- update github actions versions (#106)
Full set of changes: 8.9.0...latest
- update to latest freemarker (#102)
Full set of changes: 8.8.0...8.9.0
- changelog bump (#98)
- (deps): bump jackson-databind from to in /freemarker-wrapper (#99)
- changelog bump
- changelog bump
Full set of changes: [2.0.0, 8.6.0...8.8.0
](https://github.com/hamlet-io/engine-core/compare/2.0.0, 8.6.0...8.8.0)
- OS based images for bundled jar
- include docker based build and refactor test
- use .cmdb as a directory for cmdb related information
- hide stack trace on stop exception
- custom exceptions and return codes
- add toConsole method #45
- support pretty print for toCMDB method
- pin the version for the release
- Files/Directories only search optimisation
- bump freemarker version
- pin the version
- pin the version
- set Format to json by default
- use hamlet instead of codeontap
- (cmdb): methods to update a CMDB
- (cicd): setup github actions
- find for wrapper
- extract artifact after download
- use tar to preserve permissions
- tagging suffix for images
- docker build process and pipeline
- handle options with empty values
- tag syntax for actions
- default tags
- tag naming
- default tag for docker package
- (ci): update packaging process for artifacts (#68)
- (ci): invalid syntax in package workflow
- add .hamlet build info in docker image
- setup package version
- update engine version
- update artifact details
- (ci): test result description
- (ci): package syntax
- remove artifact upload on test
- push trigger
- create a file if it doesn't exest when call toCMDB
- add a test to cover rmCMDb specific file path
- adjust rmCMDB logic to remove a specified file
- method name for InitPluginsMethod
- ignore FileNotFoundException during wrapper parameters processing
- read Format parameter of toCMDB method
- add toConsole method to the freemarker input
- support a default value for sendTo
- mkdir method
- mkdir method
- mkdir method
- FilenameGlob processing
- (cmdb): always include isDirectory flag
- filesystem caching for all methods
- filesystem caching
- proper processing of IgnoreSubtreeAfterMatch flag
- nullpointer exception for getFileTree in case when there are CMDBs with common prefix
- comment out code that produces wrong JSON serialisation
- proper multiple plugin handling in mingw
- (plugin): multiple plugin handling in mingw
- (cmdb): fix mkdir method
- (logging): use Log4j2 for logging
- corrupting the plugin file system
- corrupting the plugin file system
- only split paramters on first =
- (ci): quality of life updates
- changelog bump (#90)
- changelog bump (#85)
- (deps): bump log4j-api from 2.17.0 to 2.17.1 in /freemarker-wrapper (#88)
- (deps): bump log4j-core in /freemarker-wrapper (#89)
- changelog bump (#80)
- (deps): bump log4j-core in /freemarker-wrapper (#84)
- (deps): bump log4j-api from 2.16.0 to 2.17.0 in /freemarker-wrapper (#83)
- (deps): bump log4j-api from 2.15.0 to 2.16.0 in /freemarker-wrapper (#81)
- (deps): bump log4j-core in /freemarker-wrapper (#82)
- changelog bump (#71)
- (deps): bump log4j-core in /freemarker-wrapper (#78)
- (deps): bump log4j-api from 2.13.3 to 2.15.0 in /freemarker-wrapper (#77)
- use new package name for hamlet install
- changelog bump (#65)
- remove prebuilt jar versions
- update version
- (deps): bump commons-io from 2.6 to 2.7 in /freemarker-wrapper
- update version
- bump a minor version
- version bump
- rename getPlugins() to getPluginLayers()
- (deps): bump jackson-databind in /freemarker-wrapper
- (dist): add 1.12.1-rc version and clean up old ones
- (freemarker): bump freemarker version
- remove verbose output from createTemplate exeuction