20 Sept 2014
Jason Harrop Roded
TR height support.
Support for @start, as in
- DivToSdt implementation: allows roundtripping of divs by ID See further: http://www.docx4java.org/blog/2014/09/xhtml-docx-roundtrip-content-tracking/ and samples/DivRoundtrip.java
- Convert @id (on most elements) to bookmark
- Refactor code into new BookmarkHelper
https://github.com/plutext/docx4j/commit/df5d726e3359b29893153433082c13ed6c4eb56d 17 Sept 2014 introduces
BindingHandler bh = new BindingHandler(wordMLPackage); bh.setStartingIdForNewBookmarks(bookmarkId);
Use of that code is commented out in the relevant samples here; those samples assume docx4j 3.2.0.
https://github.com/plutext/docx4j/commit/4474219c3c41a5b52490f3af41146716c5ef499b 12 Sept 2014 adds to XHTMLImporter interface:
public AtomicInteger getBookmarkIdLast(); public void setBookmarkIdNext(AtomicInteger val);
(which ImportXHTML 3.2.1 implements) so docx4j compiled from that date will need ImportXHTML 3.2.1 or greater.
table cell support @valign="bottom", @style="vertical-align:bottom;"
Refactor: move table stuff into a helper class
Support for p and table elements in list item
interface DivHandler: Customisable div handling
Convert a relative link (#) to w:hyperlink/@w:anchor (in createHyperlink method).
We will try to ensure that any formal releases of 3.2.x of docx4j and 3.2.y of ImportXHTML can be used together.
Since the next release of docx4j will not work with ImportXHTML 3.2.0, the next version of docx4j must therefore be 3.3.0, and ImportXHTML will be republished then as 3.3.0.
26 August 2014
HTML 5 figure/figcaption converted to Figure SEQ field
Support for applying Word heading styles to heading (h1, h2, h3..) elements
FontHandler, which creates default font mappings
No release, since no changes in 3.0.1
8 Feb 2014
ai-github Jason Harrop leedavidr
0d6c106 - if (color.startsWith("#")) .. Fix for plutext/docx4j#101 a452b43 - BindingTraverser.XHTML.Block.rStyle.Adopt handling in list items 6a7b6fc - NPE in indent handling fixed e902f20 - xhtml to pptx Very rudimentary support for h1-3, ol|ul, li Write all paragraphs <a:p> into a single <p:txBody>
3.0.0 is the first release of the XHTML Import stuff as a separate project; so numbered to match corresponding docx4j version.
26 Nov 2013
ai bezda bsl-zcs EthanTsui hpeng Jason Harrop jlesquembre jeffbeard fmmfonseca meletis pnml siilk tj09 tstirrat vollewijn zluspai
Better table support, inc merged cells (pnml) and cell border support (bsl-zcs) Font handling Conversion of CSS class to existing matching Word style (FormattingOption enum: CLASS_TO_STYLE_ONLY, CLASS_PLUS_OTHER, IGNORE_CLASS) Nested list support Image resizing
35fae5e - Handle inline images (avoid forcing new paragraph afterwards) 008604c - Ability to require a CSS property to be on a white list 5b69f1d - addFontMapping(String cssFontFamily, RFonts rFonts) 3b11904 - tables: import cell border styles (bsl-zcs) bcfe159 - XHTML import hyperlink named anchors to bookmarks e486b05 - XHTMLImporter: improve logging; better support for pixel unit in Indent and SpaceAfter. 6a02270 - Support underline in XHTML import. e0034b2 - XHTML importer for presentation slide notes, needs work on element positioning to support imports of slides (bezda) c297662 - XHTML: margin-bottom -> space-after 7d8af58 - XHTML table import: support for adjacent vertically merged cells and cells merged both vertically and horizontally (pnml) 5553600 - fixed vertical merging of table cells in xhtml importer (cherry-picked from 05fdacb)