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npm i react-ultra

Provides ancillary components to use Ultra in React apps.

  1. <Ultra /> - creates Ultra container and provides it to children via context.
  2. <Use /> - dynamically adds and removes route configuration (matchers) as the component mounts and unmounts.
  3. <A /> - creates an anchor link element to trigger pushstate.
download dependencies
0.9 kb ultra, react, prop-types


Quick example to demonstrate code splitting (webpack dynamic import) with react-ultra components.

// app.js
import { Ultra, A } from 'react-ultra'
import { spec, match } from 'ultra'

let dynamicImport = () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "news" */ './news')

let News, Nav, App, renderApp, rootMatch

Nav = () =>
    <A href="/news">news home</A>
    <A href="/news/sports">sports</A>
    <A href="/news/politics">politics</A>

App = ({ path } = {}) => {
  let showNews = path && path.indexOf('/news') === 0
  if (showNews && !News) {
    dynamicImport().then(module => {
      News = module.default
      renderApp({ path })
  return (
    <Ultra matchers={rootMatch} dispatch={false}>
      <Nav />
      {showNews && News ? <News /> : null}

renderApp = route => React.render(<App {...route} />, document.getElementById('root'))

rootMatch = match([spec('/news')(renderApp), spec('/')(renderApp)])


app.js is our entry point where we render the <App /> component with <Nav /> links on the page. We use <Ultra /> to initialize the router container with root level matches. We use <A /> to create anchor links to navigate to the news section.

News module is loaded dynamically using webpack import on /news path hit. The <News /> component mounts once the module is loaded.

// news.js
import { Use } from 'react-ultra'
import { spec, match } from 'ultra'

let next, newsMatch, News

next = route => console.log('news section: ', route.path)

newsMatch = match([spec('/news/sports')(next), spec('/news/politics')(next)])

News = () =>
    <h1>News Home</h1>
    <Use matchers={newsMatch} dispatch={true} />

export default News

The <News /> component prepends its matchers to the router by rendering <Use />. It adds the news section matchers on mount and removes on unmount.

Try out code samples here: ultra router examples.
