persistent international pressure for her to be set free.https://t.co/uOvMOSbYxl
EXIST2021 007276 twitter en ‘These Biological Males Are Just Taking It Away From Us’: High School Girl Athlete Blasts Biden Administration For Abandoning Her Lawsuit https://t.co/wHVgepo4ve https://t.co/kdvrUvDn5A
EXIST2021 007277 twitter en Millions of Texans are cold and in the dark during a dangerous winter storm—and I led the Texas delegation expressing our grave concerns that power outages are not distributed fairly.Texans deserve immediate answers and accountability from @ERCOT_ISO, and their power restored. https://t.co/hvCo803knB
EXIST2021 007278 gab en Big Hillary donor Harvey Weinstein's sexual harassment scandal has been exposed by the New York Times after decades of cover-ups https://brancanews.com/2017/10/09/film-producer-big-hillary-donor-harvey-weinstein-accused-of-sexual-harassment/
EXIST2021 007279 gab en Cool Song:Hank Williams, Jr. - Country Boys Can Survivehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cQNkIrg-Tk#mgtow #men #boys #countryboy #guns #MEGA
EXIST2021 007280 twitter en @carla_jack10 @Prettii_Mii_ @jjharris619 @_mahoganee @Simedarj Can we go back to Minnie and that gold corner because I am intrigued. But for real, who thinks it’s ok to say something negative out of the blue?!? Do I walk up and say “Martha, you look like a fucking cunt in that dress”?
EXIST2021 007281 gab en Hmm well, it'd be interesting what a tough facist person has to sayMy two points atm are, women are too incompetent for modern society, & traditionalists are always covering up for the damage women do to societyAlso women are incompatible with men, which is why men should not marry women
EXIST2021 007282 twitter en It is always guys who had a major simping episode earlier in their lives who do the most damage to women, it is like they are out to prove something sinister
EXIST2021 007283 twitter en i still don’t understand why not everyone is a feminist. feminism is the belief that all genders should have equal rights, why do men call each other pussies for wanting this ???? do you not want your mum to be as well off as you can be ???? what ????
EXIST2021 007284 gab en Lol,...That was so funny. Lindsey never mentioned the 18 to 31 was women have to keep from getting pregnant. While the male has about 3. Also never addressed women sperm jacking. Lieing about who's child it is. Nor the fact the female can decide to be a parent or not. While the man does not have that right. What happens if he wants it aborted. No right to choose.
EXIST2021 007285 twitter en @i_am_pooya Hahaha! I disagree with you on that one. I am the most ugly person I know and my ex Dadash said about me, that the only reason I am not working as a gendeh, is because of my obvious ugliness. My ex-lover however said, that I look like a junkie-prostitute in Tehran.
EXIST2021 007286 twitter en When I started transitioning I knew mansplaining would be an issue but holy shit it really is a daily occurrencd of men explaining things you've told them you're knowledgable about
EXIST2021 007287 twitter en "@iamchanteezy @RexChapman BAM!!! This video needs over a Million views! Lets also not forget Limbaugh weaponized misogyny in the form of ""feminazi"" and while he was careful to say he wasn't talking about ALL women... he just meant the ones that are strong and powerful that frightened his ""masculinity"""
EXIST2021 007288 gab en What should be the punishment for this woman if/when she is proven to be a liar? Forget the 35 years since it may have happened, if she really discovered this repressed memory in 2012, where were her charges then? https://dailycaller.com/2018/09/17/view-hosts-argue-kavanaugh-accusations/ https://dailycaller.com/2018/09/17/judge-napolitano-kavanaugh-accusation/
EXIST2021 007289 twitter en @realmitchburner I literally found it on google and the only thing I'm interested in in my header is the woman on the left. And what if I like sex and I'm not scared of death? Does it make me a worse person than you? You're lucky you don't live here.
EXIST2021 007290 twitter en @BeefThunder @cyberdeathninja @RelieaYuell @Madonna who do you think has more power over the industry? the most famous women(rihanna,beyonce,j-lo,gaga,madonna etc) or the most famous men singers?talking about mainstream pop music industry patriarchy sure seems to do a shit job keeping these women down
EXIST2021 007291 twitter en @BarryNorton @yesnicksearcy @JoeBiden And what were the damaging riots all over the US? How about the takeover of 6+ square blocks in Seattle? Don’t forget the armed attacks on Police praised by the entire Left including the skank of a sorry ass VP we have now?
EXIST2021 007292 twitter en @crater_w There is a special background of this crisis. China has very serious equality issues between male and female. Some men still think female are weaker than male, and they should be a housewife and produce babies for their husbands. Chinese feminism are trying to fight this kind of-
EXIST2021 007293 twitter en “People talk about how moms can lift a car off their children, but even though you can do it, it doesn’t mean you didn’t do damage to your body. 2020 was like lifting a car off your kids; 2021 is going to have to be ‘How are those women able to heal?’”https://t.co/ptF0nB3st3
EXIST2021 007294 gab en When your career is over, and you're old and feeble and turned into a smelly diaper wearing skank, this is what you do.
EXIST2021 007295 gab en This book has nothing but violence and misery. Shari'a is not just a law but a way of life, ideology and political movement, according to the Sharia laws: – There is no freedom of religion or freedom of speech. – There is no equality between people (the non-Musli.. https://www.freespeechtime.net/2018/06/the-silent-revolution-iranian-burns.html
EXIST2021 007296 twitter en @ClaireRedacted @Yeefi @is_that_a_read @Tina_Russell Heh thank you again fabulous. Glad to know someone finds me attractive
EXIST2021 007297 twitter en """i am woman hear me roar"" is so cheesywho talks like thatlike i'm supposed to be empowered by this??it sounds like smth a cis man wrote just to get his paycheck"
EXIST2021 007298 gab en God blesses me daily whether I deserve it or not. Thankful for him and friends I have made along my way. Have an awesome day Jim. 143
EXIST2021 007299 twitter en "The situation in Tigray is dire with some women reportedly being ""forced by military elements to have sex in exchange for basic commodities.""#WeaponizedRape in the ongoing #WarOnTigray is tragic and frequent. #TigrayGenocide @endrapeinwar @UN_Women @UNFPA https://t.co/k0K9g3miMq"
EXIST2021 007300 twitter en @heartsdesire456 your imperial slutbag no
EXIST2021 007301 gab en Absolutely not. You can't blame all women for the actions of some others.
EXIST2021 007302 twitter en One thing I noticed here...that classless skank didn't stand....you know which one I am talking about!!! https://t.co/yahPUOFNBp
EXIST2021 007303 twitter en @Lag_Ninja @ShinyMisty @_Day_Man_ @NightmarePetrol @RealBrickPal Im just saying if they do hit a snag what does it matter? As long as they get it figured out and the game is good why should they tell us unless its like a prime 4 situation
EXIST2021 007304 twitter en @JohnJ0Donnell I haven’t seen it specifically but it’s feminism in rojava related right?
EXIST2021 007305 gab en The centuries-old history and culture of India, majestic architectural monuments and museums of Delhi, Agra and Mumbai have a unique attractive force. #VladimirPutin #citation https://openquotes.github.io/authors/vladimir-putin-quotes/#fe842317
EXIST2021 007306 twitter en @CherryPicker169 Very hot. Wish she’d bend over in that short skirt though
EXIST2021 007307 twitter en "In this week's episode, Kacie Lett Gordon talks about a fine line that many women walk — ""as a woman, if you don't dislike yourself a little bit, then you're not humble"". Listen to the clip below but grab the whole #podcast episode here: https://t.co/nHVvN7G2Jr https://t.co/npcW4wauwo"
EXIST2021 007309 twitter en @liltittyslurp @___JaneDough___ @jab_juda Shit don’t even correlate women jus be talkin https://t.co/YCSNrGnA32
EXIST2021 007310 gab en Yes I am European and you were born one of the lowest races you Dravidian slut.
EXIST2021 007311 twitter en Every one of the popular kids knew my name in high school despite the fact that I was not friends with any of them. This implies that they all made fun of me behind my back, and tbh I can't even blame them.
EXIST2021 007312 twitter en @Spicycupcakes_ *he follows you, smiling at your enthusiasm. He sits, his chin resting on his palm as he looks at you, eyes soft*Yes, darling, cook for this husband. Let me watch you, you look so beautiful.
EXIST2021 007313 twitter en @wesnotcrusher Youre talking about TERFs, who are a very specific group of transphobes who began in 2nd wave feminism, and who are in no way exclusively bigoted against trans women. TERF =/= Hates Trans women. It was a larger movement than that.
EXIST2021 007314 twitter en you're jewish but you look like a whore — what- it doesn't make any sense https://t.co/xPgcskhZsC
EXIST2021 007315 gab en Did I just see the Bruins cock tease the leafs in the last period of game 7, what year is it?
EXIST2021 007316 twitter en “You know what’s really beautiful about this? You two kids picked me. You didn’t have to, but you picked me! It makes me want to kiss you guys!”
EXIST2021 007317 gab en Oh God, puritan hyper-peitism... They where always utopian humanists, and so much of what they did mars even the religious landscape of today.
EXIST2021 007318 twitter en @ARealBadTimex @LuluLuvely No problem at all. I don't want anyone to feel alone today. You always have me. And of course! All women are queens. The charity is nothing, seriously. I'm glad I could help.
EXIST2021 007319 twitter en People arguing against feminism like “women want more rights then men so they shouldn’t be allowed to have any”
EXIST2021 007320 twitter en @THECannaMama @jillgaebler So you're basically just a misandrist then right? You're Transphobia is just an extension of your misandry. Gota love it.
EXIST2021 007321 twitter en “are you a tits or ass guy” neither, vibes
EXIST2021 007322 twitter en @imurcatgirllol @RIUGODdk @jwordyn I KNOW YOU AINT TALKING YOU DUMB BLONDE
EXIST2021 007323 twitter en @nielsentaya @BarnsGreg @Milliganreports If the victim had mentally survived yes definitely. But this act so brutal at such a young age - anal rape so as not to leave any evidence I’m assuming - physical and mental health destroyed . Can you imagine facing his team of lawyers the media people . Actually no he doesn’t 1/
EXIST2021 007324 twitter en Ted Cruz is the nastiest skank bitch I've ever met. Do not trust him. He is a fugly slut.
EXIST2021 007325 twitter en @That_One_Bunny Yao gege just cannot fall in love with his fat ass omega didi he even killed A-Yu's fiancé and served his cooked corpse (by chef Yang) to their father
EXIST2021 007326 twitter en @JemimahSimon7 One feminazi posted a screenshot of her chat with a guy asking her out and fellow feminazi are insulting menTrust me it's a shit show
EXIST2021 007327 twitter en am i lady??? or am i rat? am i a rat if i’m a rat i’m a lady like rat am i a rat???? or am i a lady? am i a lady if i’m a lady i’m a rat of a lady
EXIST2021 007328 twitter en @shoppersstop terrible shopping experience! Awaiting refund since a month and half and no support from customer! #harassed #annoyed #stopshoppingatshoppersstop
EXIST2021 007329 gab en Indian women are hot.
EXIST2021 007330 twitter en God the fact that we're 3 waves of feminism later and the dynamics of male-female relationships are still skewed so heavily against women
EXIST2021 007331 twitter en Indeed We have given you Kauthar (Abundance) #fatimazahra #bibifatema #mother #womensday #ولادتِ_خاتونِ_جنتؑ https://t.co/G12rPEs92f
EXIST2021 007332 twitter en I really want to spank a woman until her ass glows red. Right. Now.
EXIST2021 007333 twitter en Now I need an infomercial of a woman going around cleaning cooking getting coffee driving and working at an office with a psyduck strapped to her like a baby
EXIST2021 007334 twitter en @richardmarx @50s_Kid @TuckerCarlson He probably thinks true love is buying a slovakian stripper a green card by marrying her to be your trophy wife. https://t.co/phdm2j8eMX
EXIST2021 007335 twitter en @YardleyShooting It's the left wing middle class. They hate working class socialists like me and they hate the right wing working class But they love black lives matter, feminism, the me too movement.
EXIST2021 007336 twitter en @JackPosobiec @PressSec Crazy to me that such a diverse crowd of empowered women would let a clearly unhinged man try to destroy the career of their fellow woman. Its like they don’t even believe what they preach. At least we have a female Treasury Sec.
EXIST2021 007337 twitter en @lunarjeonn @BTS_twt CANT BELIEVE HES MAKING U DO THIS. no one treats a lovely lady like that????!!!! grr
EXIST2021 007338 twitter en Lucy moans cutesy as she jumps a bit from the Iron Dragonslayer's slap. Her plump bubbly rear jiggles under her very short skirt from the impact. She turns to face her harasser with her face blushing a bit.❝Eek! G-Gajeel?! That hurt your know.❞ https://t.co/MqmwPs2Cj5 https://t.co/p85aE3m7r9
EXIST2021 007339 twitter en It’s time fast fashion brands valued people over profit. We urge @ lululemon to make a one time Supply Chain Relief contribution to help ease the harmful impact of #COVID19 on supply chain workers, most of whom are women. #AllEyesOnFastFashion… https://t.co/jqwnZBSMwo
EXIST2021 007340 twitter en @AkilahObviously I notice people love to hate women more for some reason. Meanwhile multimillionaires and billionaires, mostly men, have the real power in this world.
EXIST2021 007341 gab en Israeli ultra-Orthodox Jews 'harass' 8-year-old girl over dresshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waTGCXkcyTMSpitting on little girls is NEVER okay!So let me get this straight.. Israel has mandatory military service.. men & women ... but the women have to sit at the back of the bus for modesty reasons?Looks like Jewish women need a 'Civil Rights Act' to free them from oppression.
EXIST2021 007342 twitter en @HonestWorldWide you were just calling her ugly last month?
EXIST2021 007343 twitter en basketball is beautiful. https://t.co/waYu6Bd3Qq
EXIST2021 007344 twitter en @hunter_thebest @greenblueribbon @newsbreakApp Yup I guess there’s levels of pos according to the feminists attacking me
EXIST2021 007345 twitter en @emmadegotardi So, #DPS caught him in the criminal act of raping a clearly drunk and disoriented woman, BUT because she didn't make a formal complaint they sent in the cleaners?!? And the #AFP are okay with this?!!? Time for #AFPlapdog #AFPgottogo @AlboMP @KKeneally
EXIST2021 007346 twitter en @PrisonPlanet Woke culture has gotten so bad that women now feel empowered by being a whore and sugar daddy’s are now normalized. The big irony of it all is that the “strong independent woman” modern day feminist movement is now pushing young women to rely on a man for everything.
EXIST2021 007347 gab en Melania Trump is admired by only 4% of Americans. Ms. Obama takes the #1 spot again. Here's an idea. Maybe being a trophy wife isn't working in her new role. I think more people respected her when she brushed away his hand and stopped him from touching her. That disgusting creep would make any real woman run for the door.
EXIST2021 007348 twitter en & y’all think that girl really loves him. This nigga is an easy lick lmao https://t.co/xVBiZA8a8y
EXIST2021 007349 gab en 4/ Again, I agree that terms like mansplaining or manspreading are ridiculous.... whenever I hear them used seriously I want to punch the person who uttered them until I break teeth. IDK if that's toxic femininity or not.
EXIST2021 007350 twitter en My sister in law always talking about she saw a guy that would be perfect for mefirst of all I’m not looking second you married my brother I don’t trust your taste in men
EXIST2021 007351 twitter en @AndyLeexxx just to make it wet enough for my ass hole!
EXIST2021 007352 twitter en @geosyndicalist @asilbwrites @Casein_Micelles I’ve heard this referred to as the cock block
EXIST2021 007353 gab en Top executive at company that publishesNational Enquirer&Us Weeklyaccused of sexual harassment.https://twitter.com/dcexaminer/status/938174640370962434
EXIST2021 007354 twitter en Misogyny is not a hate crime but feminism (the fight against misogyny) is. In case you were wondering how the whole women’s liberation thing was going.
EXIST2021 007355 twitter en The audacity Mr. 2times I’ll let this slide slutbag https://t.co/qB0QztGsU5
EXIST2021 007356 gab en HA! And I thought kikes supposedly had high verbal IQ. You've hit YOUR MOM and YOU CAN'T GET PUSSY in a matter of minutes. Now, admittedly, you're ostensibly a woman, and women can't into the bantz. But posting this shit-tier crap is an embarrassment. You're even dumber than you look! LOL
EXIST2021 007357 twitter en @LadyJazzington I find it to be extremely so. Jennifer is a cartoonish caricature of hypersexual bi women who use men for sex, and use their sexuality to emotionally manipulate lesbians. Her character has no “downfall arch” she’s a cruel abusive person before becoming a succubus and after.
EXIST2021 007358 twitter en Lmao taking videos of women as usual who don't even know. Your a coward fnk creep u joke of a life. COWARD
EXIST2021 007359 twitter en @Brad_Glasgow #gamergate was right, again
EXIST2021 007360 twitter en @FanJizzy1 So hold on... When Women has big ass it means she loves sex?, when you spank her big ass she gets horny? I didn't know all of this
EXIST2021 007361 twitter en @KYMISTWALKER No.... there is no reason to, from a Males stance. Every law is stacked against men #MGTOW
EXIST2021 007362 gab en Seriously, you can't meant that most women don't want an MTF TG that is fat to settle down with, right? Or that the left wants women to go for that type? LOL. Not. Going. To. Happen. #BIOLOGYhttps://www.newsweek.com/men-muscles-and-money-are-more-attractive-straight-women-and-gay-men-showing-717053
EXIST2021 007363 twitter en Feminism that isn't intersectional isn't feminism.If you can't recognize that oppression against trans/gay people and POC (especially QTPOC and WOC) is also heavily connected to that same patriarchy you loathe, you aren't a feminist. It's that simple.
EXIST2021 007364 twitter en Yeah im poor and sneaky what about it bitch?
EXIST2021 007365 twitter en Let's take a look at the false rape allegations Babby made, shall we?Since she thinks she has a case of me making up her claims. Let me show you those claims for you to prove what I accuse Babby of. https://t.co/HKYymR5aWy
EXIST2021 007366 twitter en #fucku I was told if men doesn't like me or they are all married. I should spend all my life alone or die. I hope u are all fucking happy. But I am not a piece of sh I t who gonna bear this. So I'd rather die then watch every man I like getting married.
EXIST2021 007367 twitter en "@sarpedon7325 @elisa_freschi @AvadhSut @entropied One wouldn't naturally associate a fierce deity like Durga with a prostitute, but if you look at it from a Christian perspective where the mother of whores is ""a scarlet woman who rideth on top of the beast,"" it makes much more sense. https://t.co/t0Pn1PgBXm"
EXIST2021 007368 twitter en @NaturallyTyraG I had one and it was called Jameson... seriously I went to therapist not my fam though. It takes a lot out of a black man to admit he need counseling cause in our head that for white people but that not true at all. If you need a Therapist I recommend my cousin. @LeRemedyy
EXIST2021 007369 twitter en cause of gender roles & just the overall irreparable damage it's done to how we think & perceive things, women are only gonna take our lead in watching women's sports if we do it. we chat women can't get equal cause of revenue, viewership, attendance... well then let's
EXIST2021 007370 twitter en "Cody Caetano on Leanne Betasamosake Simpson's ""Noopiming: The Cure for White Ladies""""If Noopiming is anything, it is a new mend for longstanding wounds.""https://t.co/CdVz54oJH6"
EXIST2021 007371 twitter en @ThereUGoAgen @ImthatgirlDolly @justinhecht @patriot_women @JessPish Good luck. I’ll be there, waiting to spank you in the butt til you pee a lil.
EXIST2021 007372 gab en i sentence her to be gangbanged to death by the daily stormer editorial team.
EXIST2021 007373 twitter en Typical platforming of middle class white feminists in order to promote a product. It will be an echo chamber of absolute batwank.
EXIST2021 007374 gab en A thot is an R selected whore and is riding the cock carousel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orY3oHzlYFI
EXIST2021 007375 twitter en @jempanada3 @CinderSlays I don't want to chime in here again but I am more shocked that there a ladies who didn't know this lol
EXIST2021 007376 twitter en So fucking #horny and #girls up for some #fun #snapchat me wellgifted9 and let the fun begin #tits #ass #cock #pussy #thong #sluts #tease #horny #upskirt #foreplay add me now so fucking #horny come on girls let’s have some fun and even better if ur at work so come on get adding x https://t.co/5bAdwg9j2P
EXIST2021 007377 twitter en FakeAgentUK Orgasms anal sex and squirting in interview from Romanian babe https://t.co/YzCOhZLNJI
EXIST2021 007378 twitter en Saying all men aren’t bad to women is the same thing as saying I’m not racist I have a black friend to people of color. Deflection at its best. #WomensRights #Truth #wednesdaythought
EXIST2021 007379 gab en My friend, not only American, you are heir to a philosophy of life based on equality between men. a Judeo-Christian vision. We do not just defend a small country, we defend our values
EXIST2021 007380 twitter en @SpiffySpiderKat This guy:- Men are weapons & women are targets cuz nature.Probably also this guy:- Why pretty gUrLz so unfriendly?- Us nice guys deserve a chance!- Why you ladies got that victim mentality?- Why do fEmAlEz like abusers?Don’t be this guy.
EXIST2021 007381 gab en Yesterday, here in MA.A 45 year old woman driving the wrong way on 495 in Westford killed a 35 year old man at 2 AM.This morning the police released the name of the man killed.Still won't release the woman's name.I'm going to bet she is here illegally.Any takers?
EXIST2021 007382 twitter en would u suck n fuck t girl velma? https://t.co/AsE0TXjimP
EXIST2021 007383 twitter en instagram thinks i care about the be*tles and oasis just because i like reposted tiktoks of 70s fashion... bitch no do i look straight to you ?
EXIST2021 007384 twitter en When Amelia Shepherd tells Link “if you say glowing, we’re done” when he’s talking about her pregnant body,,,, I felt that.
EXIST2021 007385 twitter en I want to play some edging games with a foot slut. Let’s see how far you can bring yourself for Me.
EXIST2021 007386 gab en Why is it considered misogyny to hate feminism but not misandry to hate the patriarchy?
EXIST2021 007387 twitter en Today’s Thought: It’s good vs evil. GOOD: Anti-Abortion, freedom, liberty, strong borders, 1A, 2A & prosperity for all. EVIL: Pro-Abortion, Tyranny, men in women’s sports, rioting, looting, murder, censorship & government control of all. Choose wisely America.
EXIST2021 007388 gab en Have you ever noticed that today's women take kindness as a sign of weakness? No doubt they end up attracted to those without any moral principles. They have none, so they believe that the absence of morality is strength. Just like what they are is what they credit in men.
EXIST2021 007389 twitter en Why would i fuck with anyone who not tryna pay me or help me get paid . friends aint like how they use to be stop being friends with niggas just because
EXIST2021 007390 twitter en @kerubo_hillary Because you ladies you're insisting that men should cook or cooking is not supposed to be gender based. So, I'm asking if it will be okay for you to be served food by your husband when you have visitors?
EXIST2021 007391 twitter en Honestly what message were Republicans trying to send by appointing to the Education and Labor Committee a woman who believes the Sandy Hook shooting was fake and mocks Parkland survivors?Individuals don’t get final say in cmtes. GOP leadership *picked* that assignment for her.
EXIST2021 007392 twitter en "@gabinotbraun Right?? Who WOULDNT want to marry like a 6'5"" hot woman"
EXIST2021 007393 gab en of course, #Gab has a white straight male as the CEO#Patriarchy@a
EXIST2021 007394 twitter en @Creemy_Bitch Oh, damn
EXIST2021 007395 gab en gynosplaining > mansplaining It's 2K18 ricky stop being so out of the loop
EXIST2021 007396 twitter en I hate men that be in women’s business. Acting like a bitch. Shut up.
EXIST2021 007397 gab en Dems Slam Ocasio-Cortez: Her Socialist Vision Would Bankrupt the US https://www.infowars.com/dems-slam-ocasio-cortez-her-socialist-vision-would-bankrupt-the-country/ Anti-US Marxist skank dubbed New Party Leader by Chr LaRazza's #tomperez & radical racist black muslim #keithellison #tcot #pjnet #kag #lnyhbt #wakeupamerica #maga
EXIST2021 007398 twitter en @SameeraKhan #CancunCruz didn’t need any help sweetheart. What a weak woman to always defend a man no matter what he does. Sad and pathetic honestly. Thanks for making me feel empowered Bc I know my ass would never be defending a mere man.
EXIST2021 007399 twitter en "This man said, ""Riding the cock carousel"""
EXIST2021 007400 gab en More lies and false claims of sexism. That sexism card is worn out and tattered. I love it when people call me sexist now, it has zero affect on me. No one believes that lying cunt, her victimhood tour is over. She's the biggest loser in history. https://twitter.com/RepStevenSmith/status/980472688761344000#MAGA #PNN
EXIST2021 007401 twitter en #blackcats #f4f #gothic #FridayVibes #quote #poetry #poem #DailyQuote#FridayVibesAnimals like crows, owls, or black cats are not ominous at all; it is the men’s superstitious mind which is the inauspicious one.~Mehmet Murat Ildan~ https://t.co/okoznetd1p
EXIST2021 007402 gab en Because women shouldn't be starting families they should be whoring until their 35?
EXIST2021 007403 twitter en @takerfan4Life1 @LawyerNY @thejumpmed @Acosta What rapist? Trump is the only one I have heard of facing rape charges.
EXIST2021 007404 gab en 54 The United Nations has removed peacekeepers from a South Sudan mission after allegations that some in the force paid local women for sex. https://t.co/jIdWWOgaYg
EXIST2021 007405 twitter en @imbladey i would hate to be a women tho i have to have a fat ass cute boobs pretty face and not be fat very hard to have all 4
EXIST2021 007406 twitter en Rather surprising lack of markets on Betfair for the Womens ODI tonight that is being shown on BT Sport - suspect if it was a mens game it would have a full range, eh...? #EverydaySexism #NZWvEngW
EXIST2021 007407 gab en Men shouldn't hit women............but men should have women you can hire on speed dial to do it for you.
EXIST2021 007408 twitter en What do people get from the cruelty, malign and aspersions cast at a woman for the choices she makes, over her style, sexuality and the way she holds herself? She has total autonomy over how she is, how she feels and how she is empowered. https://t.co/FA4Ufk0xrP
EXIST2021 007409 twitter en Next up. Fug1o. Can’t fucking stand this ship. the antis make it such a lame Puritan sugary bullshit ship. I might like it if someone were to make it problematic but I can’t stand the current portrayal of it
EXIST2021 007410 twitter en We all need money and other assets in order to fund us improving ourselves and way of life. But don't act like a bunch of negroes today ain't trying to get money just to flex on the next man or woman instead of trying creating opportunities and jobs for our skinfolks that need it https://t.co/ncHcOprnGm
EXIST2021 007411 twitter en "Y'all reduce feminism to cooking/not cooking, once someone says she is a feminist, the first thing she is asked is ""so you won't cook for your husband"" https://t.co/pODzPLDjpv"
EXIST2021 007412 twitter en but how is Don? is he still a fucking slutbag? so many unanswered questions
EXIST2021 007413 twitter en @01sth02 @drruthmitchell They deserve a happy and fulfilling retirement- something for themselves after years of helping so many others.
EXIST2021 007414 twitter en Shame @ITVSport couldn't find any female presenters/pundits. #everydaysexism #SixNations
EXIST2021 007415 twitter en @horny20961 Eyes of an angel and a mouth of a dirty little slag ;)
EXIST2021 007416 twitter en Scheduled my next tattoo appointment... on my hot girl shit
EXIST2021 007417 twitter en @carlosenriqueee @gabrielbacomer @AJCF94 @alinagraciaa at least we agree on her dumb blonde roots
EXIST2021 007418 twitter en @seoknamgis @tinykyeom it's not a sexual assault but it's called sexual harassment.
EXIST2021 007419 gab en If they were real gamers they wouldn't be scared by threats from 8 year old xbox kiddies they'd ignore them like the rest of us do.BBC BULLSHIThttp://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/37492437/female-gamers-they-tell-me-they-are-going-to-kill-me#gamergate #GabFam
EXIST2021 007420 twitter en "@emergencyquad LOL so there's this clip of Yuzu finding out he won gold in Sochi (it's the ""I'm the first??"" clip) and in the background you can hear someone saying ""Don you're a fucking slutbag"" in the background lmaooo we have no idea who it was or what the context was"
EXIST2021 007421 twitter en @babygrlxcx Learn from this Great Master how to train chix to become real sluts! #feminizationtraining #Feminism #slavewoman #slavery #slave #patriarchy #mysogini
EXIST2021 007422 gab en The white slaves. Start with whites who were slaves of the Romans. We are talking about very white people from Slavian and European nations. The Romans were darker than their slaves. Islamic slaves. They invaded Europe for 4 centuries making white women sex slaves. Then Muslim Pirates raiding ships to steal white women for sex slaves
EXIST2021 007423 twitter en @6thGUARDS_TNK Loads of people post pics of themselves and talk about their day. Some women put their tits on show. Bet you don’t call that attention seeking. Couldn’t you just scroll on without saying something? I was in a fine mood until you popped up. Thanks for the negative waves.
EXIST2021 007424 twitter en @TheRealNubian2 Man makes up argument against feminism, which only proves the need for feminism in its hatred and ignorance of women and the world around us.
EXIST2021 007425 twitter en feeling movements all the time and it’s my favorite thing ever I wanna be pregnant forever
EXIST2021 007426 twitter en Respect @salonayyy This girl is genuinely funny not just trying to be funny. #salonigaur #KanganaRanaut https://t.co/bCAYslaVIJ
EXIST2021 007427 gab en #BritFam Never put a woman in charge of anything let alone a country. Invaders cut the mens throats & keep the women for sex. I wonder if the invaders were hordes of hot child-bearing age blonde Russian women if these bitches would be so keen on mass immigration? http://www.breitbart.com/london/2018/06/01/scotland-tories-migration-uk-vibrant/
EXIST2021 007428 twitter en Tall women are elite. I wish I was Like atleast 3 more inches taller cuz 5’8 and up
EXIST2021 007429 gab en I hate women doctors.
EXIST2021 007430 gab en It's kinda funny (that photo) looking at the bolts with the nuts still on them in the ready-to-be-used position...Someone HAD to have hand screw the nuts on to those long bolts and probably thought:-SHIT, I have better not say anything to these lesbo psychopaths with honorary engineering degrees, or they will call me sexist and have me fired or something!
EXIST2021 007431 twitter en @WalshWrites We’re only planning on wiping out the bad ones. So like, just 99% of men. Deal? #notallmen
EXIST2021 007432 twitter en @JanBrady88 @anitasarkeesian ...connections to shut down discussion of this on multiple websites, triggering the Streisand Effect. Then gaming journalists decided to cover their asses with a smear campaign accusing their detractors of being sexists, racists, bigots, etc. #GamerGate was the pushback. 4/4
EXIST2021 007433 twitter en @Rosehill1999 beautiful
EXIST2021 007434 twitter en @mtracey Hey Michael! Quick question! Is this manipulative too??? It is a man and I know you only really hate women so... https://t.co/mPUsShtBxk
EXIST2021 007435 gab en ouch I would say leave the kids alone but chelsea attacked first fuck that cunt
EXIST2021 007436 twitter en @MacaHeroes congratulations!!! you really deserve that and more! your drawings are really cute!
EXIST2021 007437 twitter en Married woman having sex . Spank me it's the only way I learn .#girlgamer #Girlsinging #Slutscontact #Naughtyteen #Meetingolder #Sexygirls #Bbwseeking #Localsex #Freechat #Massageplus #Hornymature https://t.co/UZN0Jqpghj
EXIST2021 007438 twitter en @olayemi_123 The why is that level pass level. How can anyone employ such a lady like ngozi and try to dictate to her what to wear. Ko let wek na.
EXIST2021 007439 twitter en @not_corona_ maybe its repressed antiblackness .
EXIST2021 007440 twitter en @adallos Even in the snowy north, I heard a cardinal’s song and then saw that beautiful bird looking down at me! Come on, Spring!
EXIST2021 007441 twitter en "god hand is a very horny game. you can spank women, one of the poisoned chihuahuas you can bet on is named ""sexy maid"", one of the main antagonists is a sadomasochist succubus and more!very cool very swag I like it"
EXIST2021 007442 twitter en @ETCanada Corey Feldman has got to be the biggest cock block of sympathy.
EXIST2021 007443 twitter en @danieleharper x tattoos (area + placement) x (incidence of hair color found in nature - piercings) / age of menarche = n number of rotations on cock carousel
EXIST2021 007444 twitter en @VoteMarsha Your free speech is not under attack, nutty woman.
EXIST2021 007445 twitter en they don’t like boyish and masc women because their ideal is feminine ladies like in animanga, they also don’t like the chinese butch/femme dynamic because they think it copies str8 couples
EXIST2021 007446 twitter en @D_B_Harrison @Joshua_Hump Why read it? Preaching is a task assigned to men. Women aren't to teach men in the church, so she shouldn't have written a book on preaching. The end.
EXIST2021 007447 twitter en I got called a “fucking whore” today by some random old man. Today was pretty great
EXIST2021 007448 twitter en @Pellentini Starved of breasts? Au contraire good sire..I delighted in it as a child for its nourishment and now as a man I still delight in it for it's artistic, sexual and sedating qualities. Nothing like a warm set of tits to put a man's head to ease.
EXIST2021 007450 twitter en I can’t argue with “No BITCH WHO walk around worried about wtf they look like but them doctors results say something different. You bitches discuss me and a poor representative of whatever creation you are
EXIST2021 007451 twitter en @ItsBouquet The three not so wise men I wonder who they are staring down definitely not a woman Barney don't have that glint in his eyes
EXIST2021 007452 gab en *Woman detected* *Running facial recognition algorithm* *Current drivers license for target found in database* *Calculating probability of woman driving in next 24 hours* *87 percent* *Self Defense Protocols initiated*
EXIST2021 007453 gab en Difference's in the sexes isn't fucking mansplaining you degenerate.https://twitter.com/yesyouracommie/status/897885418498048000
EXIST2021 007454 twitter en Don’t y’all hate bitches that cock block so bad
EXIST2021 007455 twitter en @Stephen_Tilney @thismorning @UK_Arbonne I’m genuinely not trying to have a go at you or anything but this is all wrong, and the wrong people are getting the blame, if it was a fair discussion they would of had someone in there who has had a positive experience not just a negative one
EXIST2021 007456 twitter en Trans Women are not the enemy of feminism or the women’s right movement, they do not take away from feminism or detract from what we as feminists are trying to accomplish, because trans women are women. If your feminism isn’t intersectional it’s trash.
EXIST2021 007457 twitter en Anarcha-feminism was not only developed by European anarchists like Emma Goldman but also by Asian anarchists such as the Chinese anarcha-feminist He-Yin Zhen, as @anarchopac explains in this video. https://t.co/mdaggGZFoU https://t.co/F1ifH9Z6Kc
EXIST2021 007458 twitter en @Decland31447995 @freyfreylilly I know it can seem mean to say something like that but if not for any other reason covering up will reduce the amount of men lusting after you. As Catholics we all understand. God bless you sir, greetings from Germany!
EXIST2021 007459 twitter en You look like a #Reddit whore. https://t.co/VGMIBtWzyP
EXIST2021 007460 twitter en who want to see my cock , just dm#horny #porn #hot #hottie #sex #boobs #cock #dick #sperm #cum #slut #cumslut #nudes #nude #ass #buyingnudes #sellingnudes #seks #lingery #bra #anal #fuck #fucking #onlyfans #tits #titties #mistress #humiliation #cock #bigcock #bisexual
EXIST2021 007461 twitter en @marikaakiram25 Bitch no you my mother ugly ass daughter!
EXIST2021 007462 twitter en @SnakeBurberry @TabsiraProject I observed this with terms like “mansplaining”, “manspreading”, “toxic/fragile masculinity”, etc... feminism is a way for women to give their own desires and subjective standards power under “social justice”. Deception is crazy
EXIST2021 007463 gab en Science proves that women don't know shit about their own nature. That's why women can't do science. It requires objectivity. The woman is the eternal subject, as her alluringly downcast eyes indicate.
EXIST2021 007464 gab en Ford's attorneys have done a great job portraying her as a dumb blonde. With her help, they've nailed it. | #RedNationRising
EXIST2021 007465 twitter en @FrederickEden1 @kayleighmcenany Your a piece of crap. What a wasted education. An educated fool used as a tool! Blonde and dumb as they come. Pull the string and watch her lips move. Nothing ever intelligent or original ever comes out. Just programmed crap! TRAINED BY RUSH IN HIGH SCHOOL AND CHAINED BY TRUMP!
EXIST2021 007466 twitter en @VitoGesualdi Jim Sterling's tits are real, probably.
EXIST2021 007467 twitter en no but the truth is people hate seeing women succeed (idk this persons gender but i’m speaking in general). the truth is also that everyone online is an idiot and will throw terms around without knowing what the fuck they really mean
EXIST2021 007468 twitter en @realamberheard @drugproblem @Eve_Barlow Ok, it IS Johnny Depps fault. Because he was so stupid to get involved with a fefail woman like you. Smart guys don't fall in love with gold digger hoes. #MGTOW
EXIST2021 007469 twitter en @MikeLsports I miss the 80's/90's Big East. My two favorite players were Pearl and Mullin. Moved south in the late 90's and hoop hasn't been the same. The feeling of coming in out of the frigid cold into a warm house to watch hoop is a feeling I miss.
EXIST2021 007470 twitter en All the same reasons women elsewhere may choose an abortion they might not otherwise have.Plus, the world is not currently all that welcoming to, or safe for, *anyone*. https://t.co/BNhnUINhP2
EXIST2021 007471 twitter en The Cruz daughters will use that slander to get at least one BMW out of that bitch Ted
EXIST2021 007472 twitter en "@dan85895877 @DrunkenMild As I said, those are Liberal 18th-century views. (Which we shouldn't see as comparable to contemporary ones either. What he thought of as ""citizens"" is not what we think of as citizens; i.e. no women, no non-whites, no men who made less than a certain income)."
EXIST2021 007473 twitter en If you have a dick and balls you are a man.If you have a vagina and ovaries you are a woman.This is not hard, grab what you got between your legs and live with it. https://t.co/CXdPrEcpgC
EXIST2021 007474 gab en FROM MY CELL IN CAMH COLLEGE & SPADINAi love Pathologic Classic HD btw#gamergate
EXIST2021 007475 twitter en @ripktr no they always write it in all caps and are so racist like YOUNG WHITE DUMB BLONDE CRACKER GETS BRUTALLY FUCKED BY DEPRESSION
EXIST2021 007476 gab en Obama was a gay man who married a gay man but dressed like a woman, was a beastly thing?They couldn't have children so they rented two. These freaks ran America for 8 yearsThink about that!?
EXIST2021 007477 twitter en 30) Wonder Woman 1975 #WonderWoman @DCWonderWoman @WonderWomanFilmStars @RealLyndaCarter #DebraWinger @lyle_official #beatricecolenIn many eyes still the definitive Wonder Woman like a real superhero she opened doors done the impossible highly influential historical performance https://t.co/okvEEs0vyp
EXIST2021 007478 gab en Key word here is feminist VS women. Feminist may like getting thrown around, most women I know don’t. Must be a mill thing. Get beat up while having sex. Can’t figure that shit out unless it’s a daddy thing.
EXIST2021 007479 twitter en Poor Lucy stuck in frigid nada, when she can be somewhere like @ElephantsTN so unfair Do the right thing & retire Lucy @doniveson @CityofEdmonton @JustinTrudeau 40+ years of service painting, piano playing, standing long hours greeting visitors #FreeLucy #PanelOfVets4Lucy
EXIST2021 007480 gab en I believe you are a bit confused with my position.I have nothing against marriage,but the modern version of it has no benefit for a man(divorce,alimony,etc.).A lot of today's women(& men) live in a state of perpetual adolescence,hence,all the bad behavior.
EXIST2021 007481 gab en BTW. There are NO women against feminism. That is a lie. ALL WOMEN are FOR the criminal abuse of men by women. There are no exceptions. Certainly not you. I am the worlds highest profile case and NO WOMEN have offered to make themselves useful.
EXIST2021 007482 twitter en Me: you said something sexistThe man, invariably: how dare you call ME sexist, for no reason at all???
EXIST2021 007483 twitter en @Kelvin5059 @Rose_Of_Dawn If you legitimately believe that feminism is cancer, then saying that you stand for women & girls when making these crazy arguments, you don't. You're a horrible ally and are only using women and girls as a false justification for terrible arguments.
EXIST2021 007484 twitter en I am so excited! It's my 2nd day of working as *the* HR person for a POC, woman-owned, multicultural-focused private practice therapeutic agency. This is the job I've always wanted! I can make a real difference, and help grow the agency.
EXIST2021 007485 twitter en REMOTE LIFE 75% DISCOUNT #summersale #discount https://t.co/La5yjXZHlA#shmups#kotaku#shmup#GAMERGATE #indiegames#indiegamedev#horrorgames #sparatutto#videospiele#videogames#computergames#gamenews#gamernews#nerds#otaku#arcadestick #stg#Geek https://t.co/aPzI2ny0YI
EXIST2021 007487 gab en Q: What's the worst support you can give to a man who complains that his wife is frigid? A: No, I can assure you she isn't, and by a long shot!
EXIST2021 007488 gab en @Gab#gamergate #Gabart as promised one of many to come Gab-Vivians http://iob.imgur.com/uYGg/fGiStaOMHyFeel free to share and reshare!
EXIST2021 007489 gab en Feminists and liberals are now using allegations of sexual assault to silence men they disagree with and are holding public show trials where men are assumed guilty and every woman should be believed, no matter how farfetched her story may be! https://youtu.be/d8umM4VSsEA
EXIST2021 007490 twitter en "@Adequate_Scott Feminism today made women into sluts. They ride the cock carousel all while ""finding themselves"" . Until the wall hits then ,then they start complaining there's no one to settle down with. Generally at 38 ish + years, when they are worn out more than a jocks socks"
EXIST2021 007491 gab en Graphic: Women kills Son then herself with rented guns at indoor range…https://www.newpoliticstoday.com/uncategorized/graphic-women-kills-son-then-herself-with-rented-guns-at-indoor-range/
EXIST2021 007492 twitter en @ryangrim As a woman, his history of assault really gets in the way of my enjoyment. I had him blocked long before Twitter did.
EXIST2021 007493 twitter en @zinkscfn everyone allow the kid its for 3 pound fuck me
EXIST2021 007494 gab en I dont want to blame all women but they just arent meant to be leaders or the head of a household or anything else they just arent cut out for it. Too easily suade cant stick to convictions. Then there seems to be a lot of gay infiltrators who want to hide behind the veil of sainthood so they can get lil boys. It's sad how corrupt the church can get when it's so simple to not be corrupted. Just follow the damn bible.. not rocket science.
EXIST2021 007495 twitter en Participants at today's discussion on Union Budget 2021 at @BJP4Gujarat office agreed this Budget is for basic infrastructure. This Budget is for a strong foundation. This Budget is to improve the life of India’s poor. This Budget is to give new opportunities to women and youths. https://t.co/HkLglAp99Y
EXIST2021 007496 twitter en did you get bullied for starting puberty and developing when you were 8 but looked 14 and get yelled at by your dad for looking like a whore only for when you actually were 14 to get told by your ex bullies that they wished to look older like you or did you have a good childhood
EXIST2021 007497 twitter en @bennyjohnson You love pedophiles https://t.co/3Xf9Jj8Lhlhttps://t.co/qnt5s68bWQhttps://t.co/VIV154eQnDhttps://t.co/3Xf9Jj8Lhlhttps://t.co/VIV154eQnDhttps://t.co/rRt5su1wCxhttps://t.co/GWj3qggUeIhttps://t.co/JFUkxfrqq1
EXIST2021 007498 twitter en Jessie Rogers interview PART 2Jessie goes into story related to her high school days being a huge slut, gangbanged by 5 guys on a party. https://t.co/CVQgRgfLh4
EXIST2021 007499 gab en Cry us a river nigger jew. How much soy have you ingested throughout your life? Do you have soy tits and cry from all of that estrogen? Fucking nigger jews are weak trash.
EXIST2021 007500 twitter en @PaulBiedermann @Veronicaromm @deAdder I confess to being extremely resentful of him still. I missed those years that my dad was in his thrall. I could not believe my father was so mean-spirited as to label me a feminazi. He lost any shred of tolerance and love towards others until later on in his life. He died at 67.
EXIST2021 007501 twitter en Opinion: The so-called #Patriarchy of the West has produced the freest, most productive and egalitarian societies that exist or ever have existed on earth
EXIST2021 007502 twitter en @brandonslaterr manspreading?
EXIST2021 007503 twitter en @Sen_Gounardes Agree, but still must be proven. If true let’s easily fix the issue once and for all. Let’s get the testosterone out of powerful positions, and replace it with more estrogen. Women are usually getting raped, not raping. #womenforpowerfulpositions
EXIST2021 007504 twitter en I just don't understand jasmean ka problem kya hai No one used her in game voh gaii just bcz she was looking negative N she do spread negativity all the time. she starts a fight n thn blame other's Stop it jas I used to like u but not now#RubinaDialik #Rubinadilaikforthewin
EXIST2021 007505 gab en Don't be fucking stupid. Why must Americans be so frightened by phantom threats? All women don't have to be homemakers and all men don't have to be soldiers.Your demand that everyone act their gender as defined narrowly by you is childish and myopic
EXIST2021 007506 gab en The worst kind of Liberal are those fucking female Liberals .... living the LA life style and think the represent the majority. ..you cant even beat knowledge and understanding into them....fuck I hate women...fuck I hate Liberals
EXIST2021 007507 twitter en @ghamjoon Misandry is real Source : trust me bro I've seen itXOXO
EXIST2021 007508 twitter en @MaleObserverZA Thank you. You can want a young woman who hasn't been on the cock carousel yet not want to be a provider.
EXIST2021 007509 twitter en manspreading is so sexc when he does it https://t.co/WQKqgJsXp5
EXIST2021 007510 twitter en FREE BRITNEY!!! The new documentary is SO sad this woman was chewed up and spat out by the industry for fun. The celeb culture in 00’s was disgusting and we grew up on this. It’s time to let her live freely and at peace. #FramingBritneySpears
EXIST2021 007511 twitter en @Coleminer31 @robertc20277507 The public demanded them. Pinning all the blame on one party and refusing to assign proper responsibility will not actually fix this mess. But I expect nothing less from the economically ignorant that run our society.
EXIST2021 007512 twitter en @faciliheir @UnwovenRabbit @CritLite @AveryOfBirds @Lizzie_Scott90 @wintercoasts @BSUH_maternity Wow. So you can shit on women and it’s fine. But we say anything against anyone else and it’s bigotry. #womenphobia excluding #womensrights
EXIST2021 007513 twitter en @ArtilleryOnly @Omnipangolin @PopeWaffles @DianaWintah They’ll probably call you a sensitive feminazi social justice warrior attack helicopter lmao. Some of these people never left 2016.
EXIST2021 007514 twitter en She's a woman so you've got to woo her, man.
EXIST2021 007515 twitter en Cabinet minister accused of historical rape in letter sent to Australian prime minister https://t.co/yIdRiSsErP
EXIST2021 007516 twitter en @craigmelvin If you blame or even speak of MY race one more time rather than say Exactly what they were, extremists, domestic terrorists etc, I am DONE with MSNBC! Can you not report without making it about you or your race. All about you?!! NO it isn't!
EXIST2021 007517 twitter en @Imthissexyinrl @soulbrotha215 @Inflatable8D I don’t blame you at all. I wouldn’t want to go there either. It sounds like women & children period ain’t safe there.
EXIST2021 007518 twitter en ㅤ daddy’s bitch. ⋆ hands tied and ass up, maybe he is is a slut . . . what is he kidding, he ( i s ) the biggest and cockiest slut.ㅤ https://t.co/c9esHDm1f1
EXIST2021 007519 twitter en @Nursekellogg13 Yassssss girl https://t.co/icga1EBdlt
EXIST2021 007520 gab en RT PrisonPlanet Alternate headline; Feminist acid attacks men and should be immediately arrested. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6206701/Law-student-20-pours-water-mixed-BLEACH-mens-groins-Russia-stop-manspreading.html …https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet/status/1044770340365307904
EXIST2021 007521 gab en Do liberals really value women? Maybe not! http://americanlookout.com/lpn-the-ultimate-in-social-engineering-grade-school-dumps-mothers-day-over-celebration-of-non-traditional-families/ #gab #gabfam #MAGA
EXIST2021 007522 twitter en @Truth_Cka I have a friend who is in a predicament whereby the woman he has been hustling for 12 years wants nothing with him. She keeps on telling him she found someone else but he keeps on insisting on fighting for her
EXIST2021 007523 twitter en @LieFE_of_Riley Ooh naughty girl thought you found one for 80.
EXIST2021 007524 gab en A Warming Climate Brings New Crops to Frigid Zones https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-warming-climate-brings-new-crops-to-frigid-zones-1543168786 #GlobalWarming.Hoax.Scam.Fraud.Lie
EXIST2021 007525 twitter en Why the fuck does he keep playing that useless cunt lindelof
EXIST2021 007526 twitter en @mtgreenee @JoeBiden Definitely underline issues with this woman. Saying your free...buy crying behind closed doors saying dont judge your past! Girl bye
EXIST2021 007527 twitter en @Karenlovecheese @brewdog1950 Didn’t he cheat on his present girlfriend while she was pregnant? Or was that just a rumour. I agree Johnson is incapable of considering anyone but himself and therefore totally unsuitable to lead a country.
EXIST2021 007528 twitter en @joyronesjr1 What a fuckin skank
EXIST2021 007529 twitter en @laurenboebert @IlhanMN If you must act like a cunt can you atleast drop the juvenile crap. not a good look. even on a piece of trash like you.
EXIST2021 007530 twitter en I watched Dolitte last night, and I enjoyed it immensely. However I have to wonder who thought it was a good idea to have RDJ sodomize a dragon with a leek?
EXIST2021 007531 twitter en @mascabrona6 @gdejecionais @laurenboebert Spare me the self righteousness lady. Indians were fighting each other for land way before anyone settled here. like I said it doesn’t work anymore. btw my grandmother was 50% Cherokee. I know a lot of Indian history and it all ain’t rainbows and unicorns.
EXIST2021 007532 twitter en My cook asked me for a Tarot reading yesterday, i opened her cards and asked her has your money been disappearing? She said how did you know? i said i can see it, then i said it is your husband, he has been filching your money. She found it hard to believe me. Anyway, she kept
EXIST2021 007533 twitter en every time i watch рb&jеff with facecam i am consistently taken aback by the fact that jеff is Hot . like i like аustiп more but jеff is like . more conventionally attractive. why is he sexy what the fuck
EXIST2021 007534 twitter en i don't get why men get their balls scrunched up like prunes seeing women make good money on onlyfans, but enjoy free porn provided by the damn internet and not say a word. sew your mouth shut, punk motherfucker.
EXIST2021 007535 twitter en @leo_barbour @emmsolom @BeschlossDC Has anyone covering a magat tour hear him use words like that?
EXIST2021 007536 gab en *Shrugs* it's good but not great work. There's still the lack of respect bit, the mention of their boobs. None of them have credibility of Ben Shapiro or arguably @Sargonofakkad100. I hope to get a 100 Patreons while not being especially curvy or Lauren Southern style attractive. Gotta have goals.
EXIST2021 007537 twitter en Last chance to gift 4 Jasmine flower plants FREE to the special women in your life. #Nurserylive is giving away 10,000 jasmine plant sets on #WomensDay! Check it out here https://t.co/Sj8tcQb1kb
EXIST2021 007538 twitter en @Mompat581 @MeghanMcCain Exactly! Who are you to tell other women what they should or shouldn’t do with their bodies??
EXIST2021 007539 twitter en @superweneehutjr @currydoomer @lonelyfag15 @FilipJackson By your logic if misandry isn't real, then misogyny isn't either. Last time I checked, both are alive and well moreso than ever
EXIST2021 007540 twitter en """You want my cock, Treasure?"" He can't help but tease."
EXIST2021 007541 gab en A news host who tried out an anti-manspreading chair appeared to be in physical pain and joked, I didn’t want any more children anyway. https://www.infowars.com/watch-news-anchor-in-pain-after-trying-out-anti-manspreading-chair/
EXIST2021 007542 twitter en Cheating period is bottom barrel. But these pregnant women be cheating too and yes they gettin hit while pregnant too https://t.co/ZULIjiCCQx
EXIST2021 007543 twitter en @simplysune14 @Max1023FM @DanielAkpata @doctorfrick @max909fm No doubt, I root for Nigerian born and bred ladies any time. They don't come cheap and have high moral standards but my dear the disloyal ones are increasing in the thousands #Latenightonmaxfm#insidelifeonmaxfm@DanielAkpata @doctorfrick @Max1023FM @max909fm
EXIST2021 007544 twitter en no business being this attractive methinks https://t.co/WKrjYw0pf5
EXIST2021 007545 gab en Oh ffs just do it. Man, what a cock tease.Trump ‘May Close The Southern Border’ Due To Border Crisis | The Daily Callerhttps://www.dailycaller.com/2019/03/28/trump-may-close-southern-border-border-crisis/ via @GabDissenter
EXIST2021 007546 twitter en @divisionforums Yal better fix that God damn lady death, do your fucking jobs bitches!!!!!
EXIST2021 007547 twitter en @tina4chippenham @LGBTIQAGreens Honestly, plenty is written, & is very searchable on GoogleIf you're interest, here's a start... https://t.co/xMQCLkhjEBFighting for #TransLiberation & #WomensRights against misogyny & violence are not mutually exclusive.#TogetherAgainstHate
EXIST2021 007548 twitter en "I can't believe someone says ""I want more variety of female armors rather than the sexy-looking ones"" and people respond: ""OH YOU'RE A FUCKING PURITAN AND SJW WANTING TO GET RID OF SEX IN MEDIA!""The internet has rotten too many brains."
EXIST2021 007549 twitter en """Men don't like feminists""Ok but I don't like men who don't like feminists, so we all win"
EXIST2021 007550 twitter en @spookylilpeach Repressed anger in other areas of life that comes out once you're in the relative anonymity of a car, maybe?
EXIST2021 007551 twitter en @RHelfenbein During an argument (between sexes), if the female brings up sexual harassment, rape how can the (pro-life) respond to that especially if they claim the victim was underaged?
EXIST2021 007552 twitter en yeah ezra koenig has written some great lyrics but he will never top “from here to texas girls call me sexist cause I airbrushed your breasts on the top of my lexus”
EXIST2021 007553 twitter en @Soul_Unrated @SyedAbd16473713 Exactly, also all terrorists are men, that means we should also come up with “Menphobia”. In fact the majority of the crimes are committed by men too. #NotAllMen
EXIST2021 007554 twitter en Went to the doctor today. Body healthy & breast good! *don’t forget to get y’all boobs checked ladies. Breast cancer is real.
EXIST2021 007555 twitter en Them west african guys love Burundian and Rwandan women sooo bad. But i don't blame them , i understand.
EXIST2021 007556 gab en I hate women who follow this shit.
EXIST2021 007557 twitter en I’m not watching RHONJ until Jenifer is gone. None of the women are interesting enough for me to put up with her. #RHONJ
EXIST2021 007558 gab en https://youtu.be/-baU3p8FTzs#mgtow #redpill #antifeminist
EXIST2021 007559 twitter en i'm a whore for pretty girls with pretty daggers doing pretty impressive things like fighting evil men
EXIST2021 007560 gab en You are new to all this so I will forgive your ignorance and basic bullshit we know Tommy since he started he is a peado coked up and gangbanged a 15 year old we wouldn´t stand with him so broke up the edl when he covered up for his mates registered peados we dont do peado lovers here he is a grass too I know the folk and he is working for state and Israel always was traitor
EXIST2021 007561 gab en If Hillary Clinton were 'as good as a man', she might have won. But she's not. She fails to rise to that glowing rung. :-)
EXIST2021 007562 twitter en @daisbinding You look like a prostitute
EXIST2021 007563 twitter en "I've had this. Well meant I'm sure...""Don't worry about coming to the meeting - I'm sure your little ones need you more than we do"". ""Make the most of your time with them"". ""Go and be with your family Amy"".......I'll decide about that thank you very much. #everydaysexism https://t.co/LlcPAf7hoU"
EXIST2021 007564 twitter en It’s so embarrassing and disgusting to know how Chairman Mori’s recent disrespectful behaviour toward women is still tolerated in Japan. He should step down and similar behavior shouldn’t be tolerated in the future. - Sign the Petition! https://t.co/bfkkDzZ87S via @UKChange
EXIST2021 007565 twitter en It’s interesting that there are people (men) who answered this question and think managers are only men. #everydaysexism @EverydaySexism https://t.co/Q8OGKbkhRA
EXIST2021 007566 twitter en @BethLynch2020 @ScottNevins Shhhh, he's mansplaining.
EXIST2021 007567 twitter en Preview @TIMPorn's SKEET: @JetRinkXXX gets right to guzzling @RilelyMitchelXXX’s hog & jumps his rod, like the butt slut, we’ve cum to know & love. Subscribers' Special Sneak Peak only @TIMFuckXXX Directed by @KyleFerrisXXX & @Scum_Cam #Skeet #webreedmen #treasureislandmedia https://t.co/gULO8XnDzz
EXIST2021 007568 twitter en Much of the southeastern U.S. is experiencing frigid temperatures. https://t.co/WtSMLbMoWS
EXIST2021 007569 twitter en @simone_phoebe @iamcardib No offence with no surgery you look like buffalo bitch Is that you you have a big head almost bald and you are too old for a nicki fan https://t.co/kcHQZqr5bn
EXIST2021 007570 gab en Tulsi Gabbard’s Domestic Policy is Policy Media Cannot IgnoreDemocratic Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard: an empowered woman that served in the Army National Guard for 16 years, deployed twice to the middle east, and is one of the first female combat veterans ever elected to Congress.https://activatenow.us/tulsi-gabbard-domestic-policy-media-cannot-ignore/
EXIST2021 007571 twitter en Its mostly same for #males aged between 30 to 40 year. All are being #harassed and charged with #fake allegation. IN any FIR 90 to 95% this are fake and remaining 5-10% things are the truth. But yet Only males are tortured and treat as money printing machine. https://t.co/WWjWqOGcFh
EXIST2021 007572 twitter en "@HawaiiSenate @mabel8ble Or,it gives + incentives & temptations to wreck innocent citizenthe #LAWLESS ""Law"" is freaking scary, period I show you somethingHow a totally up& up goody two shoe #harassed, #tortured, #prosecutednot knowing what day be killed ""legally"" by real criminals https://t.co/1zDDy3paSY"
EXIST2021 007573 gab en Listen to her. Patriarchy is a virus So is 'I am woman, I can do everything as good as a man' (Except logic it seems) Us women live longer than men; don't get jailed as often, lower suicide rate and 9/10 get the kids in a divorce.. Yet, they STILL bleat. She can fck off.
EXIST2021 007574 twitter en @mtgreenee Well sweetie, if that's how you feel-- there should be no women in Congress.Don't let the door hit you in your Qass on the way out.
EXIST2021 007575 twitter en @Enfys1977 @BrannocGGNS @bee_cat2020 @janeclarejones @joannaccherry “If your feminism doesn’t include males (who feel like women), it’s not true feminism.” How does that make sense in any way? That’s implying feminism is for anyone who identifies with stereotypical feminine qualities. Feminism is specifically for the rights of females.
EXIST2021 007576 gab en I estimate that the amount of damage women do to society is somewhere in the range of trillions of dollars. The funding of various governmental women's organizations are billions alone. The farcical war against domestic violence swallows up millions.
EXIST2021 007577 twitter en Worth remembering.#ToxicMasculinity#Patriarchy#GOPHypocrisy@AOC says it.Don't forget.#misogyny https://t.co/1w9Ef8SugT
EXIST2021 007578 twitter en @YOLOKUUSI @kylieeOW Most of these issues are started because some morons can't believe that women are good at video games be ause they're women, so gender definitely has something to do with it.
EXIST2021 007579 gab en Wonderful article (except for it won’t take you more than a year to find a worthy contender-surprisingly,there just aren't that many good men in our area.)I'm continually shocked at how many women don't know how to care for children, treat a husband, cook,clean, and perform other homemaking tasks.
EXIST2021 007580 twitter en I beg women to understand the difference in a MAN and a adult male. There are significant differences. I love you.
EXIST2021 007581 twitter en @QiaochuYuan @selentelechia ya i mean my theory is that this is less common for men than women. it would make sense your set of anxieties around sex is different from mine
EXIST2021 007582 twitter en #NotAllMen shut up, but the ones who use this tag unironically should. ~Red
EXIST2021 007583 gab en @u2fsdgvkx1 Hello David Rosler, ya lying little brat! Tell Kathy Amidon the lying little bitch that you’ve been exposed, here and on Twitter. PS, remove that lipstick, it makes you look like a whore.
EXIST2021 007584 twitter en Shut up feminazi. You are annoying me https://t.co/hkLqJF8QzB
EXIST2021 007585 twitter en Random fact: most psychiatrists like to diagnose people (specially women. Interesting, right?) with personality disorders which is most times just a combination of responses to experiences and types of trauma. The DSM needs an update but capitalists won't allow it.
EXIST2021 007586 twitter en Well done to @KatrinaTJourno for asking those questions, his answers prove everything, it's usual for a bully to play the victim card. We need more unbiased reporting from local & national press.An MP should listen to ALL of his constituency not just the ones who voted for him. https://t.co/uFXpbgoYui
EXIST2021 007587 gab en Tell my wife that and then wonder what happens when you have to pick up your teeth because she pistol whips you. You stuck your dick in crazy. You were told to your entire life to not stick your dick into crazy and you did it. Now you blame all women for it
EXIST2021 007588 twitter en Another thick cock destroying me (; I look so fucken good with that cock If you want to do this to me dm me I’ll be ready men (; Like and follow and retweet means a lot daddy’s #cocktribute #cumtribute #wanktribute #whore #bigtits #cockslut https://t.co/6L5DnmS6fb
EXIST2021 007589 twitter en Catalonian grandma gangbanged by French teens. https://t.co/4rJLn1GRba
EXIST2021 007590 twitter en @VarlanOlivier Manspreading max level.
EXIST2021 007591 twitter en @stiffclip @nbstxxn @Antonio12308501 @MelyMelzie @salchimamas What I'm assuming he is trying to say is that SOME, not ALL girls could simply learn and let go, they would rather blame others for their own happiness rather than take responsibility for it. Cuz at the end of the day ur the only one responsible for making ur self happy.
EXIST2021 007592 twitter en @MarissaRoberto Haha ya fellas (because women don’t trade???) go to the gym and make romantic relationships at your place of work (if you still have a job) instead of fucking over these Wall St. crooks causing them to cry like the bitches they are. Shatter their lives of ill-gotten comfort!
EXIST2021 007593 twitter en @joel_krahn Love those cow tits. Love the chicks at the barnyard.
EXIST2021 007594 twitter en @JoshuaVatsN @aw4_c I agree that men should be pastors. However you can't ignore 2 John where he is writing to a woman leader of a church. The elder unto the elect lady and her children, whom I love in the truth; and not I only, but also all they that have known the truth;2 John 1:1
EXIST2021 007595 gab en It's the truth, I got kicked from FB because I posted Obozo was a nigger. Posted a slut was a whore on Twit. Pretty sure it was because my first post was about hating niggers. I don't care about black people either way.
EXIST2021 007596 twitter en @ProudSlavic @maryBCHR @ripx4nutmeg Thank you for confirming that you are not speaking in good faith. What “equality” do you mean between females&males in pregnancy/maternity services? Is anyone trying to get males erased from urology, prostate health, vasectomy etc services? Obvs not. These are SINGLE-SEX services
EXIST2021 007597 twitter en @subtanyarl moon lovers , dots , goblin , vagabond , start up , the tale of gumiho , wyws , whats wrong with secretary kim , fairy kim book jo , strong woman dobong soon , the penthouse , fight for my way , flower of evil
EXIST2021 007598 twitter en @TheDirtyPolak @IMHO1969 @reductiologic @Acosta It seems you don’t have patience for anything. Not even capable of having a conversation You don’t have proof of anything. If your talking about the “p&ssy grab” comment then that is pathetic. Saying is one thing. Woman talk like that too.
EXIST2021 007599 twitter en seonghwa manspreading ,,, is my new kink
EXIST2021 007600 twitter en @magshutchinson_ @emilyxosborn What world do you live in. First of i am Dutch and saw your daft post where you claimed that Irish pikeys where a race. I just responded and learned that you are a total daft cow . Thats all. And now fuck of and stay on you're little island where they have you confined lying cunt
EXIST2021 007601 twitter en @jamescharles wait are you pregnant and bald or not?!
EXIST2021 007602 twitter en "An Alaska lawmaker said on the House floor that his female colleague could ""wear a short skirt and stop traffic."" He also said her fellow legislators would buy her some sweatpants. It was a joke that fell flat, Rep. Zack Fields said. Very flat. https://t.co/Uk2SqqaVTf"
EXIST2021 007603 twitter en "To the women who have WALKED OUT of ""lay to play"" situations, said no thanks to jobs for sex, etc... do you feel like a woman always has a choice (outside of physical violence)? #metoo #strongwomen #askawoman"
EXIST2021 007604 twitter en Don't presume you know what other women have gone through.It might shock the #prochoice to know, that pro-life women have had miscarriages too! The only difference? We acknowledge and respect the the sanctity of all life. https://t.co/6cTsZq9XaF https://t.co/mm0UTeeP3P
EXIST2021 007605 twitter en @moistened_bint Just back from a run, shower then working from home. Its a gorgeous day in Canberra today.
EXIST2021 007606 twitter en @chriscartel610 @AkersNigel @JeremyVineOn5 @mikeparry8 @StormHuntley @theJeremyVine It seems to me that all of your points are reasons why women aren’t in men’s football, not reasons why they shouldn’t be? This sort of mentality is the problem. “Players would be sexist and show no respect”, why is that accepted?
EXIST2021 007607 twitter en @queenpanpire Guys can't handle the fact that women are making a living off of something they created & OF is something that some 'men' believe they shouldn't have to pay for. A job is a job at the end of the day, you gotta do what you gotta do to keep moving forward.GGs to OF Creators
EXIST2021 007608 twitter en @Seven_0f_Spades Okay, imaging him doing that and discovering Mina, who’s visiting, is in a short skirt and no panties and he very much likes the smell
EXIST2021 007609 twitter en As much as we all do it (myself including) it’s breaking my heart seeing that the focus for so many women today is to lose weight for the summer. You are gorgeous and valid regardless of what a scale says, that is all
EXIST2021 007610 twitter en "@CryptoCharles__ She's still 22 and isn't done riding the cock carousel. Wait 'til she hits 29 or 30 (""The Wall"") and popped 5 babies all from different baby daddies. By then, her bio will read: ""Done playing games and need a serious, real man to step up to the plate."""
EXIST2021 007611 twitter en @TryingScotsman @Happyadamfound @Lunamee99 @Nemesis3561uk @Baron_Fortesque @Nichi_nix @Psychoticlilwi1 @duncandeeeznuts @SadBoyGee1 @SharpRose_ @EccentricJam @BFV_HIGHLANDER @RachQuitz @Necron_1986 @Magsk1_Gaming Fucks slutbag
EXIST2021 007612 twitter en its the way i wanna get gangbanged by two of my mutuals and im not afraid to say it lmao
EXIST2021 007613 twitter en @StephenKing You should write a book about an evil president but unlike the omen, more like a weazle of a president ordering serial killers to assassinate his enemies and his minions of Senators whom are devil worshippers sodomize children then eat them after they've been cooked on pizzas
EXIST2021 007614 twitter en @The_Ngozi @Miss_magnolia20 LOL. Miss me with this BS abeg. You couldn't show me where the Bible actually said women and men were equal and now, you want to project what is not said to somehow make yourself feel better about what you think it should be instead of what is. Enjoy!
EXIST2021 007615 twitter en someone: i want men gonecarrotjiu: nooOoOOoO you can't say that not all men are trash hnnng i haven't got laid yet *sniffs* you're a horrible
EXIST2021 007616 twitter en @ItBeAKeeby You can be an nb man, or an nb women, or feel inclined to neither or both, You prbly haven't had much experience/time/research in the queer community and are implying black and white rules for something that is very much not that.Astolfo is defo gnc, but can be nb, cis or trans.
EXIST2021 007617 gab en Can someone please tell me the name of this woman?
EXIST2021 007618 gab en #Antifa cowards physically attack a woman. Only cowards hit women, obviously this is how they parents raised them... to bash women. This is why they always run away from a fight when they don't outnumber the person 10 to 1. I'd love to meet some of these guys 1 on 1 and see how tough they are.
EXIST2021 007619 twitter en @sexualizedpony @NotTastypaws @LetLogicRule @sanchy_bruh so you're telling me that if you get horny in say, a supermarket, you'll just grab the nearest woman and start fucking her there and then?
EXIST2021 007620 twitter en Exodus Cry, the NGO behind the #traffickinghub campaign, removed these images from their website.Being anti-LGBT+ is not a good thing. Discrimination against LGBT+ people should stop. No one wants homophobia in the 21st century.More information here: https://t.co/e2ECwwyqxC https://t.co/Si5oAvxeJL
EXIST2021 007621 twitter en i know texas did not just cock block me with this snow
EXIST2021 007622 twitter en @MALabounty @willchamberlain You’re a liberal? Last I checked, y’all were supposed to be devoid of prejudice and pro woman. Shaming a woman for exhibiting her pulchritude is the kind of moral finger wagging the conservatives you hate do. So why do you hate women?
EXIST2021 007623 twitter en @darkskinmanson THANK U PEGGY
EXIST2021 007624 gab en The Alpha isn't the male who doesn't take any shit but the male who can take anything they dish out to reach is ultimate goal. Most women don't know this.
EXIST2021 007625 twitter en @REYN0LDS19 Guess some people think lesbian = misandrist. Then again they think women wanting anything more than what they have now is misandry.
EXIST2021 007626 twitter en @Tolu_Ad Sure, I’m just wondering if women realize that some of their expectations for what they want from a man aren’t really realistic in most scenarios. Eg wanting a man that only makes 6-figures+, 6ft tall+, etc. literally less than 10% of men are either of those things let alone both
EXIST2021 007627 twitter en @milhoe Women rap about their vaginas & men just rap about sleeping with multiple women, doing drugs, and other dumb shit society shouldn’t normalize lol. Any other genre of music rn > modern rap
EXIST2021 007628 twitter en I don't want to see anyone making fun of #gorillagluegirl (I hate to use the hashtag fr) bc her situation is the result of a society that places SO MUCH VALUE on beauty (esp black women!) that women go to extreme lengths to achieve the desired looks. I hope she is ok
EXIST2021 007629 twitter en @dnlkvcs @witchylunar_tic @kristal100 @emrazz Because that’s the topic at hand, and you’re attempt to reframe it isn’t helpful to men or victims of sexual assault.Dealing with the high rates of sexual assault by men doesn’t preclude anyone from addressing bad behavior by women.Stop acting like we have to chose.
EXIST2021 007630 twitter en @ResisterMama @baeareavibez @ShadowH96988211 @durktoomany I honestly think most all women have had shit happen to them. I can recount a bunch of assault I’ve behavior & just am so thankful I didn’t get violently penetrated. It’s such a pervasive cultural horrible presence that women need to be on alert as default. Horrible
EXIST2021 007631 twitter en #GlobalChangemaker: As a Soulmater, @ddlovato #post on #GenderReveal is spot on. #Humanity has been stuck on #DUALITY #ideologicalsubversion, not understood true #enlightenment due to 2500 yrs of #Patriarchy #brainwashing. Behold, #divinefeminine rises.https://t.co/brOV6YfWrn https://t.co/QPb8mnzdKP
EXIST2021 007632 twitter en @kelvmackenzie This guy has no respect for the hero's that though for this country and die for our library so If he doesn't like this country he lives in then he can always fuck off the Africa you racist cunt
EXIST2021 007633 gab en #Epstein #Pedogate http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3405407/The-busy-life-Jeffrey-Epstein-Group-gorgeous-Manhattan-girls-billionaire-pedophile-s-mansion-flies-private-jet-attractive-brunette.html
EXIST2021 007634 twitter en @peevmyster @davidhogg111 Its never just talking about pillows. Until we dismantle the #patriarchy and #systemicracism in #climate changing pillow manufacturing there will never be #equality.
EXIST2021 007635 twitter en @Fuzzy_Fuzzbutt @mtgreenee And a major skank!!
EXIST2021 007636 twitter en @TheBow_wow it ain't on that pranker fine god diss type niga who diss woman over being have babe and fine women that's okay that what he did do so spank me go to bed for something a man perfect me to be
EXIST2021 007637 twitter en "Quickstep is remembering the ""Bharat Kokila', Sarojini Naidu Ji. The lady with a clear vision, creative and leadership mindset that empowered the women of India for centuries.#sarojininaidu #sarojininaidubirthday #womensday #sarojininaidubirthday2021 #quickstep #flooring https://t.co/pFhk1MoKs5"
EXIST2021 007638 twitter en @amariehuntley Lmao! Look a bitch credit about to go UP. Cause that will wipe EVERY DOLLAR A BITCH OWES! lmao! I pray it’s true and not no if you make more like 50k shit you don’t get it
EXIST2021 007639 gab en Give me a break, a day without women. How about a day without frigging libtards? http://www.breitbart.com/jihad/2017/03/07/van-ness-many-people-kill-get-involved-womens-march/
EXIST2021 007640 gab en Stands to reason that since the dawn of the internet not all men are equal in fulfilling the capacity between their ears but that redundant thinking lives on
EXIST2021 007641 twitter en I work night shift and I was motivated like this I had to go back home at night, despite I am wearing clothes like a man, but I was #harassed by 4 different men! Sometimes I just feel, it is just so hard to be a #female in this world but I will stay strong #WomenPower
EXIST2021 007642 gab en From https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/09/prof_ford_flunks_as_a_female_role_model.htmlMany of us are astute enough to see *beyond the #Kavanaugh #Ford case at hand*, to the frightening prospect that our men – our husbands, fathers, sons, and friends – will be likewise scarred for life by unsubstantiated scandal and innuendo. ... #DueProcess #PresumptionOfInnocence#Patriarchy #MalePrivilege ^ THIS is why so many viewers wept alongside Judge #Kavanaugh as he spoke! https://gab.ai/LooseStool/posts/36676202
EXIST2021 007643 twitter en @sangarciacorre Sexual harassment?
EXIST2021 007644 twitter en Women’s Encounters brings a fresh new burning fire for Jesus !!!! Sign up today @aphchurch @ Priddy, Texas https://t.co/tofnZ3Y1mK
EXIST2021 007645 twitter en Guys I find men in leggings attractive
EXIST2021 007646 twitter en @girlypercs That face can use a 3/4 if ya Kno wat I'm tlkn bout, you look like a cheap ass whore with that ugly ass hairdo put a bag on cut a piece wer ur mouf Is n just suck it, that way that ugly ass face is good for!!! R ya mad yet!!!???
EXIST2021 007647 twitter en @beearchism good u deserve
EXIST2021 007648 gab en this fat cunt should be extolling the virtues of white American's who have made her filthy rich beyond her wildest dreams and yet racism, racism, more racism and blame whitey bs 24/7.
EXIST2021 007649 gab en It's annoying. Apparently the Bill of Rights was written by Hitler himself and means I hate black people, being pro-life means I hate women, and being a Conservative libertarian who advocates for free market principles means I'm a fascist. Who knew.
EXIST2021 007650 twitter en Like BITCH DO I LOOK LIKE A LIC TO YOU?!
EXIST2021 007651 gab en Why is it ok for men to be irresponsible and make mistakes, but women have to be perfect? Like a product on sale in a market?Because Christian scripture treats them like chattel
EXIST2021 007652 twitter en @BBCMOTD No wonder our fans hate him. Going to get his 3rd team relegated and he is smiling about it. #NUFC fans deserve better than this cabbage head. Stay down in Manchester Steve Bruce. Its clear that is where your heart lies. What a cunt! Fuck you! https://t.co/HnobU5Spn0
EXIST2021 007653 twitter en @DeniseShearin @atrupar Instead, you should stop pretending there aren’t legitimate biological differences between men and women that science can actually quantify.. such as testosterone for example. Equality doesnt have to mean “0 differences” or the abandonment of common sense. This is the wrong fight
EXIST2021 007654 twitter en i would also like to say fuck you to online school i havent learned anything all year. i hope your situation gets better look at this bear emoji he believes in u https://t.co/Jx543gXxQY
EXIST2021 007655 gab en want to arm wrestle? bahhhahaha, good for you, I like a woman who takes care of themselves.
EXIST2021 007656 twitter en @Moneymirweather I apologize to any Feminists who have spoken out about this issue. I have learned that it’s a big issue for feminists and I’m glad to learn that. I think more people should speak out about this including celebs who championed women’s rights in the form of “Me too”@Holtwood06
EXIST2021 007657 gab en no, just worthless left wing sons of the whore sthat gave thembirth
EXIST2021 007658 twitter en Evil Sheith's infiltration outfitsRyou:- Formal outfit- Black Tie- Floof slicked back- Black Masquerade maskAkira:- Reddish black Qipao(Very short skirt length)- Modesty Shorts- Knee-high combat boots- High Ponytail- Wolf Mask
EXIST2021 007659 twitter en "So I could be part of her respected group as a ""cool empowered self-sufficient woman"". She realized she is a lesbian (I'm actually proud of her) and now hates all men. I started bad mouthing feminism and that's why I don't like it despite my knowledge on it."
EXIST2021 007660 twitter en "@MicheleONeilAU @LesStonehouse I assume it is an acceptable defence in court now. ""Your Honour, I don't have daughters so I didn't know it was wrong to rape women"""
EXIST2021 007661 twitter en "@davoska1hinter @brule_t @ElrycC @kelliwardaz @BoSnerdley Yeah, more ""jokes"". Like calling women sluts, celebrating men dying from AIDS, having guests sing ""Barack the magic negro"" on his show. So funny. The way you describe him, I'm shocked he wasn't the most successful comedian ever with all those ""jokes""."
EXIST2021 007662 twitter en @courtneymilan Don the effing slutbag https://t.co/sPiVIpCtOf
EXIST2021 007663 twitter en Time to make your peace with the cold... below average (potentially frigid) weather likely to continue through the middle of the month! https://t.co/gioG7orOzv
EXIST2021 007664 twitter en If you find shit like this funny just block me rn please. Hiding behind a footballer avi and mocking people for how they look, what a cunt. Funny thing is her forehead isn’t big in the slightest. Such a vile person. https://t.co/5ewXQyCUqH
EXIST2021 007665 gab en Don’t cock tease me.
EXIST2021 007666 twitter en @StraitOuttaMinn Trannies are going to kill sports for girls and women.
EXIST2021 007667 twitter en @LeedsReSisters @LabWomenDec @alexsobel Why? Why @alexsobel, don t you think women and girls should have sex segregated areas in hospitals, prisons, schools and refuges. Why are you against safe, female facilities, female only hospital wards, refuges for women and girls who want and need single sex spaces?
EXIST2021 007668 twitter en Heart disease https://t.co/iUv35LExUy
EXIST2021 007669 twitter en Mansplaining
EXIST2021 007670 twitter en @soniasodha LGB Alliance is a hate group that has targeted women's domestic violence resources, surveys on LGBT safety, sex education and school clubs for young LGBT people to support each other.https://t.co/sK2xfUvj8u
EXIST2021 007671 twitter en @miss_essah @NAyeduase @WofahKay1 After denying him I now understand it when they say fear women
EXIST2021 007673 twitter en @cilliansmaid princess still can’t wait to be a trophy wife tho https://t.co/3HWJ1bD0Ix
EXIST2021 007674 twitter en @WorldItsmiguel @beacebets @RadfemBlack @b3_cc8 I get it, and that's not ok.We agree then- Nobody should blame or shame individual workers, it's the industry & those in control at fault.We all got bills, but women are being exploited to think sex is an empowering way to pay them. Monetizing your oppression isn't empowerment
EXIST2021 007675 twitter en @Sirciz @zSmittyTV You look like a whore on the TL
EXIST2021 007676 gab en They think it's ok to have sex with girls as old as 3 and boys as old as 9. They believe it to be ok to sodomize boys under the age of 9.
EXIST2021 007677 twitter en Hey ya’ll! To enhance your awareness of the disparities on maternal mortality rates for women of color please go follow my ig @msw521womenRemember: education is power! #WomensRights #maternalmortality #womenshealth #WOC #msw52102
EXIST2021 007678 twitter en @MeghanMcCain You look like a prostitute.
EXIST2021 007679 twitter en "@RSGabe1 Too bad one yakuza producer said they gonna skip the switch coz some japan only wiiu ports didnt sell well and the director said he doesnt want to do crossovers with fighting games coz ""kiryu doesnt hit women"" i'd love for it to happen regardless tho still space for a sega rep"
EXIST2021 007680 twitter en i’m usually always joking w the “REAL man” shit but that.... like you gon say you as a woman got on your knees.... i wanna unlearn this
EXIST2021 007681 twitter en @RepMattGaetz @FoxNews Dear Servant Matt,Never mind that! Americans want you to talk about introducing a Bill to abolish Qualified Immunity and overturning Pierson v Ray (1967). Also, talk about how you will lead and re-introduce the Equal Rights Amendment. Women don’t have equal rights as men. Shame.
EXIST2021 007682 twitter en @amandafreitag Beautiful ! Yummy .!!
EXIST2021 007683 gab en R.R. Are you at one or do you lie We live in a wheel, where everyone steals But when we rise it's like strawberry fields If I treated you bad, you'd bruise my face Couldn't love you more you've got a beautiful tastehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOllF3TgAsM
EXIST2021 007684 twitter en @carleyynaa I’m embarrassed as a man and a softball official to see some of these judgmental idiots. Most baseball players can’t hit a rise ball. Women have smaller hands & less muscle mass and they have to field and throw a bigger ball. 66 mph pitch from 43 feet is equivalent to 100 mph.
EXIST2021 007685 gab en @ProudPatriot101 Watch: Moment African nurse arrested after trafficking vulnerable Nigerian women for sex. https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/watch-moment-weeping-nurse-arrested-14844158
EXIST2021 007686 gab en She's a whore and I would like to fuck the shit out of her, and do all the nasty things to her that whores love!Activist Model Emily Ratajkowski Honors Easter in a Thonghttps://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2019/04/22/emily-ratajkowski-honors-easter-in-a-thong/ via @GabDissenter
EXIST2021 007687 twitter en To be a trophy wife or not...... https://t.co/xhDiqFKCQW
EXIST2021 007688 twitter en @SubToOptimus Can’t call people idiots then say 1/5 will be raped when that narrative was created by radical leftist feminists. I agree with most your points , but you we’re more emotional and took things more literal on this on. He was wrong af a mf harsh. Red pill is cringe. But I think you
EXIST2021 007690 gab en If you don't like people celebrating the 4th of July your options are: 1) Eat a bag of shit 2) sodomize yourself with a 2x4 3) Tell someone who gives a shit #FourthOfJuly #USA #MAGA #GabFam
EXIST2021 007691 twitter en Guys if you got videos of you fucking another girl and if I enjoy it I’ll give you a reward #horny #sexy #sext #nudes #trade #tradenudes #tits #cock
EXIST2021 007692 twitter en @SVNGNSHOUT “ A whore? “Laughs, then abruptly stops.“ Please don’t kill me. “
EXIST2021 007693 twitter en @TheyCallMeTomO1 He hasn’t called one Governor to offer up assistance. He’s a piece of shit. I should say she’s a piece of shit, since slutbag is running the country.
EXIST2021 007694 twitter en "@ZainabHrk @Saharanrajel @palestinianred Nah, actually not *EXACTLY* the same. See, largely white-populated Western nations don't *YET* bury women in sand and kill them by stoning for the ""crime"" of having accused their rapist of rape without having had 3 witnesses corroborate her claim. We aren't as ""woke"" as theocrats"
EXIST2021 007695 twitter en @teeethreee Only thing you're carrying is the burden of murdering two children, a man, and a woman in Dubai in 1987
EXIST2021 007696 twitter en SERIOUSLY??? Damn, she’s blonder than any blonde I’ve ever known. In fact blonde’s are not this dumb. The company that makes Gorilla Glue is going to have a good laugh with this one. This is something that needs to go onto @JudgeJudy! Lol... https://t.co/DWib3iuTJa
EXIST2021 007697 twitter en @iliketeslas The thing is ugly, had poor range, and lack of charging infrastructure. Never driven on their autonomy system but it's not a very compelling car given GM resources
EXIST2021 007698 gab en Look at this fat wanker. @PaulGolding . Don't forget this is a man with convictions for drunken violence. A conman who uses donations from members for houses, drugs and holidays. He ripped off veteran's charities. He has never had a job and abandoned his own daughter. No moral compass, no job, no fucking future.
EXIST2021 007699 twitter en I can cook clean I make a decent wage I play basketball I’m tall ig I took acting classes so we got that alike haha I’m also black don’t you think Black Lives Matter? I’ll be a house husband if that’s what you looking for I can be your personal slave if that’s better for you https://t.co/NzOLHarFx1
EXIST2021 007700 gab en What was it you motherfuckers supposedly quit doing that makes you worthy of the name of protesting the Cathylick church? I forget. Oh that's right. Popery. You quit following da pope. Supposedly. Now you use him as the same excuse Catholics do, just even more like a bitch.
EXIST2021 007701 twitter en 1/2 GIRL- Her life = #marriage! Ones married the #man owns her, she can be a #liability on him and because she is dependent on him he can continue treating her like shit. NO please stop this Shitty #upbringing. Stop talking about marriage start talking about Careers. #Patriarchy
EXIST2021 007702 gab en Never thought I'd say this--you conservative/patriotic ladies don't take this as an insult--these women should be in burqas
EXIST2021 007703 twitter en @chika_pinoy If only all men are like Josh Ivan, no inhibitions, no qualms in baring it all, this world will not be toxic...
EXIST2021 007704 twitter en @SmoshIan All men need to watch this. This issue is too important to not be addressed.
EXIST2021 007705 twitter en Seriously, his #GAMERGATE video is one of the best and most concise videos detailing a lot of the fiascos that went on in the games journalism scene. He also points out several incidents that show it wasn't all just Zoey Quinn.For fuck's sake, just leave the man alone.
EXIST2021 007706 twitter en @IrishJess7 Jess, please have a n absolutely fantastically perfect day yourself... You’re Sooo Super Beautiful. Wishing that you were my Future Trophy Wife
EXIST2021 007707 twitter en @MarshaG13057371 @UN_Women @GenEgaliteFR @inmujeres @SRE_mx @Beijing25Youth → What is gay?
EXIST2021 007708 twitter en @headfullaacurls Lmfao damn bitch my bad
EXIST2021 007709 twitter en “ your hair today makes you look like a whore “ @_caasiwerd_
EXIST2021 007710 twitter en Each of these has lots of complications (what benefits to maximize, how to measure, etc; equity for equality or helping worst off). But we're bad at figuring out the interaction between these two, and like to elide tradeoffs.
EXIST2021 007711 twitter en "I can't believe there was a time in which we all believed and shamed men for ""manspreading"" and completely refused to just acknowledge that they sat like purely bc of their balls."
EXIST2021 007712 twitter en Have a vision for the destination and make sure to enjoy the journey. We’re here to make things a bit clearer along the way.---- https://t.co/ekPlg6GJN8.#yourtrouvailles #steampunk #sunglasses #goggles #sunglasses #fashion #swimming #like #photography #eyewear #steampunk https://t.co/PidUpSCccY
EXIST2021 007713 twitter en @Indraarchie @ThatConnorGirl @themetskipper @ThatGirlConner PS... thanks for womansplaining that to me! I appreciate a bit of misandry ;)
EXIST2021 007714 twitter en Wife Gangbanged on Friends Couch https://t.co/IRxIAaFZkP
EXIST2021 007715 twitter en Here’s how you become a dream woman before you hit 35+ you stupid dead egger.Stop riding the god damn cock carousel. Realize that monetizing your body means that no one BUT coomers would want you, because you are now meat. Easy. https://t.co/wZy1nRe3oQ
EXIST2021 007716 twitter en When a woman says “No” what is so hard to comprehend?. If you grab her hand & you’re feeling like she’s trying to avoid touching you or she keeps tugging away that’s a sign for you to stop.
EXIST2021 007717 gab en These 2 have Alot more in commin than just their ugly faces.
EXIST2021 007718 gab en Lying falase victim democrat agent Joy Villa was the guilty slapper & not the slapped victim.http://truthfeednews.com/breaking-man-who-joy-villa-slapped-speaks-out/
EXIST2021 007719 gab en Scuffed Podcast 26! - FT. Greekgodx , Stpeach , Amouranth + More! - YouTubeHolly fuck, Destiny is a fucking soyboy beta. I would like to fuck his wife in front of him.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5MXH7bXjbM&t=12617svia @GabDissenter
EXIST2021 007720 twitter en @upye88 He’s the cunt at should get a grip ffs done fuck all the full season bar score a couple goals fay outside the box . Maybe spend more time practicing shooting that liking Huns pictures
EXIST2021 007721 gab en https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/05/breaking-bill-barr-will-not-testify-before-house-judiciary-committee-thursday/BREAKING: Bill Barr Will NOT Testify Before House Judiciary Committee ThursdayJerry Nadler gets his fat Jewish nose rubbed in it by Barr.Subpoena next? Fats Nadler, the next move is yours.
EXIST2021 007722 twitter en When we prize intellectual worth in women as highly as physical beauty, it will be time to protest against the methods of #LolaMontez.From D'Auvergne's An Adventuress of the 'FortiesPhoto of Lola Montez with Alights On a Cloud early 1850's#WomensRights #WomensLivesMatter1 https://t.co/xNyLWeckju
EXIST2021 007723 twitter en Please can we all stop spreading information that pregnant women can’t be vaccinated. Thank you. https://t.co/HUYXE53Ca8
EXIST2021 007724 twitter en @aqualyxcourse @BritneyHiatus She doesn't deserve to be controlled. And yes he hit her sons they were the ones who spoke out about it. They don't like him. Shes a grown ass women who's not allowed to marry or be around her children as much. If she was properly supported she'd be fine.
EXIST2021 007725 twitter en @KingOfSunshine @DonaldJTrumpJr I think it says a lot about a woman that can stick by a pedo and rapist for the sake of money and power.
EXIST2021 007726 twitter en It's funny that a dumb blonde who shall not be named is trending. I knew Q would use what Joe said. I tell my friends that I like kids more than ppl too #SoWhat she needs attention she's having some withdrawal cause now she's only famous among the Q.
EXIST2021 007727 gab en she is beautiful? standing by the fountain??? she would quench my thirst? my cup is dry? I am thirsty? I will ask her for a drink??? she filled my cup? and she came back? filled my 10 camels? with the waters? from the fountain of life?I will go down with Glory? https://gab.com/hwt123/posts/RE5yZTVqeFNiVHZLK1A0Sm1vbDBYZz09
EXIST2021 007728 twitter en @ejayjones492 Because facing the truth hurts their self esteem. Pussy is everywhere and too easy to get so they have to actually come to the table with something and they are realizing they dont have shit so they grouping up to bash her cause she speaking facts. Not all women but a lot of em
EXIST2021 007729 twitter en @ESPNFC Pep's a glorified gold digger @AFCJaf
EXIST2021 007730 twitter en "Biological males (""Men"") now account for only 40% of undergraduate students.That means ""women"" (not men) make up 60%.This is a HUGE problem.You don't have to be a #MRA to realize that something needs to be done to fix this.Enjoy sleeping in the bed you made, America."
EXIST2021 007731 gab en What is manspreading? I'm a Conservative, so I want to know what it is. Milo talks about it, so that's why.
EXIST2021 007732 twitter en I want someone who'll tease me by randomly touching my cock
EXIST2021 007733 twitter en no the gays don’t wanna see your tits in your penguin pajamas you heterosexual cunt
EXIST2021 007734 twitter en bitch idk why it’s translating to whistle
EXIST2021 007735 twitter en @DailyCaller DO NOT confirm Merrick Garland!! Women' sports should include females born female and NOT males who have altered themselves into females. Doing so will kill ALL women's sports. Garland would not answer Senator Kennedy's question on his beliefs.
EXIST2021 007736 twitter en Is there a more real bullshit version of the FemiNAZI's in our midst? Please GOD help these screwed up women....it can only be their Fk'd up upbringing and lack of decent MEN or God in their lives.....do the sums.....research....MEN need help to fight this scourge in our society)
EXIST2021 007737 twitter en As a born-and-raised Minnesotan, I would like to note that if I was trapped by icy roads, in a home with no electricity, heat, or running water, in temps below freezing, I wouldn't know what the fuck to do either.
EXIST2021 007738 twitter en Mind your damn business on how women date! Lori can date whoever and not settle. Also, why are you speaking on someone’s sex life- y’all weird af for that. Boosie, it’s okay, just tell us you jealous and want MBJ for yourself. We all know Michael FINE https://t.co/G6zHJkYZcu
EXIST2021 007739 gab en That's because feminism is a Jewish weapon against the goyim, and Jews ftmp don't believe in it for themselves.True-believer feminist Jewesses such as yourselves are victims of having drunk your own people's non-kosher kool aid.
EXIST2021 007740 twitter en @JulSun76 @TinaDuryea O connor sure did a lot for women by giving legal cover for anti abortion laws!
EXIST2021 007741 twitter en With 1.7 million followers on Facebook, most of whom are likely female, here is “Women’s Rights News” bowing to men who identify as women against the witches—I mean, “TERFs.” This “All Genders Matter” approach to feminism is the postfeminist antifeminism erasing women’s rights. https://t.co/6CzJVSwyb2
EXIST2021 007742 twitter en you look like a stupid cunt stop it
EXIST2021 007743 gab en I think Bill convicted himself when in civil court he admitted to drugging women for sex. Had he kept his soup coolers closed, this would have been an unproveable case of he said she said.
EXIST2021 007744 twitter en "@asaphyunjin and all of them are abt ""school violence"" come on i pushed my friend onto a busy street during a fight when i was like 14 do i look like i care that an idol called you a bitch once in middle school"
EXIST2021 007745 twitter en @Live5News Still not covering Graziano and her love of child molesters and pedophiles? Still not caring about the children? 2 pedophiles walk out of jail. Illegals and ICE never contacted. Is this what you want pedophiles getting time served to go back out and sodomize children??
EXIST2021 007746 twitter en """Women be shoppin"" and talking. Those are way more annoying than #Patriarchy https://t.co/qUWbmL4ANy"
EXIST2021 007747 twitter en @jarodzsz @RexChapman I still can’t believe this chick thought I was an alien. I’m ugly, but come on!
EXIST2021 007748 twitter en Lmao somebody is fucking yo bitch https://t.co/f6f4364fcH
EXIST2021 007749 twitter en Fuck it ,I would like to thank everybody for my bday wishes....
EXIST2021 007750 gab en Using children as human shields is a clear case of child abuse. Not to mention using both women & children as shields is a tactic used by terrorist organizations like #Hamas. Migrant Caravan organizers need to be charged with crimes against humanity #gab #gabfam #news #Mexico #CaravanInvasion
EXIST2021 007751 twitter en @clairegcoleman @Catlady762 @LornaMarkham1 @jessvarii @TheStellaPrize Yours reads I hate women and will force them to accept a load of cock and bull gaslighting rubbish and abuse them if they object to my lies
EXIST2021 007752 twitter en 3. He's the boss in a hotel you work for. Tall, young, handsome, and rich. He's your future husband type.You're just a chef in his restaurant's hotel. To impress him, you can't just cook a special menu for him, can you?(cont.)
EXIST2021 007753 twitter en @cmclymer The whole thing is just insane. One is a man or woman. Science confirmsbut we are a free nation and one can pretend to be the other if they chose.
EXIST2021 007754 twitter en This is a Fan Favorite! Floor Dance - Cock Tease https://t.co/QzHpnbxfW6
EXIST2021 007755 twitter en My desired trophy wife at last https://t.co/opu2KtchqV
EXIST2021 007756 twitter en @corberi_ Isn’t it like 2 pound tho
EXIST2021 007757 gab en Friends,If you see a woman with blue hair, shitty tattoos, ugly clothes and bits of metal sticking out of her face be sure to shame her as hard as you possibly can.Make her cry if possible.Tell her to take those ugly ass piercings out of her nose, quit cutting yourself, take a shower, put on some deodorant, put on some clean, feminine clothes and act like a lady.No one wants to date a girl with gauges in her ears and White girl deadlocks.I'm sick of seeing girls who have the potential to be pretty but who purposefully try to dress as ugly as humanly possible to express the ugliness and deadness of their tormented soul.Yes, OK, we get it, you hate your father!That doesn't mean we all need to endure the pain of looking at your disgusting ass (and smelling you).Spend some time in nature, breathe some fresh air, play with a puppy, drop your Women's Studies class, or better yet, drop out of college altogether!All that Marxist propaganda can't be helping your already fragile and traumatized psychological state.People are so fucking screwed up!
EXIST2021 007758 gab en Are these actual WHITE CHILDREN being born???!!! Praise KEK!https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6853873/Los-Angeles-Chargers-quarterback-Philip-Rivers-wife-welcome-baby-girl.html
EXIST2021 007759 gab en No more free drinks girls...https://youtu.be/u-U7-ko6JFA#mgtow
EXIST2021 007760 twitter en @sunlitgold1968 @punk_003 @k_clayt @jayjazz3 One problem with Wonder Woman as a character has always been that she had the worst rogues gallery among all founding Justice Leaguers. Writers don't have a ton to work with.But, yeah, it's not good.
EXIST2021 007761 twitter en this....when a woman has an onlyfans, men will drag her thru filth but will turn around and do something like this. all I’m getting from this is that it’s sexually stimulating for you when it’s non consensual... https://t.co/MaymQUde8P
EXIST2021 007762 twitter en @reardonsally Ah cheers Sal. And she’s sound as a pound (I suppose she has to be). I always tell the young guns down Penallta that if they want a good, happy life they need to marry a bloke. Worked for me and it worked for your husband too Sal xx
EXIST2021 007763 twitter en @PattiAnnPrinzi1 @KChvosta I feel like if someone opens the door for you, you just say thank you. its a polite gesture no matter the gender. Sorry but feminism doesn't live or die on Men being chivalrous. So the woman that went on a date with your son is just plain rude. You raised a polite young Man IMO.
EXIST2021 007764 twitter en When a man talks dirty to a woman, it's sexual harassment. When a woman talks dirty to a man, it's $3.95 a minute #HugeStrapon #FootJob https://t.co/EBxi3iWGnl
EXIST2021 007765 twitter en @Alastormusing @M0t0rM0uth @Claire_FOX5 @FOX5Atlanta Poor baby. I see you play the victim card well.
EXIST2021 007766 twitter en @TysonFoods the quality of the wing grading lately is atrocious. 2.5lb bag after bag. Excess fat, shattered bones, etc. The list goes on. QC retraining is advised. Probably directly in spanish not translated.
EXIST2021 007767 twitter en I dont get it. Someone explain. If you like cooking so you do so everyday for your man .. how is that an issue. If When i think of myself i think of my husband because that is what being married is. So if im about to cook or get food most times im think of whether he ate
EXIST2021 007768 twitter en @Joe_17efc @LFCRhys_ @pwefc1 @LFC Deleting your tweets you fat mess your nan tho la shes dead little slag isnt she? You agree
EXIST2021 007769 twitter en @godot411 @LeftRightUnity @nypost That conduct was not done as a member of Congress. If you’re going to go into history of questionable statements or actions by Congress men & women, all you’re left with is Rand Paul.
EXIST2021 007770 gab en As you're a drug addict slapper im betting its you. Put your price up for sex yet?
EXIST2021 007771 gab en I estimate that the amount of damage women do to society is somewhere in the range of trillions of dollars. The funding of various governmental women's organizations are billions alone. The farcical war against domestic violence swallows up millions.
EXIST2021 007772 twitter en Gravy boat horticulture slutbag
EXIST2021 007773 twitter en @sleafordmods I think Lady Gaga can afford a lot to protect her dogs.There are gangs at the minute stealing dogs and attacking people with them. We have fuck all to protect them or us. Personally I would like to rub their face in dog shit
EXIST2021 007774 twitter en @Danny_Walterr Even if you don't want to cook for your husband, because you're equal, don't you think about your young children?
EXIST2021 007775 twitter en @Gs0Th @AnisonII @9pider I understand lol but the difference is MOST men make they intentions clear by they actions, women actually create a relationship out of they finesse, not actually attracted to the man, nor love him nor actually enjoy spending time with him unless it involves spending money lol
EXIST2021 007776 gab en So I was half asleep on my way to the office this morning when I saw this car in front of me and I had to do a double take.I have been wearing a multitude of different Q T-Shirts, including some from our very own NR, since April of '18 all around NW Houston and I have yet to see anyone else with anything Q related.Likewise, I have gotten next to no recognition when I wear my shirts. I did get a thumbs up from an elderly Walmart Greeter one time, which was cool. I assume it was because of my shirt, but might not have been.At any rate, when I saw this vehicle, I had to catch it once the light turned so I could honk and give a thumbs up. The kind woman smiled and returned the gesture!!!I try not to pollute this space, and this is not research of any kind, but I really enjoyed my moment this morning and I appreciate the woman driving this vehicle.
EXIST2021 007777 twitter en “Cocky slag!!” ...I like how that rolls off the the tongue #DragRaceUK https://t.co/n2pQCPbZZW
EXIST2021 007778 twitter en """You look like... a-... a prostitute, b-but in a good way! Prostitutes always gotta look good, y'know? So in that case, you're the hottest prostitute-looking daddy I've ever seen!""Matt's brain was thinking of tits and cock way too much, to the point where he didn't know what - https://t.co/BdmfiXzkQc"
EXIST2021 007779 twitter en @LauriLocs3Fears @Ambervanduyn1 @yashar @IMontoyaResists @markbinelli He didn't ask about her tits. She offered. Your analogy is flawed at it's core.
EXIST2021 007780 twitter en One of the worst takes I've seen on this hell hole website was someone say that only sleeping with people you find attractive is discriminatory
EXIST2021 007781 twitter en @Too_many_alters Yeap, if anyone getting gangbanged, it better be a sugar daddy in there. Or they are trash
EXIST2021 007782 gab en Christine Ford: Sorry I haven't aged well in 35 years. But I've been ridden hard and put away wet. Yeah, I'm a slutbag.Notice that Ford is two years younger than Brett Kavanaugh yet looks a lot older than him. She looks like she's had a hard life. Party Hardy.
EXIST2021 007783 twitter en I think accountability should take place with both men and women because all men do is put the blame on women. He literally said stick by yo nigga when he doing fuck shit. I never hear these dudes say man stop coming into these women lives with masks on and fuck'n up their world https://t.co/mCy4k5GmZu
EXIST2021 007784 gab en Life in Germany is better -Atheism is UnstoppableReally? How many women are buying and wearing rape alarms on their belts? This is why I hate Ethno-Racial assholes like this No God believing bitch. Eu is quietly handing their balls to their gov'ts, like Nazi Germany and World War II never happened. This is the problem with listening ideas of stupid people
EXIST2021 007785 twitter en @ArchonOf @SmokeAndSomno @TheEbonyMaw women are just a different gender. Im for true equality. Most of you people ain’t y’all just want a edge on everyone else. I don’t blame you everyone is looking for that edge. But if you want equity it comes with the bad to. Being held on a pedestal is not equality.
EXIST2021 007786 twitter en to be a magical girl is to suddenly be aware that you are a thinking thing, piloting a fragile spongy meat vehicle that never stops decomposing https://t.co/BgwzpAhrhz
EXIST2021 007787 twitter en @HelaoSouse I just went and looked and all I can say is omfg. And, those comments about feminism, if they’re trying to be a feminist, they’re doing it wrong. Wtf is wrong with people? Kinda makes me want to tweet out some trashy pics at them. Your pics are anything but distasteful
EXIST2021 007788 twitter en @black_strx @BitLifeApp Fr fr im tired of playing with these gold digger hoes
EXIST2021 007789 twitter en @Jaslynn_nichole I've been called shallow for this but I feel like physical attraction is an important part of a relationship. If you can look beyond that, more power to you, but I can't be with someone unless I wanna smash.
EXIST2021 007790 twitter en @charlenebibbw @VolumeRose @BillPeacock3 @emrazz @ik1tt3n I can assure you men are equally tired of women. This is the very reason #MGTOW is gaining pace everyday. I don't subscribe to their mantra by any means but I can understand why they are doing what they are.
EXIST2021 007791 twitter en @asapskrr I mean I'm uncomfortable beyond belief around women if I don't l know them. It isn't their fault, it's a mental thing.
EXIST2021 007792 twitter en "(1/2) The Industry has been firing women for decades for being: 2 fat, 2 thin, 2 dark, 2 light, 2 tall, 2 short, 2 loud, 2 demure, pregnant, ""hysterical"", and even for having a bad day, without any outrage from white men. Disney has an image, and I'm sure in their contracts...."
EXIST2021 007793 twitter en Perhaps it’s the perfect timing of...Birth control Riding the Cock Carousel Excessive drinking Eating Garbage Getting high everydayOr as we call it in the West: Freshman Year of College https://t.co/Q5b0zC53uf
EXIST2021 007794 gab en I'd tend to say these advices are not so bad but i'd give another one: be aware of here feelings AND needs, try to understand if she wants to be shaged as a slut. Don't be brutal but be ready to satisfy her.She has to come out of it trully happy, with the feeling an horse has stamped her.
EXIST2021 007795 twitter en @DonnaDiva hey is it feminist to out a sexual harassment victim by name at a staff meeting where the accused harasser is also present? cause neera did that
EXIST2021 007796 twitter en @sheilagregoire I'm not evangelical, so all this is unfamiliar to me. I am familiar with what evangelical men & women say about women who need to abort their pregnancies. They blame women's lust. I'm glad not to be a part of it.
EXIST2021 007797 twitter en A Black woman will be the world's top trade official for the first timehttps://t.co/Bfzmq7gdjs
EXIST2021 007798 twitter en No one would be trying to do anything if you admit there was missing context and apologize for the comic hurting real rape and sexual assault victims.No one is a snowflake because they have trauma, that mindset is genuinely horrible and could back fire on you.
EXIST2021 007799 twitter en @ScuttletownSlut's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the Twitter Media Policy. Learn more.
EXIST2021 007800 gab en I would like to fuck you in the ass
EXIST2021 007801 twitter en @CorkyBottle @HoodedMan @Billablog Whatcha' sayin,' Corky? #notallmen? Not all men who wolf-whistle rape, but all rapists have overtly or inwardly always seen women as prey, which is what a wolf-whistle signals...
EXIST2021 007802 twitter en @PhillyNas215 @JustinLaboy @___persephone Who said women don’t have it? Maybe we just don’t want to..... spend it? https://t.co/pTUYyYzEBv
EXIST2021 007803 twitter en Why is The Feminist Library erasing #women? https://t.co/7V2Wg6TQFj ‘oddly, given the mainstream narrative, those who identify as trans (0.3 per cent of the population) have an almost unparalleled power to change law and compel speech’#patriarchy #SexNotGender@feministlibrary
EXIST2021 007804 twitter en Discipline is required. Spank me Daddy. Huge eyeroll.These #trad women #Tradwife rules are something else, aren't they?Not being a blow up doll servant is not a bad mood. You don't have to be this little whipping girl for a man, ladies. There is a better way. https://t.co/ZqXBv8UTWc
EXIST2021 007805 twitter en "The fact that women, LGBTQIA, POC have to keep ""proving"" themselves in mainstream culture every few yrs shows that hate for them is perpetuated and taught to every new generation. The history of popularity and success of ppl other than straight white guys needs not be forgotten."
EXIST2021 007806 twitter en bitches hate that they lonely today! https://t.co/gsNJwMcqXt
EXIST2021 007807 twitter en @MajorJCollins “She’s a good one, had a hard time raising 5 kids by herself but we all turned out alright in the end” she nodded before chuckling “well I was still scared shitless but you did make me feel a lot better. I did have a feeling that was the case, the women seemed to have an >
EXIST2021 007808 gab en Yeah, here you come knockin' on my door, baby Tell me what you got on your mind I guess those college boys all went home for the summertime Yeah, you're lookin' right, lookin' good Lookin' like a woman should So why is it so hard to find A place to lay your pretty little head down once in a while https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVRzk3VWOKY&t=186s
EXIST2021 007809 twitter en "@EsotericMike @haslett_chad @MedusaBaked All she said was ""scroll on past"" Michael.....You seem to be getting your panties in a dirty lil twist over a woman setting basic boundaries.I bet you tell women you hit them because you love them ***Paging douche disposal! We got a real feisty prick over here*** https://t.co/sPcgpzjb4T"
EXIST2021 007810 twitter en @BBCNews can anyone explain why this article about supply chain is accompanied by a pic of 5 women in swimwear? Were there really NO alternative images available? #everydaysexism https://t.co/P33yfOY1JK
EXIST2021 007811 twitter en @AaliyahJay By old woman do you mean mothers? Lmao Women are going to do everything but hold MEN accountable for their own actions which is exactly why they are the way they are. These are grown ass men,Mommy can't save them all the time. Men need to do better. Put the blame where it belongs
EXIST2021 007812 twitter en "@wagatwe I don't think ""feminists"" know what feminism is anymore and they always want to exclude the females who are more successful than them. Not feminists at all really."
EXIST2021 007813 twitter en @SalernoSteve your personality is really ugly. Have a nice day
EXIST2021 007814 twitter en "I just wish all women would ""go fuck yourself"" at their husbands honestly. I don't get why women have to pull up with their bullshit specially if they are financially independent or and earn even more than their husbands... like wtf"
EXIST2021 007815 gab en Girls will be girls.(To the women in my friends, you'll have to excuse me for a while, I've tried not to go down the road of posting ever criminal or shitty act women perform but after the Gillette ad it has become clear someone needs to, I know you know that I know that we all know, it is not all, as it is not all men and none of us are responsible for people like this, they choose to do this without our permission or approval and in the face of everything we as a society do to discourage them).https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/8210861/bad-girls-club-babies/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook#Echobox=1547740766
EXIST2021 007816 twitter en @GaulSeth1 @ViggoiOna A sacriliegiuos heretic as opposed to Puritan. I understand.
EXIST2021 007817 twitter en “tits and champagne”- kate walsh
EXIST2021 007818 twitter en @johndenverstan Poor guy can't even compliment you without you accusing him of mischief. And women wonder why men don't put more effort in
EXIST2021 007819 gab en Yeah, we know what a drunken POS skank Killary was and still is! Waiting for her liver to give out!
EXIST2021 007820 gab en If a girl has a good Father, then no. My Dad was wonderful. Thankfully, I was never assaulted by a man, but I did encounter several jerks in life. But I realized not all men were jerks.
EXIST2021 007821 twitter en @LukeChudoba Frigid, toxic, and chaotic. . . Jesus, Jupiter describes half the girls I dated in college.
EXIST2021 007822 twitter en @PrettyInBri You could have tao dudes thinking they got your pregnant, kind of the same thing https://t.co/QqGOnT1Xzg
EXIST2021 007823 twitter en Mr Microphone (1978) transmitted sound to any FM radio, had a distinctive orange foam cover, and encouraged antisocial behaviour. #mrmicrophone #asseenontv #fmradio #radio #microphone #transmission #heygoodlookin #everydaysexism #jinglebells #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic https://t.co/sq47szaa1S
EXIST2021 007824 twitter en Just another glimpse of those gorgeous crotchless, bumless pantyhose with my very short skirt and ankle boots! My premium OF has all the EXPLICIT pics for free! And my free OF has a PPV gallery of explicit pics. Can you do a full squat? I can.... https://t.co/E3bZyRG9s9
EXIST2021 007825 twitter en "@noirnorthstar_ imagine: tommys like ""if i thought really hard about knowing everything you know would you be able to absorb that knowledge from me and then we just keep going back and forth like that""and david not looking up from his computer is just like ""what the fuck are you talking about"""
EXIST2021 007826 gab en My gender is a table nobody has consent to effeminated, sodomize, nor homosexualize, not psychically nor 'in actual'!Know this, If homosexuals are even allowed to 'the table', it's obviously not God's table! The rules of the table wherein homosexuals abound aren't God's rules being formed by the leaven which has grown up reprobate.There is no double mindedness in Christ Jesus, let us not have our table divided therefore, by forming pricipalities and powers that give ground, support, and obseience to, provisions or acts of sin! We, the body of Christ, can't continue to allow secular authorities to steal God's Power & Authority; to take ground (lawfully submitted) to glorifying them who continue in their sin.No, we don't give ground and dignity to reprobate sinners but rather righteous reproof; leading them; who are blind and deaf, to seeing and hearing the Word of God as 'living out of His resurrection life out of them. Once chastened thru our (sin's) death we are married unto Christ in His resurrection. Our Sovereign Union (identity/citizenship) in our resurrection, as His holy sovereign resurrection being; we find our place in the Third Adam. - The Bridled gown of the Godhead, Keshet Yashua IsRael.Don't ever imagine me as being a woman, so you'll never be disappointed, by my always being God's man! - Jesus IsReal
EXIST2021 007827 twitter en @bbygrl9218 @notsorayax An inconvenience to be repressed with food, sex or alcohol?
EXIST2021 007828 twitter en You ever have this moment where you're like, damn I wish @klff_ and @InkyCoffee would both come back here and hang out at my place for a week again and we could camp and make a smorelet and all that girl stuff?
EXIST2021 007829 twitter en Oh yeah, she is one dumb bint. That is a fact.
EXIST2021 007830 gab en David Frum has tits already
EXIST2021 007831 twitter en @ambar_hitman @RajNgc What you all are saying, she is a girl/women, so it's just a fun activity done by her so hear it enjoy & laugh, they can't take any action against them.If it's a boy's till now a tharki boy tag placed on him, everywhere all feminism demand for jail in that case.#BiasedLaws
EXIST2021 007832 twitter en @EntropicEcho5 @Etanarachel @becka_newell @realbigdeal3 @DrJessTaylor @AVintenAuthor So you think the politicians who wrote and passed the laws, which she is merely stating the legal positions of, because they hate trans women? I doubt the hundreds of MPS who passed the sexual offences act 2003 & its predecessor acts were doing it out of malice to trans people
EXIST2021 007833 twitter en @988EXCarlos Hehe maybe that's what's attractive lol, they look better then the winter Texans lol. The winter Texans from Canada always complain about the quebecois
EXIST2021 007834 twitter en @Izza_Cunt Its just a fact! You DO look like a Hollywood starlet. And you even look like a hotter version of Robyn, the girlfriend of Huey, LOL! I still hope to see a cameo of you on The Boys one day, love!Or we can stalk them out next season, haha
EXIST2021 007835 twitter en @TimesNow @thenewshour In a reformed status of #GenderEquality,& decimated status of so called #patriarchy, we hv moved in to a situation where EQUAL protection of BOTH men and women at work places from all sorts of EXPLOITATION. It can't be one sided. #MeToo #MeTooMovementWins @PMOIndia @UN_Women
EXIST2021 007836 twitter en Here's an interesting bit of #EverydaySexism: the headline implies that teenage daughters are the problem when, if you read the article, the very LAST paragraph suggests it's men who grew up without sisters who cause marital strife when they have daughters. https://t.co/tNIdAvbaxS
EXIST2021 007837 twitter en @blckmetalhippie Monitor your own fucking behavior you incel and leave women alone they want nothing to do with you or hear your sexually repressed and aggressive opinions
EXIST2021 007838 twitter en @_JadaMilan_ bitches be lying for twitter
EXIST2021 007839 twitter en as a mlm . i’m seeing a Lot of posts defending the cis women who write mlm smut . and while it does make me uncomfortable .. tell me truthfully; are you actually cis? or do you just enjoy the thought of men fictionally having sex but don’t actually want anything to do w/it fr?
EXIST2021 007840 twitter en @DocumentingBTC @pierre_rochard I hope he also found out about #MGTOW. Sadly, she will still be able to profit from it.
EXIST2021 007841 twitter en #FramingBritneySpears is yet another example of how America tears down young women on the rise — while treating men as irreplaceable. It shouldn’t be a surprise that Britney felt the brunt of unrelenting societal misogyny.#FreeBritney https://t.co/9twRVbjp76
EXIST2021 007842 twitter en Eyes: bellionaire, fenty trophy wife, colourpop black liner, colourpop yellow creme liner Cheeks: fenty trophy wife, flower tender blushlips: peach and cherry acnh lippies, with a colourpop clear gloss on top :)
EXIST2021 007843 twitter en It’s safe to say 2020 was a year of great historical significance. Thank you for sharing the hope given to us in Jesus Christ to help these men, women, and children make their own histories! Enjoy our 2020 Annual Report below. #HistoryInTheMakinghttps://t.co/33UoegDbZ5 https://t.co/NzTleNfLTv
EXIST2021 007844 twitter en "As I read @lpohutsky19's rebuke of this dinosaur, I'm awed, angry & grateful she fights for us. Thank youAlso, I read it listening to Lily Allen's ""Hard out Here."" Gotta be the theme song for the battle women wage just to be recognized. We must be better https://t.co/75vgGarUiv"
EXIST2021 007845 twitter en @lildaddyunique You not even supposed to be on there so lemme go cock block real quick
EXIST2021 007846 gab en Modern feminism is about pushing ideology. It has little to do with women anymore.
EXIST2021 007847 twitter en "I couldn't help but laugh cause y'all know 45 wrote it. I failed to see any ""defense"". Redirect and deflect. If all else fails blame the black women. #ConvictAndDisqualify # https://t.co/yfYEcr26En"
EXIST2021 007848 twitter en @Fact 80% of all general crashes are caused by women. They change lane without checking and blame you for the mistake. Talking on the phone...
EXIST2021 007849 gab en And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. Jos 24:15#Patriarchy
EXIST2021 007850 twitter en #MeToo #MenToo I was #Sexually #harassed by the Director of Human Resources for @cocacola_ca @CocaCola https://t.co/kJeefDo56O
EXIST2021 007851 twitter en @pinkktink It’s okay I’ll just shut my fat ass up
EXIST2021 007852 twitter en Please walk into oncoming traffic. Don’t @ me. If you think it’s about you.. reevaluate your life decisions. I deserve better.
EXIST2021 007853 twitter en @AyeBoafo6 @KwadwoBoateng17 I’m not a gold digger
EXIST2021 007854 twitter en @tommyinnit Do you even have women to love?
EXIST2021 007855 twitter en @kelvinabukoye @mide_ex If u dont spank her at all and someone else does, hes sexual C.V. go increase. In other words, anything wey woman ask u to do for bed gan gan, do exactly that. No dy form over sabi abi ethical mumu sef. That what she counts satisfaction
EXIST2021 007856 twitter en Wow I really love this woman voice. https://t.co/g3eQC2HUND
EXIST2021 007857 gab en Prayers for your beautiful family! Home school is such a gift for all of us. I would gladly pay to be able to do this. I don't understand women who complain about motherhood.
EXIST2021 007858 twitter en @Jim_Jordan Rape apologist has thoughts on children.
EXIST2021 007859 twitter en After a quick roll of her eyes, the taller woman gave her yet another harsh spank! Her thrusts beginning to pick up in speed too.Cock plowing through her pink walls as if a toy for her personal use. Inch after inch, she would thoroughly rub her walls without fail.❝You're -- https://t.co/a3w30EaTVC
EXIST2021 007860 twitter en @NontoZitha it will never be compulsory given the freedoms we have in this country,women just have to accept that they have the privilege of assurance that men don't enjoy when it comes to this issue. Acknowledging the privilege is never easy but it helps to make the issue less offensive
EXIST2021 007861 twitter en Typical men ganging up on the only woman in the lobby !! Not surpised at all https://t.co/frdTKYeQ2o
EXIST2021 007862 twitter en #AskGretaWhy Can wait,#DAY 37 of our demand:-We demand #MensCommission, #GenderNeutralLaw We condemn #ParentalAlienation, #Fake498a#MenToo #mencyclopedia #NotAllMen #MenSuffer #FakeCases #SpeakUpMen #MenRape #SaveMen #SaveFamily
EXIST2021 007863 twitter en These tits are 2nd to none for Titty Tuesday #PizzaSlut4Life https://t.co/cLQiOFfIl2
EXIST2021 007864 twitter en @Palomafaith I became a single Mum 8 months pregnant. I didn't think I could do it. 14 years later... Be proud, be strong and enjoy this new love
EXIST2021 007865 twitter en Domestic violence & abuse of women & girls is a major issue & we increasingly see the damage, pain & fear this causes as victims continue to be hurt or killed.We can all do our bit to be aware of the signs of abuse & help to save the lives of women & girls we know by RTing this https://t.co/79XQmrv1ER
EXIST2021 007866 gab en Won't last a season. The stink of Spacey will HAUNT it...also the whole 'feminism is cancer' thing that will ruin it
EXIST2021 007867 gab en It's called lewding lolis. But Its It's not sodomize lolis. It's neither prostitute lolis. Stop being a Democrat.
EXIST2021 007868 twitter en Show of skin does not signify immodesty and is not an invitation for humiliation. Respect a woman's clothing choices!#everydaysexism #womensreality https://t.co/LJjzNQU40b
EXIST2021 007869 twitter en This was me. #GAMERGATE https://t.co/TJeEJo1Eyh
EXIST2021 007870 twitter en I hate when bitches say they gone beat my ass and then they put yo ass in a group chat with all these other bitches that wanna fight ... like bitch I thought you was gone beat my ass not you and 6 other bitches..
EXIST2021 007871 gab en Man left with criminal record after calling wife a ‘slapper’it's illegal to be unfriendly to your wife after she's cheated on you.http://metro.co.uk/2017/12/12/man-left-criminal-record-calling-wife-slapper-7153130/
EXIST2021 007872 gab en Well if your morals are killing babies, allowing murders and rapist to flood your country and molest kids and kill women, then yeah, you're a demoncrap. That is your morals Bernie!
EXIST2021 007873 twitter en Yall want me to put misandry on hold just for the twink of NCT??
EXIST2021 007874 twitter en I keep a Mac in the Louis bagLook like I got a computer on meI'ma get back at your stupid assWe gon whack you the better the sooner homieI be fucking your Wednesday crushI'm with that bitch and she droolin on me, EtcIs one of my favorite verses of any song to rap along
EXIST2021 007875 twitter en Ooh I have mufc in my twitter name that automatically makes me look like A MASSIVE CUNTYOU CUNT
EXIST2021 007876 twitter en How she get a whore now n tears running down my face
EXIST2021 007877 twitter en @emilylhauser Tell that to the feminists who have been hounded off campus or the lesbians as they watch their culture being eradicated from the earth. Woke means converting or killing anyone who doesn't walk, talk, think, look, and act like you. Don't be daft.
EXIST2021 007878 twitter en ion want that quiet sex i want that slut talk
EXIST2021 007879 twitter en I remember this one time my sister posted a youtube video of me and her and someone commented that I looked like a boy. like bitch you look like a ho you wanna fight??
EXIST2021 007880 twitter en @CatfishKristen6 wields a psychosexual power over men, that's why She gets everything She wants. Men just want to be good boys for women like Her.Especially, married men won't be able to resist stroking and sending to Her homewrecker findom gold digger https://t.co/4HQd2DIZRw
EXIST2021 007881 twitter en @timheidecker When's the last time you took a bath? You look like a hippy bitch. Not funny. How many pushups can you do in 60 seconds?
EXIST2021 007882 gab en Notice how many #Marxocrats look like they have a bowling pin shoved up their ass lately? #Winning
EXIST2021 007883 twitter en can the trend not swing back to big shirt lil pants? cause i've always been a big shirt kinda girl but i just bought some big pants, i wanna show off my tits & have big pockets, like kim possible vibes
EXIST2021 007884 twitter en @Crazed_Lfc @doc_yung_muny @IFrostBolt Adam who the fuck are you??? One wasn’t talking to you. Two read my second reply I said stasis on all classes is stupid op are you fucking dumb? Also if I don’t like my own tweet why tf would I even post it? Anything else you wanna project while you’re here?
EXIST2021 007885 twitter en @Realestttttttt @penguhin I already seen it she’s a cunt all u need to know is I didn’t expect that bint to be coming back from spawn
EXIST2021 007886 twitter en The women in the comments lool?! Find a man of your own. Id have to kill someone https://t.co/pIe98LKWoQ
EXIST2021 007887 twitter en @CoachB_Allen3 @petalsforachel @salchimamas #NotAllMen lols
EXIST2021 007888 twitter en @imaginarymargo @QueenOfTheMM And again, I kind of hate that it was Mitchum. Because I still think her family would discount anyone who said she wasn't perfect but it was just taken less seriously by everyone but Rory pretty much because it was her boyfriend's father, who's wife called her a gold digger.
EXIST2021 007889 twitter en You can’t get a Trophy wife if you’re a Bronze Medalist level tf up
EXIST2021 007890 twitter en I would like to say most bitches from onyx fuck wit each other and be sliding for each other
EXIST2021 007891 twitter en "Oh, hell no!I got off Twitter to do some hours for work.Get back on to check to see what is going on and there is another jerk offering to ""take care of me.""Do I look like a prostitute?Do I give you the impression that I am one?Why do these ""men"" think I am for sell? https://t.co/PQT0W6WnRa"
EXIST2021 007892 gab en I think that is what they call an empowered woman
EXIST2021 007893 twitter en @niydill Yikes idk maybe he had a angry upbringing. I hope I’m not like that to my lady
EXIST2021 007894 gab en Problem is with our women is they vote against us.Want to think they are equal physically then complain their lives suck with their new wave feminists bullshit
EXIST2021 007895 twitter en @wicblac I don't remember what game it was. I repressed the whole memory of that game because it scared me when I was little.
EXIST2021 007896 twitter en @ManUtd @ECavaniOfficial What a beautiful night
EXIST2021 007897 gab en Proud to be an empowered woman.... right?Any man that would touch this tramp has no self respect..
EXIST2021 007898 twitter en "Japanese Olympic official, Yoshiro Mori, is in trouble for saying women talk too much.If he had to make a comment at all, he could have said ""men don't enjoy chatting as much as women do""."
EXIST2021 007899 twitter en @Aan_chal If he will say something then this girl will start playing victim card....Grow up kiddo....
EXIST2021 007900 gab en Are we in a jurisdiction where 16 year old girls may be legally taken to pound down by distinguished men in their 30's? Also, is @Gr8Again's daughter hot? Gotta know the answers to these questions before I can proceed.
EXIST2021 007901 gab en Completely pathetic. Let's make it easy for her. Someone on Twitter should send her this message: Lindsey, the mating call for blonde skank-ho's who want to Mandingo the night away is, 'Oh, I am soooooooo drunk!' It'll work like a charm. Guaranteed hole in one.
EXIST2021 007902 twitter en Sometimes i watch Players Club wondering how much they paid Ice Cube to look like a bitch with the gun...nigga got kids at home why is the 9 making you break dance
EXIST2021 007904 gab en Oy Vey Trump the fucking jew lover is like a …...well just look and see...…...oh because @a Torba the FBI cocksucker wants too look like Twitter you have to mouse over the image. A lot like when he's fucking his kike Mom in her whore ass.
EXIST2021 007905 twitter en The key to a woman's heart is an unexpected gift at an unexpected time.#fnpuae #fernsnpetalsuae #celebrateher #womensday2021 #womensday #womensdayspecial #giftsforher #giftshopforalloccasions #giftshop #giftsforher #giftshopfinds #giftshopindia #giftshops https://t.co/SS35JNk9ma
EXIST2021 007906 twitter en @DistortedLinds LooooooooolI'm always in stitches when bad people believe they are being mistreated because of their identity. I much prefer hanging out with women, just not ones that make hate their personality. (And there aren't as many of you as you think.)
EXIST2021 007907 twitter en NOT HER CALLING ME A FEMINAZI LMAOOOOOOOOOOI'M DEAD I'M LITERALLY DYING OF LAUGHTER PLEASE SEND HELP.and this asshole was trying to teach ME about feminism while she's using feminazi (an misogynist insult) once again proving my point: all z fans are machistas https://t.co/RytV4OdQEL
EXIST2021 007908 twitter en #GamerGate I love the framing of this; 'the games press was only against them because they were trying to destroy it'.Just those inherently evil gamers at it again! https://t.co/JYD4FxHDjP
EXIST2021 007909 gab en That is correct. There is no reason, scriptural or otherwise, for a woman to submit to a man outside the bonds of marriage.
EXIST2021 007910 twitter en i’m such a slag for drama fucking hell i need to get a grip
EXIST2021 007911 twitter en You could find yourself swept up in a whirlwind adventure toda... More for Virgo https://t.co/zGX7DgDW3r
EXIST2021 007912 twitter en @wil_da_beast630 It also seems that the last few waves of feminism have put a lot of energy into depicting women as always and everywhere the bigger victim, & boys & men as perps & perverts poisoned by toxic masculinity.TRAs seem to have turned the tables, with their campaign against 'TERFs'.
EXIST2021 007913 gab en Act like a lady you will probably get treated like one. Bouncer could lose his licence http://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/sickening-moment-bouncer-punches-woman-in-the-face-outside-liverpool-bar-a3517361.html
EXIST2021 007914 twitter en nigga getting gangbanged https://t.co/20bxPJkhQo
EXIST2021 007915 gab en What Is Canada Doing Celebrating Hijab Day?:In 2007, Aqsa Parvez, a 16-year-old Pakistani Muslim living in Toronto, was strangled to death by her father. Her crime was that, as a free woman in Canada, she chose not to wear a hijab. http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/7464/ottawa-hijab-day#.XE-mvI0bcAU.twitter
EXIST2021 007916 twitter en @summerbrennan @NatalyaGrey Eeyupp.Welcome to #patriarchy aka. state-sponsored #sexism.The same people that den women the right to #abortions also deny their newborn free #healthcare.
EXIST2021 007917 twitter en Why did politicians get involved? They were singing about pussy! It was never that deep! Black women can’t do shit! https://t.co/FskyGPPBWg
EXIST2021 007918 twitter en "@reichtypod @OrwellNGoode What, exactly, is a ""soulless whore"" lmao?"
EXIST2021 007919 twitter en @hobigangbangtan you're so right abt the tennis thing lmao I hadn't even thought of it that way it IS the ultimate trophy wife sport jdksjfkf pls how to incorporate this into my fic
EXIST2021 007920 gab en They are idiots. The created equal just meant the government should treat everyone the same, rich poor, puritan, Anglicans, Quaker. Didn't mean government should take from all and divide equally. We tried that and 90% died the first winter.
EXIST2021 007921 twitter en Kiss my neck..Bite me...Pull my hair.. Hold me down..Tie me up..Use your tongue...Make me moan, & do NOT stop until I am shaking. #BBW #bdsmlover #daddy#tits #horny #TieMeUp #biteme #chaturbae #chaturbate #camgrl. #camminglife #spankme #bigassbeauty #bigassssbbw #Kisses https://t.co/IdVJkhcR8S
EXIST2021 007922 twitter en 'I still don’t understand what’s going on': pitch problems for Birmingham Women force FA to step in and move game. By @SuzyWrack https://t.co/fALDhC0E1F
EXIST2021 007923 twitter en @Mommydiane1974 @_AudreyTindall_ you wanna bring minecraft into this? bitch don’t when she be lookin like a mf bee. look how detailed it is, it even has her grey hairs she old as fuck too bitch https://t.co/rQELnQA19N
EXIST2021 007924 twitter en @conchpicks Honestly, I'd rather have a day of bad beats like this than to just get blown out of the water. Today stings, but these types of losses remind you that the fundamentals underpinning the wagers are still solid, it's just that some days lady luck stays home.
EXIST2021 007925 twitter en it is “DON YOU’RE FUCKING SLUTBAG” day
EXIST2021 007926 twitter en @ravi05587876 @PMOIndia @rashtrapatibhvn @narendramodi @loksabhaspeaker @HMOIndia @AmitShah @smritiirani @swarup1972 @NITIAayog @rsprasad @IndiaGender @BBC @akshaykumar @imra_mra @vaastavngo @lovgill @VijaykantMotir2 @wisehussein @a_498a_victim @jrcrjdcr @KrishVerma786 @Keyadas63 @Misandry_Kills @barkhatrehan16 @Krishthefighter @harrsdhusband @sushant_says @HELPINGPEOPLE91 @dna @luv_ranjan @Gursharn76 @savemale @sifchandigarh @Shumaira143 @mamtaguptabsnl @guruawasthi @kailashkaushik8 @KishoreAjwani #PurushAyog need that never seen getting fulfilled @dalwinderk @tanu531d @Anthonydesusa @Gameof498A https://t.co/FKi7UAWNpH
EXIST2021 007927 twitter en The last guy I dated often mentioned how he wanted to fuck Megan Fox, but not as she is in the present--as she was at 15. He was 45 when he said it. I won't say what he looked like naked, but I doubt Ms. Fox would find it attractive. I didn't. https://t.co/ILv8bS2tiE
EXIST2021 007928 twitter en @Muddle85071766 @ElectionMapsUK @Trailer_Swift69 Silly Billy. You forgot that women can think critically for a second there. Bless your little cotton socks. #DoBetter #EverydaySexism
EXIST2021 007929 twitter en I’ve honestly never felt so ugly of myself as I do right now... I’ve let myself and my health as a whole go. & I don’t know how to help myself without the help of other because that’s all I’ve known.
EXIST2021 007930 gab en So what is your opinion on his confession to getting the drugs for the purpose of using them on women for sex? Is this something that is acceptable. I'm trying to understand your point of view but you're giving me little to work with.
EXIST2021 007931 twitter en @leylagerman u like to do me and my 6 friends in your cunt and give me your love to see you sexy Teen slut cuming all over my dick and moan loud also i want to let you know that my 4 bbc group fuck homies and
EXIST2021 007932 gab en I am so sick to look those pussies, the child murderers, the traitors that murder with pleasure kids, women and elderly, but if someone shots back at the Criminals they run away fast. This is why they murder the ones that cannot shot back so they can try to take the guns away from the ones that can shoot back.
EXIST2021 007933 twitter en whyd my boss's boss just come in her mansplaining how to use the phone to me when the male coworker in the room is the one who fucked it up I FUCKING HATE IT HERE
EXIST2021 007934 twitter en @rrec444 cock carousel: An idea perpetuated on manosphere blogs that wo... https://t.co/zwld29JXnY https://t.co/4078RLKb1x
EXIST2021 007935 twitter en @TiniZnayesh And I don't think Kenney cares about his base. He's so far from his base - cowboys and rural folk - that he's burnt his bridges. He's just greedy and willing to sodomize Alberta for China and other Dark Money types. He's a psychopath.
EXIST2021 007936 twitter en And Lagos women are wicked with this talking stage, you'll even move to hangout and all Lobatan o. You're already catching feelings after seeing fine babe meanwhile mama is using talking stage hangout to kill boredom with You, Elenu and Chidera.
EXIST2021 007937 twitter en @laurenboebert 3)...called law student Sandra Fluke a“slut”& a “prostitute”after she publicly advocated for universal contraception coverage,“Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons.There, I said it.”...
EXIST2021 007938 twitter en If you ever had something to say #MeToo or #EverydaySexism to, now's the time to get things changed and make sure you have your say and influence government strategy. Max 15 mins to complete questionnaire https://t.co/X5Xhx1QoiN#clergyabuse https://t.co/Gz1ROqyxhF
EXIST2021 007939 twitter en @DepressedNets I love Lebron man. The man speaks truth to what has become acceptable practice at nba games: acting the goddam fool. There’s heckling and there’s blatant disrespect that nobody should do to another person. She wanted her 5 min and she got it. She’s a trophy wife. He’s Lebron
EXIST2021 007940 twitter en @elsadboiiii @iSavyB4by @tURNURhEAdNCOff @_cephus Bitch I’m more than a pretty face. And it’s unfortunate for you to be ugly and ignorant. Nothing else to offer and that’s why YOU sitting on Twitter arguing with women. Real bitch tendencies
EXIST2021 007941 twitter en "@morning__giory @N7sekki @SamObri90712991 @CountDankulaTV ""Gender"" is a bullshit meme concept that doesn't even exist in most languages, and historically just was another word for sex. And yes, women who are infertile, are in fact, defective women, and thus not ""real"" women in the sense that women who can have kids are."
EXIST2021 007942 twitter en If you don’t want to get down on the footballs today, you could always get down with muh boy skank as he continues to unravel one of the worst 3D games in existence on his way to beating all US N64 games, whynot. https://t.co/ag1DWahKdQ
EXIST2021 007943 twitter en @TonightVMTV @Rubberbandits @fionnansheahan @dickclerkin8 @AMcLoughlin13 @CarrollJennifer @DrHarryBarry @conwaywalsh The wicked witch from @FineGael is back on tonight yous must have her locked up in hibernation all winter she will be in foul humour so a whole segment of criticism and not one good thing to say poor @conwaywalsh will get the blame for everything.
EXIST2021 007944 twitter en bitches wanna be gang so bad https://t.co/IPg3W6JK6j
EXIST2021 007945 twitter en Just when I thought I was ugly a young tenderony shoots her shot
EXIST2021 007946 twitter en Almost at 500 followers! Thanks guys, get there this evening and I will get my cock out properly! #tease #adultsonly #pornlife #thanks https://t.co/Y7O2qxSi7u
EXIST2021 007947 gab en Living with them all including our mother (recap…5 women) gave me a unique perspective regarding women and what gets them charged and after 60 years; im still a moronic. Im beginning to think it’s not part of the creators plan to allow us to understand women but it is a plan to keep us on our toes by faithfully trying. Sisters are GIRL - friends too.
EXIST2021 007948 twitter en @babyjays @AJEnglish Many women against feminism take advantages in Japan. The ‘I Stand Against the “Ban Child Sex Dolls” petition was organized by Japanese female who became famous by her obscenity trial and obtained many admirers mostly old people, nerd & pedophile by https://t.co/tRCHQqVe9t
EXIST2021 007949 gab en Was Muhammad a threat to Britain at that time ?Are you suggesting today's women and the political system are comparable?Don't you get it yet?
EXIST2021 007950 gab en #ThisWeekInBlackCrimeThree Black Men Murder White Mom Pregnant with Daughterhttp://www.12newsnow.com/news/local/pregnant-mom-unborn-daughter-shot-to-death-in-north-end-beaumont-robbery-identified/446166092
EXIST2021 007951 twitter en Co-founder of anti-Trump Republican group accused of sexual harassment by 21 men https://t.co/N1cz2Da4V7 via @YahooNews
EXIST2021 007952 gab en as for increasing female promiscuity: again, 20 is an exaggeration but the trend is real. most women report 3+ premarital partners, and any man paying attention will know to avoid long term commitment with such a woman or suffer high risk of divorce/losing kids
EXIST2021 007953 twitter en The Woman finished her three day prep routine for driving down the road and getting her vaccination....Men coast through life not even knowing all the steps that need to be done for every interaction
EXIST2021 007954 twitter en God should nerf women. They do to much damage
EXIST2021 007955 twitter en @LeeCody16 Mental Illness is not an excuse for bloodying her nose like that. Men learn to harness all that hate for women and do something for yourself. I have a mental illness. People don't trigger me to do things like punch someone. I don't justify my anger or violence. teach your boy.
EXIST2021 007956 twitter en NEW: A HuffPost investigation found that at least nine extremists who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 have a history of violence against women ranging from domestic violence accusations to prison time on sexual battery charges. https://t.co/8WXpnRQ4YN
EXIST2021 007957 twitter en "Bitches be like ""white people don't season their food "" but can't cook a single one of their own culture's dishes"
EXIST2021 007958 gab en I figured it could happen and when she was younger she was aggressive with the boys in teasing them along. So when she was older I did not let her run about in the yard without regular supervision. After reading it looks like it would have been unlikely, good. I'm looking for a girl now. I do not intend to breed her.
EXIST2021 007959 twitter en Wonder Woman didn't spank doomsday even after him being bare naked. WW was born to teach the world about BDSM, it's an important part of her character. She needs to spank bad guys on their naked bottoms! Snyder instead showed a love symbol with sword! He doesn't understand WW!
EXIST2021 007960 twitter en "Gold digger Kanye west is a ""remix mashup"" sampling doesn't exist.It needs to be fucking 5"
EXIST2021 007961 twitter en trying to 100% king of cards is a bigger mess than i thought it would be likeLIKE WHERE THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THE LAST MEDAL HERE https://t.co/7ObsukA2hQ
EXIST2021 007962 twitter en And i choke slam bitches to the bed with ease https://t.co/ciSVIXzwGp
EXIST2021 007963 twitter en @sfrost689 @ManCity_Saga @ManCity I think I did play the victim card right there yes
EXIST2021 007964 twitter en @zEgxr @zVeRiOx @yDetrox @SadlerSZN Mute mic i have twitter since 4 days and have already the amount of followers who gangbanged your mom with me
EXIST2021 007965 twitter en "@LilithLovett I would believe her more if she wasn't a politician, comparing that to the Capitol stuff and if she hadn't been playing the ""poor me, I was the *biggest* victim of the events at the Capitol"" card for the past two weeks or so."
EXIST2021 007966 twitter en @shrinivas_pande @AbraAbrdabra @ScarletStreetAv @manojmeghwal_ @KanganaTeam So I failed to understand a f***ing word of your tweet, I even tried googling 'femenism', but it keeps saying 'did you mean feminism?' Maybe she does represent something that doesn't exist....or maybe you just represent the brainless idiots that love her...
EXIST2021 007967 twitter en FAUX News loves their BLONDE dumb shites
EXIST2021 007968 twitter en @harrehgayvodka_ @Vampyfae @yeripsych0 @judahelise And let's say it were true, that all women hate men for legitimate reasons and all men hate women for bullshit reasons. Shouldn't that mean that women shouldn't be fucking men? Since they actually have a legit reason not to? But they still do that's literally the point
EXIST2021 007969 gab en It really is unbelievable. Some blonde slag has sex with a billionaire. It's an age old story.
EXIST2021 007970 twitter en so funny because you act like your channel is all about feminism but i haven't seen you yet writing this type of think pieces every time the same straight white men get cast for all the roles in hollywood https://t.co/eeNxA42Qof
EXIST2021 007971 twitter en @angelicprint TikTok has really shown us that men (not all but a lot of em) have r@pist tendencies
EXIST2021 007972 twitter en @DrUmeshPrabhu @PeaPeaspot @GoogleExpertUK @BritSciAssoc @RoySocChem @Jeremy_Hunt @ProfTimNoakes @CorpGovUK @ThePeoplesHubUK @ThePeoplesHubUN @RosaForWomen @EVAWuk @SpeakUpAtWork @reddit @LokelaniHiga @NHSEngland @NHSC_Niall @gmcuk @DrHNaqvi @yvonnecoghill1 @rogerkline @ahmedaftab68 @CNagpaul @DrPhilBanfield @FMLM_UK @DoctorMayur @MarineGOfficial @MLGG2 @drmahendrapatel @CMO_England @CSOSue @NursingTimes @ShuchiOSullivan @KatyJayne101 @NHSwhistleblowr @drcmday @nedwards_1 @NuffieldTrust @WB_UK @AWhistleblowing @didoharding @Haroon_Siddique @TheBMA @WhistleUK @DHSCgovuk @PHE_uk @NatGuardianFTSU 75% of the 154 #NHStrusts show higher percentages of BME workers being #harassed, #bullied or #abused by staff than white NHS workers. Only 22% (33 trusts) showed a lower percentage of #BME staff reporting such treatment than white staff @James_Meikle#NHShttps://t.co/A3QGKruZGJ
EXIST2021 007973 twitter en @yogistein @ECMcLaughlin Huffpost is THE least reliable source to cite ever. Why don't you just hashtag this #notallmen?
EXIST2021 007974 twitter en """No woman can call herself free who does not control her own body."" - Margaret Sanger#AbortionStandJA"
EXIST2021 007975 twitter en @EllsWardo Vile skank.(Not a Mum.)
EXIST2021 007976 twitter en @Kimberl22271192 @broken_rhi @anerdonfire2 Well my Great Grandmother I’m pretty such no one could exploit her. Lol she was a badass m’fer like hide ya husbands and the deed to your property type of lady BUT for sure my Grandmother bc showgirl wicked attractive and fragile as fuck