- Minor fix to support Atom 1.25.0-beta0
- Added support for Vue
- Made previous history fix backward compatible
- Fixed history bug for newer Atom version
- Added support for Windows Bat and Cmd files
- Fixed filename related issue
- Improved default behaviour on adding headers for plain text files
- Fixed default template for JS
- Fixed an issue that cmd+z is reverting file header changes only instead of actual code changes
- Fixed a problem that could cause activation failure
- Made Enable Auto Update a master switch for Enable Auto Adding Header on New File and Enable Auto Adding Header on Saving
- Added support for Jade/Pug
- Resolved an enable/disable auto update context menu toggling bug
- Added support for filename and copyright information
- Added support for Kotlin, vue, apex, visualforce and typescript
- Improved PHP support
- Fixed enable/disable auto update toggling bug
- Added support for Django Python language
- Added
Enable/Disable Auto Update
in context menu for sake of convenience - Added support for Verilog
- Added support for Lua
- Added support for nginx config files
- Fixed an issue that caused crash when saving a new file while trying to add file header
- Added support for Rust sources
- Updated introduction animated-gif
- Added support for ARM sources. Refer to
by dan-c-underwood for details.
- Added option to specify custom Moment.js date time format string for date times in file header
- Added option that defaults to use file creation time instead of file header creation time for
- Added project name and license fields
- Added support for jsx files (both Coffeescript and Javascript)
- Added support for language scoped config. Thanks to Paulloz.
- Added option to specify number of empty lines should be kept after new header.
- Added option to ignore cases in template fields so that templates with uppercases from Sublime are compatible too
- Added option to set a list of ignore list for auto update and adding header
- Added support for Haskell
- Added support for Matlab. language-matlab must be installed first.
- Added option for automatically adding header for new files.
- Changed default key mapping to shift-cmd-H.
- Backward compatible with file headers generated by File Header in Sublime
- User can define their real name, username, email, and customised template info
- Only source file that does not contain any field provided in corresponding template will be able to add a new header
- Only source file with existing last modified by field or last modified time field will be updated
- User can define their own field names in template before placeholders. Again, adding or updating qualification is checked according to field names defined in templates.