- PHP >= 5.3.3
- CURL extension for PHP
- a Mailjet account with your apiKey and apiSecret (subscribe at http://www.mailjet.com/)
After cloning or downloading this library, just hit your favorite terminal with :
$ curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
$ php composer.phar install
This library is using PSR-0 autoloading conventions helped by the Composer :
require_once path/to/vendor/.composer/autoload.php';
$connection = Mailjet\Connection\Curl('MAILJET_API_KEY', 'MAILJET_API_SECRET');
You can customize Mailjet connection with options :
$connection->setOption('protocol', 'https');
$connection->setOption('output', 'xml');
Mailjet API is divided into 4 types and each type has a dedicated class :
- Contact
- Lists
- Message
- User
Instanciate an API is like :
$mailjet = new Mailjet\Api\Lists($connection);
$results = $mailjet->getAll();
Credits goes to J.Wage as an inspiration for classes structure.