All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog
- config schema updated
- bump dependencies
- cleanup
- fix plugin crash if tv services are disabled in plugin config
- stability and improvements
- fix HAP-NodeJS WARNING: The accessory has an invalid 'Name' characteristic 'configuredName'
- Please use only alphanumeric, space, and apostrophe characters
- Ensure it starts and ends with an alphabetic or numeric character, and avoid emojis
- update RESTFul
- added media play state sensor
- added media info to MQTT and RESTFul
- functions reorder
- prevent publish accessory if required data not found
- cleanup
- added possibility to disable/enable log success, info, warn, error
- bump dependencies
- config schema updated
- redme updated
- cleanup
- some minor fixes
- fix update data on first run
- connect code refactor
- cleanup
- fix #237
- bump dependencies
- redme update
- config schema updated
- cleanup
- move from commonJS to esm module
- moved constants.json to constants.js
- cleanup
- fix/enhancement #223
- config schema updated
- cleanup
- add config validation
- add reconnect if fail on first run
- fix start external integrations
- config schema updated
- cleanup
- fix #220
- cleanup
- add control over RESTFul POST JSON Object
- bump dependencies
- cleanup
- fix correct catch error
- hide passwords by typing and display in Config UI
- remove return duplicate promises from whole code
- bump dependencies
- cleanup
- added possiblity to set own volume control name and enable/disable prefix
- config schema updated
- bump dependencies
- cleanup
- added support for service menu access from the input list
- added support for ez adjust menu access from the input list
- config schema updated
- cleanup
- added support to control brightness, backlight, contrast, color, picture mode, sound mode, sound output over MQTT
- added support to anable/disable/display type for indyvidual sound and picture mode
- added sound output sensor
- added sound output control
- fixed screen off button state
- updated MQTT and RESTFul
- config schema updated
- cleanup
- added support to subscribe MQTT and control device
- config schema updated
- cleanup
- added possibility to disable prefix name for buttons, sensors, picture meodes and sound modes
- config schema updated
- cleanup
- added possibility to select display inputs order, possible by
,Alphabetically Name
,Alphabetically Reference
- config schema updated
- cleanup
- added possibility to disable load defaults inputs
- fix screen on/off #177
- fix plugin stopped responding after some times #170
- config schema updated
- cleanup
- added pixel refresh sensor
- added picture mode sensor
- fix sound mode sensor
- added RESTFul server
- fixed MQTT prefix
- code refactor and cleanup
- config.schema updated
- fixed some minor issues
- decrease heartbeat time #172
- added possibilty to disable TV services #169
- config.schema updated
- cleanup
- fixed #165
- added Sound Mode Contact Sensor, only for webOS >= 6.0
- config.schema updated
- cleanup
- added sound mode control, only for webOS >= 6.0
- config.schema updated
- cleanup
- rbuild code of specjal socket client to better RC performance
- config.schema updated
- stability and performance improvements
- cleanup
- standarize function of display type and volume control, now volume control -1 None/Disabled, 0 Slider, 1 Fan, please see in readme
- removed inputs.type, not used anymore
- config.schema updated
- fix expose extra input tile in homekit app
- other small fixes and improvements
- cleanup
- added heartbeat to keep alive sockets
- logging message updated
- cleanup
- enchancement #156
- config.schema updated
- cleanup
- fix sensor volume
- correct some debug info and mqtt topics
- fix create ssl client
- added Channel Motion Sensor for use with automations (every Channel change report motion)
- config.schema updated
- fix state update after restart
- code cleanup
- added Input Motion Sensor for use with automations (every Input change report motion)
- config.schema updated
- change websocket library to ws
- added SSL for WebSocket, TV with new firmware
- fix #151
- config schema updated
- code refactor
- fix save target visibility
- fix save custom names
- dynamic update accessory information
- fix #146
- enhancement #145
- added Power Motion Sensor for use with automations
- added Volume Motion Sensor for use with automations (every volume change report motion)
- added Mute Motion Sensor for use with automations
- added Screen On/Off Motion Sensor for use with automations
- added Screen Saver Motion Sensor for use with automations
- config.schema updated
- other small fixes
[2.2.7] - (20.10.2022)
- fix client.close
[2.2.6] - (27.09.2022)
- fix #139
[2.2.5] - (14.09.2022)
- bump dependencies
- fix read device model in some specific situations
[2.2.4] - (10.09.2022)
- cleanup
[2.2.3] - (04.09.2022)
- fix turn screen on/off for webOs <= 5
- cleanup
- fix #138
- fix error if apps list unknown
- fix error if channels list unknown
- fix screen on/off for webOs >= 5
- fix special soccket reconnect
- fix reconnect error
- fix update device state after first pairing
- performance and stability improvement
- log corrections
- performance and stability improvement
- rebuild debug log
- prevent publish accessory if payring key not exist or removed
- rebuild power state and screen state identify
- rebuild debug log
- remove outdated code
- performance and stability improvements
- fix data update
- fix data update
- full code refactor
- stability improvements
- response improvemets
- fix #124
- refactor information service
- fix #130
- fix #127
- more debug logging
- refactor debug and info log
- refactor mqtt message
- fix PowerModeSelection
- update config.schema.json
- fix Info button in RC
- possibility to set custom command for Info button in RC
- MQTT Client, publish all device data
- update dependencies
- code refactor
- wrog power state report if disconnected from net
- code cleanup
- update config.schema
- services calculation count
- start input with automations/scenes
- rebuild device info read and write
- ability to disable log device info by every connections device to the network (Advanced Section)
- prevent load plugin if host or mac not set
- prepare directory and files synchronously
- update node minimum requirements
- Selectable display type of buttons in HomeKit app
- remove branding
- fixed characteristic warning volume
- fixed RC Socket reconnect
- added possibility turn ON/OFF the screen for webOS >= 4.0
- fixed power mode selection
- fixed set mute
- added RC and Volume control as a button
- added correct power state report if screen is Off
- stability and performance improvements
- removed refreshInterval
- fixed wrong power state if tv lose connection to net
- added debug mode
- code rebuild
- stability and performance improvements
- code rebuild
- stability and performance improvements
- prepare for extends new functionality in next release
- stability improvement
- stability improvement
- code cleanup and rebuild
- performance improvements
- prepare for new functionality
- code cleanup
- fixed SIGBUS crash and other improvements
- config.schema update
- code cleanup
- updated ES5 to ES6
- updated config.schema
- code cleanup
- code cleanup
- extend filters
- updated config.schema
- extend filter possibility
- updated config.schema
- code cleanup
- add more filter for unnecesared inputs from inputs list if load inputs list from device
- filter unnecesared inputs from inputs list if load inputs list from device
- code refactorin
- removed not nedded library
- added load inputs list from device
- added default inputs Live TV, HDMI1, HDMI2, no need to create it in config
- many small changes and stability improvements
- code rebuild, use Characteristic.onSet/onGet
- require Homebridge 1.3.x or above
- remove unused dependencies
- fixed slow response on RC control
- always check installed app
- code refactoring
- update config.schema
- changes in updateDeviceState
- added refreshInterval, default 5sec
- completely reconfigured layout of config schema
- release version.
- added possibility to switch LiveTV channels from the inputs list
- other fixes
- added possibility to select what a type of extra volume control You want to use (None, Slider, Fan)
- fixed RC control
- other improvements
- added mute ON/OFF to the slider volume
- fixed bug in RC control
- fixed power state
- fixed switch input if start with scene or automation
- fixed power state
- added descriptions in config.schema.json
- revert back with defaults inputs
- added input type to inputs
- added other fixes in code to prevent app crash without configured inputs
- added Types to the inputs references (please update Yours config.json)
- do not add or remove if exist from the config.json default inputs which are now contain in the code
"name": "Live TV",
"reference": "",
"type": "TUNER"
"name": "HDMI 1",
"reference": "",
"type": "HDMI"
"name": "HDMI 2",
"reference": "",
"type": "HDMI"
- code cleanup
- adapted to HAP-Node JS lib
- code cleanup
- fixes and performance inprovements
- correted logging state
- added real time read and write data for (lightbulb slider volume cont
- added support for webOS < 2.5.0 (please update Your config.json)
- fixes in real time data read and write
- added realtime data read and write
- added switch ON/OFF volume control (please update config.json)
- add Siri volume control
- add Slider] - (Brightness) volume control
- different fixes.
- fixed store of positin in HomeKit fav.
- name corrections in TV information files
- read and store appListFile from TV
- read and store serListFile from TV
- update
- update sample-config.json
- fixes crash if no device name defined
- fixed config.schema.json
- fixed store file inside the Homebridge directory
- some small fixes
- corrections for homebridge git
- performance improvement
- fixed most bugs
- performance improvements
- code cleanup
- initial release