PPlanner is a classical planner implementing parallel heuristic search algorithms.
Kuroiwa R, Fukunaga A. 2020. Analyzing and Avoiding Pathological Behavior of Parallel Best-First Search. Proc. the 30th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling. (ICAPS 2020)
The docker container does not support MPI based distributed parallel search methods.
docker build . -t pplanner
sudo singularity build pplanner.sif Singularity
Please see Dockerfile and Singularity to know the commands to build.
Input a SAS+ file and a config file.
The planner generates sas_plan
after finding a solution.
GBFS using the FF heuristic.
./bin/planner -f output.sas -c config_examples/GBFS-FF.json
HDGBFS using the FF heuristic.
mpirun -n 16 ./bin/mpi_planner -f output.sas -c config_examples/HDGBFS-FF.json
NE using the FF heuristic.
mpirun -n 16 ./bin/mpi_planner -f output.sas -c config_examples/NE-FF.json
LG using the FF heuristic.
mpirun -n 16 ./bin/mpi_planner -f output.sas -c config_examples/LG-FF.json
KPGBFS using the FF heuristic.
./bin/planner -f output.sas -c config_examples/KPGBFS-FF.json
P_{GBFS} using the FF heuristic.
./bin/planner -f output.sas -c config_examples/PGBFS-FF.json
P_{GBFS}/C using the FF heuristic.
./bin/planner -f output.sas -c config_examples/PGBFS-C-FF.json
PUHF using the FF heuristic.
./bin/planner -f output.sas -c config_examples/PUHF-FF.json
SPUHF using the FF heuristic.
./bin/planner -f output.sas -c config_examples/SPUHF-FF.json