- [FIX] Clear file information cache before calculating saved percentage after compression
- [CHANGE] Set typo3/cms-core dependency to security fixed versions
- [FIX] Set correct field definition and add event for cleanupProcessedFilesPostFileReplace
- [FEATURE] Add support for TYPO3 10.0 - Thanks to @achimfritz, @davidsteeb and @bmack from @b13 GmbH
- [CHANGE] Drop support for TYPO3 7.6
- [CHANGE] Rename TypoScript setup file
- [CHANGE] Add compression errors and optimize flash messages
- [FEATURE] Add option to exclude specific folders from compression - Thanks to @achimfritz, @davidsteeb and @bmack from @b13 GmbH
- [FEATURE] Add support for TYPO3 9.5
- [CHANGE] Drop support of non composer installation
- [BUGFIX] Remove folder parameter from compression service call in the compression command controller
- [FEATURE] Add support for extension "aus_driver_amazon_s3" - Thanks to Andreas Hoffmeyer for the patch
- [BUGFIX] Show the right filesize after upload by updating the file information in the database
- [FEATURE] Add a compression bar after file has been uploaded & show a message when compression is done with the percentage saved
- [FEATURE] Add an extbase command controller which loops through all file storage and compresses all images recursively in it
- [RELEASE] Version 1.1.0 including support for TYPO3 7.6
- [FEATURE] Add debugging mode
- [CLEANUP] Removed tinypng assets from readme and changed extension icon
- [CLEANUP] Small code improvements
- [RELEASE] First version including image compression for every uploaded jpg and png.