- I have checked that the SDK documentation and API documentation doesn't solve my issue
// Replace this text with a description of what problem you're having.
// Please include as much detail as possible to help us troubleshoot!
// If it isn't obvious, please include how the behavior you expect differs from what actually happened.
// This is really important so we know how to start troubleshooting your issue.
Java SDK: // Replace with the version of the Java SDK you're using.
Java: // Replace with the version of Java your application is running on.
// Please include detailed steps to reproduce the issue you're seeing, if possible.
// If you don't have a reproducible error, please make sure that you give us as much detail
// as you can about what your application was doing when the error occurred.
// Good steps to reproduce the problem help speed up debugging for us and gets your issue resolved sooner!
// Replace with the full error output you're seeing, if applicable.
// Please include the full stack trace to help us identify where the error is happening.