There are two ways to authenticate with Grid.
This is typically used for client-server authentication.
We use the pan-domain-authentication library to authenticate using Google.
This is typically used for server-server authentication.
API keys are stored in the KeyBucket
of the cloudformation stack; drop a key file here and it'll get picked by Grid
within 10 minutes and you'll be able to make authenticated calls.
Generate a key file with a random string as the filename. The contents of the file should be the application name.
export APP=test && echo $APP > $APP-`head -c 1024 /dev/urandom | md5 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | cut -c1-20`
Now you have a key file, find your KeyBucket
./ KeyBucket <stack-name>
Then copy your key:
aws s3 cp /path/to/file s3://bucket --profile media-service
Be sure to delete the key from your local machine!
Once you've copied your key up to the KeyBucket
it'll be picked up by the apps within 10 minutes.
You can test your key by making a curl request:
curl -s -I -X GET -H "X-Gu-Media-Key: <your-key>" "https://<grid-api-local>"
You should get a 200 response code once the keys have synced.