After successfully deploying the controller, test its functionality by sending requests to the ingress controller.
The command make deploy-kind
deploys whoami along with the matching ingress
controller to a kind cluster. The script includes annotations necessary for
the ingress controller's deployment. Running the script for the first time
prompts the creation of self-signed TLS Certificates.
To test, use the following curl commands:
curl -k -H 'host: whoami.local'
curl -k -H 'host: whoami.local'
When testing different ingresses, ensure to use the correct host header. The host used to reverse proxy the request is determined in the ingress object.
To test different annotations, use the following kubectl command:
kubectl edit ingress whoami
This will allow you to modify and test various annotations associated with the whoami ingress.
Before running any Go tests, ensure you've added specific entries to your /etc/hosts file: localhost
These entries are necessary for server_test.go to function correctly. Regrettably, this approach is the current requirement to mimic a Kubernetes environment for our tests. If you have alternative solutions, I'm open to suggestions.
To execute the Go tests, utilize the following command:
go test -cover ./pkg/...
To test the HPA functionality, use the following command:
echo "GET https://<url>/" | vegeta attack -duration=120s -rate=100/1s