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Implemented gaming part of example mines. Not implemented: reveal n…
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…earby unmarket cells by middle mouse click and count scores.
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xilec committed Jun 7, 2024
1 parent 84bb85f commit b1b6184
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Showing 2 changed files with 336 additions and 129 deletions.
249 changes: 209 additions & 40 deletions cursive/examples/mines/
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@@ -1,22 +1,150 @@
use rand::seq::SliceRandom;
use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut};
use ahash::AHashSet;
use cursive::Vec2;
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
// use std::cmp::max;
use cursive_core::Rect;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Options {
pub size: Vec2,
pub mines: usize,

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Cell {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub enum CellContent {
// numer of near bombs

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Cell {
is_opened: bool,
pub content: CellContent,

impl Cell {
pub fn new(content: CellContent) -> Self {
Self {
is_opened: false,

pub struct Field {
size: Vec2,
cells: Vec<Cell>,

impl Field {
fn new(size: Vec2) -> Self {
Self {
// init stub for cells, see method `Field::place_bombs()` details
cells: vec![Cell::new(CellContent::Free(0)); size.x * size.y],

fn pos_to_cell_idx(&self, pos: Vec2) -> usize {
pos.x + pos.y * self.size.x

fn place_bombs(&mut self, click_pos: Vec2, bombs_count: usize) {
// For avoiding losing on first player's move we should place bombs excluding
// position where player clicked and it's neighbours

// calculation cells from starting rect
let rect = self.neighbours_rect(click_pos);
let exclusion_cells: Vec<_> = (
.flat_map(|y| (rect.left()..rect.right()).map(move |x| Vec2::new(x, y)))

// init bombs on board
let mut cells = Vec::new();
for i in 0..self.cells.len() - exclusion_cells.len() {
let cell = if i < bombs_count {
} else {


// shuffle them
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
cells.shuffle(&mut rng);

// push empty cells near of cursor to avoid bombs in this positions
for pos in exclusion_cells {
cells.insert(self.pos_to_cell_idx(pos), Cell::new(CellContent::Free(0)));

self.cells = cells;

// recalculate near bombs
for pos in self.all_cell_pos_iter() {
if let CellContent::Free(_) = self[pos].content {
self[pos].content = CellContent::Free(self.calc_neighbors_bomb_count(pos));

pub fn all_cell_pos_iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=Vec2> {
let size = self.size;
(0..size.y).flat_map(move |x| (0..size.x).map(move |y| Vec2::new(y, x)))

fn neighbours_rect(&self, pos: Vec2) -> Rect {
let pos_min = pos.saturating_sub((1, 1));
let pos_max = (pos + (2, 2)).or_min(self.size);

Rect::from_corners(pos_min, pos_max)

fn neighbours(&self, pos: Vec2) -> impl Iterator<Item=Vec2> {
let pos_min = pos.saturating_sub((1, 1));
let pos_max = (pos + (2, 2)).or_min(self.size);

.flat_map(move |x| (pos_min.x..pos_max.x).map(move |y| Vec2::new(y, x)))
.filter(move |&p| p != pos)

fn calc_neighbors_bomb_count(&self, cell_pos: Vec2) -> usize {
let mut bombs_count = 0;
for near_pos in self.neighbours(cell_pos) {
if self[near_pos].content == CellContent::Bomb {
bombs_count += 1;


impl Index<Vec2> for Field {
type Output = Cell;

fn index(&self, pos: Vec2) -> &Self::Output {

impl IndexMut<Vec2> for Field {
fn index_mut(&mut self, pos: Vec2) -> &mut Self::Output {
let idx = self.pos_to_cell_idx(pos);
&mut self.cells[idx]

pub struct Board {
pub size: Vec2,
pub cells: Vec<Cell>,
pub bombs_count: usize,
pub field: Field,
is_bomb_placed: bool,

impl Board {
Expand All @@ -31,56 +159,97 @@ impl Board {

let mut board = Board {
Board {
size: options.size,
cells: vec![Cell::Free(0); n_cells],
bombs_count: options.mines,
is_bomb_placed: false,
field: Field::new(options.size),

fn check_victory(&self) -> bool {
self.field.cells.iter().filter(|x| matches!(x.content, CellContent::Free(_))).all(|x| x.is_opened)

for _ in 0..options.mines {
// Find a free cell to put a bomb
let i = loop {
let i = thread_rng().gen_range(0..n_cells);
fn place_bombs_if_needed(&mut self, pos: Vec2) {
if !self.is_bomb_placed {
self.field.place_bombs(pos, self.bombs_count);

if let Cell::Bomb = board.cells[i] {
self.is_bomb_placed = true;

break i;
pub fn reveal(&mut self, pos: Vec2) -> RevealResult {

// We know we'll go through since that's how we picked i...
board.cells[i] = Cell::Bomb;
// Increase count on adjacent cells
let cell = &mut self.field[pos];
match cell.content {
CellContent::Bomb => RevealResult::Loss,
CellContent::Free(_) => {
cell.is_opened = true;

let pos = Vec2::new(i % options.size.x, i / options.size.x);
for p in board.neighbours(pos) {
if let Some(&mut Cell::Free(ref mut n)) = board.get_mut(p) {
*n += 1;
match self.auto_reveal(pos) {
AutoRevealResult::Victory => RevealResult::Victory,
AutoRevealResult::Revealed(mut opened_poses) => {



fn get_mut(&mut self, pos: Vec2) -> Option<&mut Cell> {
self.cell_id(pos).map(move |i| &mut self.cells[i])
pub fn auto_reveal(&mut self, pos: Vec2) -> AutoRevealResult {

let mut opened = AHashSet::new();
if let CellContent::Free(0) = self.field[pos].content {
for near_pos in self.field.neighbours(pos) {
self.check_neighbours_for_auto_reveal(near_pos, &mut opened);

match self.check_victory() {
true => AutoRevealResult::Victory,
false => AutoRevealResult::Revealed(opened.into_iter().collect())

pub fn cell_id(&self, pos: Vec2) -> Option<usize> {
if pos < self.size {
Some(pos.x + pos.y * self.size.x)
} else {
fn check_neighbours_for_auto_reveal(&mut self, pos: Vec2, opened: &mut AHashSet<Vec2>) {
if self.field[pos].is_opened || self.field[pos].content == CellContent::Bomb || opened.contains(&pos) {

debug_assert!(matches!(self.field[pos].content, CellContent::Free(_)), "failed logic for auto reveal");

self.field[pos].is_opened = true;

if let CellContent::Free(0) = self.field[pos].content {
for pos in self.field.neighbours(pos) {
self.check_neighbours_for_auto_reveal(pos, opened);

pub fn neighbours(&self, pos: Vec2) -> Vec<Vec2> {
let pos_min = pos.saturating_sub((1, 1));
let pos_max = (pos + (2, 2)).or_min(self.size);
.flat_map(|x| (pos_min.y..pos_max.y).map(move |y| Vec2::new(x, y)))
.filter(|&p| p != pos)
impl Index<Vec2> for Board {
type Output = Cell;

fn index(&self, pos: Vec2) -> &Self::Output {

pub enum RevealResult {

pub enum AutoRevealResult {

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