Using the tags we've just reviewed, and two additional ones (see below) begin creating an introductory page for a course you teach.
The first step is creating a new page. Call this page Course.html
and remember the conditions of where to save it.
- Doctype
- Root element
- Head and a body
- Title for the page
- One heading
- One paragraph
- One image
- A menu or navigation bar that links to your `Home` and `About` pages
Here are two additional tags that might come in handy in assembling your page:
- To make a list. This may come in handy when making your menu or navigation bar.
<li> item 1 </li>
<li> item 2 </li>
<li> item 3 </li>
- To make a line break or give space between different elements.
Finished? Play around with other tags by referring to an html cheatsheet.