Old registerHeaderFooter function
func registerHeaderFooter<T: UIView>(type: T.Type, registerType: RegisterType, bundle: Bundle = .main)
New function renamed to registerSupplementaryView and now include a new paameter 'kind' to also povide the kind of supplementaryView. This change has been made to make library compatible for modern collection view.
func registerSupplementaryView<T: IQListSupplementaryView>(type: T.Type, kind: String,
registerType: RegisterType,
bundle: Bundle = .main)
Old delegate functions
func listView(_ listView: IQListView, modifyHeader headerView: UIView, section: IQSection, at sectionIndex: Int)
func listView(_ listView: IQListView, modifyFooter footerView: UIView, section: IQSection, at sectionIndex: Int)
func listView(_ listView: IQListView, willDisplayHeaderView view: UIView, section: IQSection, at sectionIndex: Int)
func listView(_ listView: IQListView, didEndDisplayingHeaderView view: UIView, section: IQSection, at sectionIndex: Int)
func listView(_ listView: IQListView, willDisplayFooterView view: UIView, section: IQSection, at sectionIndex: Int)
func listView(_ listView: IQListView, didEndDisplayingFooterView view: UIView, section: IQSection, at sectionIndex: Int)
New delegate functions
func listView(_ listView: IQListView, modifySupplementaryElement view: IQListSupplementaryView, section: IQSection, kind: String, at indexPath: IndexPath)
func listView(_ listView: IQListView, willDisplaySupplementaryElement view: IQListSupplementaryView, section: IQSection, kind: String, at indexPath: IndexPath)
func listView(_ listView: IQListView, didEndDisplayingSupplementaryElement view: IQListSupplementaryView, section: IQSection, kind: String, at indexPath: IndexPath)
Old data source functions
func listView(_ listView: IQListView, headerFor section: IQSection, at sectionIndex: Int) -> UIView?
func listView(_ listView: IQListView, footerFor section: IQSection, at sectionIndex: Int) -> UIView?
New data source functions
func listView(_ listView: IQListView, supplementaryElementFor section: IQSection, kind: String, at indexPath: IndexPath) -> IQListSupplementaryView?
Old function
public init(identifier: AnyHashable, header: String? = nil, headerView: UIView? = nil, headerSize: CGSize? = nil, footer: String? = nil, footerView: UIView? = nil, footerSize: CGSize? = nil, model: Any? = nil)
New functions removed accepting header footer views, and instead they now accept class and model to be used as header or footer like cells mechanism.
public init(identifier: AnyHashable, header: String? = nil, footer: String? = nil)
public init<H: IQModelableSupplementaryView>(identifier: AnyHashable, headerType: H.Type, headerModel: H.Model)
public init<F: IQModelableSupplementaryView>(identifier: AnyHashable, footerType: F.Type, footerModel: F.Model)
public init<H: IQModelableSupplementaryView, F: IQModelableSupplementaryView>(identifier: AnyHashable, headerType: H.Type, headerModel: H.Model, footerType: F.Type, footerModel: F.Model)