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Why Users (Don't) Use Password Managers at a Large Educational Institution -Supplemental material

This repository contains supplemental material to aid in the replication of our study as it was submitted to the artifact evaluation process of USENIX Security. Specifically, the following four items can be found in this repo:

  • The survey as QSF-file
  • Data set cleaned from identifiable information
  • The analysis script for the quantitative analyses
  • The Jupyter Notebook script for the chi-squared test
  • The codebook for the qualitative analyses

The Survey As QSF-File

The QSF-file contains all questions exported from Qualtrics and can be easily re-imported there. The survey has multiple sections as outlined in the paper. These sections are modeled in the Qualtrics survey. Refer to the Qualtrics documentation in order to learn how to import the survey back into Qualtrics. Note that the survey requires Javascript and therefore will not work with free Qualtrics accounts.

Data Set Cleaned From Identifiable Information

The data set is in CSV format, but using semicolons ";" as separators. This increases the compatibility with Apple Numbers which we used to create the graphs. The first section of our analysis script will handle the parsing. If you want to use the data in your own script use the following syntax:

read.csv("data_cleaned.csv",header=TRUE,sep=";",stringsAsFactors=TRUE,check.names = FALSE)

For reference (and convenience) a tab-separated version of the data file is provided as well. The file data_field_labels.xlsx can be used as reference for the data column labels in the data file.

The Analysis Script for the Quantitative Analyses

The script with all analyses run for the paper. The execution of this script requires R. It was tested with R version 4.2.0 running in RStudio 2022.02.3 Build 492. The following packages are needed to run the script: dplyr, AICcmodavg. The easiest way to run the analyses is to run the script chunk-by-chunk from the top in RStudio.

Running a chunk can be achieved in RStudio in three ways. Firstly, RStudio provides a small green right-arrow button on the top right for each chunk. Clicking it will run the respective chunk. Secondly, with the curser in a chunk, you can use the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Enter (on macOS: Cmd + Shift + Enter) to run the respective chunk. Thirdly, with the curser in a chunk, you can use the menu CodeRun RegionRun Current Chunk.

The Jupyter Notebook Script with Statistical Tests

This script will perform a chi-squared test for password re-use across different techniques, followed by a post-hoc analysis. Using Jupyter Notebook, browse and open the file chi_test.ipynb and run it and it should print out the results. Jupyter Notebook version 6.4.8, running on Anaconda navigator version 2.2.0 was used for this analysis. Python version 3.9.12 was used. In addition to having Python installed, the following packages need to be installed to run the script: pandas, numpy, scipy, statsmodels.

To run the script, first open Anaconda and then Jupyter Notebook and browse to the location of the script, and open it. You can run the notebook document step-by-step (one cell a time) by either clicking anywhere in the cell, and then clicking on Run from the menu bar or alternatively pressing shift + enter. You can run the whole notebook in a single step by clicking on the menu Cell -> Run All.

The Codebook for the Qualitative Analyses

The codebook of the qualitative analysis with counts for each of the codes.


Peter Mayer, Collins W. Munyendo, Michelle L. Mazurek, and Adam J. Aviv. Why Users (Don't) Use Password Managers at a Large Educational Institution. 31st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 22). 2022.