- (cdn): add support for configuring aliases (#2128)
- (topic): add fixed subscription config
- (waf): add support for waf on userpools
- (user): add user name control
- (user): source IP filtering
- (lb): client IP control (#2119)
- (vpcendpoint): policy support (#2117)
- (apigateway): private APIs (#2115)
- (mta): add stop after match action
- missing waf userpool attrs (#2125)
- (userpool): add waf section that was lost (#2124)
- don't list disabled suboccurrences (#2118)
Full set of changes: 8.9.0...latest
- (computeprovider): set available providers
- (waf): add extended support for vendor rules
- (waf): add support for custom responses
- (network): support for network profile on net
- private endpoint services (#2106)
- (userpool): add schema enable attributes
- (ecs): task service limits, readonlyds, depend
- (lb): add support for multiple paths (#2102)
- (mta): add support for bouncing emails
- (cdn): include body for event handler function
- add support for allExcept on cachepolicy (#2096)
- (db): add support for configuring db logging
- (es): encryption and hostname control
- (sqs): add support for encryption at rest
- (audit): enforce https for s3 connections
- (acct): remove the credentials and code bucket
- add support for deployment locks
- (s3): add support for transit encryption
- (db): make enhanced monitoring the default
- (image): add docker image repository config
- (audit): add support for replication (#2080)
- (cloudtrail): support for account cloudtrail (#2079)
- (userpool): control enabling hostedUI
- (account): add aws es log access policy (#2077)
- (db): add proxy subcomponent
- (attributeset): add enable for scaling policy
- (image): adds support for images in occurrence
- typo
- add defaults for used attributes
- image settings
- (runbook): multiple conditions (#2110)
- handle missing block action
- description typos
- revert region inclusion in du check
- include region for deployment checking
- (cache): syntax for retention period
- remove gen contract from stack outputs (#2089)
- cmdb write output for occurrences
- stackoutput generation and image upload runbooks (#2075)
- (account_s3): remove s3 registry initialisation (#2076)
- update release package version
- add image settings setup
- remove image settings for env
- use reference lookup methods over global
- (waf): remove rule tuples and add error
- (s3): object ownership support (#2104)
- (lambda): node 18 run-time (#2092)
- (waf): remove version control option
- standardise github actions
- standardise image attributes
Full set of changes: 8.8.2...8.9.0
- (waf): set default WAFProfile to default
- (runbook): minor typo in code for conditions
- (cdn): support for links on subcomponent
- shellcheck updates for pseudo stack
- update changelog (#2061)
Full set of changes: 8.8.0...8.8.2
- (s3): block public access on account s3
- (waf): add rule engines
- (datacatalog): add new component (#2049)
- (userpool): add support callback urls solution
- enable logging by default
- (network): add prefix control for flow logs
- (dynamicvalue): add IP Address group support
- (globaldb): add enable support for indexes
- migrate tiers and solution setup into configuration data approach
- district based solutions
- add support for base attribute set expansion
- add support for links as image sources
- extend missing link detail error message
- (cdn): enable/disable error response overrides
- (cdn): extended support for managing CDNS
- (wafrule): engine type spelling (#2058)
- (dynamicvalue): correct the output for tasks (#2057)
- set tier indexes for tiers not in network
- tier network configuration (#2046)
- (mobileapp): remove default on expo id override (#2045)
- (dynamicvalues): support objects in replace (#2043)
- nested expansion of attributes (#2040)
- split expand base configuration (#2039)
- set fixed index for shared tier
- index handling for network ordering
- tier lookup id name
- configuration loading
- update component settings for dynamic values
- (cdn): Response Policy Child reference
- (waf): cleanup of shared provider setup
- dynamic value handling (#2042)
- add apigw certificate
- move AV configuration to shared
- update changelog (#2032)
- remove app public permissions attribute
Full set of changes: 8.7.0...8.8.0
- (baseline): add extension support for data (#2028)
- (port): add enable for port healthcheck (#2030)
- (entrance): stackoutput entrance
- add support for topic and queue extensions
- tasks and extensions for images in runbooks
- (image): add support for the image component
- (lambda): lambda alias (#2015)
- add support for dynamic value evaulation
- (correspondent): add support for channel configuration
- (lb): add enable support for conditions
- (dn): Test for missing domain name (#2008)
- (dynamicinput): error message text (#2027)
- set buildblueprint output file name (#2026)
- schema entrance output filename (#2025)
- typo for deployment test
- (output): output prefix handling
- typo in dynamicvalue return
- (dynamicvalue): remove fatal on missing link
- update naming for source
- correct private key property name (#2017)
- (dynamicvalue): fix typo in configuration scope
- (dynamicvalue): resolve handling for lists (#2013)
- comment update
- handle empty values or object references
- (runbook): support dynamic values in conditions
- remove occurrence dependency and apply at the occurrence level
Full set of changes: 8.6.2...8.7.0
- lb link lookup
- use shared changelog workflow
- update changelog (#2004)
- changelog bump
- changelog bump
Full set of changes: 8.6.0...8.6.2
- (lb): define backends indepdent from port mappings
- (cdn): add priority to cdn routes
- tagging control for occurrences
- (logstore): add engine parameter support
- (logstore): add dedicated log storage component
- (datastream): define data stream component
- (lambda): chg constraint on runtime to warning
- (lambda): remove constraint on runtime
- (lambda): versioned lambda retention policy (#1989)
- (alerts): add enable attribute on alerts
- add docdb support (#1934)
- (lb): define external or internal for lb endpoints
- (lambda): provisioned executions (#1980)
- (dnszone): add support for network based configuration
- add certificate authority component
- add build details entrance for image reference info
- (datavolume): zone control and remove backups
- (cdn): add support for disabling event handlers
- add support for HealthCheck Protocol
- (ec2): add support for zone based deploy control
- add generation contract for unitlist view
- (runbook): don't include disabled tasks
- only include active layers based on district type
- (account): minor fixes for account level aws deployments
- (firewall): rename type attribute on firewall rules
- support regions in state that use refs
- minor version upgrade control
- typo
- typos in attributes
- (apigateway): authorization models (#1995)
- testing output handling and test profiles
- move functions out of setContext
- update testing to remove solution layer
- remove solution layer
- move multiAZ to standard component configuraiton
Full set of changes: 8.5.0...8.6.0
- max-age control on bucket content (#1953)
- add inputinfo entrance
- add null value cleaner to input stages
- (adaptor): add support for alert configuration
- full names based on district
- (ecs): add support for default task compute provider
- add support for using local docker volumes for builds
- (directory): support for log forwarding
- (datafeed): compression control for buckets
- (globaldb): add alerts support
- (backup): Backup support (#1921)
- (legacy): add encryption at rest support for logs
- add account layer control over logging
- add logging profile support for encryption at rest
- (tasks): add basic tasks
- (ses): add control over IP access policy
- (tasks): extend ssh tasks and add bash command
- (ecs): add initprocess support for containers
- (cdn): add origin connection timeout support
- district type for district lookup
- include account in mock filter layers
- encryption of logs for sms
- use raw path for settings path prefix
- Apply suggestions from code review
- (apigateway): handling of null values in definitions
- prefix handling for shared provider
- (lb): add required logging profile to lb (#1925)
- module lookup process
- include component settings in environment
- (cdn): add logging profile
- (cd): engine install
- domain parent handling
- asfile ordering (#1955)
- use local engine definition for testing
- hamlet and dind docker extensions
- update deployment group district handling
- rename district to district type
- remove task containers from shared provider
- consolidate link functions
- remove type based attributes from healthchecks
- (s3): use recommended process for bucket policy
- (district): use attributeset for config
- more specific name part config
- bootstrap clo processing
- backup encryption key (#1927)
- (backup): Configuration options (#1926)
- Account descriptions and placement profiles (#1916)
- attributesets for components
- move domain and certificate to reference data
- changelog bump (#1906)
- update runtimes for lambda environment
Full set of changes: 8.4.0...8.5.0
- (schema): add base level description
- add ssh copy file and rename ssh run
- add provider details runbook extension
- runbook extension for region
- (baseline): add encryption scheme for ssh key
- add tasks for an ssh bastion connection
- add conditional stage task
- add contract as output suffix for testing
- add shared placement profile
- add testing for runbook generation
- internaltest state control
- add runbook entrances
- (contract): add contract status for skip
- runbook value attribute set
- add runbook component
- configuration updates
- (ecs): add settings for containers
- custom build script lookup
- (lambda): add and layer jar image support (#1891)
- add support for hiding the generation contract
- add component configuration scope
- composite configuration compression
- LinkRef support for container LB references (#1889)
- add additional setting properties
- add support for component level config settings
- configuration details entrance
- add a standard configuration store
- add support for new lambda versions on inline
- add raw setting namepsaces
- (s3): add enable on notifications
- set waf default to v1
- add ref attribute to template
- wafv2
- wafv2
- (kinesis): ErrorType in prefix (#1868)
- (kinesis): Prefix time path control (#1867)
- add gpu support for containers
- add support for referencing db secrets
- add rootCredential source configuration
- (ecs): add support for secrets in containers
- add support for components in info output
- (topic): add link support and policy migration (#1859)
- add filter policies to topic subscriptions (#1850)
- outbound mta
- (lb): add alert configurations for lb ports
- (externalnetwork): set startup action for vpn
- skip image pull during generation
- add inside tunnel config support
- add named ip address groups
- (externalnetwork): SharedKey and BGP Peer
- client vpn component
- include layer and reference in info
- extend testing tooling
- (lb): condition support for lb ports
- (locations): location support
- (base): null detection in base routines
- subscription, hostingplatform, dnszone components
- (av): separate av computer task
- (schema): handle array of type in schemas
- (schema): handle multiple types for attribute
- description typo
- placements and test properties
- use configuration scopes for schemasets
- scope name for component configuration
- (schema): attributes which are not hashes (#1893)
- composite object default attribute processing (#1892)
- duplicate field in schema file names
- Extension defaults handling (#1890)
- s3 versioning without lifecycle management (#1884)
- function call for moudle configuraiton
- reverse orphaned priority order
- remove aws fn from extension config
- ensure orphaned deployments are always first
- description
- incorporate feedback
- incorporate feedback
- orphan deployment detection
- remove missing var check
- handle missing deployment unit
- set maintenance window defaults
- (healthcheck): attribute typo
- (healthcheck): rename type attribute
- wording typo
- hanlding of 0/0 cidr in ip addr groups
- condition on setting global variables
- (cdn): include links in route config
- link matching to suboccurrences
- set default to standard schema
- (user): remove scheme restriction
- flow legacy lambda handling
- remove dns resource group on cdn
- ResourceGroup existence checking
- align testing with new format
- (runbook): value handling with substitution
- check image source before overriding image
- remove implicit Enabled attribute (#1898)
- JSON Schema generation process
- update entrance and tasks
- format json schema document on output
- ensure the extensions are invoked all the time
- update setup routines to use new configuration
- remove plurals from attribute sets
- migrate configuration sources to shared config
- remove the region layer
- mta rules for send process
- pseudo stack outputs (#1869)
- use secret string attribute
- create secretstring attributeset
- update schema to standard config
- create standard resource group attrs
- use eval_json for json loading
- (efs): rename to fileshare
- base and deployment attributes
- remove the id based typing of components
- (directory): rename default username
- (cd): use env for hamlet engine (#1831)
- ensure provider known
- permit transition for fragments
- setContext wrapper functions (1)
- remove use of dos2unix
- (directory): set default ip access policy
- district support
- unique namespace for locations
- occurrence logging
- location data in occurrence
- enforce resource group registration
- changelog bump (#1812)
- fix attribute description spelling
- add comment on priority setup
- add winrm ports to masterdata
- improve error reporting
- correct attribute description
- changelog bump (#1731)
Full set of changes: 8.3.0...8.4.0
- (firewall): routing destination support
- (ds): New Component - Directory Services (#1796)
- add a correspondent component (#1793)
- (lb): add support for setting a default rule
- (linkref): initial implementation (#1788)
- Support regex in qualification filters (#1789)
- adds zone based lookup for tiers
- add Hostname as an alternate to Certificate
- add logging profiles and typo fix
- add http header filter
- add priority and inspection set
- add firewall component
- extend exception on setting lookup
- add interface attribute type
- port protocol to IANA mapping
- (network): dns query logging
- Add standard date functions and (optional) MaintenanceWindow to RDS (#1741)
- set districts for deployment groups
- template output suffixes for mapping
- (districts): Initial implementation
- whatif state processing (#1802)
- annotated qualification (#1790)
- remove unused var
- permit the mocking of empty values (#1754)
- handle missing domains on products
- allow for multiple module loads
- swagger 2.0 top level security removal
- get attributes from plugin set
- handle tests across sub components deployment
- duplicate fragment processing
- district assignments on groups
- minor updates to account units
- include suboccurrences when generate tests
- qualification of layer data (#1730)
- remove last of component qualifiers (#1801)
- cloudfront header extension handling
- (cache): attribute descriptions
- warnings for occurrence links
- use SubComponent in links (#1792)
- namespace qualifier attributes (#1791)
- multi-value build references (#1787)
- wildcard behaviour of getCompositeObject (#1786)
- rename complex check type
- remove global security for openapi 2 (#1743)
- add attribute sets for plugin/modules
- handle non segment districts in flows
- clo/layer access during input processing (#1735)
Full set of changes: 8.2.1...8.3.0
- (ci): tag trigger support in pipeline (#1732)
Full set of changes: 8.2.0...8.2.1
- releaseinfo entrance
- define registries on the Account Layer
- typed full name
- subcomponent linking
- s3 flowlog expiration (#1715)
- migrate testing to github workflows
- (template): add parameter extension macro (#1701)
- input qualification (#1695)
- add management port configuration to compute
- (ecs): extend placement strategy support
- set SES inbound active ruleset (#1694)
- add support for packaging
- (dataset): adds support for image config
- (datapipeline): image source configuration
- typos and refactorings
- occurrence cache
- default tagging
- (ci): default tag for images
- use workspace for engine dir
- storage profile volume configuration
- changelog generation
- align casing for bootstrap configuration
- (ci): add pull request trigger
- merge config from input seeders by default
- handle missing profiles
- typo in profile name
- getDomainObjects parameters
- remove context flow (#1724)
- (ci): quality of life updates
- (ci): remove git and binaries from docker
- remove direct references to region (#1716)
- add 1.15.1 of the wrapper (#1719)
- (ci): updates from testing and ops
- only assemble settings in pregen
- set explicit typed profile attributes
- standardise profile lookups
- remove explicit qualification support (#1696)
- changelog bump (#1718)
Full set of changes: 8.1.2...8.2.0
- (contentnode): add support for image sources
- (mobileapp): add support for image config
- (adaptor): add attribute definition support
- (globaldb): define change stream support
- add compute task for system volumes
- write setting utility
- (apigateway): support for mutualTLS
- (computecluster): image source configuration
- openapi http endpoints and fragment
- yaml env support and alternatives
- yaml config output and contract properties
- add base permissions for ec2 components
- extend multipass generation support
- support executing multiple passes
- make refresh input state routine public (#1669)
- (ecs): add compute provider support on service
- disable prefix for value extensions
- (healthcheck): update parameters from testing
- add healthcheck component definition
- warnings and deployed link failures
- compact log format for console
- add raw id and name formatting
- handle log based exceptions in engine
- include logging in entrance invoke
- add logging output processing
- add logging output writer
- console and log file writers
- additional output handlers for console logs
- extend output handler properties
- pretty output for json string
- include latest freemarker wrapper in engine
- add storage profile configuration (#1642)
- compute image attribute sets
- add attribute extension support
- extendAttribute enhancements
- explicit extensions only
- computeTask configuration extension macro
- compute tasks
- add image configuration support for vms (#1627)
- add attirbutes during extension processing (#1625)
- (apigateway): image sourcing support (#1622)
- (schema): add layers to the valid schema sections (#1618)
- (cd): install the latest hamlet for testing
- adds mount path to volume config
- add support for engine output writing (#1583)
- (sqs): ordering configuration for sqs queues
- validate deployment mode provided (#1576)
- add occurrences entrance (#1578)
- deployment state reporting (#1574)
- (userpool): add schema attribute constraints (#1564)
- ipaddressgroups on bastion component (#1567)
- (gateway): add dpd action configuration
- Stop on fatal (#1556)
- refactor input sources (#1549)
- additional wrapper search options (#1553)
- add schema generation for modules (#1550)
- (jenkins): handle plugin upgrades (#1543)
- whatif input provider (#1538)
- add raw ids for occurrence details (#1539)
- layerpath attributeset (#1537)
- (baseline): add support for extensions on keys (#1533)
- wrapper upgrade (#1530)
- linkChildConfiguration to attributeSet attrs
- (s3): add support for inventory reports
- (spa): image source from url (#1522)
- (userpool): authprovider extensions (#1521)
- new task type: schemaset
- new schemaset view type
- (schema): new entrance type - schemaset
- add default schemacontract generation macro
- (externalnetwork): Alerting support (#1515)
- (template): url image sourcing (#1513)
- (s3): add s3vpcaccess extension
- changelog generation (#1509)
- (registry): support for mutli region registry
- globaldb secondary indexes (#1507)
- account inbound ses configuration
- MTA component
- (extensions): Allow mutliple extensions
- (extensions): support entrance extensions
- (extensions): convert existing fragments
- fragment migration to extensions
- allow setting encryption scheme for attributes
- (masterdata): add additional rabbitmq port definitions for queuehost
- (queuehost): initial definition
- (ecs): support container image sourcing (#1495)
- (alerts): get metric dimensions from blueprint (#1490)
- (secretstore): update configuration and make it shareable (#1484)
- (network): flow log control
- (datafeed): add deployment specifc indludes to prefix
- (datafeed): deploy specifc prefixes
- bug-feature templates for issues
- manage one off instance failures
- os patching in solution config
- (lambda): pull images from external source (#1456)
- add reference definitions for profiles
- define layers in shared provider
- Add engine support for layers
- (base): add object searching using a keys
- (ecs): add support for compute providers
- add scenario profile reference type
- add scenario loading through blueprint
- add operations and provider to mgmt
- (occurrence): Setting namespaces for occurrence
- (occurrence): support caching of occurrences
- (containers): ulimit configuration
- semver support (#1434)
- (apigateway): added logstore attribute
- support for centralised service resources
- (ecs): placement constraint support
- template control per api gateway status
- Generic check for type in authentication header
- API gateway error format control
- hamlet info view
- s3 sync exclude support
- views for blueprint and schema
- dynamic model loading and scopes
- document set support
- add databucket replication attributes (#1411)
- add support for token validity expressions (#1409)
- (links): incl. support for case-insensitive link direction
- "Account" and fixed build scope (#1402)
- add processor profiles
- add engine attr to containerhost
- splitting out container components
- (jenkins): add support for dind in hamlet agents
- (ecs): allow for fragment and image override in solution
- (ecs): add hostname macro for containers
- (ecs): fragment override and image override in solution
- aws ecs account settings
- management contract generation
- add deployment component attributes
- component deployment attributes
- deployment mode and group refernce
- set default deployment group for all components
- update format for deployment groups to incldue name/id
- support deployment document generation using group filters
- support deployment group filtering on occurrences
- (apigateway): add quota throttling
- (ecs): add healthcheck support
- (userpool): control oauth on clients
- (ecs): support for efs volume mounts on ecs tasks
- (efs): support chroot based on mount points
- (openapi): enable throttling settings on apigw
- add service role provisioing to account level
- add service role reference
- add policy to core component config
- (core): extend policy profiles to occurence level control
- (filetransfer): security policy control
- (filetransfer): support for a file transfer component with user integration
- (ecs): add lookup for ingress rules based on links for containers
- (waf): add waf logging profiles
- (schema): add required property to jsonschemas (#1367)
- consolidate level clients in line with deployment groups
- add resource labels to support resourceSets in deployment groups
- add deployment groups for unit and level control
- (schema): added subsets for reference data and component schema
- (schema): default output - schema
- tier based network lookup (#1359)
- (account): allow unique cmk aliases
- (console): add dedicated cmk option for console sessions
- (secretstore): new component type - secretstore
- set container level auth method for hamlet agent
- (externalservice): Networkacl support
- Container support for network profiles
- Network rule component configuration
- network profiles
- (s3): baseline s3 encryption permissions
- (s3): account level S3 Encryption
- (s3): add configuration support s3 Encryption
- (lb): WAF integration
- (ec2): volume encryption
- (console): Update console support for encryption
- (testcases): add additional output suffix types.
- (externalservice): Attributes for external service endpoint
- Bucket cleanup optional when copying files
- add host from network util
- (lb): add static endpoint forwarding
- (externalservice): add support for endpoints on an external service
- (gateway): destination port control
- (gateway): destination port control for private services
- (gateway): dns configuration support
- (lb): Network load balancer TLS offload
- (router): static route support
- (privateservice): intial support for private services (#1330)
- (router): make BGP ASN mandatory
- (gateway): dynamic routing for private gw
- (gateway): private gateway
- (externalnetwork): intial external network support
- (gateway): support for the router component as an engine
- (router): adds initial support for the router component
- (globaldb): intial support for global dbs (#1325)
- (fragment): startup command setting for agent
- (jenkins): add support for permanent ecs agents (#1321)
- (apigateway): support gateway and cdn https profiles
- (mobileapp): OTA Support on CDN routes (#1319)
- (userpool): Add Encryption schema to client secrets
- syntax update for writing file for sync
- remove global settings assignement
- set deployment unit subset for template
- handle fileformat when not provided
- subset and alternative fixes
- update seeding order
- region in filenames (#1667)
- typo in description
- minor spelling mistake fixes
- dynamic cmdb loading (#1663)
- set multiAZ flag for blueprint generation (#1662)
- typo in definition
- typo in definition
- log format message
- script store sync (#1647)
- mta rule link attribute
- default storage profile name
- certificate behaviour configuration (#1641)
- handle attribute formats in expand
- align alternative config with gen contract
- update state output to align with output
- pseudo stacks (#1628)
- use loaded providers as definitive providers (#1623)
- handle multiple load modules in module (#1621)
- composite object wildcard handling (#1614)
- loader module control (#1620)
- line ending standard on unix
- line breaks in text output writing
- url references in changelog
- current unit detection
- handle deployment details in output file name
- correct spelling of output type
- output naming for deployment group prefix (#1606)
- typo in blueprint generation
- schema output return
- disable qualifier transformer
- shared test seeder
- shared fixture seeder
- isolate testing to only include local code (#1594)
- update layer type for region
- deploymentGroup validation
- (sqs): typo in id details
- define deploymentgroups for schemas (#1586)
- regression in unlist generation
- RawId and Name values for subcomponents (#1585)
- handle empty deployment unit Ids unitlist
- handle missing product domain (#1580)
- update hamlet cli test cmds (#1575)
- domain assembly process (#1573)
- domain zone configuration (#1572)
- handling of log level lookup (#1569)
- allow for loading provider input replacement
- internaltest component definition (#1547)
- Links as subobjects (#1545)
- freemarker wrapper write functions (#1542)
- (account): update script store clone setup (#1541)
- image url override for containerregistry (#1534)
- flowlog configuration (#1531)
- AttributeSet handling (#1529)
- link attributeset in s3 inventory reports
- attributeset schema one per
- (schema): reference data as one schema per schema
- revert type updates (#1520)
- corrected a missed composite object data type update (#1519)
- (lambda): correct type for Fixed code version
- schema data type generation
- schema assignment of multiple data types
- changelog generation
- typo in function names
- support buckets without at rest encryption
- remove service linked role check for cmk
- handle missing output mappings for resources
- masterdata inclusion in blueprint
- dind hostname and image details (#1503)
- erroneous bracket (#1501)
- minor typos
- hanlde missing values for lambda
- support missing extension
- (extensions): use resolved alias id for lookups
- update for ProviderId migration
- (schema): metaparameters should not ref links
- (datafeed): update description
- (reference): deployment mode default hanlding
- layer attribute searching
- handling of account iam and lg subsets
- (console): allow for psuedo s3 buckets
- (accountlayer): fix console logging
- detect missing data volumes
- expand range of certificate behaviours
- possible certificate behaviour attributes
- (s3): renamed global var back to dataOffline (#1452)
- include int and version in occurrence caching (#1451)
- provide deployment unit to build settings
- typo in function name
- semver supports asterisk in range indicator (#1438)
- parameter ordering for invokeViewMacro (#1428)
- allow for undefined networkendpoints on a region (#1427)
- determine a primary provider to use for views (#1422)
- authorizer failure messages
- 403 status on authorizer failure
- case insensitive token validity expression
- setup contract outputs in resourceset (#1419)
- better control over scope combination
- output to use arrays
- reinstate link casing changes
- move link target to context support template
- remove copy and paste error
- typo in component
- typos in entrances
- reinstate schema output type
- macro lookup processing array handling
- entrance params and log messages
- provider updates from testing
- engine updates from testing
- typo in openapi syntax (#1410)
- syntax and variable name updates for build scopes (#1403)
- Explicit mock API passthrough behaviour (#1401)
- (ecs): reinstate deployment details (#1400)
- (ecs): add fragment and instance back to container props (#1399)
- remove legacy component properties
- moved engine type from containerServiceAtttributes to only exist on the ecs component
- corrected call to child component macro
- explicit auth disable for options
- align resource sets with latest deployment groups
- (fragment): hamlet agent properties mounts (#1397)
- remove legacy naming for fragment
- typos in fragments
- (ecs): Volume drivers and support for control over volume engine
- Pregeneration output format (#1395)
- Output type for pregeneration scripts (#1394)
- handle no deploymentunit (#1392)
- (apigateway): do not attempt eval if definitions full is null (#1389)
- remove unused deployment group config
- remove networkacl policies from iam links (#1386)
- (settings): evaluation preferences for setting namespaces
- (openapi): quota throttling only exists on a usage plan
- (efs): use children for ownership
- (mock): set a fixed runId for mock
- use all units by default on resource lables
- ensure service linked roles exist for volume encryption
- only apply basic deployment groups for shared provider
- comments on resource label definition
- If no CIDRs defined, getGroupCIDRs should return false
- (s3): adds migration for queue permissions config
- (externalservice): Apply solution config on the resource group
- (networkProfile): enable or disable egress rules (#1351)
- (masterdata): add global outbound rule description
- add settings back in to bootstraps
- remove console only support in bastion
- (account): only run cmk checks in specific units
- (bastion): allow ssh when internet access disabled
- (externalservice): fix var name for ip listing
- (externalservice): var name
- (externalservice): attribute name
- host filtering for networks
- (router): bgp asn description
- perfect square calculation
- use perfect squares for subnet calculations
- Wrapper fix for CMDB file system
- (fragment): agent override for aws user
- Subcomponent config on instance/version
- (gateway): remove mandatory requirement on Endpoint details
- Remove auth provider defaults (#1313)
- Add dummy end.ftl for accounts composite
- state refresh trigger
- make task generic
- move alert config into attribute set
- update existing writer handlers
- use compute image source components
- remove wait for signal on autoscaling
- split attribute expansion in composite
- add scopes for compute tasks extensions
- align bootstrap naming with computetask
- composite template inclusion (#1613)
- remove startup scripts from masterdata
- run tests first for feedback
- state processing (#1605)
- CLO accessor names
- command line and masterdata processing
- remove metric setup from core (#1582)
- change timing log level (#1571)
- move github templates to org (#1557)
- attributesets to be def on comp obj
- remove unused global vars
- add error handling for invalid schema instance
- (schemaset): align task attributes (#1523)
- remove validation of multiple "type" variations.
- composite object model consistency with types
- identified type-less composite object attributes
- schema output macro to set definitions as object type
- schema macros/functions to handle a subsection
- limit usage of extension
- use name for url images
- move extension macros into shared
- (extensions): migrate existing fragments
- move extension support macros
- support components with mixed case names
- (network): rename flow action
- rename scenarios to modules
- setContext using layers
- move reference data loading to bootstrap
- load all reference data from blueprint
- change loading order for some templates
- switch COT to Hamlet (#1413)
- model flow replacement
- remove models in favour of flows
- update view to support entrances
- rename scopes to flows
- update invoking services to entrances
- rename document sets to entrances
- remove dedicated entrypoints
- dynamic loading of subset marcos
- support for new deployment unit attr
- update structure of throttling configuration
- rename start to align with docker docs
- (cmk): service linked role check
- remove copy and paste vars
- add service imports in account templates
- Namespace matching support
- changelog update
- (deps): bump lodash from 4.17.20 to 4.17.21 (#1682)
- (deps): bump handlebars from 4.7.6 to 4.7.7 (#1680)
- (deps): bump hosted-git-info from 2.8.8 to 2.8.9 (#1681)
- add node 14 support for lambda (#1638)
- (schemas): add layer schemas to schemaset (#1633)
- release notes
- changelog
- changelog
- (spelling): updated spelling