# submit a job on a particular node
sbatch --nodelist <nodename> job.slurm
# see running jobs
watch -n 0.1 squeue
# start an interactive job on a node
srun --nodelist <nodename> --pty bash -i
# see nodes status and partitions
sinfo -l
# see node properties
scontrol show node <nodename>
# see job properties
scontrol show job <jobid>
This is the gpu_benchmark.slurm
### script from Guglielmo Camporese
### [email protected]
### logger (the fancy chars are for colored logging..)
function echo() {
command echo -e "\e[38;5;209m""\e[1m"[slurm-log "\e[0m"`date +"%T"`"\e[38;5;209m""\e[1m"]"\e[0m" $@;
### define slurm commands inside the slurm node (todo: fix this with cluster technical staff)
function scontrol() { $HOME/../gucampo/utils/scontrol $@; }
function srun() { $HOME/../gucampo/utils/srun $@; }
### nodes info
echo "start slurm job"
echo "--- node info"
echo "node:" `hostname`
echo "cuda drivers:" `which nvcc`
echo "GPU info:"
### activate conda env
source $HOME/../gucampo/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
conda activate torch
echo "using conda env: $CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV"
echo "----------"
### run program
echo "starting program..."
srun python $HOME/../gucampo/projects/gpu_benchmark/mnist.py
echo "slurm job finished. all done"
This is the slurm commands used for running the job.
# slurm command for running the job
sbatch --nodelist dellcuda2 \
--job-name gpu_benchmark \
--partition allgroups \
--ntasks 1 \
--mem 32G \
--time 14:00:00 \
--gres gpu:1 \
--cpus-per-task 32 \
--output gpu_benchmark.log \
--error gpu_benchmark.log \
This is the command for showing the realtime output log of the slurm experiment.
tail +1f distributed/torchrun_ddp/gpu_benchmark.log
### script from Guglielmo Camporese
### [email protected]
### logger (the fancy chars are for colored logging..)
function echo() {
command echo -e "\e[38;5;209m""\e[1m"[slurm-log "\e[0m"`date +"%T"`"\e[38;5;209m""\e[1m"]"\e[0m" $@;
### define slurm commands inside the slurm node (todo: fix this with cluster technical staff)
function scontrol() { $HOME/../gucampo/utils/scontrol $@; }
function srun() { $HOME/../gucampo/utils/srun $@; }
### nodes info
echo "start slurm job"
nodes=( $( scontrol show hostnames $SLURM_JOB_NODELIST ) )
head_node_ip=$(srun --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 -w "$head_node" hostname --ip-address)
echo "--- nodes info"
echo "nodes: ${SLURM_NODELIST}"
echo "master node: $head_node"
echo "master node ip: $head_node_ip"
echo "cuda drivers:" `which nvcc`
### activate conda env
source $HOME/../gucampo/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
conda activate torch
echo "using conda env: $CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV"
echo "----------"
### run program
echo "starting program..."
srun torchrun \
--nnodes=$SLURM_NNODES \
--nproc_per_node=$SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE \
--rdzv_id $RANDOM \
--rdzv_backend c10d \
--rdzv_endpoint $head_node:29500 \
distributed/torchrun_ddp/train.py \
--model resnet18 \
--epochs 1 \
--batch-size 64 \
--dataset cifar10 \
--data-path $HOME/../gucampo/datasets/cifar10
echo "slurm job finished. all done"
This is the slurm commands used for running the job.
# slurm command for running the job
sbatch --nodes 2 \
--ntasks-per-node 1 \
--partition testing \
--cpus-per-task 4 \
--gres gpu:1 \
--mem 24G \
--job-name torchrun_ddp \
--error distributed/torchrun_ddp/torchrun_ddp.log \
--output distributed/torchrun_ddp/torchrun_ddp.log \
This is the command for showing the realtime output log of the slurm experiment.
tail +1f distributed/torchrun_ddp/torchrun_ddp.log