A plugin to generate classes to get used by the Hibersap framework to connect to a SAP system.
The plugin allows to search for function names at a given SAP system and generates all required classes and configuration files to use the given function with the Hibersap framework.
You can find more information about Hibersap at http://hibersap.sourceforge.net/
This plugin is licensed under LGPL, like Forge and Hibersap
This plugin is using Hibersap, which is using the SAP Java Connector (JCo).
Before using download SAP Java Connector 3 (http://service.sap.com/connectors) and extract the sapjco3.jar and the sapjco3 native library.
(We assume you use version 3.0.7 or higher)
Install sapjco3 jar to your local Maven repository from the command line:
mvn install:install -file -DgroupId=com.sap -DartifactId=sap-jco -Dversion=3.0.7 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile= sapjco3.jar
- Create or use an existing a Maven project (project may be created with Forge from the command line).
- Navigate into the project
- Set your session manager name and connection properties
- Use the generate-sap-entities command to connect to your SAP system and generate Java classes which are used by Hibersap.
Also read the akquinet blogpost and watch the screen-cast that shows the usage of the Hibersap-Forge-Plugin:
- Use JBoss Forge to generate Hibersap Classes that call SAP Functions
- JBoss Forge Hibersap Plugin Screencast from mxsb on Vimeo
[list-properties] - Lists all connection properties and the current session manager name.
[set-property] - Sets a new or existing property
[--key] - The property key
[--value] - The property value
[delete-property] - Deletes an existing property
[--key] - The property key
[generate-sap-entities] - Defalt command; generates SAP entities from a SAP system
[--name-pattern] - Pattern to search SAP function names. Use * and ? as wildcards.
[--max-results] - Number of max. results. Use 0 for unlimited result list (Default value is 20)