this section relates to documentation after the first live publication, and it's mainly focused on the new functionalities and implementation using code igniter 2. For older docs, please refer to section PRE LIVE
- changed database! added dv_user.facebook_id, dv_user.twitter_login, dv_user.last_login
- added tables: dv_message, dv_relationship, dv_sessions (codeigniter system table)
- added user update form with form validation (see function user/update and config/form_validation.php)
- counter on each image? (this image has been viewed xxx times)
- partial saving while writing comment, gives more the feeling of taking a note
- interesting: in quora you never read the author of a question, even if followed/following
General documentation
please refer to the following:
authentication workflow: detailed in /index.php
web frontend template: presently is total crap, please refer to functions dvfe->get[header, navigation, main]. please refer to /view/header.php /view/index.php for main functionalities
add / get comment functions defined in dvdb and used in ajax_fe.php
added dv_element.timezone added dv_event.timezone_end
added dv_user.user_name
ALTER TABLE `dv_element` CHANGE `is_best` `notify` TINYINT( 4 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL
ALTER TABLE `dv_element` CHANGE `notify` `is_new` TINYINT( 4 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL
ALTER TABLE `dv_comment` CHANGE `comment_approved` `comment_status` VARCHAR( 45 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `dv_comment` ADD `created` DATETIME NULL;
generally speaking, search for TODO and FIXME labels in the source code to find the exhaustive list of microtasks
db, table comments: text field for author is missing even if it's ok to have it as it is while the website is restricted to registered twitter user only. add DATE for comments!
db, table user: all logging fields and functionalities, last check-in, navigation tracking, ...
db, check tables element, event, comment: implement TIMEZONE for elements and start/end event
- give images a decent name in order to simplify merge/diff of folders
- postmark app
- code igniter
- doctrine ORM
- markdown syntax
- markdown editor plugin for eclipse: