Obey the following standards when contributing to the Github.
#Things that should not be in your code or icon files:
- Backdoors for specific people
- if(prob(100))
- Anything that can kill anyone on the server in seconds
- Anything that can kill the server in seconds
- Anything directly copy pasted from a closed/leaked code base of SS13 (Goon for instance); permission granted nulls this rule.
- Anything that lags the server
- Multiple "in world" calls in one proc
- Anything that expands its tile (32x32) unless its broken into 32x32 tiles
- Massively animated icons (We are talking very large animations])
- Anything that requires access to savefiles, bans, jobbans, notes, etc (unless noted)
#Sound file rules
- .ogg is recommended
- .ogg compressed at 7
- If the sound has the same two stereo tracks; make it mono
- 22050HZ with a 16-bit PCM
- Midi files are allowed
- Ensure your soundfile is as small as possible; cut out parts if its music
- Title music doesn't require the previous rule
#Do not mess with
- Anything in the config folder
- Specifically admin names
#Nalar's Coders Edicts
- Thou shalt not add uninformative or useless comments. Thy comments shall remain informative, descriptive, and serve a purpose.
- Thou shalt not copy and paste. Thy code shalt be made by yourself and serve thy needs. Thou shalt tar and feather violators.
- Thou shalt not create unnecessary or unused variables.
- Thou shalt remain consistent. Thy code will follow a consistent format. Thy interface elements will remain consistent with the rest.
- Thy procedures shalt not be named using different conventions (camel case, lower case with underscores). Thy variables will follow a similar format.
- Thou shalt not cause lag. Thy code will not cause more stress than necessary. Looping will not be undertaken more than required. Del will be used only where it cannot be avoided and where qdel will not suffice. Procedures will remain efficient in their purpose.
- Thou shalt not cause runtime errors. Thy code will contain sanity checks, and thou will not attempt to check objects that doth not contain variables or information thou needs to access. Thou shalt use absolute paths for objects.
- Thou shalt test code before committing to the repository.
- Thou shalt not commit code not ready to be used on the server.
- Do not take credit for others work
- Understand HippieStation's style (LightRP)
- Users of the coder rank should refer to the specific standards on the forum