These are the commands we ran in order for everything: before the start
- choose where I want my project to be in
- mkdir live_demo (In Mac) create a folder named "live_demo" from current path
- Open vscode -> file -> open folder -> live_demo (in the location you want it)
Basic Project setup
npm init -y -> setup for JS project
git init -> setup for git
npm i express -> download express to our dependencies
npm i --save-dev typescript -> download typescript to our devDependencies
npm i --save-dev @types/express @types/node -> download the types express, and node to our devDependencies
npm i cors -> download cors to our dependencies
npm i --save-dev @types/cors -> download the type cors to our devDependencies
npm i body-parser -> download body-parser to our dependencies
npm i --save-dev @types/cors -> download the type body-parser to our devDependencies
touch .gitignore -> (In Mac) create a file named ".gitignore" since an extension wasn't specified by default ".txt"
Copy the contents of .gitignore given by Shmuela:
npx tsc --init -> create the tsconfig.json file
in tsconfig.json file line 52 ("outDir") -> uncomment and changed value to "./dist"
- note : the "./dist" directory won't be copied due to the way .gitignore was written
- in tsconfig.json file line 29 ("rootDir") -> uncomment and changed value to "./src"
- will be uploaded to git
Running Setup
- in package.json file , key : "scripts" , -> enter the following element, "build": "npx tsc",
Why? to make life easier when we will enter the command in the terminal (or CMD): "npm run build" it will go to package.json, key: scripts and run the command: "npx tsc"
The command builds the typesript code into a javasript code, and will take from the ts files from "/src" (due to the "rootDir" configuration we set in step 14) and put it in "/dist" (due to the "outDir" configuration we set in step 13)
- in package.json file , key : "scripts" , enter the following element, "start": "npx tsc && node ./dist/app.js",
Why? to make life easier when we will enter the command in the terminal (or CMD): "npm run start" it will go to package.json, key: "scripts" and first run the command: "npx tsc" then it will run a second command "node ./dist/app.js"
The first, builds the typesript code into javasript code, and will take from the ts files from "/src" (due to the "rootDir" configuration we set in step 14) and put it in "/dist" (due to the "outDir" configuration we set in step 13))
The second, runs the result javascript code of "app.js" in "./dist" directory.
Git set initial commit (note: in step 2 we set up the git with git init)
git add . -> adds to the next commit the files that were changes except those specified in ".gitignore" or in a
directory (folder) which specifed in ".gitignore" -
git commit -m "initial commit" -> do a commit with the message "initial commit"
Run the project
mkdir src -> (In Mac) create a folder named "src" in current path
mkdir dist -> (In Mac) create a folder named "dist" from current path
cd src -> (In both Mac and Windows) enter the directory "src"
touch app.ts -> (In Mac) create a file named "app", in the directory "src" since an extension was specified will be ".ts"
cd .. -> exit the current dirctory to the one above it
npm run build -> see step 15, for further explanation.
npm run start -> see step 16, for further explanation.
Check the server:
- in src/middle.ts there is further explantions