This file lists the contributors who have completed the frontend challenges from this repo and submitted their solutions as pull requests. Thank you for your contributions and for making this project better!
Name | GitHub Profile | Challenge |
Shiba Tatsuya | Shiba-Tatsuya | Advice generator app |
Vaibhav Kanthi | [] | Product preview card component |
Farrah Mamanakis | [] | News Homepage using CSS |
Bishwo Bista | [] | Result Summary Component |
MaySi | MaySi11 | QR code component 3-column preview card component |
Naz Islam | nazislam | NFT preview card component |
Ajay Bairwa | bairwa25 | QR code component |
Sameer Bakshi | samx03 | Interactive Card Details Form |
Naz Islam | nazislam | Interactive Rating Component |
Adufe Obanijesu | obanijesu | Newsletter sign-up form with success message |
Adufe Obanijesu | obanijesu | Order summary component |
Adufe Obanijesu | obanijesu | Stats Preview Card Component |
Adufe Obanijesu | obanijesu | Testimonials Grid Section |
Victor Wariboko-West | VictorWest | Huddle Landing Page |
Victor Wariboko-West | VictorWest | Launch Countdown |
Victor Wariboko-West | VictorWest | Result Summary |
Victor Wariboko-West | VictorWest | Stats Preview Card Component |
Victor Wariboko-West | VictorWest | Social Proof Section Master |
Victor Wariboko-West | VictorWest | Fylo Landing Page |
If you want to add your name to this list, please follow the instructions on how to participate in this project.