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Assembly evaluation pipeline

This pipeline evaluates assemblies by aligning them to a reference, calling variants, quantifying those variants, and, if applicable, comparing them to gold-standard variant lists. The end result is a jupyter R notebook template that can be run to generate plots and a summary statistic table.


  • assembly_list - tab-delimited file with the fields <assembly name> <first fasta> <second fasta> <truth name> <assembly id> <datatype> If an assembly contains only one fasta, the second fasta can be set to an empty file. If no truthset is available, <truth name> should be NONE. Note that the <assembly name> should consist of the sample name followed by a period, followed by arbitrary other text. Sample name should not contain a period.
  • populations - tab-delimited file connecting sample to population. Fields are: <sample> <population code> <superpopulation code> <sex>
  • ref - reference fasta (not gzipped!)
  • ref_index - fai index of reference fasta
  • truth_list_snp_indel - tab-delimited file with the fields <truth name> <vcf location>
  • truth_list_confident_regions - tab-delimited file with the fields <truth name> <bed location>
  • truth_list_sv_vcf - tab-delimited file with the fields <truth name> <vcf location>
  • gap_file - bed file denoting reference gaps
  • str_track - bed file denoting simple repeats
  • seg_dup_track - bed file denoting segmental duplications
  • jupyter_notebook_template - path to VariantCalling.ipynb

Alignment and variant calling methodology

  1. Contigs from both fasta files (possibly representing two different haplotypes) are combined into a single fasta, with the suffixes _H1 and _H2 appended to contig names from the first and second fasta file, respectively. If the second fasta file is empty, the first fasta file is simply taken as-is.
  2. Contigs are aligned to the given reference using minimap2 with the asm5 preset.
  3. paftools call is used to call variants from the cs tags in the minimap alignment.
  4. A custom perl script is used to "genotype" the variant calls:
    • If site is covered by 1 contig, call a homozygous variant (1/1)
    • If site is covered by 2+ contigs and the variant appears 2+ times, call a homozygous variant (1/1)
    • If site is covered by 2+ contigs and different variants appear, call a heterozygous variant (1/2)
    • If site is covered by 2+ contigs and only one variant appears, call heterozygous variant (0/1)
  5. Custom python scripts are used to call SVs based on split reads and classify them by type.
  6. Indels >= 40bp from step 3 are combined with SVs from step 5 to form a combined set of SVs.

Outputs from workflow

  • new.ipynb is a jupyter notebook that can be opened and run to produce the final plots/table

Outputs from jupyter notebook

  • happy.sensitivity.png - Gives sensitivity to the snp/indel truthset as determined by
  • het_fates.png - For each variant in the truthset, show whether it was called heterozygous, homozygous alt, or not called (homozygous ref) in the variant callset from the assembly.
  • <assembly name>.no_gaps_coverage_summary.png - Gives the percentage of chr1-22 non-gap reference bases at each coverage 0X-9X, as well as 10X+
  • <assembly name>.no_gaps_coverage.png - Same thing, broken down by chr and including chrX and chrY
  • <assembly name>.ours.nonRep.lengths.txt.sv_lengths.png - Histogram of INS and DEL lengths. Between 0 and 1000 bp the bin size is 10bp. There are also bins for 1001-10000bp, 10001-100000bp, 100001-1000000bp, and 1Mb+.
  • nonrepSvCounts.png - Counts for all SVs that weren't classified as STR or SegDup, broken down by SV type
  • segDupSvCounts.png - Counts for all SVs that weren't classified as STR but did match the SegDup track with either breakpoint.
  • strSvCounts.png - Counts for all SVs that matched the STR track with either breakpoint.
  • sv.sensitivity.png - Percentage of the SV truthset found in the assembly using a variety of comparison techniques. SVs are stratified by whether either breakpoint matched the STR track, SegDup track, or neither (Non-repetitive)
  • sv.sensitivityCounts.png - Gives the counts of SVs from the truthset detected by each comparison method.
  • truthHetIndelFates.png - For each heterozygous indel in the truthset, show whether it was called heterozygous, homozygous alt, or not called (homozygous ref) using 1bp, 10bp, or 50bp slop.
  • truthHetIndelFatesErrorsOnly.png - Same as above but only shows the errors to give more detailed counts.
  • truthset.repetitive.count.png - Counts the number of unique elements from the STR and SegDup tracks covered by the SV truthset, and determines how many of those were also found in the SV callset.
  • truthset.repetitive.sensitivity.png - Same as above but displayed as sensitivity.
  • stats.tsv - Tab-delimited file with the following summary stats for each assembly:
    • ID: from the input assembly_list
    • Name: from the input assembly_list
    • snv_count: Total SNVs found
    • deletions: Total small (1-50 bp) deletions found
    • insertions: Total small (1-50 bp) insertions found
    • sv_count: Total SVs found
    • snv_detection_sensitivity: SNV sensitivity ignoring genotype errors (TRUTH.TP + in metrics
    • indel_detection_sensitivity: Indel sensitivity ignoring genotype errors (TRUTH.TP + in metrics
    • snv_detection_specificity: SNV specificity ignoring genotype errors (QUERY.TP + in metrics
    • indel_detection_specificity: Indel specificity ignoring genotype errors (QUERY.TP + in metrics
    • sv_sensitivity: SV sensitivity using bedtools pairtopair with 50 bp slop at each breakpoint
    • sv_specificity: SV specificity using bedtools pairtopair with 50 bp slot at each breakpoint
    • het_snp_sensitivity: Sensitivity for heterozygous snps only
    • het_indel_sensitivity: Sensitivity for heterozygous indels only
    • hom_snp_sensitivity: Sensitivity for homozygous snps only
    • hom_indel_sensitivity: Sensitivity for homozygous indels only
    • DEL: Total deletions detected from split-read alignments
    • INS: Total insertions detected from split-read alignments
    • DUP: Total duplications detected from split-read alignments
    • INV: Total inversions detected from split-read alignments
    • TRANS: Total translocations detected from split-read alignments
    • sv_nonrep_count: Total SVs that don't overlap STR or SEGDUP regions
    • sv_str_count: Total SVs that overlap STR regions
    • sv_segdup_count: Total SVs that overlap SEGDUP but not STR regions