Let's get together to try to make things and/or make things that make things better for everyone!
This is not a competitive event. It is not just about coding or design. Anyone is welcome, providing they're interested in working in a team and making a thing.
Teams should aim to produce something during the hackathing, but you don't need to have an idea, OR a team, before you show up.
Teams could produce:
- Plans or mockups for a future digital thingy (app, website etc)
- Slideshow detailing an idea for a business/charity/event
- Set of guidelines or a body of text helping people through some difficult process
- A queer comic book, zine or a work of art
- An app/website
- A petition to the government/a governing body
- Guidelines for venues/governments/schools/whatever on how to be more inclusive
- Clothing repairs, alterations for your body
- <Insert your own brilliant, creative idea here >
- A cake to feed the other humans
It's all good. Just make a thing.
The next Hackathing will most likely be in March 2017, the exact date is TBD.
- 3rd December 2016
- 8th October 2016
- 26th June 2016
- Good wifi
- Tables and sofas
- Plug sockets
- 1 x sewing machine & sewing tools
- Fully equipped wood workshop
- A4 Black and white printer
- Stationery, paper, craft materials
- White boards
- Virtual Reality area (HTC Vive)
- Projector
- Kitchens, toilets, shower
- Smoking area
- A jumper in case the warehouse gets chilly
- Fuel drink (we have teas and coffees and diet coke but more is better)
- Lunch foods (small contribution of food is fine or whole meal if you have special food needs)