In Price migrations from first principles we have seen what price migrations are, and the general logic behind then. In this chapter let's have a closer look at the actual steps of a price migration following the journey of a cohort item in the engine.
In the engine parlance a "cohort" is a set of subscription numbers that are part of a given price migration. Logically a "cohort item" would then be one of those numbers, but in fact it refers to a record in the Dynamo table where the engine maintains information about the price migration.
One such cohort item seen in one of the Dynamo tables is shown below
The price migration may apply to a collection of subscriptions, but each subscription is price risen independently to the others (and yes, a price migration could just have one subscription in it), so to understand the logic of a migration we only need to follow the journey of one given subscription number.
A price migration fundamentally need two ingredients:
The engine has been updated with the required code to encode the specificities of the migration (for instance specific features we implemented for Newspaper2024)
Marketing has provided us with the list of subscription numbers of all the subscriptions that are part of the migration. That list comes as a file with one subscription number per line, like this
At this point we need to have decided a name for the migration. Let's imagine we called it Newspaper2024. We locate the price-migration-engine-prod
S3 bucket and create a directory called Newspaper2024
in which we put a file called subscription-numbers.csv
The engine will not automagically pick up the file, it needs to be instructed to do so (this will not be covered here), but the effect of the Dynamo table being created and the file having been loaded is that we now have a table with records and each record simply contains a subscription number.
To help with understanding of the following steps let's use a (simplified) version of the CohortItem case class in the engine Scala Code
case class CohortItem(
subscriptionName : String,
processingStage : String,
currency : Option[String] = None,
billingPeriod : Option[String] = None,
oldPrice : Option[BigDecimal] = None,
estimatedNewPrice: Option[BigDecimal] = None,
startDate : Option[LocalDate] = None,
newPrice : Option[BigDecimal] = None,
So, when the subscription number is loaded into the table, the cohort item is essentially
subscriptionName = "S-00000003"
With that said we need to indicate the processing stage an in that case it will be "ReadyForEstimation", so the cohort item is actually
subscriptionName = "S-00000003"
processingStage = "ReadyForEstimation"
In this stage the engine essentially is saying "I have recorded this subscription number and it's ready to be Estimated"
The first step of the Estimation stage is to run a maintenance function called monitorDoNotProcessUntil
from the Estimation handler. This function requests items in processing stage DoNotProcessUntil
and looks up the attribute doNotProcessUntil
, which is a LocalDate, and check whether that date in in the past (or today). If that date is in the past, then the item is going to be migrated to processing stage ReadyForEstimation
, otherwise the item is left untouched.
The reason for the extistence of the DoNotProcessUntil
processing stage is that it was the simplest way to handle the existence of cancellation saves and the business requirement to leave a subscription alone for a certain period of time (6 months) if, at notification state, the item carries a cancellation discount. If and when we observe such a thing, we put the item in processing stage DoNotProcessUntil
, and then update the value of the attribute doNotProcessUntil
to be the date until when the item needs to be left alone. On that future date (or shortly after) the item can be processed again and the way this happens is to move it to ReadyForEstimation
waiting for it to be estimated (again).
The estimation stage has several purposes, in fact 3 main purposes
- Looking up metadata about the subscription in Zuora
- Deciding what the post migration price is going to be
- Deciding the start date, meaning the future billing date that the price rise is going apply.
Considering our subscription number S-00000003
, let's imagine that the subscription look up in Zuora reveal the following information: currency: EUR
, billing period: Monthly
, old price: 52
. The cohort item then becomes
subscriptionName = "S-00000003"
processingStage = (...)
currency = Some("EUR")
billingPeriod = Some("Monthly")
oldPrice = Some(BigDecimal(52))
Let's also assume that we know that the most migration price for this subscription (considering the type of product it carries) is 61
. In the case of the Newspaper2024 migration, we knew the post migration price of any of the products because it was actually hardcoded in the engine code (or computed using the ChargeDistribution2024
algebra we introduced). The cohort items becomes
subscriptionName = "S-00000003"
processingStage = (...)
currency = Some("EUR")
billingPeriod = Some("Monthly")
oldPrice = Some(BigDecimal(52))
estimatedNewPrice = Some(BigDecimal(61))
where "estimatedNewPrice" refers to the price post-rise.
The last bit of data is the billing date that the price rise should be applied to. If you remember the explanations in Chapter 1, we saw that this date is computed considering a collection of factors (how old the subscription is, the billing period, how close the next natural billing period would be to the earliest possible time for notification and the need to wait at least 30 days etc). Let's imagine that the computed start date is 2024-05-10
. The cohort item becomes
subscriptionName = "S-00000003"
processingStage = (...)
currency = Some("EUR")
billingPeriod = Some("Monthly")
oldPrice = Some(BigDecimal(52))
estimatedNewPrice = Some(BigDecimal(61))
startDate = Some(LocalDate.of(2024, 5, 10))
At this stage the cohort items has been "estimated". Technically the cohort item is now in processing stage EstimationComplete
. With that said, the engine is immediately going to create a record in Salesforce to mark the subscription in Salesforce with the new post migration price. At this point the processing stage is now SalesforcePriceRiceCreationComplete
subscriptionName = "S-00000003"
processingStage = "SalesforcePriceRiceCreationComplete"
currency = Some("EUR")
billingPeriod = Some("Monthly")
oldPrice = Some(BigDecimal(52))
estimatedNewPrice = Some(BigDecimal(61))
startDate = Some(LocalDate.of(2024, 5, 10))
Then, the cohort item is going to.... sleep. It's going to sleep as long as it take for it to be at the start date minus about 40 days. This might take a few days or up to a year.
In the case of migration SupporterPlus2024, the first operation is to check whether the item is under an active cancellation save. By definition, an "active" cancellation save is a cancellation save that was issued less than 6 months ago. If the item is found in that state, its processing stage become DoNotProcessUntil
and the value of doNotProcessUntil
is updated to become the effective date of the cancelation save plus 6 months.
Today is now LocalDate.of(2024, 5, 10)
minus about 40 days. The engine sees a subscription in SalesforcePriceRiceCreationComplete
stage ready to be user notified. The engine is going to perform a certain number of lookups and will send a message to a queue that will eventually be delivered to Braze (triggering the sending of an email, or sending an additional request to an external company for a letter to be printed and delivered).
The message to the user is going to mention the start date and the new estimated new price. The outcome of this step is the subscription being put in processing stage NotificationSendComplete
Once the item is in NotificationSendComplete
stage the SalesforceNotificationDateUpdatehandler lambda will fire up. This operation notifies Salesforce that the user has been notified (for record keeping) and puts the item in processing stage NotificationSendDateWrittenToSalesforce
The item now being in processing stage NotificationSendDateWrittenToSalesforce
the engine will perform an amendment in Zuora, meaning will update Zuora with the fact that the subscription in Zuora is price risen and that the price rise is taking effect on the date that had already been decided during the Estimation step. Note that this is the first and only moment that the engine performs a write operation in Zuora during the entire price rise process of that subscription and puts the item in AmendmentComplete
The next step is yet another Salesforce update, where we inform Salesforce that the subscription in Zuora has been edited for price rise. Then the processing stage becomes AmendmentWrittenToSalesforce
. This completes the price rise of subscription "S-00000003".
It is also important to notice that the amendment step only happened after the user notification step. This is a security to avoid a situation where there would be a bug in the engine or even just a long outage, causing subscriptions to be price risen in Zuora without the users having (yet) been notified. That would be illegal and put the Guardian in hot water.
Last, but not least, this entire section, eg: moving through
happens the same day. Being independent steps it is possible to delay the next one of the sequence, but there is also value in letting in them complete the same day, so that is a customer calls a CRS, they see, in Zuora and Salesforce, an up-to-date view of what the engine was in the process of doing.
As we have seen a cohort item / subscription can sleep for a long time before it is ready to move to notification process, but what happens if the subscription has been cancelled by the user in the meantime ?
In such a case, the engine will detect that the subscription has been cancelled in Zuora and will move the cohort item to Cancelled
processing stage
subscriptionName = "S-00000003"
processingStage = "Cancelled"
Once the cohort item is in Cancelled
state the engine will no longer touch it. Alike AmendmentWrittenToSalesforce
, Cancelled
is a final state for a cohort item.
The price migration engine define a state machine which is linear. The lambdas fire in a given linear order (ocassionaly the same lambda fires more than once) For reference here is the other in which the lambda fire
- CohortTableCreationHandler
- SubscriptionIdUploadHandler
- EstimationHandler
- SalesforcePriceRiseCreationHandler
- NotificationHandler
- SalesforceNotificationDateUpdateHandler
- AmendmentHandler
- SalesforceAmendmentUpdateHandler
- CohortTableDatalakeExportHandler