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Rules editor

Gustavo Iñiguez Goia edited this page Oct 18, 2020 · 10 revisions

Rules can be edited from the GUI, by clicking on the name of the rule:



Each field can be literal or a regex expression.

Since 19/10/2020, all rules comparison are case-insensitive for destination host, process path and process arguments.

Some examples:

  • Filtering by several ports using this regex:

    [x] To this port: ^(53|80|443)$

    targets ports 53 OR 80 OR 443.

    [x] To this port: 555[12345]

    targets ports 5551, 5552, 5553, 5554 OR 5555.

  • Filtering exact domain, and nothing else: [x] To this host:

  • Filtering a domain and its subdomains: [x] To this host: .*\

  • Filtering an executable path:

    [x] From this executable: /usr/bin/python3

  • Filtering an executable path with regexp: Any python binary in /usr/bin/:

    [x] From this executable: /usr/bin/python[0-9\.]*$

    Case insensitive rules:

    [x] From this executable: (?i:.*ping)

  • Filter LAN IPs or multiple ranges: ^(127..|172..|192.168..|10..)$

See these issues for some discussions: #17, #31, #73

Note: Don't use , to specify domains, IPs, etc. It's not supported. For example this won't work:

[x] To this host:,

Python regular expression documentation

Golang regular expression documentation

Golang regular expression syntax

Note: Golang does not support Perl syntax (like (?!...))

However you can use negated chars classes. For example, block all outgoing connections, except those to localhost:

[x] Action: deny

[x] To this destination IP: [^:]

Unconditionally blocking lists

As of v1.0.0rc10 there's no support for blocking or allowing connections ignoring the rest of the rules (see #36).

But you can achieve it using iptables:

  • Allow ICMP: iptables -t mangle -I OUTPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT

  • Allow localhost connections: iptables -t mangle -I OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT

Note on allowing all connections to localhost:

While it might be seem obvious to allow everything to localhost, be aware that you might want to allow only certain connections/programs: